Critique Paper - Oct 4

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"Green Governance - An Integrated Program of Local Government Units: A Case of Northern

Iloilo, Philippines"
The goal of sustainable development has become a universal duty at a time marked by
immense environmental difficulties. LGU’s play an important part in this effort since they are on
the front lines and have the power to influence the future of the environment in their
communities. In the quest of sustainability, this study provides a vital understanding of the
dynamic relationships between local governments, communities, and the environment.
We are compelled to reflect on the broader context of environmental governance, the
interconnectedness of local and global sustainability, and the collective responsibility we all
share in safeguarding our planet's future as we navigate this intricate tapestry of green
governance in Northern Iloilo.
While our journey of Northern Iloilo is our focus point, its relevance extends far beyond
its geographical bounds. It acts as a model for local governments around the world dealing with
comparable environmental issues. This study emphasizes the significance of community
interaction, the value of inclusive decision-making, and the limitations imposed by limited
resources. Furthermore, it encourages us to consider the efficacy of green governance projects
as well as their implications for broader environmental governance models.
This study investigates into the local government units in Northern Iloilo's strategy to
environmental governance. It thoroughly analyses the accomplishments of green governance
programs in a specific local environment to identify how well LGUs are putting green
governance into practice. The goals are clearly stated, and it’s worth lies in its capacity to offer
guidance to areas struggling with comparable environmental issues.
The introduction of this study has no citations. Despite using critical vocabulary, it lacks
knowledge of the study's background; however, the authors and date of publication should be
included to minimize plagiarism. It would be advantageous to provide a fuller explanation of the
importance of this case study in relation to the larger picture of environmental governance in
the Philippines or other comparable regions. The methodology used in this research is a mixed-
method approach, they utilize interview, documentary analysis, and observation. Though it lacks
detail on the discussion part because the sample size, selection criteria is not clear and includes
biases. The research paper also uses tables and figures to present their findings, but some data
do not have a clarity and information and insufficient.
Northern Iloilo was chosen as a case study because it highlights environmental issues. As
a result, the article needs to include a full overview of the region's distinctive environmental
problems. The paper provides related literatures, but it doesn’t include the author and date
published, the researcher rather includes it or add more citation which is recent and relevant to
the study. The review of the literature, which presents pertinent theories and concepts about
sustainable development, local government roles in environmental management, and other
topics, serves as a strong foundation for the work. The case study analysis's setting is properly
provided. Though the paper is well written, it consists of clear and concise language which can
easily be understood by the readers, though there are few grammatical errors which should be
minimize in writing research. Although the paper briefly addresses the need for policy
recommendations, it fails to offer a concise list of suggestions that can be put into practice
considering the case study's findings. Giving specific policy recommendations will increase the
paper's applicability and significance for decision-makers and local government representatives
looking to copy or modify the green governance model.
The case study analysis of the green governance activities in Northern Iloilo is the focus
of the paper. It offers a thorough overview of the LGUs' initiatives, including policy
development, neighborhood involvement, and the incorporation of sustainability principles into
local decision-making. The wealth and accuracy of the case study provide important insights
into the difficulties and achievements of local green governance implementation.
While acknowledging several difficulties experienced by LGUs in Northern Iloilo, such as
a lack of funding and administrative roadblocks, the study should go further into these
problems. A more thorough examination of the difficulties encountered when putting green
governance ideas into practice would provide a more impartial viewpoint and insights for other
locations encountering comparable difficulties.
The paper typically features clear headers and subheadings that lead the reader through
the text and is well-written and arranged. The minor grammatical mistake and apprehensive
phrase might, however, be fixed with proofreading and editing. To better clarify crucial points
and make the data more understandable for the reader, the article lacks visual aids such graphs,
charts, or maps. Visuals could improve how the paper is presented and understood as a whole.
The study's conclusion describes the findings; however, it is unrelated to the objectives
of this work. It requires further explanation and should make recommendations. Although, the
paper contributes to the need of green governance in the Philippines especially in Northen
Iloilo. It falls short, however, in terms of analysis dimension, contextualization, and practical
suggestions. The study should give a more complete evaluation of the data, a greater
connection to the research aims, and clearer policy implications to improve its contribution. It
would, however, benefit from a more thorough analysis of the case study's implications for
more general environmental governance methods in the Philippines and elsewhere. The
conclusion could also benefit from a call to action or a discussion of potential future study

