Strategy & Tactics 009 (From Book II Reprint)

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A JOURNAL OF BMERIERN WARGAMING Stratesy , ’ & & Tactics SS wv ws ‘ NOV. 67 60¢ < IN THIS ISSUE: The Sin orgeme, by John Mi chats, Johnson's Wargamer's eb reg Long, vf Ross Moker, Ss Marty Novak, ond the sal 34 Page 2 Volt No 9 November 1967 ‘The Sinai Worgame by John Michalski....cnPage 3 RB/SB: A Criticism by Ross MaketaecncnnPage 4 ‘The Grand Fleet at Jutland - #3 by J.K. Norris, Poge 4 Worgomer's Notebook by Ray Johnson...s.c..-Page 5 Woterloo Forum. Page 6 Vietnam Tournament Game by Louis Rittets..sssv socnseePage 6 Combat Results Revision by Greg Longs Page 7 Books and Periodicals Club Listings cesses Page 8 O0PS, I Goofed! by Hans Brenneckensmcnes Page 9 Variants Design by Scott C, Berschie, Page 10 ‘The High Seos Fleet by James F, Dunnigan.....sssssessesseessesPage MH Siege OF Bodenburg by Hemy H. Bodenstedt... Page 12 Diplomacy by Capt RC. Page 14 Felt-Top Wargaming by Marty Novak. Page 14 Post Box. Page 15 CHRISTOPHER WAGNER EDITOR/PUBLISHER ROBERT P. WAGNER U.S. REPRESENTATIVE J.K. NORRIS REPRESENTATIVE FOR GREAT BRITIAN SCOTT C. BERSCHIG..........Variants/Design Editor JAMES F. DUNNIGAN... History Editor HENRY Hi. BODENSTEDT, MYRON R. BRUNDAGE, RAYMOND JOHNSON, RODNEY WALKER Contributing Editors Photography and Copy LYLE E. SMETHERS...... RICHARD V. GROUT ‘Art and Layout PHILOMENA WAGNER. esesocssevseevusSubscriptions, COVER: Winter onthe Eastem Front, Tank depicted is a composite of several models of PzKw Ill, so please don’t write. Let's call it an abstraction, OK? CREDITS: “Diplomacy” is a registered trademark of Games Research Inc., 48 Warcham St., Boston, Mass. (the game is available there for $7.50). Re- production rights for the figures illustrating Siege of Bodenburg are reserved by Hausser-Elastolin and are reproduced here with their kind permission. Figures shown on Page 8 are HISTOREX miniatures available at 3, Castle St., Dover, Kent, England. Copyright © 1967 by Christopher Wagner. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved, Published fairly close to the first of every month except March and October by the Wagner Publishing Company, P-5, 2220 Musaschino, Fussa-machi, Nischitama-gun, Tokyo-to, Japan. All editorial and general mail should bbe sent to Box 11-187, Loundonville, New York 12211 U.S.A, Information iS also available ¢/o Mr. J.K. Norris, Custom House, Wick, Caithness, Great Briiian, Subscriptions are available at either address for $5.00 ' year ( prices to raise on 1 January 1968 ) Single copy and back issue price - 60¢. Overseas; add 10¢ an Issue for postage. Readers are invited to contribute articles. Authors of published articles will receive a free one-vear subscription of cash at our current rates, If you have a copy of the September issue of SAT, youhave acopy of the last issue to be printed in Jap ‘Though the publication office is still on Japanese soil, we thought it best to work into our forthcoming move while passing benefits of improved format and quality fon to you, Prices for next year have now been set at 75 cents per single copy or back issue, and $6.00 per year (10 issues). Sorry, but we find it financially impossible to go monthly in 1968; perhaps 1969 will be the year. For those of you who reside in Great Britian and hhave been at loose ends concerning where to buy Avalon Hill games, they are available from The General ‘Trading Company, 144 Sloane Street Squate, London SWI. Ask for Me. David Part, himself an avid wargamer, Onthe home front, S&T is now sold over-the-counter st Polk's Hobbies in New York City (along with at least one of everything else for the wargamer), and at Hobbytown, on Central Ave, in Albany, New York. ‘The letter firm also carries the MRC/Tamiya 1/21 scale Panther model - probably the most accurate on the market, Just received another outstanding issue of History of the Second World War edited by Bertie Pitt and Sir Basil Liddell Hart. The coverage of the Eastem Front and the North African Campaign is far and away the best I've seen anywhere. Since the History is already 2/3rds complete, any of you wishing not to be left ‘out should act soon. The publisher is Purnell & Sons Ltd, Nr Bristol, GB or, in Canada and Great Britian, check with your local news agent, 1 simply cannot recommend it highly enough, I see in Wargomer's Newsletter that S&T doesnt lly deal with wargaming at all! After all, wargaming is strictly limited to games with miniatures whose tules spring directly from those of H.G. Wells, right? ‘Ah well, there is room in S&T (however cramped at the moment) for all styles, shades, and varities of war- games -- and there are plenty of them ~- including those of the “‘old school”’. Perhaps our upcoming features fon Napoleonics will please Mr. Featherstone, If you'd like to keep track of the controversy, Wargamer's News- letter is available c/o Mr. Donald Featherstone, 69 Hill Lane, Southampton, $O1 SAD, England. —Chtistopher Wagner worn DIPLOWACY TABLE 35 Poge 4 RBS feel that iis time for zome- ff stategy & Tcties, Mt He Bodensed's ideas on. minie- ture wargaming. | dinapee with ‘hn fre ares: 1 ts emphasis on the second syle of were, 2. Wn use ol sot tensin and 5 His eck of troop ontenzation 44 Hie ne ofthe move counter ‘The fist points « matter of hlocphy. Wangesore have fegued tor years (and will, 20 doubt, cominae to 4020) om the fetion of tells v8. plye ty and simple. Bodensedt seems to have tater his stand ery solidly in the Inter camp. Thus he tees 10 eephin als feltively simple The second item stent fem sre tallved to an individual testegen but Ii wate The troup of which Tam a member e now stvolved Ss 2mm Ne Poleonics, and bes ot. to ey nomledge, fought on the same Feld tee, eee for a few bates which ‘were continued from one mecting 10 the ex. “The fel forthe night ise op ty the tefeoe and neither com ander sees i iil the referee iets hin on the positions of histoapsendthore ofthe enemy which te viible to hin Nes Radenteds