Were Happier With You

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We're Happier With You

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/50673763.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M, M/M, Multi
Fandom: Stray Kids (Band)
Relationship: Hwang Hyunjin & You, Lee Felix & You, Hwang Hyunjin x Lee Felix,
Hwang Hyunjin & Reader, Lee Felix & Reader
Character: Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix (Stray Kids), Female Reader - Character
Additional Tags: mature content, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Content, Polyamory,
Poly Relationship, Unprotected Sex, Oral Sex, Gay Sex, Vaginal Sex,
dirty talking, Blow Jobs, i just love these boys so I've put them together,
Teasing, Smut, Fluff, loads of porn with plot, First Time, slight food play
in part one
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-10-08 Words: 10,979 Chapters: 3/?

We're Happier With You

by ProudlyAStay


You loved your best friends, they meant the world to you from day one. It always felt like
you could never decide between the two, both were your soulmates and that's just how it
was. But you didn't know how much you loved them until Felix suggested that all three of
you were in a relationship.


This is a Hyunjin x Reader x Felix smut series posted on my Tumblr too where I felt like it
hadn't been seen as much as I knew AO3 readers would enjoy, so here it is. I hope you
enjoy reading one of my most ultimate fantasies ever.
Part One - Whipped Cream and Confessions

“No fucking way,” Felix exclaims, almost bumping his drink off the table when he throws his
phone on the surface of the coffee table you, Hyunjin, and Felix are sitting at for lunch.

“What’s wrong?” Hyunjin asks, leaning back against his chair and combing his thin fingers
through his long black hair.

“According to the internet, polyamory has grown in popularity in the last two years by 27%,” The
blonde replies, face annoyed that you and Hyunjin aren't as astonished as he is.

“Which is 18% more than last year,” He continues, fishing hard to get a reaction out of you two,
but you and Hyunjin just share a look at each other from opposite sides of the table, not at all
knowing where Felix is going with this.

“Felix, what are you getting at?” Hyunjin asks, clearly not picking up what’s being put down.

“Hyune, seriously?” Felix says, almost about to cry, eyes getting redder with each passing second,
“You can’t remember our conversation?”

The absolutely blank expression of Hyunjin’s angelic features lets you know that he indeed doesn't
remember the conversation Felix is talking about…but you do. You remember every word.

Three weeks ago

You, Hyunjin, and Felix are hanging out at the dorms today, seeing as Chan and Minho aren’t
around for the whole weekend, the three of you decided to catch up again and watch some movies,
just spend some time together as friends again because the busy schedule your two friends have
barely allow any off-time, with the exception of this weekend.

You came over last night already and after stuffing your faces with some pizza, not even halfway
into the first movie, you fell asleep already, sandwiched between Felix holding you from the back
and Hyunjin being the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes this morning.

You three spent the morning making some breakfast, Felix baking his brownies for later and
Hyunjin spending most of the time on the kitchen counter, smearing whipped cream on your lips
whenever you came close enough just because he loves teasing you and seeing you struggle with
the stickiness.

The three of you have, according to the others, a different type of relationship. You’re not exactly
sure why they say so, but maybe it’s because you’re all so comfortable around each other, you
really have no problem sharing the weirdest, most embarrassing details about yourselves, or letting
the other know when you had an odd experience and you always just share a bed when you sleep
over, legs and arms tangled the next morning.

Heck, Hyunjin even drunk-texted you once, admitting that he’s thought of you in an inappropriate
way before and Felix did the same barely a week later, shyly confessing to having a wet dream
about you.

So, honestly speaking, the stares shared between the three of you are - most of the time - loaded
with sexual tension and a desire sometimes so hot you feel the guilty need to remind yourself
they’re just your friends. You’ve never felt more comfortable than with the two of them and yes,
they do sit closer in your heart than the rest but you assume it’s just because you’ve shared so

Minho, the teasing menace he is, even joked once, saying you three should just date each other,
and instead of freaking out and being disgusted that their Hyung would suggest such a thing as you
assumed they would, they both actually seemed for it at the time. It was a melody going on repeat
in your thoughts. You constantly thought about it. You’ve never had dreams about the two of them
in that way before, but for some reason, you woke up one morning, panties soaked, skin and hair
damp with sweat because you dreamt of them, in the most inappropriate way possible.

“Hyunin, stop!” You feign annoyance when you wipe the sticky, sweet substance off your lips for
the fourth time, sucking it off your thumb quickly while you frown at him and hear Felix giggle as
he leaves the kitchen to the living room, you assume. “I can’t help it,” He says in his small,
innocent voice, pretending that he isn’t loving the way you pout and frown, or lick the white
substance off of your lips. His legs hook around your waist when you walk past and he pulls you
closer, forcing you to stay trapped in between his legs against the counter, your hands involuntarily
dropping onto his thighs to prevent you from stumbling into him.

You scoff at him while taking your hands back shyly, his reply rather suspicious and questionable,
“What do you mean you can’t help it? Just stop,” You provide a solution, eyeing him through
squinted eyes and furrowed eyebrows.

“I like-” He stops himself with a small hitch of his breath, eyes dropping to your thumb that swipes
the corner of your lips and dips in between your lips, your tongue gliding over the tip of your
finger, he swallows hard. His reaction has you weak in your knees, you weren't trying to be
seductive or sexy, but Hyunjin clearly thought so and it’s the first time in person that he shows
direct, obvious signs that what you did had an effect on him, and for some unexplainable reason,
the way his eyes become hazy urge you on, nudging you to tease him some more.

“You like?” You stare up at him through your eyelashes, your gaze trying to stay focused on his.

Your eyes glance down to his fidgeting hands, and a nervous giggle arises from your throat when
you watch Hyunjin squirt some whipped cream onto his pretty, long fingers again, expecting them
to meet your lips again as they have been.

But they don't.

His hand stays on his lap, between you two and when you look up again, you find Hyunjin’s
honey-coated smirk plastered to his face, eyes sparkling dauntlessly with lust. “I dare you to clean
it off,” He whispers, voice silky and smooth and fucking hypnotizing.

You give a shaky sigh, contemplating rejecting his daring request. You tell yourself you would’ve
rejected it if it weren’t for the flashback of your dream from two nights ago, this exact scenario
happening in your dream too - Hyunjin daring you to do something sexy - the only difference being
that this is where you woke up.

Curiosity and lust both come together in the center of your core and create a dangerous
combination - confidence.

Your head dips down, and you blink your eyes as you take Hyunjin’s pointer and middle finger in
between your lips, gently digging your tongue in between his fingers and scooping up the soft
cream, sucking the tip of his fingers softly and releasing them with sucking noise. “Holy fuck,”
Hyunjin breathes when you look up at him again, the bottle of whipped cream slipping out of his
hands and hitting the floor with a loud bang and you bend down to pick it up.
The moment you come up again, placing the bottle on the counter next to Hyunjin, a hand cups the
side of your face and he pulls up for you to meet his eyes, momentarily, there isn't a single sound in
the whole apartment.

