IAS Mains Electrical Engineering 1993

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l.toig. Q.

(b) In the network shown in Fig. Q.2 (b), the switch is closed at t=O. At t=t>O, it is found that

i(t)=LOA and 、カセエI@ =I 0 VI sec. Find C.

Q [ZセN@
r·· セ@
(c) セ@ ーセFゥZ\]mッ@
resistance 20 0 and the other, capacitance C in sen es キエィ
so that the combined impedance shall be independent o

OM ' ' " ' ' 0 イッセ@ ッ セ ッ@
0 S H md
etermme C and R
ct and have zero phase
3. (a) A uniform plane wave is described by the phasor H ヲエ N セ@ ay, Aim. If the velocity of the
wave is 2 x 108 mls and the relative permeabr . · zゥN[Aセ £ エ・イュゥョ@ the frequency, relative
permittivity, wavelength and electric intensity.
(b) A point charge q is situated at a 、ゥウエ。ョ」 セ ッ@ grounded conducting plane of infinite
extent. Obtain the total charge induced ane by direct integration of the surface charge
(c) Two parallel conducting plates od by the distance d and maintained at the potential
difference ll.U. A 、ゥ・ャ」エイ セ@ ·electric constant K and of uniform thickness t<cl. is
inserted between the pi at s. e the field vectors E and 5 in the dielectric and also in
the vacuum between die! · one pi ate. Neglect edge effects due to the finite size of the
4. (a) A car 「。エ・イケ セ@ .-circuit p.d. of 13.4 V and would supply 2000 A when short·
circuited. By d g uivalent circuits in terms of (i) a voltage source and (ii) a current
source, de ine urrent and power in each case in an external load of 0.1 0.

Give an account

SEC110N 8
5. Answer any three of the following:
(a) In an inverting voltage amplifier circuit using an operational amplifier, the operational
amplifier gain is I 0, 0 00, the input series resistance Rt is I 00 0 and the feedback resistance Rt
is 50 00. If the input voltage is I V, find the exact output voltage and the percentage error that
would be committed by considering an infinite gain for the operational amplifier.
(b) Design a logic circuit whose output is given by the Boolean expression: (A+ B) .AB .

(c) Discuss the advantages of a junction field-effect transistor over a conventional bi-polar
transistor. Calculate the value of drain load resistance, fu. required in the circuit shown in Fig.
Q.5(c) at audio frequencies to obtain a voltage gain of 60. The PET used has g, = 5 x 10-3 S
and rds = I 00 kO.

(d) What are the functions of a commutator m a d c machme? Explat , V' - · methods of
obtam effect:l ve commutation
6. (a)
gatn セ@ Another transt stor T3 has current gatn セ S@ Estabhs r n セ ・エキョ@ h and Io

セ@ CJ
(b) A transistor used m common- CE) configuration has the following set of h-
p arameters when the d c op9 ! f tIS Vu = I 0 V and Ic = I mA

h.= 2000 0, セ ᄋ@
hn=I0-3 0
If the a c 'load ィセ ス@ the tranststorts
rL = 6 00 0, 、・エ セ Gー オエ@ impedance, current gain and voltage gain.
(c) In a single ーャ セ ゥウエ。「ャ・@ mul tivibrator, emitter biasing resistance RE = I 00 0, RL = I, 0 00 0.
Rt = I 2 = 50 kO, and Vee = 18 V. Find (i) the output voltages Et and セ@ and (ii) the
d ase currents for each transistor. Make necessary assumptions and state them.
7. H。I セ@ ; ·n how a 2 -winding transformer can be converted into an autotransformer. Two sing! e-
as ransformers T 1 and T2 rated at 250 kVA each are operated in parallel on both sides.
entage impedances forT1 and T2 are (I+ j6) and (1.2 + j4.8) respectively. Calculate the
load shared by each when the totallo ad is 5 00 kVA at 0. 8 p .f. lagging.
Explain the principle of operation of a polyphase induction motor. A 4-p ole, 50 Hz polyphase
induction motor has a full-load speed of 1440 r.p .m. Estimate the full-load slip.
(c) Two transformers connected in open delta supply a 40 0 WA b a! anced load operating at 0. 86 6
p.f. lagging. The load voltage is 440 V. Calculate the values of kVA and kW supplied by
each transformer.
8. (a) A 4 -pole, 50 Hz, 3-phase induction motor has motor resistance and standstill rotor reactance
of 0.04 0 and 0.16 0 per phase respectively. Calculate the value of the external rotor
resistance per phase to be inserted to obtain 70% of maximum torque at starting.
(b) Two identical 30 kW, 500 V, 1200 r.p.m. d. c. series motors A and 13 are co!Ulected in series
aero ss a 5 00 V d. c. sup pi y. They drive a common load through reduction gearing of a: I and
b: I respectively. When the load shaft has a speed of 120 r.p.m., motor A has 225 V across it
and runs at I 0 80 r.p .m. Find for this condition the speed of the second motor, the current
taken from the mains and total I oad torque on the shaft. Neglect all losses and saturation
(c) Explain the principle of operation of a synchronous motor. Discuss the various methods of
starting the motor. What is a synchronous capacitor?
Some useful data:
Mass of electron, M = 9 .I x I o-31 kg
Electronic charge, e = I. 6 x 10-19 C
Velocity of light, c = 3 x 108, m/s
Boltzmann constant, k = 1.3 8 x 10-23 J/K
Permittivity of free space, sa = 8. 8 5 x 10-12 F/m
Permeability of free space, セッ@ = 4 1t x I o-1 H/m