The case sheds light on how local governments, communities, and the environment
interact dynamically in the quest of sustainable development. It is important to consider the
findings' significance, their implications for the greater area of environmental governance, and
the prospect of influencing a sustainable future.
Like many other places in the world, Northern Iloilo has been impacted by a variety of
environmental problems, such as deforestation, water pollution, the effects of climate change,
and biodiversity loss. Local government units (LGUs) in Northern Iloilo have started a journey
towards green governance as a reaction to these difficulties, hoping to balance the social,
economic, and environmental facets of growth. This project, as described in the research,
presents several salient lessons that go much beyond this situation.
First, the study highlights how important local governments are to advancing
environmental sustainability. Although national and international policies offer foundations and
direction, implementation really takes hold at the local level. The LGUs of Northern Iloilo have
shown their dedication to sustainable development through resource allocation, stakeholder
involvement, and the development of new policies. This illustration demonstrates the ability of
local governments to handle urgent environmental challenges.
The case study also emphasizes the value of local support and participation in green
governance projects. In Northern Iloilo, successful projects frequently come from restricted
collaboration between LGUs, civil society, and local communities. This teamwork-based strategy
encourages a sense of shared ownership and accountability for environmental preservation and
sustainable development. It highlights the importance of inclusive decision-making procedures
that consider the perspectives and demands of all stakeholders.
The study additionally emphasizes the difficulty that LGUs face due to resource
limitations. Even though they have the best of intentions, many local administrations, not only
those in Northern Iloilo, struggle with a lack of human and financial resources. The efficient
implementation of green governance initiatives is hindered by this limitation. To support LGUs
in their sustainability efforts, it therefore advocates for creative financial structures, capacity-
building initiatives, and intergovernmental cooperation.
Assessment of the actual effect and effectiveness of green governance initiatives,
however, is an important problem that merits additional investigation. Even while the paper
mentions beneficial effects including reduced damage to the environment and enhanced
community wellbeing, a more thorough evaluation utilizing actual data and measurements
would paint a clearer picture. To fully understand the socio-economic and environmental
changes brought on by green governance practices, it is necessary to look beyond anecdotal
The case study of Northern Iloilo should not be seen in independence but rather as a
component of a larger picture of environmental governance in the Philippines and globally. It
serves as an example of the power local governments must effect change for the better. It must
be done to draw connections between this scenario and the theoretical frameworks and ideas
already in use and covered in the literature on green governance. This will allow us to better
understand how these models can be applied and modified in a variety of situations.
Furthermore, it's important to understand that Northern Iloilo's experiences are not
unusual. When it comes to sustainability, many regions face comparable issues and chances. As
a result, other LGUs dealing with similar environmental concerns can find inspiration and advice
from the lessons discovered in Northern Iloilo. Academics, professionals, and decision-makers
must support the exchange of best practices and lessons gained in order to encourage the
replication and adaptation of effective green governance models.
The "Green Governance - An Integrated Program of Local Government Units: A Case of
Northern Iloilo, Philippines" case, in conclusion, provides insightful information about the
transformative potential of local government in the field of environmental governance. It
emphasizes the importance of local governments in fostering sustainable development, the
importance of community engagement and collaboration, and the challenges posed by resource
It is evident that the pursuit of sustainability must be a community effort, encompassing
governments at all levels, civil society, and individuals as we navigate the intricate and
interwoven issues of the 21st century. The development of green governance in Northern Iloilo
is an example of what can be accomplished when local people and governments collaborate to
save the environment. This case study serves as a helpful reminder that, in the end, the road to
a sustainable future is one that we must all travel together. For the benefit of the environment
and future generations, this road is well worth taking.

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