“Can I kiss you?” He whispers, eyes flickering down to your lips, his warm breath hitting your face

His question catches you so off guard and surprises you so much that you’re stumped for words,
unable to speak, so you stutter, stuck, “F-Fe-Felix,” is all you manage to get out before Hyunjin’s
unstoppable urges take over, and he connects his lips to yours. The softness and incredibility of his
lips and the way they move is hard to explain and even more difficult to accept. One of your
closest friends, who you feel just as attracted to as you do to Felix, is kissing you.

Hyunjin’s other hand comes up to hold your face fully, a hushed groan sounding from him when he
cocks his head to the side and kisses you so fucking deep, you’re sure you can feel him in your
soul. A whimper slips from your lips the moment his tongue invites itself in, exploring your mouth
so eagerly and you just completely melt in his touch, fuck, you’re losing yourself.

Your shaky hands grip his shirt in two tight fists, you need him, right now.

You’re so engulfed and hypnotized by the delicious feeling and taste of Hyunjin, sweet cream
lingering on his plushy, full lips, that you jolt the moment you feel a pair of hands wrap around
your waist from behind.

At first, you assume it’s Hyunjin’s hands, but the instant you notice that his hands are tangled in
your hair and not on your waist, your eyes shoot open and you fall from the trance Hyunjin

“No, don't stop, please,” Felix’s deep voice breathily mumbles into your ear, his body being
pressed against yours as his hands travel up your sides, the deep vibration of his voice sending a
shudder from the knot in your lower back up your spine. You’re on the brink of falling - shutting
your eyes and allowing yourself to be swallowed by the warm, safe feeling of the two boys around
you, the two boys that have you and that will always have you no matter what, their loyalty not
even a doubt.

“Go on,” Felix says again, tugging at your earlobe with his teeth, “Kiss him again.”

You fall, allowing yourself to get lost in the trance of lust.

You turn your head to obey Felix’s command, finding Hyunjin already staring at you in
anticipation, lips puffy and swollen, eyes drunk in lust. When you connect your lips to Hyunjin’s
again, his long, black streaks of hair falling out of its hold and tickling your face, Felix gives a
groan from behind you, his crotch being pressed into your ass lightly and you instantly notice the
bulge, he’s hard.

Hyunjin breaks the kiss unwillingly, staring at you with a hooded gaze and turning your head with
his thumb, silently asking you to kiss Felix too.

The glint in his eyes is teasing, daring you to do it because you know how jealous he is, but he
gives a small nod, answering your unvoiced question. Felix lifts his head from the kiss he placed
on your open shoulder, face coming up to meet yours. His lips are so different compared to
Hyunjin’s, but the sparks that erupt in your core when he begins to kiss you aren't any less or
As your lips melt in the movement with Felix’s, long fingers take hold of your hands that were
resting on the elder’s lap, and your fingers are interlaced with his, Hyunjin’s way of letting you
know that he’s still there, watching you. The kiss with Felix finally breaks, and you can feel your
lips tingling with sensation and oxygen deprivation, Felix’s hands trailing down your sides while
Hyunjin tucks your hair behind your ear.

“That was fucking sexy,” Hyunjin breathes, eyes trailing over your face as he studies your

“God, I didn't even know I could get this hard,” Felix chuckles from behind you, fixing your shirt
that he hitched up.

“You okay, Y/N?” Hyunjin asks, concern woven in his few words, his hand cupping your face to
make you look at him.

You’re more than okay, honestly speaking. Your panties are drenched, your legs slipping past each
other with ease whenever you do so much as move an inch, your stomach is burning with
excitement, and your mind is racing at the speed of light. Felix finally moves away from you,
coming to stand in front of you so that he can make eye contact when he speaks to you, “Did we
make you uncomfortable?” His eyes flicker to Hyunjin briefly, both boys’ faces screwed in worry.

“N-No, it,” you sigh, your breath and voice both trembling, “It-It was amazing,” You look down to
avoid their eyes, your voice shy and soft. Both boys sigh in relief, and Hyunjin pulls you closer
with his legs again, Felix wrapping his arms around you and Hyunjin wrapping his around the both
of you.

“I have a crazy idea,” Felix whispers after a few moments of just holding each other like you
always used to, the familiar action filled with more overwhelming emotion than you’ve ever
experienced before. The hug breaks and you and Hyunjin both wait patiently, Felix nibbling his lip
- choosing his words wisely. “Poly,” He mumbles, seemingly shy at what he just said but after a
deep breath, he says with more confidence, “Polyamory.”

You look at Hyunjin, whose confused and clueless expression clearly matches how you’re feeling,
‘What do you mean?” You ask, speaking up with a much calmer and more stable voice.

“What if all three of us date, like, at the same time,” He explains with a circling hand motion.

Silence falls upon all three of you, none of you looking at each other and rather finding other things
in the kitchen to look at.

“Well,” Hyunjin finally speaks after what feels like two minutes of awkward silence, “Does it
include s-” He’s cut off by the sound of the oven timer going off, the smell of Felix’s fresh
brownies instantly filling your nose and all three of you jolt at the ringing noise, Felix immediately
giving a grunt of annoyance and grabbing the oven mitts to remove the brownies.

For some reason, the topic didn't arise for the rest of the weekend, or ever again actually. None of
you brought it up, but it felt like a huge elephant in the room that everyone was fighting shy of, the
unresolved request lingering in the air.

You were afraid of losing your friends, as anyone who realized they’d fallen in love with their
friend - in this case, friends - would, the thought brewing in your mind even whilst enveloped in the
two boys’ arms that night and every night since then.

You want to try it, you really do.

Hyunjin and Felix will take care of you, you know that. And they’re fun, you don't doubt that
you’ll have the best time with them, you just hope your innocence won't have a part to play.
Part Two - Virginity and Vulnerability
Chapter Summary

You hesitantly admit to still being a virgin and the boys take care of that for you,
showing you their love and adoration in the way they treat you. Exploring the sexual
side of this relationship however, is not something you expected to feel this good.

It’s been two days since you, Felix, and Hyunjin spoke about the possibility of entering a
relationship with each other, anticipation eating you up from the inside like a fungus.

The thing is, emotionally it would be a wild experience, you can't imagine the fun you all could
have together especially seeing as you wouldn't have to choose between the two men you've grown
to love most.

In bed though, well that's another story.

You haven't exactly… slept with anyone before. Sure during previous relationships you've fooled
around - given and received oral, that is. Being fingered and giving hand jobs also occurred but you
haven't ever slept with someone yet.

You know it's something you have to bring up, you have to tell them even though there's a
possibility they already know that you're a virgin, if you're going to be entering this relationship
with them, they need to know this crucial fact.

Thankfully, Chan and Minho won’t be back for a few more hours, so the three of you are able to
spend some time together even though you agreed to be the ones making dinner for the five of you

It was when you three were on your walk back home from the supermarket that you decided it was
time to come clean, time to speak up.

Hyunjin strolling with the grocery bag hooked around his finger on your left and Felix on your
right picking flowers whenever he sees them, you take a deep breath, now is your only chance.