worst pots The basic tfeney ant im Re fipave tray, 9 rleted to a tog in SAF, Val I, No feuisted in World Wer I for Anerican Inenty. In S87, Vol 1. No. 6. page 3, Me, Bode fenstedtieceabed the cos fasion by saying the some uni roughly presents» pltoon He then eater that the reasce hewees a thre figue tay Hote convenience believe thet each figure should represent a certain amber of mes, this umber to te derived for ewch peviol in frder to be convenient 10 the ‘Thus, for clansical Greece, the ost convenienmunber fr the provelen ctieal formation is ‘Seen men to the figure, Seymapma’” (the bathe unit of Greek Phalanx then being two tons of for tgures each. Due 2 the lack of organization in med. level ecnien, however, flgure tome eatin of Ett Bee For four Napolenice we use’ one figure forty nen and frm our fy Swedes ate formed ite 2 Figure regiments, with aux tee: figure stende and sie owe Fates athe Light inlay. Ae Aston inlantty segment so mounted in threeigue anda, bot at tote if my fremory serves, of 72 figutes, from the ese for playability tnd simplicity. Some watganers Steotastlyretuse 10 believe several pood systems for ss woe Tr SAT, vol 1 a0 5, PP. 445, Me, Zocch gave one method. Toe feleree deciding which wets? es oe likely tobe questioned dees tn that same move, aed then going the astenton of ‘hore ‘oops fren then com A CRITICISM BY ROSS MAKER teacher new heights IC um. fealty with the lack of lances fe. The idea of General Patton allowing his luoope to sit and take enemy fire without retutng te be cause i the German's tn to Shoot Gist, fo, tomy the last, (som five, the pat which Aine shut. the Regultion Wargaves Table i the use of those 4x4" sectors. They woduce distortions in movement fod feng, oe instance, in "Remagen Brideehead” 6 track fey move Live sectors on open ferain. Moving noatwaed, thie 820", ba moving northwest St in 284", 1 do tot undertond why the teckdsver should go fone 40% father simply be use he it going northwest, father then sth Mev Bosenstedt tse crestes »psblem for hime sein the matter of sector en ocity and cesuaties, hich he Aiscusced ie SBT, ¥0l 96.6, age 3 Without the aectrs, the pohlen Sheets foreach side Also, ater lore inspectionof the plan fr the table, 1 Find no plate lef to pat the tgreshmen's, bu thie As I pated out earier, most ofthis a matter of ghilesopy ‘Whee to sti the bolane be tween felis and playability. 1 te decide shat he went in hit hobby, and to pursue thet gos THE GRAND FLEET ATTEND NUMBER THREE by LK Norn Orin Clase: Conqueror, an arch, Thundeter, and Orion ost of lite under Two Mi To Pounds exch OF 2,200 tons (25,870 tne at fal Lod, they ed 1013.5 ich, 16.4 ich, and 4°3 Pounder Guns; 2 broadside tedster texpede tubes, thowgh the latter wore removed Tate, 20-21 neh and 14 inch torpedos were carne, The main amour sree 12 inches thick, 27.000 Horsepower gave them a speed of 21 knots, Their radi of fection was 6,720 niles at 10 os 04110 mies ot 19 knot, Conpiement was 752 ‘though a great advance on lowed them so that they never, schievee the fame thi they AU Joan, they” forwed the Second Division and vere well andi, but cenrbuted ile of rte except to land a sumber of ‘tro the LUTZOW snd KONIG ad the reputation of Being the eat shoating ship in the Navy In 1912 in tals agains the THUNDERER, however, which had been fated nih ae Director Syttem, it wae found that at range of 9,000 yards, Steaming a 12 knots, the ORION ‘hr by THUNDERER. ‘CONQUEROR ond ORION sree sranped in 1922 wader the Woshingtoe Treaty, while THUNDERER became 9 “see Smt 1926 when she too was scooped Target until 1925, when, an January 2008 of that year she trem to gen forthe Let tne “Throughout the morning she was tw the aertoon, apd. it the evening, the Datlshipa had ‘heir tre When the days” shot Sd wa eventually tonk under Searchlight, by he 15 soc guns ‘One ofthe gretestdehacks stom tobe hat each prospective werrener or group develops 06 ‘ith other, Coneequeey they dow either eleewhere wii the United States and abou. AL the ume ime there ar excellent Segaing though ignorance of their existence, Having been scive io wargoming inthe US. tnd in England, I feet tha as Seicle summarizing what is tvailble tothe itevested a fame 16 i order. It is ampor~ ible to deat with the aire Specteam of wanganing, 01 am of tteest tothe Napoleonic Persad Wargaming. with 20 oF 30 om figues my peticuer “The most impoatn source fr feiedcal. This keeps Sim in ermed on what is cue in hi hy and Is continual seam of ane information, T have Tinted vist feel are the moro inpetct publications in a more 1 Strategy & Tactics = bt then 2 Joumal of the Societe Nap tieonie = For one interested tn (hie peviod ae 1 20, the infor ‘eve iforation, contact Reber Uren, chatmen, at 49, Brompton Grove, Keron, Mddlerex, England. (Unless you a very patent, | seconnend aiemal ddesses abroad) So The Wangamer’s News: lee by Donald Featherstone ‘Tie has done in England, for snany vents, what SAT ie beeiee wht we le to. think, wr amines much urber advanced Inthe US. seven tm auch Geld steuroun Cio War i esther: self and hat contibted in 8 feat many way His Newsieter Ie THE source of shat ts ging fon in English wargaming. Com tet in af 69 Hal Lane, South Tampon, Hampshire Eneland 4. Th Balls ofthe BNES ‘The Brtioh Model Sldier Society i ot specially Cr wargamer, flthough they do have mer for the Margumers. Contact the Tremater, LM. Richards at 2. The Dave, Bathing, Essex, Eeeland 5. Trade — This lossy Imagacine i= principal for ect the models. ote excellent and Efinion was issued. Ades 1 44 Dover St, London WA. (2.0, Boe 3 BU), 6 Minature Parade by Jack Scry = This ix am sneresting bya nell Hoon maker of war tame figures Bas many ecops GF bts fought and hints for the wargemens Contact Jee ‘Semy, Visalia, Cat Tr TheGeneral by Avalon Hill Thin dena wih icles Pre: cipally concerning AM wae taming, a2 one would expect. Hot af vs have atleast one AH fame anyway and there ss offen Gn aticle of geeral se. Ie Slsoa goad way of finding 8o5e- Uroagh the Clavslied, Comet ‘avalon Hill Co. a 4S17 Harford Re, Bains, a 8. Kampt = This ienued by on Uablshing very complete infor fetion and orders of battle fr ‘dnt ie 8512 Sth Ave, Brooklyn, NY oven by Bab Bard ccllecor and poe military 5: Tovtambt hie catalog shows ot, WARGAMER’S NOTEBOOK By Ray Johnson that would be of seterest His dives is Box 1463, Baltimore, a. 21203. 