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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1. A. sand B. pant C. shame D. lack
Question 2. A. music B. seaside C. scholar D. season
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. factor B. mistake C. fairy D. movie
Question 4. A. experience B. refurbish C. recommend D. abolish
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 5. Tony is well liked by his colleagues; he’s always funny and entertaining.
A. serious B. amusing C. unfriendly D. different
Question 6. The firefighters successfully rescued three children from the burning house.
A. saved B. comforted C. assessed D. joined
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined bold word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 7. The country is experiencing a period of economic stagnation, so many small
businesses are on the verge of collapse.
A. decline B. fluctuation C. development D. realisation
Question 8. Despite her ankle injury, Sana strained every nerve to reach the finishing line.
A. thought in a relaxing way B. considered it very seriously
C. tried as hard as she could D. made no practical effort
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 9. Martin is far ______ at Maths than his brother.
A. well B. the best C. better D. the better
Question 10. Nam expects ______ a new job at the end of this month.
A. to find B. to finding C. find D. finding
Question 11. His computer was bought two weeks ago, ______ ?
A. didn’t it B. wasn’t it C. didn’t he D. wasn’t he
Question 12. Contrary to my initial thoughts, the interviewer addressed me with a comfortable
______ that made me feel relaxed.
A. facility B. sustainability C. probability D. familiarity
Question 13. Concerns about safety at the workplace ______ in the report should be addressed in
a timely manner.
A. risen B. which raised C. raised D. rising
Question 14. Before we arrived at the scene, an ambulance ______ the injured to hospital.
A. has taken B. was taking C. had taken D. would take
Question 15. This charity organisation aims to provide temporary ______ for earthquake victims.
A. campus B. accommodation C. destination D. vacation
Question 16. Tonight’s show was one of the most ______ performances I had ever seen.
A. impressive B. impression C. impressively D. impress
Question 17. We stayed up late last night to ______ necessary preparations for the trip.
A. keep B. give C. make D. hold
Question 18. Laura will have completed this cooking class ______ .
A. when she went to university B. after she had gone to university
C. while she was going to university D. by the time she goes to university
Question 19. He had ______ terrible experience at school today.
A. an B. the C. a D. Ø (no
Question 20. The car ______ on our way to the airport, so we had to take a taxi instead.
A. went on B. broke down C. dropped by D. brought
Question 21. An application letter ______ in simple language.
A. is writing B. have written C. writes D. should be
Question 22. Deforestation can pose a threat ______ the survival of many endangered species.
A. with B. to C. of D. at
Question 23. Mark tried to keep a ______ on his emotions, but his anger erupted when he knew
the whole story.
A. hole B. chord C. cap D. lid
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 24. Tina is talking to Hoang about his birthday party.
- Tina: “Could I bring my best friend to your birthday party?”
- Hoang: “ ______ . The more, the merrier!”
A. Don’t mention it B. Sure C. No, thanks D. Yes, I can
Question 25. Trang and Nhung are discussing modern technologies.
- Trang: “Modern technologies are beneficial to our relationships.”
- Nhung: “ ______ . We can keep in touch with each other thanks to them.”
A. I don’t think so B. I go along with you
C. That’s not what I’m thinking D. It’s hard to say
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose
the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
Shopping in supermarkets used to be simple, but over the past twenty years it has become
increasingly more sophisticated. (26) _______, it has become so complicated that a whole new
profession has come into existence - the retail anthropologist. Retail anthropologists study
shoppers in the supermarket, for example. They use a variety of (27) _______ to analyse how
many products each shopper touches, which labels they read, how long they spend in each aisle.
Their attention to detail certainly pays off.
Although the way we shop may seem totally unpredictable, retail anthropologists can find
important trends (28) _______ help shop owners to design their supermarkets. The location is
important for a start. Unfortunately, if your supermarket is next to a bank, it won’t do very good
business since it has been found that banks (29) _______ people of how much money they owe
and this stops them from going in and spending more. Amongst (30) _______ discovery made is
the importance of mirrors. When we see a mirror, we tend to slow down, and so you can sell a
product more effectively if it is close to one.