“There’s something I need to tell you guys,” You blurt out before you can rethink it, again.

“What’s up, Y/N?” Felix asks, picking another flower, and Hyunjin hums in question.

“I-,” Deep breath, “I haven’t slept with anyone before,” A nervous chill runs down your spine
when both boys immediately glance at each other, Felix no longer picking flowers and Hyunjin
even coughing awkwardly.

“Okay, where the hell did that come from?” Hyunjin asks, and you refuse to look up at him but you
can hear the shy smile in his words.

“Well, I guess, I don't know…We share everything don’t we?” You’re internally very happy you
could think of a valid reason so quickly, “You guys knew everything about me, except that.”

The three of you enter the building to the dorms, entering the elevator and Felix clicks the button to
their floor.

“That’s not true,” Felix says the moment you enter the tiny space, the three of you already
crowding the small room, “We don’t know your kinks, or what you like.”

A gentle graze of warm, long fingers trickles up the back of your arm, and the elevated ground
moves as the weight behind you shifts, the presence of Hyunjin’s body making your skin burst into

“What’s the real reason you told us that, angel?” Hyunjin whispers behind you, pulling Felix closer
by his wrist and placing the younger’s tiny hand on your left hip, Hyunjin’s bigger hand on your

The familiar temptation to get lost between the two of them arises again, the need to feel
surrounded by them burns in your veins.

“Do you even know what you like?” Felix whispers deeply, eyes traveling from the small piece of
exposed skin opened by your hitched-up shirt to your trembling pupils, “Or do you need us to show
you exactly what you need?”

Your eyes blink rapidly, breathing speeding up, the thought of giving yourself, all of you, to them,
seemingly impossible to resist when Hyunjin dips his head and kisses the crook of your neck, a
wet, soft kiss planted secretly as Felix places a peck on your cheek.

“You wanna give yourself to us?” Felix queries, hand climbing up your shirt to below your breast.

You nod slowly, Hyunjin’s shoulder behind your head becoming your pillar to lean on, another wet
peck placed on your exposed throat.

Every nerve in your body burns with lust for the boys surrounding you, they turn you on so easily,
so effortlessly.

“Words,” Hyunjin mumbles against your throat, his voice vibrating through your skin, “Use your
words, sweet girl,” His whisper hisses in your ear as he nibbles your earlobe.

Felix latches his lips onto your collarbone, his body pressing yours into Hyunjin’s but the elder
holds you securely with his strong body and grip on your waist.

A hushed groan sounds from you when Felix’s teeth begin to gently dig into your skin, sucking and
licking over the spot to soothe the sting.

“Please, take me,” You whisper shyly, the embarrassment of asking them to take your virginity
making you shiver in reluctance, but you know they’ll be good to you, they’ll make you feel good
and you don't doubt it.

The door of the elevator opens and the two boys sigh in defeat, the opened doors mean they have to
halt their movements and you’re slowly brought back to reality.

The moment your body moves, you’re astonished by how easily your folds glide over each other
due to the slickness between your legs, each step towards the dorms more and more slippery.

You thought there would be some awkwardness, some embarrassment in the whole situation, but
the three of you stroll into the empty apartment as if you did not just balance on the beam of
getting freaky in the elevator a few seconds ago.
You also expected the boys to be done with their teasing, and to watch a movie and start with the
food like you had planned in the supermarket, but such plans seem very, very far away.

The three of you enter the kitchen, placing the groceries on the counter but just as you attempt to
unpack the few bags, you’re stopped by the uncomfortable feeling of being watched.

You turn around, finding both boys leaning against the doorframe to the kitchen with patient
anticipation beaming on their faces. You don't mean to, but it catches your eye - the beautiful
bulges forming on both boys’ crotches, strained against their jeans as the material sticks to the
outline of their dicks.


“You coming?” Hyunjin asks, lifting his eyebrows as his eyes pierce into yours, daring you to
reject his request.

“Wh-Where to?” You squeak, swallowing harshly the instant your words come out, Felix slowly
walks up to you and takes hold of your hand, giving a small squeeze of assurance and a daring grin
as he begins to lead you out of the kitchen, Hyunjin leading closely behind you two.

Felix leads you into his bedroom and to his bed, Hyunjin closes the door behind you three and
joins you on the bed where you and Felix just got on, both of you sitting on the edge and the elder
joining you shortly after.

Hyunjin lifts his hand to tug on the string of your tanktop, dropping the material down your
shoulder, slowly trailing his fingertip down your arm and Felix does the same, planting small
kisses with his heart-shaped lips on your burning skin.

“Any definite no’s?” Hyunjin mumbles, eyes focused on his finger that hooks around the strap of
your bra, tugging it down slowly.

“We’ll be gentle, nothing too crazy,” Felix assures you, unclipping your bra with one hand, trailing
those same fingers down your spine, and dragging your top down, “For now at least.”

“I-I’m ready,” You stutter immediately, eyes flickering between the two of them at your sides,
your perky nipples being exposed to the cold air when Hyunjin drags your shirt down to your

Felix kisses you first by turning your head towards him with a pointer finger and thumb taking your
chin, his lips are wet, soft and eager and he doesn't hesitate to ask permission for his tongue to
enter. You make out with him, kissing him deeply as Hyunjin's hands travel over your body.

When you break the kiss with Felix, Hyunjin is already waiting for you, turning your face towards
him and immediately capturing your lips as well, his teeth gently digging into your bottom lip that
he sucks teasingly.

The two of you make out as Felix trails kisses over your exposed collarbones and neck, sending
shivers down your spine each time you feel his lips on your skin.

Hyunjin nudges you back, silently asking you to get further onto the bed and you do, the sight of
both boys crawling up with such hungry eyes arousing you beyond measure and normality.

Felix removes your shirt for you, leaving you in only your tights that seem awfully restricting, so
you begin to remove them too.
The two boys simultaneously sit up and remove their shirts, giving you the most mouth-watering
sight as their bodies flex and stretch with each movement, your eyes flicker rapidly between both
sculpted bodies, trying to soak in as much of what’s currently happening as possible.

When your shirt and tights are removed, you realize how open and exposed you are, the only
material you have on your body being your drenched panties that pose no coverage because they’re
lacy anyway.

“You have such pretty curves, baby,” Hyunjin whispers assuringly as he bends down to lay on his
stomach and elbows, his face inches from your hard nipple that’s begging for attention.

“The prettiest tits,” Felix breathes, laying down in the same position as Hyunjin, eyes focused on
your exposed chest.

Anticipation bubbles like magma in your stomach, the view of the prettiest boys laying beside you,
their mouths opening to capture your nipples urging on the lust inside of you.

Even though your nipples have had mouths on them before, nothing could ever compare to the
unexplainable feeling of having two different mouths on both nipples, at the same time.

Hyunjin’s mouth is slightly warmer than Felix’s, his thick lips sucking softly, capturing your
nipple fully and completely. Felix’s mouth connects to your nipples in a much tighter suck, teeth
even grazing your sensitive bud teasingly.