10, The. Gamesleter = This ublicaion covers almost the fntce spectrum of eames, Im luting chess, Diplomacy. and Ure D Miter, 12315 Jueson Ra 1. The Campaigns of Napoleon. Gandlee «The ost rest and dstallnd "Napoleonic history 2. A ary History and Atlas af the Napeleanie Ware ~ E= fen eany t fellow with a ful 2. The Anatomy of Gly = Lo: Nato ofthe French Gone ith 1. Tackle Model Sldiers This 5. War Games {6 Naval Margames «All thee by Donald Featherstone and ate ‘xcellent primers cn wargaming Sint the adds above, 7. Minatre Wargames - Chan di =A looses! volume with roy hints ord suggestions. faybe ebtained fom A.A, Joba Ston see below), 5. War Games Miniature - Hor Schauser = The outlines Steed of physically removing 3. Lite Wars = HG. Wells ‘This ix the fast publication dealing with wargames aed ix no fengers io at Lathogaphed copter maybe btained trom Several sources, inchding Mh Feseherstone. specifically with 2 particular reat nwargeming,t bave found two good suppliers who will inch catalogs on request 12M, Mlitary Reserace Co 1038 2 NA. Jobeston Pane. Langprt: Semevet, England Tasty, 1 may be of interest Tinueeforuas ia wergunes. The Yincipie supplier re ised 1 Motor Hart Fines =. feel that they ave the best for the [noe al of them st ome tne of ly Napoleons bet alse hos 2 Minatre Figurines This ducts of equal quality to Hinton Hants and they ate continually Seuthompton, Hampshire, Ene 2 lack Semby” = The largest US. tHe alors 2 very lage hove, He also offers 4 wide election. of accessors, baits, Hit address galas P.O. Box 89, Visain, Cal pally Sm an 30m bat has ‘some 20em. High guy bat ex pensive. Hat 2 good Crimean Ses London W1. Eagle. 5." Thomas Indanries «Offers Shove - Shewnee Oklahoma for Con's ie. A shop located snes; intuit Thomas. They vise havea etalog Polk ron, = on Sth Ave 37 WATERLOO FORUM Ne Sen hae eceety eeied sithoueh this group is wing to Comins thet rou of the PAA "he Bao sot He tender. tats bed Hea for snyone im is Dasiton, We sil think the game ts mich Better balaned than wilt Tene that to the ead, ke Tapley Althoweh Janes J. Sein is a farespondent” end, I lee Shligaed to suppot SATs pint lew thatthe PAA player weaiagand/or sending ot 1's nd to delay the French Of course, he ha to stand aad {ip ie some neon; fr exempt; Qustie Bros, Tilly, Genappe Riverbat in all these istences he te ble'to protect he fot ‘rich small mamber of me aod Can be etocted from oly few Saumres. The PAA can araoge Iie stacks ro that the French camanly gets winning attack by soakinglf with his precious Iminewver what beeannat sehr by bute alone, Thin dasipates and disheartened, unable to sf the PAA. Stateny tip athe French try to olen the QB position sseshing trough the Sodan Riel 1 QB Furousy. This action could de fie the gone Seat Paleer Just a8 a personal question tenpets ae actually on that level? I xo, am I permed to foasy tock could dome in bit than aba unbelievable tome Mak Str We. Nagner were the al Welleton, oor Me Nome might "The PAA ststogy in Waterloo ve to delay the. French lone aouth, while maining the Ialkothvearmy to be reinforced to annihilate Napey by superior ambers. The PAA player can ever lose his overall super forthe final die, he will not Trseven tres, it Wagner has lest 3k of Bb tla strength, st wait Six tens foe hit my to veach the Bow in om Gntrunbered 2 to Lovell, an Sto on both flanks ie 2 tans sanay (om losing Quate Beas, be roledap, is) tans way from having the ThikDye rivers single" saccesafol counter: titeck, (Nobod's perfect =F) ‘The French have the inate sow and will ep it uml Me Wagner has ao choice bul su fener Wy? WHY? WHY? “The PAA mon in ea lie be She to olde and fit con French righ wing. dam sack of hie Mask at Waterloo wih suf- ent strength to tue the tide of the battles Nom, look aM Aer toning 6 of is atength, {bfactos must hold = 21 square front against 4 Freech. Is Short stay be wite to aactiice {tow factors and hold of a thtach or 8 fue bot yo ean Sindy throwing aeey 1/3 of your tiny tn 12 hours 1A, you Sup, whet shout the Russian and Prarsian armies of them? The French just crashed by now have coptced Brasels What wll the French morale be? soldiers ofthe allies wll fock fo orapate'z service? How fseny generale ill hove the Stomach to attack victorious Snderttenched Army i 3 foreign county 1000 miles fom hone? Vietnam Tournament Game By Louis wit Regula Units: Regular Usite aun! tuo nega ante eee lar units have greater fie power) This ale makes for nore rites since not af many Ree ae unite ace needed Allies and Aled Replacements you str pay i Jamany 106, chaded. Stating, in Pebrnty 1966, you may brieg onthe SUN replacements) (@s in regular fume), pl 1 Alle Land of ae force wait per tim Palteal Stabiliye Fos every Peliicat Stabilty pawn move forward of sockword) move the Situation Index para up oF down 1. space oe oppepite Paciieation: Adda Pociteaticn for both the VC nd the GF. For feach excess pawn the GF hoe ‘on the index, he may pacly ene fone af the VC provinces, The hme applies tothe VE player, | regular unk sso paces province provided it dove aot most be destroyed Mowale: GF: Wren the Politics! or "Disalved™ or when the Stution Index reaches 10, the stuength of a oqular GF nit (oot a allied it) equals that VC: When the Situation Index seaches 40 o higher, UC regular nite egel separ wit, Allied Withdrawal: Wher the GF Situation Indee reaches 10 of tnd mp. addtional Allied Placements can come on itl the Station Inder teacher 1S Political Stability” (Options: When the Political Seabuiy Index reaches “Sable or "very stable rollthedie and move te Situation Index up toe namber of spaces shown, (Double for very Stable situation). VO Irwpular Force: Movement (Optional Whes VC rite te feted to tte, roll the die to deternine the fate of the I regular units volved. 