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Linkers and connectors

A. Contrast : Link two contrasting ideas

1. In spite of / Despite .. He arrived first at the offfice despite the busy traffic
( a noun phrase)
waking up late (gerund) /
the fact that he woke up late (the fact that + S+ verb)
2. Although / (Even) though . He arrived first although/ eventhough (though) he woke up late
3. However / Nevertheless / Nonetheless/ Still / Yet /but/ Even so
Her report was thorough ; however, nobody was convinced
4. On the one hand …………….. On the other hand. Links two contrasting ideas / paragraphs.

B. Opposition : In contrast to / Contrary to… who / unlike…….who…: In the opposite/ On the contrary /
While / Whereas / in contrast. eg: Tim is very mean unlike his brother who is good-hearted
C. To show comparison :
as/ like/ likewise/ meanwhile/ similarly/ simultaneously/ in comparison/ in the same way;
D. Reason and cause
1. Because / As / Since /….for…. / Seeing that: As he got up late, he missed the early train to London
2. Because of / On account of / Owing to / Due to+ noun phrase/ gerund/ the fact that +S+V
He had an accident due to the slippery road/ the road being slippery/ the fact that the road was slippery
E. Purpose
1. In order to / So as to/ to (so as not to ; in order not to + infinitive. He works hard to succeed
2. In order that / So that + (can- could /wil -wouldl) He works hard so that he can/will have better grades
F. Consequence
1. So/thus/ hence/ therefore Consequently / as a result/ consequently /for this reason
2. As a consequence of / As a result of Followed by a noun phrase. ‘As a result of his brave action…

G. Addition
Besides/ Moreover / Furthermore / In addition / Besides / What's more/ on top of that/ along with
As well as / In addition to / apart from / On the one hand…(idea1)….. On the other hand…(idea2)…
H. Succession
1. First of all / Firstly / To begin with / First/At first sigh / In the first place/ To start with:
2. Second / Secondly / Then … In the second place/
3. Third / Thirdly / After that...The next stage … in the end, finally, eventually /

I. Exemplification / Exemplifying : For example / For instance / Such as .and so on/ namely / specifically/ as
an illustration / to demonstrate/ to illustrate/ to wit (=à savoir) that is to say :ie
J. Expressing facts
Actually/ in fact:/ as a matter of fact/ Obviously/ undoubtedly/ for this reason/to emphasize
K. Expressing a personal opinion
as far as I am concerned /from my point of view/ in my opinion /in my view
I agree totally/ I strongly disagree/ I think that /personally/ to be honest, /to tell the truth

L. Explaining
that is (to say): in other words: in short: basically: especially: essentially:
in general: in particular: more or less: on the whole: to a certain extent:

M. To show time:
After a few hours/ afterward / next (week)/ subsequently/ immediately /then/thereafter/soon after
as soon as/ no sooner …than /Hardly…when / eventually/ finally later
before/ prior to/ first, formerly previously /meanwhile /in the mean time/ currently

N. Conclusion Summarizing/ Conclude :

Finally/ to put it in a nut shell/ in brief/ in short/ all in all/ last but not least… in conclusion/ in summary/ on
the whole /to conclude/by and large /summing up to sum up/ Lastly/ eventually:

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