“Oh my god,” You breathe out, head falling back at the delicious sensation, goosebumps bursting
over your flesh and you feel arousal begin to trickle down your ass.

“Such a lucky girl,” Hyunjin mumbles against your skin, kitten-licking your nipple slowly, “Two
guys at once for her first time,” He grins mockingly, a vulnerable blush settling over your cheeks.

Felix’s hand that was placed on your stomach moments before begins to trail downwards, his touch
leaving a trail of fire as he approaches the elastic of your soaked panties. Hyunjin’s hand trails
down too, but it hooks under your knee and gently tugs upward, asking you to spread your legs for

You hesitantly and slowly open your legs, your knees resting against the boys’ sides and you
carefully prop yourself on your elbows.

Felix looks up at you, asking with his eyes for permission and you nod slowly, your breathing
heavy and irregular, hitching when his skilled fingers slip your panties down your thighs.

Hyunjin’s hand drags down your thigh, inching closer with each passing second until he finally
meets the drenched intimate area, looking up at you with a daring smirk on his face.

“You’re so wet, angel,” He comments, chuckling breathlessly before latching onto your nipple

Both Felix and Hyunjin’s fingers begin to slide over your throbbing pussy, your senses struggling
to handle the feeling of so many fingers touching you at the same time.

Felix’s fingers find your hole first, and he skillfully, slowly dips one finger inside of you, a moan
instantaneously coming from you at the teasing feeling.

“So tight, baby,” Felix whispers, his breath hitching as he drags his finger out of you and slips it in
Hyunjin’s long fingers connect to your clit and he gently draws small circles around the bud, the
contrasting feeling of two different hands on your desperate skin impossible to explain.

“Switch,” is all that comes from Felix’s mouth against your nipple, and in an instant, Felix’s
fingers swap with Hyunjin’s and before you know it, Hyunjin’s long fingers are dipping into your
wetness and feeling your clenching insides.

“Oh- ahh, y-your fingers,” You stutter desperately, eyes fluttering shut at the sweet, intensifying
feeling the boys are giving you.

It's embarrassing for you that you already feel an orgasm approaching but for the two boys on your
sides, it’s motivation to quicken their movements and bring you to the edge faster.

“That’s it, you're doing so well, pretty girl,” Hyunjin praises sweetly, the stimulation getting harder
and harder to resist.

Hyunjin’s fingers curl up, rubbing against the velvety spot inside of you that aches and begs to be
touched and he gives it to you, he gives you the exact pressure you need. Simultaneously, Felix’s
fingertips on your clit do fast laps, circling your throbbing bud at the perfect speed, bringing you to
the edge with ease.

“Cum for us,” Hyunjin instructs looking up at you with big doe eyes. “Cum on our hands,” Felix
urges on and you let out a desperate moan as you allow yourself to let go, allowing yourself to get
swallowed by the overwhelming orgasm they provide.

They both coax your orgasm out of you, praising you and giving you wet kisses over your heaving
chest as your body shakes and curses slip from your lips and although it’s not your first orgasm in
your life, it’s definitely different.

Your breathing comes down again, not exactly back to normal because you’re still aroused, but
enough for the two boys to remove their hands from your body in order for them to get closer to

The two of them slide down the bed and judging by their surprised yet proud smirks, they weren't
expecting you to follow them, the soft sheets sliding soothingly over your back as you slip onto
your knees in front of them, both Felix and Hyunjin unbuttoning their tight pants that fail to hold
back their huge bulges.

“So needy, huh?” Hyunjin teases, not at all making you feel embarrassed or shy that you’re so
desperate for them but rather acknowledging your desires and making it known they feel the same
way, “Look at how hard you made us.”

When Hyunjin and Felix remove their jeans, the reality of this whole situation finally sinks in.

Two rock-hard, throbbing, shiny with precum, aching cocks are waiting for you, you.

You admire Felix’s cock first, if only Stays knew how big he really is they’d be flabbergasted -
compared to Hyunjin, Felix has a shorter yet thicker dick and it's the brightest red you've seen, the
head big and round.

Hyunjin's dick is much longer, and thinner than Felix's but not any less impressive, pretty purple
veins bulging under the surface.

You take both cocks into your hands, both boys sighing contently when your warm hands wrap
around them, both cocks hard in the palm of your hand.
"Go ahead," Felix breathes, "Take Hyune first."

You nod your head slowly while looking up at them both and Hyunjin takes a step closer, your
hand still securely wrapped around Felix and pumping slowly.

When Hyunjin is close enough, your mouth opens willingly and he smirks down at you, bottom lip
trapped between his teeth, eyes trembling with lust.

"You wanna suck it, angel?" He asks unsteadily, tilting his head to the side while towering over
you and taking hold of his shaft, bringing it closer to your lips and you nod your head at him, eager
to taste the pretty cock just inches from your face.

Hyunjin bends down to meet your face, his black hair tickling your cheek, "Suck it like you mean
it then," He whispers, licking your lips feather-lightly with his teasing tongue.

He straightens and brings the tip of his cock to your mouth and you take him eagerly, dragging
your tongue along the slit like you've seen on porn before, causing a beautiful groan to sound from
the elder, closing his eyes as he relishes in the satisfaction.

Your hand continues to pump Felix and he's taken hold of it to jerk himself off, the act so simple
yet dirty just the way he is.

"Keep stroking, baby," Felix instructs, his hand on yours squeezing himself and a desperate moan
slips from his lips, "Oh yes, just like that."

Hyunjin's hand reaches the back of your head and he gently nudges to slide himself deeper, the tip
of his cock reaching your throat and releasing a strained moan from his lips.

He pulls back, wincing when your warm, wet mouth is removed from his aching cock but he
knows Felix next to him is itching to feel you too, so he steps back to let the younger know he can
go next.

Felix steps closer, gently guiding his cock to your lips and tapping it against your outstretched
tongue, "I've dreamt of this," He mumbles, eyes screwing shut when your mouth envelopes his
aching cock, a needy whimper escaping through his clenched jaw.

Your hand reaches up to find Hyunjin's cock, wrapping your hand around him and stroking slowly,
his cock even harder than before as it easily glides in the ring formed by your fingers.

"Fuck, your mouth is incredible," Felix praises desperately, sliding his hips back and forth slowly,
his knees buckling when you moan around him and the vibrations shoot through his whole body.

"Oh god, moan like that again for me," Felix orders with a weak voice and you satisfy his request,
but not because he asked for it.

Hyunjin bends down, gets onto his knees next to you on the floor, and begins to travel one hand up
your inner thigh, finding your literally dripping pussy, sliding his fingers over your folds and hole
before slipping two of his fingers inside of you, a moan instantly rippling through you.

After a few more thrusts into your mouth, Felix pulls out and so do Hyunjin’s fingers and they each
gently take hold of your arm and lift you up to place you on the bed.