1 the she roll ie 1,2, 00 3, the WC Trogir ante may vetvat (1) to tan adjacent, (endly province, fe has Caml Wo regular ents may move sn the Sane manner oz Regul unite, except that they may move thwough no more thane emmy fonlled "province (witht having 10 stop. and fight) per turn Ae Wrgularunt way atack with Regular weit. If the stack In nat ouccreeal, however, the IWegslar unt ie abeaye der NOT EFFECT GF IRREGULAR UNITS, Play Balance: I the GF Allied the VC 2 Regular uns pe turn othe Intestin square, I the VE player 5 more experienced, low the GPT sldittonal Tend COMBAT RESULTS By Greg Long Mh bong ta the Cobra ebula. « relaneely OF the entenely tine and eve tht Me Longer 1x 98146 ~ you mig ike 1 ask fers copy or bere a Postal Dipterscy gene though bin ‘There jollont an arcle the troven ube enjoys abort cary pees sp. Nowever. you ate (he. realm abercales Pe fo intrested tm new ear in Und gone design ead on ‘There is hardly an Avalon Wl worgamer who in at ed te heat af Russio is 1941 ‘The German ability to suround ind obliterate entire mies rene to have alipged by the ‘Avalon Hill Company. In order fo. advance in Sallngred, the Germans aust bash their heads enint the Ruesan hordes tong (though brite) defense fed the “Geman player pre jure bis sledgehammer tactics ‘hick he hopes ll evertally nash the featin wall, Then (he Rusnaes build another, snd the whole eycle repeats tel tn actus fat, nither camp hed the above Tactics: the Germans ct bro ai the Rs- ym atlenped to build « de indepth. AL present, the Serves, and he does ott 10 th the Russian lines i cana be done Stalingrad hat had move enpes fed more revistnt ther a9) time [ean think ol, but 30 Ines have changed the game fo enable s player to bein the Geuman stteking silty "The new Conbat Table pre sented “here not only selves this ploblen but opens = whole few concept in the att of wa Sticles such as "The Po Ciplee of War" (AH General) fred WImeror vs. Exterior ines!" (S47) can be put to {did happen onthe Eastern Fron canbe flly grasped. ost, Angora of all, the biggest term to resliam can, be ‘sted (oo unt may patcipate Sr combat mote than ofce pet tur). Tass ale 16 simpy ot sted tothe game of Stalingrad ale to destroy Russian Comps find. then continue to advance hovdrede of aides into Rossi, dentoying entire armies a they went Nore asics, this trae doe in lees than 8 moth Poge 7 REVISION I ny opinion this new se sults table i= ot only = boon fn be made for Blakes fied, to a conan. dene ‘AH games, I, after some ex you find the Rew Shana to be at a e1eat dis: Ea) Stalingted game such I SUT te very well usted for the new combat tae opel he Avalon Hil Company will Be seeding this icles Beshaps ime might use a eof te EXPLANATION OF RESULTS TAMLE Indicates how fat atacher inoy advance after tech + advance Advance i always. op sack again with advanced sill pe ft least tance defense foctor 1 being (ofthe defender attacks where Dr] = ldicated the dtonder ae the option t0 uae i! possible. MTom edvence of (0¥r 3 i: dieeted, the ene that adeance Tour may note am any further waving Ineliding the moment beer ve ack. Eg, a armored ftiacking. Ut tbe advance of Dis indicated, the armored trendy moved 4 and ats eax imum movement i= 6. After Shack twice ater the fst en Thies may nat use reload Sop on samp and mounain nits ay oot advance across river unless the fia attack STALINGRAD REVISED COMBAT RESULTS TABLE, Die rot | 1-6 fis] ia{ 3} 2] na | 2a | aa] aa | sa | oa | 7-1 (auto) Dat a | ee te] ae | oe | ae u|oal al ala | oa Det mp2 [as | te 2 x2 Te ae oe] ap ae pe | ee | ae 3 2 2] oe] 2 | on a [pr TR] oe | a Par |e $2:|> sa| een | aa | 5 Di af ape pe ee Dit Dit Tee | ae] a] oer 6 wa] aj al al oa NOTE: This table is used in conjunction with the standard’ able that comes with the game Poge 8 Combat Results Revision weaTieR “The advance ef + uni com- bined ith ir normal movenent rst mot exceed hall of te ‘Deng winter, only Rusian units may ws th yvssed tee vances except as stated in he orginal game lee (al wo, . EXAMPLES SL + The attacker mast romove factor ofthe 1 deloaéee fom fober st fucka, The stacker ay bdvance one Square sn then as the option 16 12 Attacker may advance 1 quo, notin hostile that i€ the second advance pote ‘nk in hostile sone of cote the wit may only advance 1 (an dvence of more than 1 Square would require combat tnd thve fo asterisk er). 18° anacking anit ey a 1 other unt Ate rl {ng for et attack, they say advance again if able rade oo nd engage yet snoter un before and after combat can fear, in shich casehe 1 in fuer combat, OF fhe ante. may advance” fom Vo 3 squares and attack other Ine" at lenat he defense factors ‘caus! to thee of the orginal ‘elender (21) and must top a8 Margamer's Notebook CL Johnson = tt sond Cina hose of Minatre Fig fines. ‘Send to P.O, Box 281, Asbury Pak, NJ 9. Those interested in fits - which ae o dimensional dem Togses may woe to Retr che 24 Feldstease, Kiel, Germany fer more information, Althoogh flare ata attartive on the \eargane Table, they ate cheaper election, Vitaly every none bili "unit Js. roprrvented 10, The cheapest wayto seine 2 wangeme army 8 through Ati Sesthich nay be bought sa ot hobby shops. They re. 20mm plastic iures ond are available {na aunber of eiferm = be nt in Napoleoni, unfortunately. 11 A catolog of excellent wae. ane accessories made of tough ‘ber may be obtained by wat ing Deltorana Lid, Bury, near Pulborough Sussex, Enelan hope that thin may be of wee fe in enough inoemation te fetstaned onthe right foot, and fee the nore experienced, whe sy alto find something here {hat he may not have howe {000 WARGAMING ++ RECORDS Audio Fidelity Records otters 2 Toepplay 33/3 recording fated: Hitler Tnfer: DMorching. Songs of Nox Ger snany. Songs include Destsh land ber Alles, Horst Wessel Lied, and many thers, a6 well fe speeches by ‘Hiler and Gentes. About 54.95, Bs Sequel, of far less quality, = Hitler's InfemeVol. 