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4B– Put it on your CV

VOCABULARY: study and work; word stress

1. VOCABULARY & PRONUNCIATION study and work; word stress

a. Write four words from the list in each circle.

A levels campus classroom CV degree

experience graduate (noun) head teacher
professor pupil qualifications reference

school University Applying for

A levels campus a job
classroom graduate(noun) CV
head degree experience
teacher professor qualifications
pupil reference

Study and Meaning Example sentence
A levels Advanced level A-Levels (Advanced Level qualifications) are a UK subject-based
qualification for students aged 16 and above. They are usually studied over
two years, ...
classroom aula Studies show students learn more in the classroom than they do in self-
directed study.
head teacher director (de colegio) The head teacher gave a talk to all the pupils who were leaving school.
pupil alumno I was the last pupil to leave the classroom at the end of the day.
campus campus The main university campus is located around Gower Street.
graduate graduado We're looking for a graduate to fill this role. ~ I have a degree in
degree grado (título) Did you go to university? ~ Yes, I have a degree in literature.
professor profesor universitario She's a professor of nutrition at Columbia University.
CV currículum It took me hours to write a CV, but now I can use it for lots of jobs.
experience experiencia I have five years of experience as a lawyer.
qualifications cualificación What qualifications do you have that make you right for the job?
reference carta de My tutor promised to give me a reference when I apply for jobs.

b) Vocabulary bank p.229 - Study and work

a Read the text about University College London (UCL) and complete
it with words the list.

campus dissertation
faculties halls of residence
lectures postgraduates
professors seminars
thesis tutor
undergraduates webinars

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4B– Put it on your CV
VOCABULARY: study and work; word stress

University College London, also known as UCL, is one of London’s most important universities.
Founded in 1826, it is based in the Bloomsbury area of central London. The main 1 campus is
located around Gower Street.
UCL currently has around 38.000 students, both 2 undergraduates (students studying for their
first degree) and 3 postgraduates (students studying for further degrees). Further degrees
include a Master’s degree, usually a one-year course at the end of which students have to write a
dissertation, or a PhD (doctorate), a three-year (or more) course during which students have to
write a doctoral 5 thesis.
UCL has around 7.000 academic and research staff, and 840 6 professors (the highest ranked
university teacher), which is more than any other British university. The research and teaching is
divided into ten 7 faculties, e.g. Arts and Humanities, Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences,
Many students, particularly first year undergraduates and overseas students, live in 8 halls of
residence. The majority of others find their own accommodation. Students are taught in tutorials
(small groups of students with a 9 tutor), or through 10 seminars (larger classes where students
discuss or study with their teacher) or 11 lectures (where a large group of students listen to a talk
but do not participate). Some teaching may also be in the form of 12 webinars (seminars
conducted over the internet).

Famous past students range from Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, and
Mahatma Gandhi, to all the members of the rock group Coldplay, who met while at university

b What do the bold words and phrases mean? 4.13

Higher Meaning Meaning in English - Example sentence

campus campus The buildings of a college or university where students live.
The main university campus is located around Gower Street.
undergraduate estudiante universitario A student who is studying for their first degree at a college or university.
que aún no se ha My friend is an undergraduate . He is studying for a history and politics
graduado degree.
postgraduate estudiante de A student who has already received one degree and is studying at a
posgrado university for a more advanced degree.
I'm a postgraduate because I'm studying for my PhD.
dissertation ensayo A long piece of writing which usually takes one year and you have to write
for your master's degree.
At the end of the course, I need to write a 20,000 word dissertation
thesis tesis A long piece of writing which usually takes one year and you have to write
for your PhD.
During a PhD, students have to write a doctoral thesis.
professor profesor universitario A teacher of the highest rank in a department of a British university, or a
teacher of high rank in an American university or college.
She's a professor of nutrition at Columbia University.
faculty facultad A department or group of departments in a university.
I'm a member of the Faculty of Business.
A department or group of departments in a university.
hall of residencia
residence (de estudiantes Many students, particularly first year undergraduates and overseas
students, live in halls of residence.
tutor tutor A teacher at a British college or university who teaches one student or a
small group.
My course tutor usually runs seminars on a Wednesday.

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4B– Put it on your CV
VOCABULARY: study and work; word stress

Higher Meaning Meaning in English - Example sentence

seminar seminario A class where students discuss or study with a teacher.
Students have the chance to discuss topics and ask questions in the
lecture clase, conferencia A talk to a group of people about a particular subject, especially at a
college or university.where students listen and take notes.
Don't forget about our 9 am lecture tomorrow!
lecturer conferenciante, orador The name for a teacher who teaches at a university or college.
webinar Seminario web A a seminar conducted over the internet.
We watched the webinar rather than going to the seminar.