“Okay, so this is how we’re gonna do it,” Hyunjin says as he guides you to lay on your back on the
edge of the bed, “Who do you want first?” He asks, glancing at Felix who’s waiting patiently next
to him.
“I-I don’t know, I c-can’t decide,” You stutter, the realization that both of them arent able to enter
you simultaneously overwhelming and actually bringing a familiar sting to your eyes causing you
to blink rapidly.

“I have a plan,” Felix says, hovering over you just to stroke the hair out of your face, “Close your
eyes, and you won’t know who goes first.”

Of course, you’ll know who enters you first, their cocks are so different you’re almost certain
you’d be able to tell who’s who, but the consideration laced in his words and the sympathetic smile
and nod Hyunjin gives you is comforting, so you do exactly as they say.

Two pairs of hands begin to touch your body, your eyes closing slowly as their warm hands knead
your thighs, spreading your legs for the both of them.

You feel the unfamiliar, hard tip of either Felix or Hyunjin’s cock lining up with your hole, teasing
gently by spreading your slickness over your folds, a slight shiver running down your spine at the

“Ready, baby?” Hyunjin asks, not sounding far or close by and you nod your head in confirmation,
the moment the cock teasing at your entrance slips in, a hand is placed over your eyes, and lips are
connected to yours, instantly swallowing the gasp and satisfied moan that falls from your mouth.

The cock slides in, deeper and deeper, and then even deeper and you instantly know who’s long
cock that could be - Hyunjin.

“Hng- fuck,” You moan when Felix removes his lips from yours, taking away his hand so that you
can see, and as you predicted, when you open your eyes you’re met with the most beautiful sight of
Hyunjin’s twisted face, holding back with everything inside of him as his cock disappears into you,
“You’re so fucking tight.”

He gives you a smile, a fucked-out, already exhausted smile, panting as he bends down to kiss you,
and when he stands up, Felix next to you bends down to circle your clit.

The stimulation already feels overwhelming but it’s indescribable and breathtaking, your hand
finds Felix’s hungry cock and you stroke him as he pleases you.

Hyunjin begins to thrust into you with deep, long strokes, making sure to ease you into it and not
ruin you on your first time. It's when you tilt your head back, back arching and exposing yourself
even more that Hyunjin gets the hint and he begins to thrust harder, his skin meeting yours in loud
yet widely spaced smacks, his long cock almost leaving your hole with each time he pulls out, just
to fill you up again.

Felix’s fingers stroking your clit bring you closer and closer to the edge you didn’t realize was this
close, and your hand grips him harshly, a cry of pleasure leaving your lips as orgasm approaches

“You gonna cum on my cock already, angel?” Hyunjin coaxes, breathing and voice unsteady as his
hips continue to meet your thighs at a delicious pace.

“I’m gonna cum,” You confirm with a whimper, your thighs beginning to shake as both boys fuck
you to the edge.

“Cum on Hyune’s cock, baby,” Felix encourages sweetly, his fingers on your clit moving faster to
chase your high with you.
Hyunjin angles his hips, his next deep thrust meeting your sweet spot and it only takes a few
nudges to the sensitive patch of rough skin inside for you to completely let go on him, your walls
contracting and releasing over and over again, moans you've never heard on yourself before
dripping from your lips like drool.

“Ahh yes, you’re so fucking good,” Hyunjin praises with a groan, his hips slowing down in order
to prevent overstimulation.

Your chest rises and falls, the sensation of being filled so unfamiliar and unfathomable, your eyes
begin to sting with overwhelming emotion as you look at the two boys, both of them so focused on
you and your pleasure, loving every sound that comes from you, taking care of you so well.

“Felix?” Hyunjin calls and the two of them exchange a glance, Hyunjin slowly slipping out of you
and hissing at the loss of your warm, wet walls.

The two boys swap places, Felix now lining up with you as Hyunjin stands next to you, his cock
raging hard and red, in need of letting go.

“You good, baby?” Felix asks, and you assure him with a weak nod and smile, your stomach
churning with excitement to feel Felix, a hand reaching up to take hold of Hyunjin’s cock.

“Holy shit, you’re tight,” Felix says, his deep voice cracking and you gasp yet again as he fills you
up, this time he enters you much easier because of your cum dripping down your pussy.

Hyunjin dips his head, capturing your lips and swallowing each moan that you let out at the
thickness of Felix that fills you up with each stroke.

Felix begins to fuck you much faster than Hyunjin did, hips snapping into your thighs, loud
smacking noises filling the room as Hyunjin kisses you.

Fingers reach your clit again, the cold feeling of rings telling you it’s Hyunjin’s hand teasing you
again and your body reacts fast, the next orgasm not far away judging by the tight knot in your

Hyunjin and Felix both chase your high with you, Hyunjin’s fingers circling your clit fast, and
Felix fucking you at the perfect pace, together all three of you reach your orgasms helping each

Your legs shake again, “I’m cumming!” You cry out, your body pulling tight as your orgasm
ripples through you like waves, sweet euphoria trickling through your veins.

“Shit, ‘m gonna cum,” Felix mutters, hips stuttering and pulling out of you before his hot string of
cum decorates your stomach, he didn't even need to stroke it out.

Hyunjin breaks from you, watching as Felix explodes on you.

“I need to cum too,” Hyunjin breathes out desperately, swapping places with Felix again, lining up
with your stretched-out hole again, sinking into you just to feel those warm, tight walls again.

“Fuck, oh fuck,” Hyunjin whimpers, throwing his head back as he pulls out and lets go on your
chest and stomach, Felix strokes your hair and all three of you let out satisfied moans and sighs at
the feeling of being able to let go on each other.

A short while later, when all three of you have come down from your high, you feel a warm cloth
being taken over your front as Felix wipes the cum off of your skin, and Hyunjin places gentle
pecks all over your face, giggling sweetly when you begin to blush at his affection.

Both boys come up to you, laying beside you and tickling their hands all over your body, your eyes
beginning to flutter shut from exhaustion.

“You did so well,” Hyunjin whispers, placing a sweet peck on your cheek and Felix giggles,
placing one on your other cheek.

“So, does this mean we’re together?” You ask shyly, keeping your eyes closed, slipping into
sleepiness unwillingly.

Hyunjin and Felix chuckle endearingly, wrapping you in their arms and you let yourself drift off,
not being able to recall a time you were ever happier than you are right now, with the two boys you
love most.
Part Three - Jealousy and Justice
Chapter Summary

Jealousy needs to be justified, and because you've been spending too much time with
Han, Hyunjin and Felix get the wrong idea when they walk in on you and Han. The
only way to get rid of that jealousy is to remind you who you're with.

Four days.

Four days of not a single message from either Felix or Hyunjin.

Dropping your phone on the kitchen counter with a loud thud, Han looks at you wide-eyed, eyes
shooting to your phone that fell victim to your frustration after checking your messages but not
finding a single wanted one.

“What’s wrong?” He asks, fishing two glasses out of the cupboard and filling them with juice.

“They’re not talking to me,” You sigh, a cloud of worry filling your lungs like fog, “I don’t
understand what’s happening.”