2 — same fe had at Audio Fieeliy Ree cord 221 West S708 St, New York, N.Y. 10018 BOOKS & PERIODICALS have requoted sd recived the Cleave of Sruogy 8 Ter ice. All hore Unted oe tor prt wargaming groupe which ne tehlyrecomaend fo tone with “Rv ti Tnercoteal Sropppel Soret an open fenton deve to posal ly the four-times-yearly erat de AeR sevice oval ger, sd pron le aerate tng Pein decane for fet mar, he ogee sccept chers on an ivi one, Richard Holcombe, P.0. Box S68, Reeeley, Calioms ons {Te Inumaions) Federation ot Mazoming he Astor il Playback many fine Devote tomer posta pay your player, Willan Spee, 103 Spring Row, Malvern, a iboss Miltary Tats Scie 0 Long Mand) Sisal anh Fletcher Pratite coment with waar line model shige 1120 ene “hin ogatrain in vey active Tony weal 3990 Clemens ty Line Neck, Rew Yoo M363 NewYork hatumers Sct Specialising gues eth fd at buen =the hab con ‘ao "provide some cnceiet tues for tabletop panes se ‘Nepetsn™ Avalon Hl Gane Jobe Greer, 2. Cheves Ave Sinem tsend, New York 1314 23-0843), Pree Noheon Ragan As Sipe Io proms wegen siltyps thee ee uae for the sae of Washing, regan, Hao, and te proce oC Beth” Coluaia Dowg Beye, 3908 Si. Southern, Seat, wash 9. Sam Fracioco Bay Nets Nal Mar Came’ aganiaion devoted to Fletcher Prt guning ted eccaioal sion Hil em frou. Jes Brown, a Una Sea Sea roninc, Cli 4133 CLUB LISTING. MODERN WAR IV AUNLATURE, by Michael F. Kores. MA) Ie: dependent Resenrch Coy P.O Bor 648, Linvence, Kanter, 6048, $250.83 pores Rood ‘uly sot bi ‘This, Si, Hs the answer to ume "designer's prayer. Mr Korns hae compiled etl i sirrafty andthe effects of fe, tenlable volane. Though some Issue could be taken with specs ithe fires the Book, onthe whole, everthing needed fn the way of Basie data ie there, A complete bibliography is keyed tothe ex en excellent feture ‘only with the MW period How tong does take forthe hand? What wa the elective range of the cannon of the ME 198? Precisely what varablex Should be considered vm deter tun fie? Howdo fea, rovenen, tnd tina effect the perer- nance of nlaniy? How lng does FE take the average tank crew fo spot a Pakw I at 400 yds? ‘You nd the answers yur local brary ater few bows research if the brary i Tepe fnough) oF you cam tle to Ml Korn's excellent back Whether you ae interested in thebook for you. I yeute a ea: fm enthurine, the author pre= seats 2 tabletop game wth = Simultaneous move, twoecond tine durtion tre for you Unt Prete pleate nue ALNAVCO LOG. P.0. Boe 3, Westfielt.W,.. 0708, 20 pores (5% by 8. SL00 pee yest regulon echeduled > shout ‘The log. it essentially the house orgie of ALNAVCO, 8 company desing i 11200 sce Sseterine adel shipe (a good Selection too!) Oxgialy scedandditinatedt the come pany'scostomer fore, the pice is sill extremely reasonable for the pasical quality (ofet, with pctres) athe conte! oodern oval history, warhip Metores fd descriptions, argue battle fepoms ete). There also mich Information om specilc wargem ing wroupe thoughout the county. Well woth buck: ighly recommended Do you agree that there is only French in Waterloo? te nt true that thee jst one (com Rtsan defense in Stalin tad or the Gevenm defen i of thiskig, on" Keep on Yet ‘Thore wargamers with o hile sil ind = fou elu ess In the next few paragraphs to stim late thew stratgical and tae tical nanewers DiDay. for exaeple, and make ‘eachable defense for the Noth Nonbern shereliae, exept Pat de Calis, at fr West the Novmandy, mst be exceptionally be saben to prevent the Allies from droppirg thee Paratoope hind the Ties. Most the teavy Germon Pancerdvilones should. be tatoned slighty Lite” the Allies into 40. in vasion at the Pas de Calais Stor Lezve it shxes slightly troop atop in that section, Tic to appest scexdental. A unit ‘jacent squire witht sone of onto, will do. The Parte troop ants dropped there sho ff coune, be given w chee to deploy twats the shore “Then sit back and wait to ae AC General Eleenhower 18 ging to fll for yout litle top. Let atthe hore. Vou may even let im funnel throb all gop Fall, jar the cght moment inale}) pour on everything. you Ste Tine receptor the Beach ques, distegarding_ any for will ep the enemy betled op tm them forever) In any evet, second iovasin, bul ase all OOPS, 1 Gooted! By Hans you have to cla the Normandy tnd Britany compltey. (ty be wise to teste oe Infant “This cate nteegy ie ky, because you say net ceed Allied SAC attacks or in their trom bation, ay cot you ‘Sor of your gosl, Bu tht i= ded the outcome a the real plane had incapacitated Hitler Inotead of our beloved Genral= feldmarechail Rene, there seould Rave been another Done Laon Joce 7, Init, excep ‘hal hike the ivadere wold Back tothe ame: If the Germans do sucened, the Ales ln most games, table top 26 sell 25 map Boos, there wil be 'chaace soemer or later = for fin "Oops, 1 ooted™ situation, Brennecke Lok a the Geman Gegenlien sive (Bulge) im 1044. A rod, ‘accidentally tet unguided Germans to exploit their ack fed draw them into the Perhaps just 4 litle BA too Theat heron seca bythe Amis, Braving waits, and..NO_SUP PLIES!" Genrafekimiacball ioe fof hi alloted attack lotto free the trapped (Got so Himmel, wht am 1 Pn helping the Amis) theilaed of your ney Sn combination with. your In fasts teas ‘onthe Cet ur. To spite opeessness ofthe st Yor keep on making Pege? another stupid mistake” by feinforce the invesion dung attempt to hold of 1 sone of ‘wipe you ost on the thd or Supplies fox Just wipe the smi of yur (ace, while he 8 Tele back howe what you con sting rom your tebe losses. don't being 89) of our reserves five factors replacements pet ‘aim sccumelate. Leave your county weakly detented, don't Saher’ oveaning petal, pen. To do to, be wil need Now his county st wet, be fn, you went tede, Tey 10 were valnerable toon "aso 1 bane tor your bombers, Get your sone of control sad you SACredctionattack on simary cities ax possible. Then watch Jour syponest taking fl bin Sim to. Whenever 1 pley the German D-Day