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Cmulidales should attempt questions 1 m!d 5 which are compulsory and mly lhree of ll!e n!llUiining
quesliol!S seleaion at least one question selectit!g t:a leastolle queslionfrom each Section.



(ii) Given E= ir.E0e-i"' in a region, where k is a constant.

Find the time average Poynting vector.

(iii) Silicon diodes D1 and D2 in the circuit of the figw-e given below have satw-ation
em-rent of I nA and 20 nA, respectively, at 300 K. Find i 1, i2 , V 1 and V 2 Given
Boltzmann constant
k = 1.38 x 10" 23 J/K, electronic charge
q = 1.6 x 10" 19 C and emission coefficient n =I
for Ge and 2 for Si.

iセGML@ I
r.____ ___,i2jl u
(iv) DeS! gn a 2-mput, 3-output arcu1t wh1ch can be
by cho osmg output p Olnts rオウ ""fJ
セ ヲエ 、 、・イ@ or half subtracter

エッ セ@ ・ュセ@
(c) (i) Denve an expression for armature
armature current and speed m rpm セBG@ v motor m terms of back

(ii) What wtll be the
カ。ャオ・ セ ウ@ ero voltage regulation for a single phase

(d) (i) Two random セ 。イゥ@ • I have the joint
..Lセ@ >0
Pdf t
f. Z
, l x,y_
0, otherwise
ere A stant.
{i"-. セ エ・@ + and detennine the marginal p dfs and draw the corresponding graphs.
セ@ 10
ヲャゥR⦅ セ イ・。エ@ distances from the Hertzian dipole antenna the EM fields resemble those of a
セML オョゥヲッイュ@ plane wave. Write the similarities and differences (at least five points).

..... (i) define a network function and explain how the poles & zeros are related to a
(ii) Explain how an analog signal can be constructed from its samples. What are the
conditions for faithful reconstruction? Give any one reconstruction circuit.
(iii) An airline has characteristic impedance of75 ohms and phase constant of 3 rad/m at
I 00 M Hz, Find the inductance and capacitance per meter of the line.
(iv) Input voltage to the circuit of the figure given below is Vin = 12 sin t V. Detennine the
output voltage v0 and sketch it, What is the name of the circuit?

(b) (i) Draw the phaser diagram of a single-phase transformer. fセ ャ@ -phase

transformer of 440/4400 volts, 50 Hz, the no load current ゥ ・セ 。ョウヲッイュ・@
input-power fed from I ow voltage side is 80 watts. cui 1ron loss and
magnetizing component of currents and the power factor at no

(ii) A 1500 kVA, 6 6/1 I kV, 3-<j> delta-star

data, when low voltage st de IS short-arcu1te
」ッョ ッセ Z@ has the followtng エセウ@
300 V, 30 kW, 1312 A セBINL⦅@ .....

(I)% resistance and reactance
セBG@ v
(2)% regulation on fulllo 0. . ag
(c) (i) A battery is 」ィ。イァ・ セ ケ@ i . e-phase half-wave controlled rectifier using SCR

"""" f
2301 :
circuit. A resist e 0 s is used between rectifier and battery. An ac source
•do i'P" 0 ""'" If .. b"'oy "'"" i• ISO V d<

(!) セ Vj@ ging current

(2) ーセ ーャゥ・、@ to battery
+ 12

explain the role of each component.

...... (i) For the circuit given below draw the network graph and draw any three possible tree:
of the network.
Prove that for the network graph L = B - (N - I) where
L =no. oflinks
B =no. of branches
N =no. of nodes

y[n + I] -2 y[n] = x[n] y[O] = 0

IL. Show that tf 2R1 = 2R2 = R3 + R. and R.- R1 = 0 entL= +vimA.

セ@ . . flf

(b) (i) Explain

fie ・ク セ
I'> A ィ・ョ@
fl henomena in a synchronous motor operating at constant voltage
load on the shaft is suddenly decreased.
+ 8

A motor is rated as follows:

3-41 400 V, star connected, R. 0.2 ohm, X, = 2 ohm. For 20 A annature current
cal cui ate excitation emf at 0. 8 leading P. F. condition.
(i) Draw the circuit diagram of a step-up/step-down de chopper. Write expression for
the average output voltage using energy b a! ance equation.
(ii) A chopper circuit is operating on Time Ratio Control strategy at a frequency of 2 kHz
on 220 V de supply. If the load voltage is 200 V de, compute the conduction and
blocking period of SC R in each cycle.

4. (a) (i) Compute the quality factor of an RLC series circuit with R = 20, 0, L = 50 mM and
C = I IJ.F using.

R «JoCR /3
(ii) Impulse response and input to a discrete time system are given as
h[n] = a,nu[n] 0 <a,< I
x[n] = u[n]
Detemune response of the system 5
81r-filled rectangular cav1ty of d1menstons 5 x 4 x 2 5 em
(iv) Descnb e what happens to each of the folloWlng CMOS
mer eased 6 arac 1cs as VDD 1s

(1) N o1se margm

Power d1ss1p at! on
Swttching speed CJ
(b) (i) Show • • •• ""'' '(') • '£[ イッ GHェゥL セIM •m•J•m(•l• セI}@ um SSB
s1gnal Is 1t USB or LSB? Wnte pre on for the m1ssmg st deband Obta1n an
expression for the total DS B-S st
I 0.

