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(ii) Show that, in case the fie!

d flux is time-invariant, the generated emf lags by 90 ° the

flux that generates it.
(d) (i) Can you detect a DS BSC signal using an envelope detector? By a suitable analysis,
compare the same with coherent detection
(ii) A modulating signal, m(t) is given by cos I OOt + 2 cos 3 OOt. Detennine the LSB and
USB relations + LS B and <j>USB if the carrier frequency is I 0 00 rad.

2. (a) (i)

Analyze the above circuit to get an& p;; · for z.... Assume the two op -amps to be
ideaL セ@
(ii) With Z1 = R1, Z3 = R3, Z2 2s, = R. and Zs = Rs, what does the GIC circuit

above realize?
Z;., behave?
(iv) What are en !..E.l: er signals? Compute the energy and power contents of the
ヲッャキゥョ セ ウ@ !'indicate whether they are energy or power signals
クエHョI] セケ H@ o.Ols}
HR・ セ I@ 02s}.
+ 10+2+2+6
(b) (i why forward break over in a thyristor occurs at a lower anode-cathode
if its gate current is increased.
What are the advantages of IGST over BJT, MOSFET and thyristor?

frequency is rarely used in practice in a three-phase induction motor.

(iv) A de machine has total armature ampere conductors of 4 5 00 and total flux in the
machine is 0.14 Wb. Calculate the torque developed in the machine.
(c) A three-phase full-converter feeds a resistive load of 150. For a firing-angle delay of75°, the
load takes 6 RW. Find the magnitude of per phase input sup pi y voltage to the three-phase
Derive the relevant expression used if any.
3. (a) (i) A rectangular pulse g(t) exists between T =- (T/2) and t = + (T/2). Sketch the pulse
obtained by convoluting g(t) with itself. The Fow1er transform of g(t) is a sine
function Write down the Fourier transform of the pulse obtained by the above
(ii) Find the Laplace transform L(t) of the following function
f(t) = t cos wt.

Given L(sin wt) = 2

w 2
S +W

Using the result of L(t cos wt), find

L-l((s2 +lw2)2)
I0+ I0
motor through the interaction of stator and rotor mmf wav . e ltltro duce the concept of
load angle.
Show that rotor must rotate in the direction of イッエ。 エ セ N@ iscuss the conditions under
which optimum torque is developed in a 3 -phasr· }セ i セ エッイ@
(c) A 12-V battery feeds a single-phase full-bn e in er whose output is connected to an ideal
!-phase transformer. Its primary has • and the load voltage is 23 0 V. For a load
resistance of I 00 0, calculate
(1) er secondary Wlndmg,

4. (a)

セN@ '"!iOQ

c... •.a 11F

(b) Show that the fie! d strength at a point close to the antenna (at distances of unto 20 0-3 00 miles
from the transmitting antenna) in terms of the power is given by
e= volts! m
sis the field strength in vol ts/m
Pis the power radiated in watts
r is the distance in meters.
Calculate the fie! d strength at 20 km <NVay from a transmit- ting station of 50 kW power

(c) (i) A sine wave carrier is frequency modulated by a triangular mo 、オャ セ ゥョ@エ • a! • ) as

shown in figure below. If the carrier frequency is I 00 MHz an o o signal
frequency is 5 kHz, determine the bandwidth of the FM signal. 'l.ssu frequency
deviation constant, K( = I 0 Hzlr.

m(l) ,., +
1.() '(.)