setup, described shove, I ean hay wat to see ie fae for 8. You may be fine canes, he does ‘ens barons ases the dh sateen apes te a 42 AXIS ORDER-OF-BATTLE —— OCTOBER 1941 340 Inf XX 56 PART TWO 212 Inf XX 5-6 376 Inf XX 4-6 215 Inf XX 5-6 S77 Inf XX 3.6 ae catic: Ditsonics Talian Second Contingent 385 Inf XX 2-6 Set: Security; Inf: Infant NOVENGER 1341 S07 tat 2X 8 MOK Maced aes 69 Inf KX 6-6 Finland 389 Inf XX 36 Tis Con Comins Re Be 82 Inf XX 5-6 Hungary Rumanian reinforcements giment; Pz: Panzer; PzGr Par DECEMBER, 1241 Hecarten relalcroonants, zet Grenadier; Pars: Paratroop: See ee Pisland te ve a Inf XX 4-6 38 In — Wei Gatwatie; ‘nvr (Fralning: Withdraw 99 Lt XX 39 Inf XX 4-6 JUNE 1941 JANUARY 1942 203Sety XX 4-6 2nd week of i Withdraw 5 Inf XX, 8 In 0X, 2i0In XX 5-6 Finland sn 1 Cav XX and exchange Grosse 27016 XX 5-6 Finland 201 Sety XX deutschland Ret for the Gross. (Costal Division) 206 Int XX deutschland Mot Inf XX 10-10 284 Inf XX 4-6 253 Inf XX 208 Inf XX 5-6 371 Inf XX 4.6 269 Inf XX 2UL inf Xx 6-6 383 Inf XX 4-6 (withdraw Dee 218 Inf XX 5-6 712 Static. XX 4-3, 239 Inf XX FEBRUARY 1942 Ralian Thied Wave 718 Static XX Withdraw 28 Inf XX and 23 Hungarian, Finnish & Ru (withdeaw Dec. Inf XX rmanian reinforcements, 17 Static XX 4-4 5S LT Xxx B44 AUGUST 1942 (withdraw Dee. *41) 8 LT xx 714 23 Inf XX. 5-6 718 Static XX 4-4 5S Mtn XX 6-8 Finland SEPTEMBER 1942 (withdraw Dee. *41) 7 Mtn XX 8-8 Finlond 27 Px XX 6-10 27 Inf XX 46 26Inf XX 5-6 Rumanian reinforcements. (Costal Defense Div) 330Inf XX 4-6 OCTOBER 1942 163 Inf XX 5-6 BBLInf XX 56 Mat Inf XX. 3-6 Fisland Ba2Int XX 56 183 Inf XX 3-6 702 Static XX 4-3 MARCH 1942 151 Inf XX 346 Finland 2 Pz XX 9-10 153 Inf XX 2-6 5 Reserve and Misc. small 23 Pz XX 11-10 154 taf XX 3-6 units. 24 Pe XX 10-10 165 Inf XX 3-6 JULY 1941 25 Pe XX 8-10 187 Inf XX 5-6 OKH Reserve 28 Lt XX 9.14 337 Inf XX 4-6 W718 Finn Rifle XX 3.6 80 Inf XX 5-6 Withdraw 704, 714, 717, 718 Finland 83 Inf XX 5-6 Static Divisions, 19-20 Finn Rifle XX 46 327 Int XX 46 NOVEMBER 1942 Finland APRIL. 1942 3 LW XX 34 AUGUST 1941 Exchange the Grossdeutsch- ISLW XX 34 Conver 125 Slovak Mot X to land Mot Inf XX for the Gross- DECEMBER 1942 Slovak Mot XX 510 deutschland Pz Gr Div 12-10 306 Int XX 4-6 712 Statie XX 4-3 88 Inf XX 5.6 32 int XX S08 Rumanian Reinforcements. 205 Inf XX 5-6 Recon Bde “Norway” 3-14 SEPTEMBER 1941 329Inf XX 7-6 (Finland) Slovak Scty XX 3-4 MAY 1942 Ski Bede “Norway”? 4-10 455 Sety XX 3-6 164 Inf XX 5-6 inland) 9SS X (reinforced) 3-6 305 Inf XX 4-6 JANUARY 1943 Change Rum 5 Mot X toRum 323 Inf XX 4.6 302 Inf XX 5-6 Panzer X 5-10 336 Inf _XX 4-6 381 TNGXX 4-4 Page 11 140 Tt Avsaslt XX 6-4 exo ‘The High Soe Fleet of Jtlend SMS. DERFFLINGER DERFFLINGER, and ber sister The DERFFLINGER, like From Avalon Hi21, Argentine Office. 44 Poge 12 SIEGE BODENBURG Aker completion of dlr all cesvlies fom Ar ther, Cataplt or Cannon fire have been removed, the ‘of opposing oops it Nerale procedares Determine Odds: Fite, Conbat Vaises (CV) ef tacke’smen, then the CY of the Detenier's men. Esch (Compute elds by dividing the cs re rounded ot in the Detender Rell one defor the ee aplanaion of Morale AK orDX: Attacker Eliminated or Deterder Eliminated of Wnwer The Winer ‘WW of DR: Atackerwithdrons x Delender Withéraee 7 he loess ‘items all of is men into (3). The INVADERS eu st with thes staring line the toa the Caste 1K ot permianible NIGHTS iection of retest 1s blocked, by Henry H. Bodenstedt (he Loser may withdeoe into ther edjocent sectors. If the cers completely sounded by enemy eld sectors, of by sectors filled to capacity by his conte Capired men ace removes rom Ftaning lise (INR), Kees (encegt Lanaquenets) at Fecot oops ae Cepued 1B only, Lanaquenets sre = "Fm the cand sector on, limited when eapted routed ticopt may deviate from CCatapultsand Siege Equipment the stcigh line BY One sector, may be takes along in 8 Rihe yt caly the sigh ine roste crova if blocked or listed "sbore ‘The Winner has undispted Mounted wen, forced to route i nivel of the captured sector, to or through sectors Inacces [AR oc DR: Atacker i» Routed sible fo. hoes, abandon thes corDelendr i Roued. The Loner mounts and-continer an fot, Inet remove at least 25% o¢ hie "The Wioner has the option to femainng CV (later cSoones pursue with some o all of his where ts ae to be fe romthat vector, but t6 more Nex. 3 ‘han one sector distance. This placed on te able withthe se Setar must Bethe {4st ome the fheating snow poiting toward routed tcape passed though, If “The Lesettlts thee dice. and tile fences. Morale st be roves romuining men the ful checked agen. If these newly Aistnce (ono of thvee sectors, contacted ‘eens. should trindicated cathe Morale Table) lao rout, the Winner ay put= into the exact duction reed. Sue agen, at bis option. (TAS ‘A svaigh line, digonsl, vere tay be continued Indefinite, eaior hovizoetal, mote foe tat, im pacice, the occurence TE the fit sector in the die tous i very ete). rection of the route i ether (2) Cates nd Stege Equipment cupicd by hostile units, () mustbeabondoned in rout. The Tiled to capseity with frendly Winner eagtores thom and hae force, (ejimpastabe tern. or the option to ether man of de (@) off the board, the routing, —sioy the. MORALE TABLE Lansaenet faiuays be moved sto the build: ings (roadens of the routing distance valle) the neseet wall, through the Main Gate, to an cutie sector from thee they move ina saith Une sway (om the Castle, Krghts within the Castle. The Keighs, howeves, may putue M: Melee All of the attacker's fascinating par of the Siege of Badenburg RSs at ths me When your heros snd comands by a minonty of Atackers may rove "supaisigly successful fe wel at the endeavors of & ing a mative chore SCOPE, Each of the Altace snenseceiventne numberof BASIC Die ODDS First digit 1s the attacker's GV Roll [T-5) [4 [13 J 2 J a J 21] at | eT] Si 1 M mw | om [ | ow | pro] ves | px | ox 2 M wf] {om | m | pw] pro] prs] px 3 AW wf] ™ {om | om | «| pw | pro} pr 4 arz | aw | om | ow mu | om | pw] rz 5 arz_| arz} aw] M | om | ou {om | ow | pw 6 ax [ars] ar] avy om] om] om | om m ROLLS conesponding 10 Sie BASIC ROLL: The Atscier Inhendtotead combat and oll thee ive: one gies, one hie, and ene re RESULTS: Each one of 180 08 the Green or ite die puts ht fon the Defender, A one or 60 fom the Fed die pts ht on the BONUS ROLL: THples roiled ‘Il Kl the Aitecker without (eed of the pips ott tribe Mtacker’s remining CV). Deablor onthe clored dice give the Atacker the option to toll the se nd green die over ops, providing his opponent was not roy be repeated indfistely. as tone ae doce come wp agai, Hits of BASIC ood BONUS ros an Atacker har one of more BASIC ROLLS shill due hin ster he hashed bis frat op een inthe sector he may fight opin ach Atacker must soe fining inthe sane sector. How rer, the BONUS ROLL. can rly be applied lo score hits on ‘doable on the cole ice is ‘er combat, i there ae ati remot both sides remaining it the same sects, the Delender i ‘is torn hus the option to with tne brig up reinforcements not to exceed the cnpeity of thet cons It the Delon atv, WW tbe Atacker dese to ose Mounted Men to melee sectors not accessible 10 hortes, he fount dimou then, thereby Aueieg thee CV By one during ‘combat. He may mount thes providing te did ot use them for pusit aed retuens them to the ‘rectre) where they die smeued Page 13 ‘supply Wagon loaded with delicious fad (hard 6c and deed meat) forthe kagh, ponder forthe can on, and nylons for rani be contented to Footman (Peemancatly) when tase the Castle. The horse may then be fexchonged for ore tation of ‘uppies ‘The Supply Wagar tains 200 ‘Supply rations. On its by" Lanequenets, These mere Logistics 240 Supply Ration ate stored sing ofthe game. Each Footmen Srthin the wall of the castle Mounted Mae” consunes “two ‘ations will be deducted. fom ‘he inital suppiy tthe end of tach complate tun, (nade rations aralible at the been sing of the Knighton, us ber out of the castle by the end ftavention and is emed from nd sleays remeie —~ directly fdiacem or in the seme sector athe Seppiy Wagon. They may aly each ifthe tvoders Block Sectors adjacent tothe Wagon ae ated Invades melee if sectors aijocem to the Wagon Unlonding! The entre 20 tne the Blan Gate, fom any of place a the end ofthe Reigns {atm afterall battles nae been ogi in though he Mave Gate tbe Outer Yord or any of the HE sects have teen cape tuted the Inveders, or» melee ence’ of Ivalers other Sectors oljcent to the Wagon, ‘rinother secon othe Caste Wil not lfect the unloading the Gate. Kt mandatory that the dearidge As lowered Below srlowting may bene, Slee the Bain Gate 1 dest. Ine and mat eave the area to SU of which will be taken off Gate, athe rate of 20 rations bet tuts. To do 49, the Supe Saucnets eligible) alending Af any of the Invaders ate also 4 Sector K15 (6) at Ibe end of ‘Capure: The Supply Wagon is (or Lanaqucnets) ate in the fan (20 Operator) with The (Gor et destroy H) unit ie LLanequerets mt follow the Wagon and make an all-out ef fort to retake They oy et teased in combat elsewhere 45 46 Page 14 Sharatenstice which ie. let" wargames, which se basically tactical fn nature, Tr would. be corect imme Gr the tateteld do net total deo. possible for nstance, forboth ides to gain ot foe beth tole; «gain frome ide doer (onthe other setae tothe progress of Dr Floary tha 1 be eves" tne. Nahin two yeors of ply atomtially mars an egal ‘The Ontun element in Dr ft implications Which eae the FELT TOP WARGAMING Tecame very smterested inthe Remeger Bilge game by Boden, bal I could ot have place in which to set up Triirkct the bod off sat Rive, Brovn el stipe ate weed Frist the atstegicveleeat™ i almost imposible, Ie aet= ical game, gingup land to gn Conon maneucer Bat it Dip: Tamacy, the amoue f Hind held determines. the site of one's tiltary forces. Thar, the Dip Tomacy player ie forced to adopt, 1 plity of ceainalexpensio: herstconstarly flict losses sine for binsell Focing overconfident and undereastioue (rll constreced delenae line Chess oF Tactics Il but ot fncrecad. ne teteal game, & ‘8 mere nursance and frimy minaion i normally to fn the Rope that torical ad vantage wil be geited thereby ‘sewbers onthe thei. be to form the rods, ‘The felt board ix superior to Siroee ond treesportbilty. te, 1 pick up the er snd forsee Me, Boensted ans ndangenag aselfor ite cous To ewe oor exangle, im game I66-AA, ia which Tam plying Astin, « German Army slipped into Uly, W endangered three supply comers of ite enemies, fat the center hich supplied st wen noe time danger. Hit opened center an entire unit hee eet juncture. Con: fequesty, it tied down thee lfenaie tnd defensive nits Which teed to keep H ot of any Sepply center ond at the some tine annihilate which wasnt Stppor fom the sea) For a peiod of time, thie it took three equal units ou of elective action not nly couse twas bein the allied Aust talon lines tot because i hep up the ccantant heat of going Sippy center ‘This nny (hich Germany steaitactiy mantined wa only » poup of Boy Scouts futon of aly tom the toad ‘This, the term characte. istic kes if possible for = player ho appene to be loring fo win. Ir somal tactical fame, a player who ts ute The fot board also uses less “playing space” than a table. By playing space Ivete tothe cle Iron needed forthe boerd te be Setup and the ora in which the players nove shou, | tove tle inelewn socks The payers can ow wall on the boa Hf neces Ifthe felt becomes diny, Teas tempted te resign Becuaae he fopponertsbuinks, anf even if he could force even exchanges, the would be wiped eat when hit ‘ponent had mated 1/3 Tore. ‘expand, even hen 20 oe irombored, In 19640 for en Aseria, had only 4 unite in 1G, while Eagand had 1 and Turkey 10 (almost 4 HL od years late, Astin had 18 ‘ints onthe oad ond won. This 1s, of couse, abo a vert of the multiplayer aepect, bot could fot have ben acplished with Inte ofthe game, ‘must equal losses in Diplomacy (etical wargames in leant three says: (1) Favoring the cfensive ee means toric, rove