Han hands your glass and you take a sip before he leads you out of the kitchen and into the living
room, planting yourself on the couch with your legs thrown over his.

“Did you guys fight?” He asks, gently drawing circles over your knee in a comforting attempt. Han
is one of your closest friends in the group, you tend to go to him when you’re having a shitty day
or just need to laugh and forget whatever is troubling you. Hence you asked him if you could come
over for a while.

“No,” You shake your head, “But they haven’t spoken to me since we went bowling.”

You remember that night, but nothing suspicious had happened that you’re aware of. You were in a
team with Han because he needed a partner, and Minho (Han’s first choice) was with his family for
the weekend.

Everything was fine with your boyfriends too, they were on their own team and close on your heels
in the game, gosh they even congratulated you when you won.

“But they seemed fine?” Han questions, a slight frown on his face too, “Maybe they’re just

You scoff in disbelief, shaking your head, “What about?”

Han’s avoidance to meet your eyes when you asked him causes the slight pain of guilt and concern
to return in your gut, he knows something.

“What is it, Han?” You ask, voice lower this time.

Han sighs, eyes flickering all over the living room as if he’s looking for a place to hide, “I may or
may not have made a joke, and they may or may not have taken it literal and they may or may not
be angry about it, but I don’t know for sure and I can’t really sa-”

“What did you say, Han?” You ask, the ache of concern turning to anger and frustration at
whatever Han has slipped in this time.

Han shakes his head, lips pulled in a tight line, but when you lean forward and give a harsh shove
to his arm in an attempt to make him speak, he does, “I told them you were my girlfriend first and
that’s why we won.”

“Han!” You yelp in disbelief, “Are you kidding me right now?”

Han’s eyes are big and innocent. Knowing him, he really only meant it as a joke - you two don’t
feel that way about each other - but knowing Hyunjin and Felix, they probably over-analyzed it
and it seems likely that that’s why they’re avoiding you - jealousy.

To make matters worse, you’ve been spending the last few days with Han, but simply because he
needed your help with doing some shopping and now because you needed his help in unloading
your concerns.

“You know I was just joking,” Han says apologetically, genuineness in the small smile he offers.

“I know, Hannie. But they’re mad at me and I don’t know how I’m going to apologize for
something I didn’t even do, or actually have anything to do with,” You throw your hands in the air
dramatically, and Han chuckles, relief washes over his shy features.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, love,” Han affirms, “If there’s one person besides Chan that can
handle them, it’s you.”

“Thanks, Hannie,” You sigh, and Han opens his arms to offer a hug, which would you never say no
to and you lean forward to be enveloped in his arms.

The moment your head hits his chest, he tackles you into the couch again, your lungs bursting into
a fit of giggles as Han tickles your sides that always have you squirming. Your and his laughter
fills the air, and as you thrash around under Han’s attack of affection, you barely hear the door
opening, but when it shuts with a loud bang, you’re quickly thrown off of your cloud.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Hyunjin’s voice sounds loud ad angry throughout the apartment,
cutting deep into the atmosphere that was once fun and light. His eyes are blazing fury, their
general softness hidden deep within.

Frozen in shock, both you and Han stay motionless as he towers above you, your arms still around
his neck that you were actually planning to tackle him down with, and explaining this position and
situation successfully to someone that just walked in seems unlikely. Especially if that person is
Hyunjin, an angry Hyunjin.

Felix appears next from outside the door, closing the door much quieter than Hyunjin, “Jinnie,
why’d you yell like tha-” His eyes land on you and Han who, like idiots, still haven't moved from
the position you’re in, “Oh,” He mouths, face twisting in disapproval.

Instantly, you push Han away from your body, scurrying to fix your clothes that hitched up even
though Hyunjin and Felix have already seen it, and already formed the wrong perception about
what really happened.

“Hyune, Felix, it’s not what it looks like, I swear,” You cringe at having to say that and it being
such a cliche choice of words, that’s what every cheater says even if you’re really innocent in this

In the corner of your eyes, you see Han hurriedly grabbing his keys and phone, shooting you an
apologetic smile when he reaches the door, shooting a thumb’s up as a means of saying good luck
and he darts out of the door, little menace.

The door clicks shut with a deepening finality of the situation you find yourself in, defenseless and
with no solid evidence to prove your innocence.

Felix walks to the kitchen in the growing silence you’ve found yourself trapped in, placing the
packets of groceries on the counter as Hyunjin stands in front of you, hands on his hips while his
eyes are boring holes into the floor, his jaw clenching with each nibble of his bottom lip.

“Hyune,” You whisper, your eyes stinging in their frozen state, you take a step closer to him.

“What’s going on between you two?” Hyunjin asks, eyes finally meeting yours, hurt flashing like a
lightning strike in his chocolate brown orbs as anger fizzles out slowly.

“What? Nothing, Hyune. He’s my friend,” You defend yourself and your friend since he’s not here
to do it himself, “You know how Han is, baby.”

“Did you kiss?” Hyunjin asks, and the question is so far-fetched and unexpected, it feels like a stab
to your chest.

“N-No Hyunjin,” You whisper, disbelief settling like a heavy rock in your core.

Hyunjin steps closer, close enough that you can smell the iced coffee he must’ve had earlier, close
enough to hear his breathing and see his throat bob when he swallows.

He dips his head, lifting a finger to tilt your chin upward, and he eyes your lips with a blank
expression on his face, testing you.

You feel pliant under his touch, their touch that you’ve been so deprived of the last few days even
if it feels like a punch to your ribs that he doesn’t believe you.

You can hear Felix’s footsteps approaching from the kitchen, but he stops once he’s next to you
and Hyunjin and you see his eyes travel over your body with the same blank expression on his face
as Hyunjin.

“Hmm,” Felix hums, a simple sound indicating no direction of his thoughts in the slightest, “Think
we should do it, Hyune,” He says, eyes still traveling over your body as if you aren’t there.

“Think so, Lixie?” Hyunjin asks, his finger dropping from your chin to the collar of your shirt, he
tugs at it gently.

“D-Do what?” You stutter, your skin erupting in goosebumps everywhere Hyunjin touches all
along your collarbones and shoulders.

Your eyes flicker between Hyunjin and Felix, both seem oddly calm and neutral, blank expressions
on their faces contradicting the slight outburst Hyunjin just had and the shock Felix showed just
moments ago, and the fact that you’re unable to read what’s motoring through their minds has you

“You, my love,” Felix says in his ocean-deep voice, capturing his lip in between his teeth as he
eyes you subtly, “Need to be reminded who you belong to.”
Felix trails his fingertips up your outer thigh and hitches underneath your shirt, tugging the material
up until you lift your arms and allow him to remove the item of clothing.

“You need to think of us, every time you’re with someone else,” Hyunjin says softly and sweetly
despite the sharp twist his words have in them. Uneasiness should pool in your belly, anxiety even
maybe, but you’ve been starved of their touch as well as their tastes and you’d be a fool if you
argue now.