... ·IA.CJ
(ii) In a commercial FM broadcasts セ@ Z セ 。エゥッョ@ index is 5, the 3 dB frequency
of the pre- emphasi sf de-empha s セ i@ 00 Hz and message signal frequency is 15
kHz. If the average to p e wer io of the message signal is 0 5, what is the
improvement in output

o セm@

ᄋ Zセ セ on@ B
with pre-emphasis and de-emphasis filtering

lO' lO

5. Attempt any THREE ッ ヲ セ@ g

(a) (1) t are" - J tenafor amatenal to be antmperfect di-electnc or a good conductor?
W セ キ・ャGウ@ equations in terms of phasors for sinusoidally varying
QヲャゥAZ}セ 。ァョ・エゥ@ c fie! ds. Consider a uniform plane w<Ne in an isotropic and
eneous medtum, and show that the electnc and magnetic field are not m time

(b) A series resonant circuit has its impedance
z(s)= 20(s+l+jlO)(s+l- j!O)
(i) Resonant frequency
(ii) Q factor
(iii) A and width
(iv) Impedance under resonance condition.
(c) Two single-phase full converters are used for controlling the speed of a separately -excited de
motor. One full-converter in the field circuit has zero degree firing -angle delay. Both the
converters are connected to !-phase, 2 20 V, 50 Hz source. DC motor armature resistance is
0.60 and field circuit resistance is 1500 and its constant is 0.6 V-s/A-rad. Armature and
field currents are ripple free. For a firing angle delay of 40° and armature current 40 A,
(i) The motor speed in rpm,
(ii) Power factor of the armature converter, and
(iii) Power factor of the drive scheme.

(d) (i) Define sensitivity, selectivity and fidelity wi

• 6
a radio receiver. What is
double spotting and its effects on a receiver?
(ii) A superhet receiver having no RF 。ュ セ L@ aded Q of the antenna coupling
circuit is I 00. If the superhet is ti i , o for HF reception so that its image
rejection at 25 M Hz is as good as I0 4 determine the I oaded Q which an RF
amplifier for this receiver wo JT have and the new IF that would be needed in
the absence of the RF ampli (A IF of455 kHz).
8 + 12
6. (a)

(b) (i) A rectane ll metal waveguide of internal cross-section 7366 em x 3.556 em

carries gnal in the TE10 mode. Calculate the maximum power handling
cap abili waveguide assuming the maximum permissible electric field inside
the 。カ・ セ 、・@ to be 30 kV/cm.
セG|N@ am how a PLL can be used for demodulation of FM stgnals Define capture range
セML 。ョ@ lockrangeofaPLL

(1) Wh1te Gaussian no1se of two s1ded spectral dens1ty I 0" 12 V2/Hz 1s apphed to a
pass (RC) filter ha111ng a 3 dB cut-off frequency of I kHz Fmd the output no1se
(ii) The received signal is r(t) = s(t) + n(t) where s(t) is the signal and n(t) is the noise
signal. The signal pro cess is random with an autocorrelation R.(-t) = 2e·M. The noise is
a sample function of a random process with auto-correlation Pn(t) ・ᄋャセN@ If the two
processes are having zero mean value and are independent of each other determine the
autocorrelation and total power of r(t).
5 + 15
7. (a) What is uniform plane wave? Define all the parameters associated with it. What is meant by
group velocity?
A uniform pi ane electro -magnetic wave travelling in region I (Si, IJ.!, en) is incident normally
on a plane boundary separating the region 2(e2, セjM R L@ cr2), How are the ref! ected and the
transmitted waves at the interface related to the incident wave?
I0+ I0
(b) Distinguish AM and NBFM signals. Obtain an expression for NBFM and WBFM signals.
Determine the approximate band of frequencies occupied by an FM wave with cam er
frequency of 5 kHz, Kt = I 0 HzN and f(t) I 00 cos 2 00 1tt volts.
(c) Distinguish between envelope detection and synchronous detection. Explain a Cos loop
receiver for demodulating a DSBS C signal. Explain how the squaring circuit can a! be ed
for synchronous detection.
8. (a) (i)

p) ---t-4
p• Mセ セ セ@
F1 Fz F
Fi =abc+ abc+ be

F3 =abe+ 。「 セ」@
By using an or cGWZN セ ッキョ@ in Figure, where P1 toPs are the product terms in one or
more ッヲエィ・カ。イゥ セ 。L「」@ andc. Write down the terms P1, P2, I'), P, and P5 .
I0+ I0
(b) A 50 セ UP@ Hz, star-connected synchronous generator with per phase impedance of
0. · . • working with rated terminal voltage. It is required to sup pi y a power of 25 kW

sider the circuit sho'W!l below. Main thyristor Tl and auxiliary thyristor TA are off and
capacitor is charged to voltage V, with upper pi ate positive. Sketch the waveforms for i0 , i,,
it1, v, and Vt1 (assuming constant toad current), after
(i) thyristor Tl is turned on
(ii) steady slate is reached in part (i) and then thynistor TA is turned on
セᄋu@ tt -

