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‘I Just Wanted to Get it Over ©The Author(s) 2022
License: CC-BY-NC
and Done With’: A Grounded
Theory of Psychological Need
Frustration in Video Games

Nick Ballou1 , Sebastian Deterding2

Psychological need frustration—experiences like failure, loneliness, or coercion—is emerging as
a promising explanation for why people disengage with games and other entertainment media,
and how media may induce dysregulated use and ill-being. However, existing research on game-
related need frustration relies on general instruments with unclear content validity for games. We
also do not know how need frustration arises in video games, nor how it leads to disengagement.
We therefore conducted a semi-structured interview study with 12 video game players, following
grounded theory methods to develop a model of need-frustrating play. We find that need frustration
is a common and impactful experience in games, with distinct antecedents not fully captured in
existing measures. Felt need frustration arises when observed need-frustrating events negatively
violate expected need frustration or satisfaction; repeated violations update players’ expectations,
which lead them to modulate or quit play to reduce expected frustration exposure.

need frustration, video games, grounded theory, motivation, disengagement, self-determination

Introduction theories used to understand how people are moti-

vated and affected by video games and other enter-
tainment media (Rigby and Ryan 2016; Janicke-
Self-determination theory (SDT; Ryan and Deci Bowles et al. 2021; Tyack and Mekler 2020).
2017) has become one of the most prominent

1 Queen Mary University of London, 2 Imperial College London

Corresponding author:
Nick Ballou, Game AI Group, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK, E1 4NS
ORCID: 0000-0003-4126-0696
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While self-determination theory is a broad frame- more (Bartholomew et al. 2011; Ryan et al. 2016;
work spanning six sub-theories, media psycholog- Vansteenkiste et al. 2020).
ical work has mainly picked up on its three basic
Hence, need frustration has emerged in media
psychological needs, posited as key determinants
research as a possible explanatory mechanism for
of intrinsic motivation and well-being: autonomy
negative experiences, disengagement, and adverse
(the need to feel a sense of control and volition
impacts with media use. One line of research
in one’s actions), competence (the need to feel
has investigated how need frustration in daily life
mastery, effectiveness, and growth), and related-
relates to media use. Using video games or social
ness (the need to feel a sense of connection and
media may compensate for frustrated needs in
belonging) (Ryan and Deci 2017).
everyday life (Chen et al. 2021; Ballou et al. 2022).
Satisfaction of basic needs is a strong predic- Other work has demonstrated that need frustration
tor of enjoyment of both interactive and non- in daily life is associated with dysregulated or
interactive media (Tamborini et al. 2011), includ- obsessive video game play, particularly when co-
ing virtual reality applications (Reer et al. 2022), occurring with high need satisfaction from video
television (Adachi et al. 2018), esports viewership games, indicating that compensatory media use can
(Qian et al. 2022), and social media (Sheldon et al. become maladaptive (Allen and Anderson 2018;
2011). Psychological needs have been especially Mills et al. 2018a,b; Formosa et al. 2022).
widely studied in games research (Tyack and Mek-
ler 2020), where their satisfaction has been linked Another line of research has looked at need
to greater intrinsic motivation and engagement frustration experiences during media use itself.
across genres (e.g., Tamborini et al. 2010; Oliver Gilbert et al. (2021), for example, found that auton-
et al. 2016; Adinolf and Türkay 2019), as well as omy frustration during smartphone use moderates
to positive well-being effects (Kowert 2020). (or potentially mediates) the relationship between
multitasking and stress. In video games research,
evidence suggests that need frustration is a salient
Need Frustration in Media Use experience in games (Pusey et al. 2021) with
impacts that are separate and distinct to those of
However, just as media use can satisfy basic psy-
need satisfaction (Kosa and Uysal 2021). Specif-
chological needs, so too can it actively thwart
ically, need frustration in games may be linked
them, a phenomenon called need frustration
to strong negative affective reactions including
(Vansteenkiste and Ryan 2013). Need frustration
aggression (Przybylski et al. 2014), disengagement
is not simply the absence of need satisfaction, but
and thoughts of quitting (Kosa and Uysal 2021;
a separate construct referring to feelings of being
Pusey et al. 2021), and dysregulated gaming (Allen
controlled or coerced (autonomy frustration), fail-
and Anderson 2018; Kosa and Uysal 2021).
ure and self-doubt (competence frustration), or
loneliness and exclusion (relatedness frustration). However, as Tyack and Mekler (2020) note in a
Evidence suggests that need satisfaction and need recent review, how games afford need frustration
frustration are separate experiences that can coexist and how this may shape play behavior and experi-
to varying degrees (Allen and Anderson 2018; ence remains largely unexplored. This knowledge
Warburton et al. 2020). Just as experiences of need is of great relevance to designers who wish to avoid
satisfaction fuel well-being and intrinsic motiva- negative experiences that lead players to disengage
tion, experience of need frustration have been or churn, and want to be able to distinguish ‘pos-
linked to amotivation and forms of ill-being, such itive’, engaging forms of frustration from negative
as depression, burnout, poor physical health, and ones—a common design goal (Petralito et al. 2017;
Ballou & Deterding 3