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt five questions only stiecting at ャ・。セ@ two Questions including the
compulsory question from each of Section A and B or Section A and C.
Asmme suitable data if considered necessary and indicate the same clearly. セ@
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the md of the quemon.

Qu2stion 1 iS compulsory
I Select any three of the followmg statements, read them carefully and entl the correct and
mcorrect ones Justtfy your answer usmg not more than 200 words m each cas
セ@ .. + (20x3=60)
(a) The performance of a contort system is affected 「 オセ ・イゥウエ」@ of the measuring
(b) In a system which uses a gear train to coup! e セ@ otor, the equivalent moment of
inertia referred to the motor shaft and エィ セ ij@ t • e load shaft is independent of gear
ratio. セ@
(c) In the operation of a three-phase full· イ セ ・イ@ both in the inverter-mode and converter·
mode, the direction of current and ty voltage must rem am same at different pomts of
the ctrcwt
soltd-state de111 ces m2e P s .- ed motor dnves
2. (a) Enumerate the m8J or ties good adJ ustabl e-sp eed dnve system

!.">... (10)
(b) A half-wave イ・ セ イ」オエ@ usmg thyn stors feeds a d c sen es motor from a three-phase

ウッオ セ 」・@ + (!Ox2=20)

w e ctrcwt eli agram and the waveforms showmg motor voltage and armature
c nts for finng (delay) angles 0 f o• and 9o•
Explain how to find the firing (delay) angle for a particular operating condition of the
motor, assuming continuous conduction, when the a. c. source voltage is given. All the
drops on d.c. side ace to be considered.
Describe the variable-voltage variable· frequency method of speed control of a. c. motors.
(d) Explain what is meant by the tum off time of a thyristor and the factors on which it depends
(I 0)
3. You are given the following components of a position control System:
• Two potentiometers including one for yielding the error signal,
• One armature controlled d. c. motor,
• One amplifier,
• Gear train having gear ratio of I I 0.
The field of the d. c. motor is excited from a constant voltage source while the error signal is
amplified and applied to the armature circuit.
Assume appropriate numerical values for the system constants and answer (a) to (e).
(a) Draw a diagram showing the scheme of connection to form a p o si tiona! servomechanism
with the above components, indicating the load on the motor.

(b) Write down the equations describing the operation of (i) the error detect e
(I 0)
(c) Obtain the transfer function relating armature voltage and angular d.



4. (a)
(b) In connection wtth d c ュッ セ@ lam what IS a chopper and how 1t controls the speed
ofthednve セ BGHf@
(c) G1ve the s1mpl8 i agrarn for a chopper controlled drive scheme usmg ad c senes
motor and sk \ !h oltage and current waveforms Define "pulse rat1o' and "pulse
ヲイ・アオョ セク クーャ K@ w the hm1ts of current puis all on are detemuned

セNL@ (30)


5 ent Wl th JUsllfi calion on the correctness or otherwtse of any three of the followtng statements,
ctmg your answer to wtthtn 2 00 words for each
(a) Induction motors, whether three-phase or sing! e-phase, must always run at a slip.
(b) The excitation e.m.f. of a loaded synchronous motor working at lagging power factor must be
greater than the terminal voltage.
(c) Protection techniques have failed to devise means for protection of alternators against inter-
tum faults.
(d) The limitations of the concept of ABCD constants in transmission line calculation is that it
may be applied only to the line itself.
6. (a) What are the specific fields of application of two -phase induction motors? State the special
requirements for such uses and discuss the design considerations making the motor suitab! e
for those uses.
(b) Explain why starters are to be used for starting three-phase induction motors. Mention the
factors to be considered before selecting a method for starting a three-phase squirr -cage
induction motor. Compare the avail able starting torque in the case of auto-tr s
starting with that in the case of stator-reactor starting for the same value of li