(Adapted from Gateway by David Spencer and Gill Holley)
Question 26. A. Moreover B. However C. In fact D. For
Question 27. A. techniques B. probabilities C. influences D. prospects
Question 28. A. where B. what C. who D. that
Question 29. A. revive B. revise C. remind D. recite
Question 30. A. another B. the other C. much D. one
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.
Imagine a city that’s steeped in history. Now think of a city that is vibrant and modern.
Maybe you think no city can be both, but you’d be wrong. Istanbul, the most well-known city in
Turkey, manages to combine both ancient traditions with a lively, contemporary feel.
The only city in the world that is situated on two continents, Istanbul is clearly something
special. On the legendary Silk Route that once linked Asia and Europe and the capital of many
different civilisations in the past, Istanbul has a cultural diversity that few cities can offer. It
remains to this day a welcoming place for the thousands of people that come to visit it each year.
Before you start thinking the city is touristy, Istanbul has more than just historic monuments.
Alongside its fabulous mosques and palaces, you can find cool art galleries and trendy cafes. In
fact, there is so much variety you can always find something that suits your mood. If shopping is
more your scene, you can head to the Grand Bazaar with its thousands of stalls, or visit the many
shopping centres and fashion stores. At night the streets are bustling with life and you’re spoilt
for choice for places to eat and drink.
Quite frankly, Istanbul should be on any list of the world’s most liveable cities for its unique
beauty and character. But don’t just take my word for it. Come and see for yourself. You might
just end up staying, like many have before!
(Adapted from Gateway by David Spencer and Gill Holley)
Question 31. Which could be the best title for the passage?
A. A Land of both Tradition and Modernity B. Istanbul - A Modem City
C. Welcome to an Ancient World D. Cultural Diversity in Istanbul
Question 32. According to paragraph 2, Istanbul is special in terms of _______.
A. its crowded capital B. its cultural identity
C. its geographical location D. its tourist destinations
Question 33. The word it in paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A. capital B. Istanbul C. diversity D. Silk Route
Question 34. The word scene in paragraph 3 mostly means _______.
A. place B. appearance C. ability D. favourite
Question 35. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Istanbul?
A. There are few historic monuments in the capital city of Istanbul.
B. The streets across Istanbul at night are rather quiet.
C. Istanbul is the only city in Turkey to maintain its ancient beauty.
D. There are a variety of activities you can do when visiting Istanbul.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
By the time Hurricane Sandy veered toward the northeast coast of the United States on
October 29, 2012, it had mauled several countries in the Caribbean and left dozens dead. Faced
with the largest storm the Atlantic had ever produced, New York and other cities ordered
mandatory evacuations of low-lying areas.
By the end of the century, a hundred-year storm surge like Sandy’s might occur every decade
or less. Coastal cities like New York now face a double threat: rising oceans and more severe
storm surges. Experts estimate that by 2070, 150 million people in the world’s large port cities
will be at risk from coastal flooding, along with 35 trillion dollars in property. How will they
Malcolm Bowman, a researcher at the State University of New York, believes that storm-
surge barriers must be built across New York City’s harbor. Compared with some other leading
ports, New York is essentially defenseless in the face of hurricanes and floods. London,
Rotterdam, St. Persburg, New Orleans, and Shanghai have all built levees and storm barriers in
the past few decades. When Hurricane Sandy struck, New York paid a high price for not having
such protection. According to Bowman, stormsurge barriers could have prevented it. He says, “It
might take five years of study and another ten years to get the political will to do it. By then,
there might have been another disaster. We need to start planning immediately.”
With the threat of sea-level rise everywhere, cities around the world have turned to the
Netherlands for guidance-a country that has faced and overcome the problem of rising seas. One
Dutch firm, Arcadis, has prepared a design for a storm-surge barrier to protect New York City.
