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Children and Advertisement

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children under 8 are not able to
understand advertisements as attempts to sell them products, and will accept any claims
advertisements make without scrutiny. This makes them exceptionally vulnerable as
targets of ads. The socially responsible move would be to target your advertisements at
parents instead of directly to children. This will get knowledge of your product or
service out without taking advantage of children's lack of defense


General idea: brief background of topic
Topic sentence: specific
Hook: questions quotes, statistics, anecdotes
Argument/counterargument: stablished ideas
Thesis statement
Advertising Brainwashing on Children
T.V. is a tool to maintain us informed and is was invented as a way to connect all
people. As years have gone through T.V. has also evolved and what at first was a way to
communicate now is a way to sell and commercialize. Producers always choose an
audience that is easy to convince: these are children.
Children, now days, watch more T.V. than play outside with others. T.V. is a way of
entertainment and a very effective one, but sometimes children develop an addiction to
it almost like a disease.

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