7. (a)

(b) A high -voltage alternator ウオ セ エ@ g up of four synchronous motors through a transformer
bank connected in ウエ セ。イ@ I ounded neutral on the alternator side and in delta on the
low- voltage side. mo s grounded through a reactance (current limiting). The
alternator neutral is so 1 nded. A single line-to-ground fault occurs on the low-tension
side of the transffilJ>i .
(i) Draw a ウ セ ・@ diagram of the system showing the point of fault.
HゥI セ ー@ ·fy 」 セ ーャ・エケ@ the sequence network showing the proper connections when the
ces computed on the selected base are given as:
rnator : Sub -transient reactance= 15%
Zero -sequence reactance= 6%
Transformer Bank: Leakage reactance= 12%
Motor group : Sub -transient reactance= 2 0%
Zero -sequence reactance= 9%
Current limiting reactance per each motor= 12%
(iii) Neglecting the pre-fault current determine the sub-transient fault current if the p. u.
voltage behind the sub -transient reactance for the alternator is I + j 0. Make
appropriate assumptions regarding negative sequence reactances of the machines.
(c) Name a d. c. machine in which the troublesome armature reaction has been put to advantage.
Draw a schematic representation of the machine. Describe its constructional features with
necessary sketches and draw curves to show the nature of its external characteristics.
8. (a) Explain the functions of:
(i) Pumped Storage Plant (ii) Lightning Arrestor (iii) Phase Advancer (iv) Peterson Coil
(b) Draw the speed-time curve for the following traction service on level track without any free-
running period, and estimate the maximum power input to the traction motors:
The train having a dead weight of 400 tonnes accelerates for 30 seconds attaining a maximum
speed of 70 km per hour. It takes 2 0 sees to bring it at dead stop, the brake being at
the speed of 55 km ph when the coasting ends. Before starting again it is all owe eck r
2 0 sees. Assume the train resistance to be 4 0 Nw/tonne and all ow I 0% of de we
rotational inertia. セ@
Given: efficiency of the transmission gear is 90% and efficiency of ュ ッセ@
(c) Give brief answers to the following:
(1) What ts the data used m load-flow studtes? (u) What エウ セ ・@ y+swmg Bus? (111) How
ts an A-C Calculatmg Board set up? (tv) What mo o >n obtatned from load-flow

f1j (20)

セn c@
Qu2stion 9 is compulsory.
9. Select any three of the followmg
or wrong Your answer must not ex e
stf tj
e 0
an dtcate wtth JUst:lftcat:lon whether they are correct
rth for each statement
(a) There wtll be no h blem m an ampltfiertf 1ts mput can be made harmorucs free
(b) The charactens0 ennas, whether of resonant type or of non -resonant type, are
practically same.
(c) In designi 」ィッ セ ・イウ@ for d.c. amplifiers it is necessary to ensure proper damping.
(d) Fillers used in a Visual M adulator, a component of TV transmitter.
10. account of the sampltng theorem

(I 0)
Describe the Noise-generator Method for the measurement of Noise Figure. Explain why this
method is most desirable.
(d) In connection with a two-conductor transmission line defines 'characteristic (surge)
impedance' and 'propagation constant'. Express the values of the characteristic impedance
for co -axial lines, and for parallel-wire lines in terms of line dimensions, as well as for a
usual radio-frequency line in terms ofline parameters.
II. (a) What is a Radar? Draw a block diagram showing the components on which radar systems are
based. Explain function of radar as a navigational aid.
(b) A standing wave indicator used with a square law detector the wave guides having internal
dimensions of width 3. 75 em and depth I. 25 em (the electrical field being parallel to depth)
shows adjacent minima at a distance of 2. 5 em hom each other.
Assuming that the guide walls are perfectly conducting calculate (i) the free space
wavelength of the sin gal in the wave guide and (ii) the reflection co-efficient and ョッ セ 。ャゥコ・、@
load impedance when the I oad impedance is 75 + j 0 ohm and the guide impedance . ョセ@ +
j 23.7ohm. '


12. (a)




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