The same company helped design a 3.2-kilometer- (two-mile-) long barrier that protected New
Orleans from Humcane Isaac’s four-meter (13.6-foot) storm surge in 2012. “Isaac was a
tremendous victory for New Orleans,” said Piet Dircke, an Arcadis executive. “All the barriers
were closed; all the levees held; all the pumps worked. You didn’t hear about it? No, because
nothing happened.”
New Orleans may be safe for a few decades, but the long-term prospect for it and low-lying
cities look dire. Unless we change course dramatically, our carbon emissions will drastically
change the geography of many shorelines by the next century, if not sooner, and large numbers of
people will have to abandon coastal areas in Florida and other parts of the world.
(Adapted from Reading Explorer by Nancy Douglas et al.)
Question 36. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. Storm-surge Barrier - A New Trend B. A Storm of Century
C. Can Our Coasts Be Saved? D. Sea-rising levels - A Storm in a
Question 37. The word mauled in paragraph 1 can be best replaced by _______.
A. attacked B. judged C. protected D. doubted
Question 38. According to paragraph 1, when hurricane Sandy hit the Caribbean, _______.
A. New York City decided to close its borders
B. it caused loss of life
C. New York and other cities ordered their citizens to shelter in place
D. it didn’t cause much damage to property
Question 39. The word they in paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A. storm surges B. experts C. evacuations D. large port
Question 40. The word dire in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. complete B. rapid C. serious D. changeable
Question 41. Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the passage?
A. Storm-surge barriers can be a solution to natural disasters in coastal cities.
B. The Netherlands has successfully tackled the problem of rising sea levels.
C. Shanghai is one of the cities which has taken action to prevent storms and floods.
D. Arcadis was unwilling to build a storm-surge barrier to protect New York City.
Question 42. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Politicians in New York City will ultimately reject the idea of building storm-surge barriers.
B. Greenhouse gas emissions are entirely responsible for sea level rise around the world.
C. New Orleans’ fortified levee system spared the city from the destructive hurricane Isaac.
D. People living in port cities are likely to start building houses underwater sooner or later.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 43. Kathy doesn’t dream of becoming a teacher any more. She realises that it’s very
hard to deal with children.
A. Little does Kathy realise that it is very hard to deal with children if she becomes a teacher.
B. Not until Kathy had realised that it was very hard to deal with children did she dream of
becoming a teacher.
C. No longer does Kathy dream of becoming a teacher as she realises that it’s very hard to deal
with children.
D. Were Kathy to realise that it would be very hard to deal with children, she wouldn’t dream of
becoming a teacher.
Question 44. Tina didn’t follow the doctor’s advice. She now suffers from asthma.
A. If only Tina had followed the doctor’s advice, she wouldn’t have suffered from asthma.
B. Tina wishes she followed the doctor’s advice so that she wouldn’t suffer from asthma.
C. Provided that Tina follows the doctor’s advice, she won’t suffer from asthma.
D. Supposing Tina had followed the doctor’s advice, she wouldn’t suffer from asthma now.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 45. They haven’t talked to each other for three years.
A. It’s three years since they last talked to each other.
B. They didn’t talk to each other three years ago.
C. They have three years to talk to each other.
D. They spend three years talking to each other.
Question 46. “My cousin is going to pay me a visit next week,” Laura said.
A. Laura said her cousin is going to pay her a visit the next week.
B. Laura said her cousin was going to pay her a visit the next week.
C. Laura said my cousin was going to pay me a visit the next week.
D. Laura said my cousin is going to pay me a visit the next week.
Question 47. It’s impossible for him to meet the director in person.
A. He shouldn’t meet the director in person. B. He can’t meet the director in person.
C. He mustn’t meet the director in person. D. He needn’t meet the director in
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 48. It made no sense to me why he stormed out of the room in a rage after listening to
my constructional criticism.
Question 49. Face masks are very important amid the pandemic, so you should remember to
it whenever you go out.
Question 50. Hai catches a cold two days ago but now he’s making a rapid recovery.

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