Introduction of Rondo Op

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Introduction of Rondo Op.2 No.3 by Dinioso Aguado

How does melodic repetition and harmonic structure to overall from of this peace?
Melodic repetition from this piece is written clearly, first section, melodic note is written at
the top note, in second section, it turns into base note in this piece. As this peace is
introduction of Rondo, harmonic structure is not that intense, it means andante and a lot of
tonic is in this piece.

How does phrase structure connect to the larger form?

Phrase of this piece start from auftakt until first section and after 2 first short phrase, longer
phrase is coming to drive the piece dramatically. This phrase structure is continuing to middle

Where are the moments of greatest tension and drama in this piece? What musical features
contribute to the importance of those moments?
I think it is bar 26 to 29, in this moments, rhythm has changed and become secondary
dominant in bar 27, so it sounds dramatic, after that, it sounds quit calm down as Tonic, in
bar 29, A is working as appoggiatura, and shows secondary dominant again. From 26 to 29,top
note is always getting higher. I think that which become it sounds greatest tension and drama
in this piece.

What moments or features in the piece are the most surprising or unexpected? Why? Are
these moments the most difficult to explain analytically?
I think it is last note of this piece, normally, much of piece ends up with Tonic and quite slow
down. But in this piece, last section is used Ⅱ7. So it sounds uncomfortable if this piece ends
with this note. But this piece is introduction of Rond, looking at Rond op,2 no3, it starts from
Tonic, this is a interpretation.

How closely does the piece follow the expected model for music of its type and period?
This piece was written by Dinioso Aguado (1784-1849), this era in which it was written was
classic and romanticism. These eras was popular with secular music, rather than sacred music.
This piece shows that features clearly. Even though it is introduction, sounds great and
dramatic. Besides, this era is so popular with Rondo form, Rond piece is basically that which
was established in the 18th century, is a composition consisting of a theme and an interjection,
The piece is generally not long, and consists of a theme and insertions. The number of
insertions is indeterminate. But this piece after the introduction, it going to be A→B→A→C
→A. Thatʼs why itʼs typical Rond form. So this piece is almost following the background of
model in the era. Besides, this piece is used so many appoggiatura, it also represents the
model in this era.

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