Frommel et al. 2021). While we have (largely cor- (2004) have drawn a distinction between in-game
relational) evidence that need frustration is linked frustration (failure to know how to complete a
with lower media engagement, it is not clear that challenge) and at-game frustration (failure to oper-
these are the only behavioral consequences, nor ate the input device), which was found to be more
what processes give rise to them. frustrating than the former (Miller and Mandryk
This lack of more detailed knowledge is also 2016).
due to the quantitative and ‘top-down’ form of While varying, these literatures broadly construe
most current research on the topic—applying exist- frustration as the appraisal of impeded goal attain-
ing general definitions and measurement instru- ment, which generates subsequent arousal and neg-
ments of need frustration that may lack sufficient ative affect. This has some extensional overlaps
domain specificity (Allen and Anderson 2018; with competence frustration (see also Przybylski
Kosa and Uysal 2021). Put differently, since we et al. 2014). That said, without empirical descrip-
lack basic naturalistic descriptive work, game- tions of psychological need frustration in games, it
related need frustration is currently a largely is hard to say whether it captures different phenom-
‘empirically empty’ construct, which risks low ena than ‘frustration’ in other literatures.
construct or content validity of imported measures
aimed at capturing it (Lasch et al. 2010). This is Present Study
not a new concern in work on games and self-
determination theory (where new questionnaires Taken together, need frustration in games forms
are frequently validated for particular contexts; part of a larger research movement using psy-
Vansteenkiste et al. 2020). For example, Tyack chological needs to explain negative experiences,
and Wyeth (2017) noted and Kayser et al. (2021) disengagement, and adverse impacts around media
later confirmed that existing need satisfaction ques- use. However, existing correlational, quantitative
tionnaires did not capture all forms of relatedness evidence leaves open how, if at all, need frustration
satisfaction characteristic for games. empirically manifests in gaming, captured in our
first research question:
Need Frustration and Other RQ1. What kinds of need-frustrating experi-
Conceptions of Frustration ences, if any, do people report in games, and how
they are experienced phenomenologically?
Need frustration is theorized to be distinct from
other conceptualizations of frustration relevant to If we do find that players can report salient need-
gaming and media use, such as consumer frus- frustrating experiences in games, the next open
tration with a service or product in marketing question is how they function:
psychology (González-Gómez et al. 2021), com-
RQ2. What are the antecedents, processes, and
puter user frustration in human-computer interac-
engagement effects of need-frustrating experiences
tion (Bessière et al. 2006, e.g.,), affective comput-
in games?
ing work on automatic frustration detection (e.g,
Wolterink and Bakkes 2021), or the frustration-
aggression hypothesis (Dollard et al. 1939) in psy-
chology. The latter posits that frustration—defined
as interference with goal-directed behavior—is a To answer these questions, we chose a qual-
necessary precursor to aggressive behavior, and has itative, theory-generating approach. Specifically,
been influential media use and violence research we conducted semi-structured interviews with 12
(Breuer et al. 2015). In games, Gilleade and Dix video game players from various backgrounds
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for efficient access to rich and varied recalled only coded as need frustration if players clearly
events, using constructivist grounded theory meth- described feelings of being controlled/coerced
ods (Charmaz 2006) to develop an empirically (autonomy frustration), failure/self-doubt (compe-
grounded model. While traditional grounded the- tence frustration), and loneliness/exclusion (relat-
ory (particularly in the Glaserian tradition) sug- edness frustration). While using autonomy, compe-
gests to ‘bracket’ theoretical preconceptions, con- tence, and relatedness frustration as initial codes,
temporary approaches recognize that ingoing the- we remained open to merging or discarding these
oretical concepts are an unavoidable and indeed categories if they did not fit the data. We did not
productive part of the abductive process and theo- impose any further specific preconceptions in data
retical sensitivity involved in generating grounded collection or coding.
theory (Thornberg 2012; Goldkuhl and Cronholm True to grounded theory principles, we iterated
2010). As Kelle (2019) notes, ‘theoretical cat- between data collection, coding, and memoing:
egories with low empirical content drawn from interviews were conducted, transcribed, and coded
grand theories are often ideally suited’ to grounded one at a time, and we repeatedly altered the inter-
theory generation, as they ‘do not force the data’ view script or redirected participant sampling in
(p. 84): this precisely describes our aims to see response to our ongoing theorizing.
if need frustration as abstractly conceived in self-
determination theory occurs in video game play, We initially interviewed a first subset of four
and if so, how it manifests and operates. To quote participants aiming to maximize variety in demo-
the original Discovery of Grounded Theory, ‘cat- graphics (age, gender) and game genre preferences
egories can be borrowed from existing theory, (as expressed in favorite titles). Subsequent data
provided that the data are continually studied to collection was governed by theoretical sampling,
make certain that the categories fit’ (Glaser and aiming to enrich or challenge evolving categories.
Strauss 1967, pp. 36-37). We continued data collection until we reached
theoretical saturation, which we judged to be the
case after the 12th interview.
Data collection and analysis approach
To this end, we constructed interview prompts We undertook three coding cycles, correspond-
from descriptions of need frustration from the ing to the key stages in constructivist grounded
most recent and comprehensive self-determination theory (Charmaz 2006). We began with initial
theory handbook (Ryan and Deci 2017) and word- incident-by-incident coding (exploratory, descrip-
ings from the most widely used and well-validated tive), then focused coding (using the most sig-
questionnaire for assessing need frustration, the nificant and frequent codes to sift through data;
Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustra- integrating codes into categories; deciding which
tion Scale (Chen et al. 2015) (see Supplementary codes make the most analytic sense to fully catego-
Materials). Participants were asked to retell in rize the data), then finally selective coding (spec-
detail recent experiences of need frustration, using ifying possible relationships between categories
prompts such as ‘Can you remember a time when developed in focused coding).
gaming that you felt you were being “forced” to The first author was the sole coder for all
do something?’ (autonomy frustration). We fur- cycles, and regularly consulted with the second
ther included prompts using the colloquial word author about model development and the coher-
‘frustration’ to remain open to potential forms ence of codes. Both authors have conducted pre-
of need frustration not captured in prior concep- vious research on self-determination theory and
tualizations. Responses to these questions were games. Lastly, we discussed the model with two
Ballou & Deterding 5

