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Sesson plan

Switch pitch
This session encourages players to
work as part of a small team and a
large team – at the same time.

Set it up
• Create two playing areas GOAL GOAL
close together (a match will
be played in each).
• Split your players into two

Get playing
The teams decide how many
players to put in each area – and GOAL GOAL
can move individuals between
areas whenever they want.
The aim is to win as many BALL: PLAYERS:
matches as possible.

Increase the challenge

Using STEP is a great way to do this.

You could:
• add another pitch
• make one pitch longer or wider than the other
• introduce a rule around scoring – such as a one-touch finish
• increase or decrease the size of the goals
• lock players to a pitch after they have moved once.
Sesson plan
Play forward
This session encourages players
to play the ball forward – as
creatively as possible.

Set it up
• Create two end zones on your
pitch (leaving a large area in
the middle).
• Make sure each end zone
contains a goal.

Get playing MIDDLE ZONE

The game starts with an equal
score, such as 10-10. If a team
gets a goal, it’s added to this tally.
When individuals have the ball in
the middle area, they must play END ZONE
If they pass the ball backwards, GOAL
their team loses a goal. The aim
is to have the highest goal tally BALL: PLAYERS:
after a defined time.

Increase the challenge

When a team reaches a certain target – such as 15 goals – they lose a player to
their opponents. This resets the score and the game starts again.
Sesson plan
Avoid your opponent
This session encourages
movement and 1v1 interactions -
and you don’t even need a ball.

Set it up
• Create a playing area with
five ‘box’ zones – one in each
corner and one in the middle.
• Place a goal at each end.
• Split your players into
attackers and defenders.

Get playing

Attackers score a point by getting

from one corner box to another.
If attackers move through the GOAL
middle box on their way to a
corner, they get two points. BALL: PLAYERS:
Defenders can’t go in any of the
boxes. Their aim is to ‘tag’ out
the attackers while they’re on the

Increase the challenge

Give each attacker a football. Ask the defenders to tackle the attackers and ‘steal’
the ball. When they have the ball, defenders can take a shot at one of the goals.
Sesson plan
End zones

If your players struggle with passing between

different areas of the pitch, this is a great activity to
try. Instead of goals, the session uses large zones.
This encourages your team to switch direction,
which means they practise moving the ball from one
area to another.

Set it up

• Split your players into two

• Create a zone at either end
of the pitch – one for each
team. Z1 Z2

Increase the challenge

This is a normal game of football, with a key difference. To score, players must
run with the ball (or pass it) into their opponent’s zone.
Sesson plan
Third zones

Got one team that’s more skilled than the other?

This activity uses an overload to help less-skilled
players to keep the ball. It also increases the
challenge for your more-skilled team.

Set it up

Z1 Z2 Z3
• Split your area into three
equal zones.
• Divide your players into

two teams. GK GK

• Assign players from each

team into the three zones.
• Assign a player from the
less-skilled team as a
‘floater’. FLOATER


Get playing

This is a normal game of football, with a few differences. Apart from the floater,
players can only move within their assigned zones. The floater can move
anywhere on the pitch. This gives the less-skilled team an advantage.
Sesson plan
Square zones

This session helps less-skilled players learn to

control the ball under pressure.

Set it up

• In your playing area, create Z1 Z2

four small square zones.
These areas are ‘safe’.

• Split your players into two
• Assign a less-skilled player
to each safe zone. Explain
they can stay there until
Z3 Z4
they feel able to take part in
the open game.


Get playing

This is a normal game of football, with a few differences. While inside the safe
zones, players can’t be approached or tackled. This gives them the chance to
practise ball control – without being challenged. When they feel comfortable,
they can progress to open play.
Sesson plan
Wing zones

This session will encourage your players to use the

width of the pitch.

Set it up

• Create two narrow zones, Z1 Z2

one spanning either wing
of your playing area.
• Split these sections in half.

You now have four zones. GK GK
These areas are ‘safe’.
• Divide your players into
two teams.

Z3 Z4


Get playing

This is a normal game of football, with a few differences. ‘Wing’ players must
stay in their zones for the length of the game. While in these areas, they can’t be
tackled – as other players aren’t allowed in. This creates the opportunity for both
teams to practise wide crosses under less pressure.

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