(c) an


Draw the circuit arrangement also.

(ii) Find the voltage transfer function V2/ V1 for the network given below.

+ セャN@

(b) (i) Impulse response of two systems are

セNM⦅lvᄋ@ gt ven as

Detemune whtch of the above systems are (I) causal, (2) memory ss

(ii) A lossless parallel strip line has a conducting width W.

constant is I 0 and has a thickness of 4 mm. c。ャ セ
r セ@
A セ セ セゥ 「 ッ@ f W to have a
strate dielectric

characteristic impedance of75 0 and also the line 」 セ ・ K@

(iii) What is the impedance reflection

circuit of a typical source follower and pp
ーイゥョ セ ゥ@ rセ _:.edョ@ to FET circuits? Draw th:
principle to obtain its output
equivalent circuit. 4 .,
(iv) Deternune セ@
(I) maximum conversion •

(J) BGセᄋ@
for a 16-bit
* .' セ@ e AiD converter using a I MHz clock.
m +
ase of three-phase mductt on motor, den ve the ratio of maxtmum torque to full
lo ail torque as

...... T, =I f32+s2FL where f3=!l.
セ@ TFL 2 j3.sFL :12
(iii) A fully controlled three-phase bridge is operating in inverting mode from an ac supply
of 22 0 V, 50 Hz. The source inductance per phase is 0.3 2 mH. If the converter is
operating with an angle of firing advance of 30 °, calculate maximum current that can
be commuted, allowing a recovery angle of 5°. Neglect device volt drops.
(d) (i) In an Armstrong modulator the crystal frequency is 2 00 kHz. The angular deviation is
to be 0. 2 and the system is to accommodate modulation frequencies down to 4 0 Hz .


At the 0/P the carrier frequency is to be I 0 8 MHz and the frequency deviation be 8 0
kHz. Determine multiplier and mixer oscillator frequencies to accomplish this end.
(ii) A magnetic field strength of 15 IJ.A/m is required at a point on 1t = x/2, 2 km from an
antenna in air. Neglect ohmic loss. How much power would the antenna transmit if it

(!)a 'JJ2 dipole?

(2) a 10 tum 100 p antenna of radius 'JJ20?

6. (a) (i)

(ii) ge density p inside a conductor, then s/cr seconds

.;) p. For copper (cr = 5 x I 01 S/m), calculate this


The useful signal power at the receiver inut is I ll.W. The received signal is bandpass filtered,
multiplied by 2 cos oo,t and then low pass filtered to obtain the output So (t) + no (t).
Determine the output SNR.
(c) (i) Draw a neat schematic of a traveling -wave amplifier. List the elements of the tube and
their constructional details.
(c) (i) Draw a simple two -valley conduction band diagram for GaAs. The band structure of a
semiconductor must satisfy three criterions to exhibit negative resistance for
transferred electron effect to occur. State them.
(ii) With the help of neat sketches explain the fabrication steps for making MOSFETs.
8. (a) (i) Define the following terms related to electrical circuits
An ideal filter
Network graph d

, ...
(ii) Provethatz[nx[n]]= -z dzX(Z)
where z[x[n] = X(Z)
without any change in ROC. "-/

(iii) What do you understand by Miller

parameters are given
fl!. For a CE amplifier ヲッャキゥョセ@
r 1 •10 Ml セ 」NMᄋ@ 4p. セ@ •l.Ml
C.,.•300pF r •2
s.... 0.5 5 ..
R1 •300 Oand rN セ ᄋ セ@

Determine エィ セ 」・N@

(iv) Draw エィ ゥ セ ャ セ@ and timing diagram of a 3-bit binary ripple up counter オウゥョセ@
posttlve セ ァ・イ、@ FF's.
(b) (i) , V t shunt motor has no-lo ad speed of 2 00 0 rpm. It is running at I 00 0 rpm at

of rated value with armature voltage and field voltage held constant at previous
values; the speed increases to I 0 50 rpm. Find armature voltage drop at full load.
Neglect effect of armature reaction.
(ii) A 50 0 V, 3 -phase star connected synchronous motor has a resistance and synchronous
reactance of 0.4 ohms and 3. 6 ohms per phase respectively. The open circuit voltage
is 600 V. If friction and core loss are I kW. calculate line current and power factor
when motor output is 62 kW.
(c) (i) Explain briefly the different control strategies of chopper.
(ii) An ideal single quadrant chopper operating in first quadrant is supplied with power
from an ideal battery source of terminal voltage 2 00 V. The I oad voltage waveform
consists of rectangular pulses of duration I msec in overall chopper time of 3 msec.
Calculate the average and rms values of the load voltage and voltage rip pie factor.
(iii) A 20 0 V, 875 rpm, !50 A, separate! y excited de motor has an armature resistance of
0.0 60. It is fed from a single phase fully controlled rectifier with an ac source voltage
of 2 20 V, 50 Hz. Assuming continuous conduction, cal cui ate
(I) firing angle for rated motor torque and 75 0 rpm.
(2) motor speed for a.= 160° and rated torque.