Your eyes stay glued to Hyunjin’s captivating brown orbs, their gaze turning darker with each
passing second as he glares into your soul with a shy little smirk on his lips.

Felix steps in between your stare with Hyunjin, his pupils dilated as he eyes you just the same way
Hyunjin does, as if you’re the prey they’ve been waiting to devour. Four hands roam your body as
Felix and Hyunjin take their places on each of your sides, Felix on your right and Hyunjin on your

Their hands trace maps with their gentle fingertips, ghosting over your covered nipples and
brushing over your collarbones. Felix leans in first, planting a small, wet kiss on your skin just
below your ear and you shudder at the sensation, you’re dangerously sensitive and you can tell just
by the way your breath hitches when Hyunjin dips his head to do the same.

Hyunjin softly blows on the little wet patch he’s left on your skin and your knees buckle at the
feeling running up your spine, but they catch you with their hands and guide you to sit down on the

Wrapped in Felix’s arms, your legs resting on Hyunjin’s and your head tilted back against the
couch, you’re left fully surrounded by the two boys that so effortlessly drown you in their presence,
not that you want to be saved.

You feel a hand tilt your face to the right and when you blink your eyes, Felix smiles at you
endearingly, but there’s a hint of something unknown in his eyes when he looks at you. He leans
in, finally connecting his lips to yours.

Felix’s lips always feel so perfect when they’re on yours, molding and shaping you just the way he
wants just by simply kissing you softly. His perfectly heart-shaped lips know what they want, and
they take all of it and more. Tugging on your bottom lip and releasing it with a loud sucking noise,
he pushes your face away from him softly with a nudge to kiss Hyunjin.

Hyunjin’s lips make the arousal in your panties double instantly. They’re fuller and more eager
than Felix’s and always leave a bit of wetness over the border of your lips because Hyunjin doesn’t

You can tell he’s holding back by the way his teeth don’t softly clash with yours as they always do,
and just like Felix, he doesn’t slip his tongue into your mouth to meet yours.

You wish you could find it in yourself to ask them why they’re holding back, and if it has anything
to do with you being unknowingly distant the last few days, but the possibility that a simple
question like that could take their touches away from you is even scarier than the insecurities
building in your chest.

Their hands trace your curves, and Hyunjin’s long and slender fingers ghost over the waistband of
your shorts, dragging further and further down until he cups your heat with a firm hold.

A gasp leaves your lips and you throw your head back at the friction you’ve longed for, your breath
releasing in a shaky shudder.

“So sensitive,” You hear Hyunjin whisper before he connects his lips to your pulse point, nipping
at the skin harsh enough to leave a mark.

“Missed you guys,” You admit in a whisper, shivering when Hyunjin’s hand slides between your

Felix lets his hands roam your chest, tugging at the strings of your lacy bra that doesn’t even cover
much, you’re not exactly sure why you chose this pair to wear today but you’re glad nonetheless.

The material slips down your shoulders, your nipples stiffening shamelessly at the cool air
brushing over them. “So full,” Felix says, eyes and fingers fixated on your breasts standing eagerly
before leaning in and capturing the nipple closest to him in his mouth, suckling softly on the bud as
if it’s sweet as candy.

Hyunjin’s lips finally leave your pulsepoint after ensuring a deep purple bruise is painted on your
empty canvas of skin, latching his lips on your other nipple.

The feeling of two mouths sucking and nipping at your nipples simultaneously has you thrashing in
your spot on the couch, head thrown back as gasps and choked little moans drip from your lips.

Although the friction between your legs is delicious and has you bucking your hips, the restriction
of your shorts becomes too much and you grip Hyunjin’s wrist, “More, Jinnie- please,” You plead
shyly, hoping he’ll give it to you.

Hyunjin chuckles, pulling away from your nipple with a loud sucking sound. When he pulls away,
his lips are red and swollen, glistening with spit and you can only imagine what Felix’s look like
yet he continues sucking, comfortably resting his face on your chest, eyes shut.

Hyunjin carefully slides out from under your legs and settles on his knees in front of you, his dark
hair falling into his eyes as he looks down at your shorts, fingers hooking into them and tugging to
remove them.

You don’t like the fact that both of them are still fully clothed in their fancy attire, even if it’s sexy
when they’re dressed this classy, you long to see, to feel, their cocks instead of their clothes.

Hyunjin’s hands drag down your thighs, spreading them open for him to admire you fully, he hisses
when you willingly spread your legs even further for him, Felix chuckling at your eagerness. Your
breath hitches when the cool air brushes over your now fully exposed pussy, your folds wet with
arousal and throbbing with need.

“Wanna feel good, princess?” Hyunjin mumbles against one of your thighs, planting wet open-
mouthed kisses over your tingling skin.

Felix sinks his teeth into your nipple the same time Hyunjin does into your thigh and you clench
around nothing while you gasp at the stings of pleasure.

You’re not sure how many marks Hyunjin leaves, but your thighs ache when he pulls away. You
nod frantically, your hands already gripping the couch and Felix’s shoulder with anticipation,
“Please, please Jinnie.”

Hyunjin huffs amusedly, “Look at me,” He instructs, locking his eyes with yours, “Keep your eyes
on me,” He inches closer to your throbbing pussy with his kisses, "Remember this, whenever
you're with anyone else."
You fight with your eyes to stay open, to have the image of Hyunjin on his knees in front of you
with his tongue lazily stuck out burnt into your mind forever, and you fight even harder when that
tongue makes contact with your pulsing clit.

“F-fuck,” You moan softly, fists curling tightly when Hyunjin moans into your skin.

“Taste so, so good baby,” He mumbles against your clit, covering his lips in your wetness, “Come
taste, Felix.”

Felix finally disconnects his lips from your nearly purple nipple, and it aches when he leaves but
the next wave of arousal pools in your belly when you see Felix on his knees next to Hyunjin,
eagerness sparkling in his eyes as he licks his lips.

Felix is given space to taste you, his tongue warm and strong as he licks up your skin, tasting you
with a hum of approval.

The unexpected happens next, both Hyunjin and Felix lean in simultaneously and lick up your
folds, their tongues subtly meeting with your clit trapped in between.

“Oh my god,” You gasp, head throwing itself back as you arch, and as if the pleasure isnt already
too much for you to handle at once, two fingers slip into your being.

A hand reaches up and tugs your chin down, Hyunjin’s long fingers gripping your cheek as he
makes you watch, “I told you to look,” He says in a silky voice, frustration laying under the surface
and it’s clear he wants to watch you come undone.

You obey his order despite the tears welling in your eyes. Blinking, you watch as they keep licking
at your clit and sliding their fingers into you.

The knot in your stomach tightens with each stroke of their fingers and tongue and in no time it’s
threatening to snap loose, “ ‘m close,” You breathe out, your hands combing through their dark hair
that falls into their eyes.

As if it were a signal, both boys speed up, bringing you closer and closer to the egde and you feel
yourself tipping over. But in an instant, it’s ripped away when they remove everything all at once,
even stepping away as you shiver in desperation.