Study and work Meaning in English

first degrees A degree taken at the end of undergraduate studies
further degrees Studies that include a master’s degree or a PhD.
Master’s degree A university degree that students get if they study for one or two years after
their first degree.
PhD Postgraduate doctoral degree, awarded to students who complete an original
thesis offering a significant new contribution to knowledge in their subject.
Academic and research staff personnel who work at university.
Overseas students foreign students who come from a country across the sea.
Tutorials A lesson in which a student or a small group of students discusses a subject
with a tutor, especially at a university or college.
A gap year (año sabático) A year between leaving school and starting university that is usually spent
travelling or working.


a Complete the gaps with a noun from the list.

CV experience intern
interview job offer
permit qualifications
reference skills vacancy

What you may need to have

qualifications (e.g. degree, a diploma)
experience (having done some work before)
skills (e.g. languages, IT)
a reference (a letter from a person who would be prepared to recommend you)

What you may need to do

look for a 5 job vacancy or course
apply for a 6 work permit, a place on a course, a grant / scholarship
write a 7 CV and a covering letter
attend an 8 interview
get a 9 job offer or an offer for a place on a course
work as an 10 intern

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4B– Put it on your CV
VOCABULARY: study and work; word stress

b What do the bold words and phrases mean? 4.14

What you may Meaning Meaning in English - Example sentence

need to have
To apply for a job solicitar, postularse To send your CV and cover letter to a complany that is advertising a job
qualifications cualificación A degree, a diploma.
What qualifications do you have that make you right for the job?
experience experiencia Having done some work before.
I have five years of experience as a lawyer.
skills destrezas A particular ability that you develop through training and experience and
that is useful in a job.
I have the skills to be a mechanic but there is no work.
IT informática Information technology, computers
reference Carta de A letter from a person who would be prepared to recommend you.
recomendación My tutor promised to give me a reference when I apply for jobs.
referee facilitador, mediador A person who would be prepared to recommend you, typically speaking to
the applicant's qualifications, character, and suitability for the position.
What you may Meaning Meaning in English - Example sentence
need to do
vacancy vacante A job that no one is doing and is therefore available for someone new to do
I’ve seen a job vacancy in your department.
permit permiso
Do you need to apply for a work permit?
grant beca Money that an organisation gives somebody to help pay for education. It is
awarded to students from lower-income backgrounds
scholarship Money that an organisation gives somebody to help pay for education. It is
awarded on the basis of academic achievement.
CV currículum a document giving details of your qualifications and the jobs you have had
in the past that you send to someone when you are applying for a job
It took me hours to write a CV, but now I can use it for lots of jobs.
covering letter Carta de presentación a letter that you send with your CV to give extra information when applying
for a job.
interview entrevista
I have to attend an interview for a new job on Monday.
job offer oferta de trabajo An offer from an employer to give you a job
You might have to attend several interviews before you get a job offer.
intern estudiante en prácticas A student, or someone who has recently finished their studies, who works
for a company or organization for a short time, sometimes without being
paid, in order to get experience of a particular type of work.
In the summer I’m going to work as an intern.
trainee aprendiz, becario A person who is learning the skills and knowledge needed for a particular
trial period período de prueba a fixed period of time which tests the ability or performance of somebody
before they are offered the job permanently
entry-level job puesto básico A beginner level position in a company, usually with a lower salary.
vocational clases prácticas an official course work that teaches you job skills you will need for entry-
training level employment, and qualifies you for professions like mechanic,
electrician, hairdresser etc.

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4B– Put it on your CV
VOCABULARY: study and work; word stress

attend or assist

attend asistir (a) (formal) to be present at an event

Students must attend their seminars.
We strongly recommend that students attend all of their lectures.
assist ayudar (a) (formal) to help sb to do sth
I'll assist you in applying for jobs.
Jack was happy to assist Peter with gathering information for the report.

apprenticeship or intership

apprenticeship aprendizaje A period of time during which sb (usually a young person) works for an
employer to learn the skills needed for a specific job.
I did an apprenticeship as a young engineer.
The apprenticeship to be an electrician lasts about three years and there is
an exam you must pass at the end.
intership período de prácticas A period of time during which sb (usually a student or recent graduate) gets
practical experience of a job.
I did an internship with a media company. I got lots of experience.
Before I got my first job, I did an internship at a publishing company.

c Underline the stressed syllable in these words 4.15

a|ttend /əˈtend/ di|sser|ta|tion /ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃən/ P|h|D /ˌpiːeɪtʃˈdiː/
post|gra|du|ate /ˌpəʊstˈɡrædʒuət/ pro|fe|ssor /prəˈfesə(r)/
re|fe|rence /refrəns/ re|si|dence /ˈrɛzɪdəns/ scho|lar|ship /ˈskɒlərʃɪp/
se|mi|nar /ˈsemɪnɑː(r)/ tu|to|ri|al /tjuːˈtɔːriəl/ qua|li|fi|ca|tions /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃnz
va|can|cy /ˈveɪkənsi/ un|der|gra|du|ate /ˌʌndəˈɡrædʒuət/

e Work in pairs. What is the difference between…?