... v
·- +
C Tl


From these waveforms, obtain the expressions for circuit tum-off time for
In case V, = 2 20 V, R = I 0 0 and maximum value of curre
times the load current, calculate the value of commutating inductanc__..,."""',....
c1rcu1t tum-off time for the amahary SC R

4. (a) Describe the factors on which the conductivity of intrinsic semiconductor depends.
A semiconductor is made of 'n' -type germanium. From the following data, calculate the
conductivity of 'n' -type germanium:
(i) Density of Ge = 5.32 x I 03 kg/m3
(ii) At. wt. of Ge = 72.6 kg/kmol
(111) Charge of electron= I 6 x 10·9 C
(tv) Mobthty of holes= 0 18 m2/V s
(v) Mo bthty of electrons = 3 8 m2IV s

(b) Descnb e the bast c modul all on schemes In digttal data transmiSSIOn r'-Jセ@ 20

(c) Explam what ts meant by saymg that a satelhte ts ウエ。ッョ セ M エウ オ」ィ@ satelhtes used for
worl dwtde commumcatt ons m preference to any otherr Y

'-J 20
5. Select any three of the followtng statements, reJ ;h : efull y and tdenttfy the correct and the
mcorrect ones Justtfy your answer usmg not セ P@ 0 words tn each cas a
m z-plane, the system ts st e
(b) The magnettc prop;
.E enal ts completely lost above tts charactensttc Cun e
(c) The chances ッヲ セ@ on m subsequent current zero mcrease m case of atr blast CS but
decrease m otl
(d) The band ·dth o a C M signal is much I arger than that of original base band.
6. (a) Explai ' e$ ency can be measured using four arm bridge arrangement. Derive balance
o ch a bndge M entton the range of frequency measurement and accuracy of
me- rement If apphed voltage ts non- smusotdal, wtll tt be po sst ble to balance this

...... Descnb e a commuru cation ctrcwt usmg modem and explatn how modems are classified,
セ@ 20
(c) Explain the significance o fblind speed in moving target indicator (MTI) by radar.
A MTI operates at 5 GHz with a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 40 0 pp s. Calculate the
lowest blind speed of radar.
7. (a) Discuss the performances of proportional pi us derivative and proportional plus integral
(b) Describe radar beacons and their application.
(c) What do you mean by bandwidth of single mode fibre and describe the factors on which it
8. (a) Explain the following
(1) Gatn margm (u) Phase margtn
How are they determmed from Nyqu1st plot and Bode plot? セ@
(b) A generator 1s connected to a motor through a Y/i:J. transformer The ァ・ セNヲエ N@ nnected
to the star s1de of the transformer A fault occurs between the mo!ot エ セ ュ ケ 。ャ@ and the
transformer The symmetncal components of the sub -transient 」 セ エ@ ;M :wtor flowtng
towards the fault are I., - 0 8 - J2 6 p u, I., -J 2 0 p u and I., -j , Fro セ エィ・@ transformer
towards fault!., 0 8- JO 4 p u, I., -J I 0 p u and I., 0 Ae 1X" セ ヲッイ@ both the motor
and the generator Descnbe (1) the type offault, (u) the pre ent 1fany, mime 'a'

(c) Explam the terms energy management, ・ョイァケ イウ

ᄋセ セ ・イァケ@
econonucs Explatn how
these techruques can be used to 1mprove セ ・@ ormance of an energy starved mter
connected power system. 4 ..
セ@ 20


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