eflective, anf (3) Creating the pessbity of vietery, even seals enemies wh vastly by Marty Novak Becaete Lam uting fet, Ya reatange the ver and road fr Thin canwot be done with most Uableboses, a rere and al se buon “The fet necessary for Bow, 7 and, whichis cheaper thas (ical eras, gravel, eat ste welcome all of ue Fhs.T-TOP WARGAMES Jot Rano Just tot the Inst (seventy sssue, Great! Wonder Mae Seuss That a, ol! except for te. Oba Who's the wine guy? Replace Libby wih doodling amie ther egress think "hac AM gemine nd clang Nor tif sul, Ohiy, 0 587 Shops the Libby coluen. Bat, plewe, cut tbe sits, We ae Homeload ond wargaming ‘Trew, SAT. I aare” you to poet that) HL do our 180 ott Irembers nd 200 ld alien ood feemis good 10 see wagon Oh Joi rey pated Aeatin Hill memenerd othe med States altas. Fhry bare (Curios Anderson Incegatd to a cece sentiment ching ost of encclemens f hve propted w defen, The sgeciic case i, of conse, & 77-10 sunoanded by three L1-e's. The 77-10 sores i han om ancbatraced rote te {supply un five equates 9099 Aitgames being tle moe tba Ieathomaical abstraction ofthe feal thing, we must sere the rales in such 4 may 8 to icument the linietions of ich ganes ond lead optimal fest tow will give 2 on “The German, ue to canulties and Taek of eolecomen, S13 ster: oughly 120 began, Now the Batch have aly shout 4090 (2) mento cover Doles (2 squares) Ths would fon, mw elity (HRI — about 200 on por mile. ome than Bria strength at 10 patel 20, mile!” Puther ce ther pat tthe wea father ones of contol) at ate te ‘ear in tackiens desert, The ‘Germans, ambush 8 patrol rece Scions the dese to supplies below the mass Best body fowce, now fully supplied, they torn on and estoy the “Toluther complicate the mat tents defen factor, Su founded or ro, is never waning, for a supply wat Sie atively” tow weapons in the German Army ate wot 38 good fom ollerse a5 eelese. 1 De Ieee ny point mode. (Analog 1 wold ike. to ingle out laine for special pinise. The fiat io the itor, bath ot thebeginaing and at each of he snows aces. This more an assis the quality of fash ietue. The second pat ie the letters to the itor column. In 5 purpose of be ‘coming. © forum for Wargaming, Ged ie Inderscn, 1 yest ak Sallord 1 tke bath your new cover be seat terested ts hearing Nee Mat fovbipt ome ot a your adess: 62 Mlstde Dre George A. Lend MWe all know thet = mane factuer ll wake the grentest uct, bu should Hike 10 go 00 econ, tha alter tying, Com Fromation, 10 aay thet thet od verinenent claims ee de finely ot exapeeroted, and aed chalonging Bosrd ingame ‘at Love played (ad Chane Nowever, ny ehiel point eve ie that 1 frly favor the ay thetic Board mape ol the Con fromation type in nde to bring such 2 pice. Pguite agree ith trgeme ho (ele the up wy tear of fail to lay flat on the ‘by mounting ston 9 piece of in rrenent Boor If Rorage is 8 problem. divide the Board io {wo or ter vecttos by comet {al wee of» modellers bile snd which can eacly be pushed together when in play. For imapbours ofthe size of VIET TRAM, mounting on one 0 mote Theksentes of Bristol Board fleed together would provide 2 more than adequate permanent fou Noman Nels anicle "Decepive Maneuvers lanored. However, Io not fel he developed he iden ae aly Hil type wargames, be simp Connsered tobe good deceptive ‘To free caniy “deceste Go peition, every tm, all Tien the. saxinum. umber of food ‘mires (as used. here by your opponent ae avn ible 1 eaeh wnt Th positionng, instead of to squarer cloner tothe enemy. For example, Ssoppone i foce i placed # Pose 15 square A, the only good move from this sguere on the nes! entetea ba forces tn the asee ft the rivers Now suppose tht ‘squores north of A Hear now fectively attack ether rw X or the Y mountain range. fiat example. Tn closing, the maneuvers described above and those in Han acl ae effective soy At ye we playing » side hich has major potential offensive = FUTURE FEATURES “Te folowing eaten wil ap tem inthe December ise and The tet several tues I 1968 ine rues forth the modern af sailing ship penade by Coron water ‘Georke A, Lond SoA series of ances on bil tng and orzaneine 2 Napoleonic ‘Gp Focthirevieswe have com Imlssioned ae of most Krowled. tle, experienced eed seeped ‘pod will boa contioning aes Seveslatie tes for Nagoteos fsmesby Ray Jobson. Roy wil Sine preset the rales atonal te hor Wagzamer=” Notebook ‘Aalon Hill tented tices trcloing the woe at Joba ‘Schacier, "Doog Beyerien, Michael Watey, and J Achar "A Play-by-mail yen for Sealing with Contonation, aod leorstmeet Vietnam play eh: Tight" our offerings ‘concerted ‘A contemporary discussion of teria wae by Mark Redolph "A compote, workable set of fies forthe wwe ol BLT 72 tmedel sna or wargeming by Jot Greer of the. New York "Ar torical work dealing seth the Bettany Campasen br Jot Miata 44 whole sevies of historical at: icles iacnding” The Battle of Uisan, the Bittle of Panta Apron, aad a complete tok a7 48 GE COLLECTORS 0° Fully tlusrated sah Ada ge 2 ages Leki Mibly, Dopl, Pore 'SCOMPLETC FLOORS OF HOBBIES end TOYS... TRAINS. PLANES. SHIPS, SOLDIERS. CARS. RACEWAYS. FTC. EVERYTHING FOR PRESENTS: HUNS TURKS KNIGHTS SIEGE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY WAGON BUSSLER MILITARY MINITURES The oldest commercial manufacturer and designer of Militery Miniatures in Am Serving collectors and wargamers since 1947. The finest figures to be found any- where at prices 50% below any other maker Painting instructions included. Mlustrated Catalog 50e BUSSLER MINIATURES Box 107 -ST Wollaston, Mass. 02170 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA NAVAL WAR GAMERS Those interested please contact: James L. Brown 841 Union Street San Francisco, Califomia 94133 Neto York lar Gunes Society STATEN ISLAND. N.¥. 273.0843 Now AVAILABLE! REQUEST FREL PRICELIST FROM CONTINENTAL HOBBY SUPPLIES P.O. Box 116, Adelphia, New Jersey - 07710 Visit our showroom at Strathmore Road, Adelphia, New Jersey. Phone: 462-8937

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