(i) Output voltage, power and efficiency at a loading factor of 0. 7.
(ii) Open circuit voltage and short circuit current.
(iii) Maximum power output.
3. (a) How are diodes realized in integrated circuits using transistor structures? Describe and
compare the three most popular diode structures with diagrams.
(b) A power system is supplied by only two plants, both of which are operating o c
despatch. At the bus of plant I, the incremental cost is Rs. 275/-per MWh and
300/- per MWh Wh1ch plant has the higher penalty factor? What 1s エィ セL@
plant I 1f the cost per hour of tncreasmg the load on the system of I MW 1.
(c) (1) Show how three d1stance relays should be connected .r セ エ@ and ーッエ・ョZセ@
セ ・@
same sens1t11nty for all types of mult1phase faults
protective system to smgle-phase earth faults?
transformers of a 3 -phase transnu sst on !me m order that the system has the
the response of this

(u) What 1s the effect of fault Impedance on セ イ セ@ ce of d1stance protection?

Suggest a method for overcommg th1s ・ セ ヲ・@ t... '-J
4. (a) Differentiate between Instruction Cycle Hi セ 、@ ne Cycle (M C), Explam all the b as1 c
Machine Cycles of 80 85 microprocess n difference between a FETCH cycle and an
INTA s1gnal.
(b) What IS meant by eccenm em aJOr 8XIS, apogee and pengee? The cosmos 1675
satelhte has an ap ッァ セ・ィ@ 3 4 2 kms and a pen gee he1ght of 613 kms Detemune the
senu -maJor axt s, and the c of 1ts orb1t Asswne the mean earth rad1us of 6 371 kms

(c) Summanze the 0 butes and hm1tat1ons of phased <NVay radar


5. Answer an e fouowtng
3 X 20=60
(a) urement of Hall-Coefficient reveals the sign of charge carriers, thus giving type of
ctivity and the concentration of charge carriers", Explain the 'Hall-Effect in D-typ e
ウセ 」ッョ、オエイウN@ Hence define Hall-Co efficient.
"Bridges can be used for the detennination of frequency in terms of values of various bridge
elements". If this is correct draw the bridge and derive condition forb alance. Why and how
are two resistances and capacitances made equal? Can this bridge be used for measurement of
(c) HVDC transmission is economically superior to HVAC transmission in respect of transmitted
power and line losses. Comment. Asswne equal conductor resistance for the two transmission
(d) In a single mode fibre the waveguide dispersion can cancel the material dispersion making
intra modal dispersion zero over a small range of wavelength. Comment. The wavelength
range is around 'I. 3 IJ.m.
6. (a) Discuss the phenomenon of superconductivity. What is 'critical-field' in a superconductor?
How it is affected by temperature? Write the functional relationship. Write application of a
superconductor as an electrical switching element.
(b) In a TOM eli gital communication system 774 voice sampies (using S bits/sample) and 3 6
control bytes are multiplexed in one frame. If the sampling rate for voice signals is 8 00 0
sample/sec. calculate (i) frame duration in sec, (ii) bit rate of the system, (iii) if the upstream
signal is higher in frequency than this bit rate (calculated in part ii) by I ppm, calculate the
number of frames after which one negative stuffing byte will be provided.

(c) D1scuss how a CW radar extracts the Doppler frequency sluft from a ュッ セ@
stationary clutter echoes reJected

7. (a) D1scuss the processes mvolved m real1zmg the exp1taxtal growth, ュセ 、@ etchmg ヲッイセZ@
(b) ZᄋセG@ oッゥセ@
ripple reduced at the integrating circuit.
of <h<
for separating the H and V sync pulses? Discuss
o4__ ヲ セ セ sc
atic and waveforms; how is
(c) Consider a Fabry Perot Laser diode ma エセ セ エィ@ refractive index= 3.5


8. (a)

at is load frequency control and why it is used?
A I 00 MVA synchronous generator is operating on fulllo ad at a frequency of 50 Hz.
The I oad is suddenly reduced to 65 MW. Due to time Jag in governor system, the
steam valve begins to close after 0.5 second. Determine the change in frequency that
occurs in this period of time. Assume H = 5 MJ/MVA of generator capacity.
(c) In a 132 -kV, 3-phase earthed-neutral transmission circuit, a 3-phase solid fault occurred at
some distance from the circuit breaker in sub station. The power factor of the faulted section
of the circuit (between the breaker and the fault) was 0. 3, the recovery voltage was 0. 95 of
the full rated value, the breaking current was symmetrical and the restriking voltage transient
had a natural frequency of 16 kHz. Compute the average value of the rate-of-rise of restriking
voltage (RRRV). 20

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