“Wh-why’d you stop?” You pant, looking up at both of them as you close your legs in shyness.

“Oh angel,” Felix coos, leaning in to cup your face as he pecks your lips, letting you taste yourself
on his lips, “We haven't even started yet,” He smiles warmly, his eyes sparkling.

You swallow harshly, your mouth suddenly dry from anticipation.

You hear buckles clinking as they begin to remove their clothes, both boys stripping down right in
front of you. “W-wanna suck,” You whisper, eyes focused on the boys’ cocks springing free from
their restraints.

Hyunjin scoffs, now fully naked as he glares down at you, “You don’t get to suck now baby. But
soon, yeah?” He coos, brushing a hand through your hair as if to pet you.

“Turn over,” Felix instructs, walking to the back of the couch as Hyunjin settles between your legs.

With your ass perked up in the air and your arms resting on the headrest of the couch with Felix in
front of you and Hyunjin behind, excitement bubbles thickly in your throat at the thought of being
filled to the brim.

You meet Felix’s eyes as he stares down at you, his eyes sparkle as he cups your face with one
hand, his other hand stroking himself leisurely, “C’mon, suck it,” He says so deeply that the
vibration of his voice raises the hair on the back of your neck, which his hand slides back to hold as
you begin to suck him off.

Hyunjin, not forgotten but quiet behind you, makes himself known by sliding his cock between
your folds, and a pleasant unison groan resounds from all three of you.

“Pl-please fuck me,” You plead shyly, looking up at Felix as you drag your tongue up his rock-
hard shaft.

Felix hisses, his bottom lip being captured by his teeth and he grabs a handful of your hair and
pulls you forward to gently shove himself into your mouth, throwing his head back when you start
to gag on him.

Just then, you feel the tip of Hyunjin’s cock begin to enter you, your insides clenching as you try to
take him.

“Relax baby,” Hyunjin coaxes as he rubs his hands over your back, the cold metal causing your
skin to shiver in contrast to his warm hands and you breathe deeply through your nose as Felix
slides out. Hyunjin’s hands rest on your shoulders and you feel him almost halfway into you,
insides aching but it’s the sweetest hurt you could ask for.

Just when your mouth opens to take Felix again, Hyunjin pulls your shoulders back and buries
himself into you, deeper than you’ve ever felt him before with this angle.

“S-so tight, oh god,” Hyunjin groans, his nails digging into your shoulders and sliding down your
back as he slowly thrusts.

Felix’s hands find purchase in your hair, tugging your head forward to suck him again, so you do,
your hands stroking where your mouth doesn't reach. “You suck so well baby,” Felix praises,
“Your mouth is just made for sucking isn’t it?” He chuckles breathlessly.

His words have you clenching around Hyunjin’s cock forcing a strangled moan from the elder as
he starts to speed up his thrusts.

You feel him hit your insides with each thrust, the pain so deliciously satisfying you can’t help the
moans that drip from your lips with each pump into you.

You feel the familiar knot in your stomach tightening again when Hyunjin finds his pace,
constantly hitting a spot within you that forces a sweet harmony to flow through your veins with
each brush to it.

“Feels so- ah so good,” You whimper when Felix pulls out to give you space to breathe, and you
look up at him through teary eyes. “Yeah? You want more cock, baby?” Felix coos, brushing his
thumb over your bottom lip and you nod frantically, whatever it is he’s offering, you want it.

Felix looks at Hyunjin and you feel the elder slip out of you, your muscles clenching at the loss.
You know you’re beginning to lose grip on your surroundings when your eyes flutter shut while
the two boys get into their new positions, Felix climbing in underneath you as Hyunjin takes
Felix’s previous spot in front of you.

He smiles down at you, sweat trickling his forehead and black streaks sticking to his skin as his
chest heaves from fucking you, “Hey baby,” He whispers, bending down to kiss you.

This kiss is how he usually kisses you - teeth clashing softly and tongues fighting with each other,
he tilts his head and glides his tongue into your mouth as deep as it can go and you suck on it
messily when he pulls away, Hyunjin biting his lip with a hiss when he stands up.

Felix preps you with a few strokes your clit before he’s slowly inching into you, his hands gripping
your hips tightly as he guides you down to ride him.

His thrusts meet your hips with loud slaps, fucking up and into you at a much faster pace than
Hyunjin did, but both cocks tease the same spot inside of you that has your eyes rolling back as you
gag on Hyunjin’s cock that he’s fucking into your mouth.

The pleasure is overwhelming, being filled by two cocks in two different places has you
shuddering, Felix’s abdomen teasing your clit with each thrust he delivers into you.

The living room has become a mess of smells of sex and sounds of pleasure from all three of you,
and your snatched orgasm begins to creep in quickly this time around.

“ ‘m clo-” You try to speak in between the thrusts into your mouth, but it's muffled when Hyunjin
grabs your hair, shoving himself deep into you, “Just like that, suck it just like that,” He growls
through a clenched jaw.

“Fuck- you’re clenching,” Felix moans beneath you, his mouth latching onto one of your nipples.

When you feel Hyunjin's hands tensing in your hair you can tell his close, so you suck again, as
hard as you can, “Shit! Oh god I’m cumming,” He whines and spills into your mouth, his body
buckling as he shoots into your throat.

“Fuck baby-” Felix mumbles against your chest, the knot in your stomach coming undone the
moment you see Hyunjin shiver in overstimulation.

Your orgasm ripples through you, it's numbing and long, and momentarily, you’re physically
unable to focus on anything but the sweetness emptying itself in your core and flowing through
your veins.

Your head falls onto Felix’s chest and your eyes flutter shut, and somewhere in everything you
seem to get lost, drowning fully in the pleasure.

“Baby?” You hear Hyunjin’s voice and you lift your head, your skin cold from sweating and sticky
against Felix’s shoulder. “Shit, are you okay?” Felix’s hands cup your face and you keep your eyes
shut, exhaustion just taking over.

“Y/N?” Hyunjin’s silky voice coaxes you awake again, and you sit up, wrapped in arms and legs
on the sofa. “What happened?” You ask with a groggy voice, your throbbing throat being your first
reminder of the events that took place, a smile creeping up your face instantly.

Hyunjin smiles, “Think it was too much for you baby.”

“No, not too much,” You argue back, Felix behind you handing you a glass of water that you take

“You’re full of marks, your voice is croaky and you can’t even sit up without shivering,” Felix
chuckles, stroking your cheek with his thumb, “Yet you argue.”
You chuckle at his honesty, maybe you are a little bit fucked out, but it’s the price you had to pay,
and you’d pay it again once you’re able to walk.

“Did you learn your lesson?” Hyunjin asks in a soft voice, and you nod when you lean back down
to rest on his shoulder.

There’s no doubt that the image of Hyunjin shuddering when he came and Felix coaxing you
awake will leave your mind anytime soon, not that you want it to either.

Sandwiched between your two boyfriends, you allow yourself to rest in their embrace, knowing
that when you wake up in a few hours, it’ll all just happen again.

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