1. An undergraduate and a postgraduate.

An undergraduate is somebody studying for a first degree at university.
A postgraduate is somebody who is studying for a further degree.

2. A Master’s degree and a PhD.

A Master’s degree is a one-year postgraduate qualification.
A PhD is a three-year (or more) postgraduate qualification.

3. A campus and a hall residence.

A campus is the buildings and land of a college or university.
A hall of residence is a building where university students live while they are

4. A professor and a tutor.

A professor is a highly-ranked teacher at university.
A tutor is a university teacher who pays special attention to the studies of a group of

5. A seminar and a webinar

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4B– Put it on your CV
VOCABULARY: study and work; word stress

A seminar is a university class where students discuss or study with their teacher.
A webinar is a seminar conducted over the internet.

6. A tutorial and a lecture

A tutorial is a class with a very small group of students.
A lecture is a class where a large group of students listen to a talk, but do not

7. Qualificacions and skills

Qualifications are exams that you have passed or a course of study that you have
successfully completed.
Skills are things that you can do well (e.g. speak a language).

8. A CV and a covering letter / email

A CV is a record of your education and work experience that you send when you apply for
a job.
A covering letter / email is a letter / email that you send with your CV when you apply for
a job, usually explaining why you are applying.

Speakers of Spanish
Go online for extra Vocabulary and Pronunciation > at work, the suffix -tion

The suffix -tion

The suffix -tion is pronounced with the /ʃ/ sound (as in shower). It has only one syllable and as the
suffix is not stressed the vowel sound becomes /ə/.

So the suffix is pronounced /ʃən/ as in station /'steɪʃən/.

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4B– Put it on your CV
VOCABULARY: study and work; word stress

British School vocabulary

 Nursery school
A nursery school is an educational establishment that provides for children usually between the
ages of 3 and 5. Also called preschool (kindergarten is not generally used in the UK).

 Primary school : Y1-Y6 (the ages of 5 and 11)

If a child’s parents have opted for state education in the UK, he or she will start at a primary school
around the time of his or her 5th birthday.
Year 1 (age 5-6)
Year 2 (age 6-7) The year when SATs testing takes place for Key Stage 1
Year 3 (age 7-8)
Year 4 (age 8-9)
Year 5 (age 9-10)
Year 6 (age 10-11) The year when SATs testing takes place for Key Stage 2

 Secondary school: Y7-Y11

A child in the UK will attend compulsory secondary school between the ages of 11 and 16. Some
leave school for work at this stage, some stay at the same school or attend a 6 th Form College for
optional additional education.
Years 7-8 (age 11-13): Years 7 and 8 are the first two years of secondary school education in
the UK. All students study English, Maths, Sciences, a Humanity and a Modern Language.
Besides these subjects, each school has a list with optional subjects (Art, Music, Drama, Latin,
Sport Science, Design Technology, Computer Science), and students may choose a few
subjects that interest them.
Year 9 (age 13-14): Year 9 is a very important year in the British school system, as most of
the students make the transition from Junior School to Senior School.
Years 10-11 (age 14-16): In the last two years of secondary education, students prepare for
GCSE exams that are taken after two years. During the GCSE programme, students study
between 9 and 12 subjects. Some of them are compulsory (English, Math, 2/3 Sciences,
History/Geography, a Modern Language etc.), some are chosen by each student according to
their abilities and preferences. At the end of the 2 year GCSE programme, following the
examinations on each studied subject, students receive their GCSE Certificates.
o General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) - Y11

 University Preparation – Y12-Y13 (the ages of 16 and 18)

o A level study: Once a student reaches the age of 16, they can start a 2 year programme
which leads to A (Advanced) level examinations. Students specialise in 3 or 4 subjects,
that are usually relevant to the degree subject they wish to follow at university
At the end of Year 13 when the students are 18, following the examinations in each
subject, the students receive A level Certificates. (advanced level)

 6th Form/ 6th Form College: Y12-Y13

6th Form’ refers to school provision beyond the compulsory school age of 16. More recently known
as years 12, 13 and sometimes 14, the name 6th Form came about because it follows on from the
5 compulsory years of secondary education.

 Further education Establishments (Usually Colleges)

Education provided beyond secondary school level, that does not lead to a degree level
qualification is often undertaken at a further education college.
 Higher Education Establishments (Usually Universities)
Education provided beyond secondary school level, that leads to a degree level qualification is
usually undertaken at a university.

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4B– Put it on your CV
VOCABULARY: study and work; word stress

Speakers of Spanish

work from home trabajar desde casa plumber fontanero
self-employed autónomo shifts turnos
stay-at-home dad Padre que se queda en casa overtime Horas extras
work-life balance Conciliación de vida fliar y laboral commute Desplazamientos
pay rise aumento salarial

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