interviewees to assess whether they found it to Those selected for an interview were paid £12/hour
accurate characterize their experiences. for the duration of the interview, which ranged
from 39 to 78 minutes. Participants completed
Procedure separate informed consent forms for screening and
interview, the latter including permission to record
We recruited participants on Prolific and via snow- and share pseudonymized data.
ball sampling to first complete a screening ques-
tionnaire and, if invited, a subsequent video inter-
view. The screening questionnaire was built in Participants
Qualtrics and asked participants about demograph- Participants (n = 12) ranged in age from 18 to
ics (age, gender), their gaming history and pref- 42 (Table 1). Interviews lasted between 39 to 78
erences (preferred genres), and allowed them to minutes, adding up to a total of 110,000 words. Our
opt in to potentially be invited for an interview. players resided in a variety of countries, and varied
(We also asked for but ended up not using infor- in their gaming history, preferred genres, and the
mation on need frustration in people’s daily life importance of gaming in their life.
and distress (if any) experienced in relation to their
From those who opted in, we purposely sampled Results
participants for varied backgrounds to invite them
to an approximately 1-hour semi-structured inter- Figure 1 presents our resulting grounded the-
view. Invited participants could book a suitable ory with four key components. In brief, players
time with Calendly and then participate in an approach a game with (1) (unconscious) expec-
interview over Zoom, and could decide whether tations for the kind and degree of autonomy,
they wanted the camera on or off (interviewer’s competence, and relatedness experiences that play
camera was always on). Screening and interviews will afford. Based on these expectations, players
took place between February 2021 and May 2022. make decisions about (2) play behavior. Felt need
All interviews were recorded and transcribed frustration occurs when a (3) need-thwarting sit-
using Zoom’s cloud recording service. We uation arises that is more salient or intense than
reviewed each transcript alongside the audio to expected—this could be autonomy, competence,
correct mistakes of the automated transcription, or relatedness frustration, or some combination.
and removed any potentially identifying informa- Over time, repeated, sufficiently salient or intense
tion. We then coded each pseudonymized tran- frustration experiences will update players’ expec-
script using MaxQDA (VERBI Software 2022). tations for ongoing or future need-related expe-
Supplementary Materials with full interview guide, riences in that game. Expectation shifts result in
anonymized data, and coding tree can be found at changes in (2) play behavior aimed to reduce exposure to need frustration, such as ‘rushing’
dfe56f8107c74a7284ba61c0dc571885 through a frustrating section, taking breaks, or quit-
(anonymous link for review). ting the game entirely. Such frustration-reducing
adaptations can be inhibited by (4) extrinsic
motivations—reasons to continue playing despite
Ethics expecting that it will be need-frustrating.
The study received ethical approval from We discuss each of these components in more
[anonymized for review]. Participants were paid detail below, beginning with need-frustrating expe-
£0.50 for the 5-minute screening questionnaire. riences themselves.
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Table 1. Interviewee details

Participant Age Gender Country Favorite games/series
P1 27 Male UK League of Legends, Legends of Runeterra, Dark Cloud
P2 21 Male Portugal League of Legends, God of War, Rocket League
P3 32 Female Spain Final Fantasy 8, The Witcher
P4 30 Female UK Kingdom Hearts, Assassin’s Creed, Skyrim
P5 18 Male Chile Cuphead, Stardew Valley, Fallout
P6 23 Female UK Undertale, Life is Strange 2, The Sea Will Claim Everything
P7 21 Female Canada Minecraft, Warframe, Call of Duty
P8 42 Non-binary UK Mass Effect, Resident Evil, Assassin’s Creed
P9 20 Male Poland Mass Effect 3, Life is Strange, Minecraft
P10 31 Female South Africa Tony Hawk, Grand Theft Auto, Need for Speed
P11 27 Male Netherlands Darkest Dungeon, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Witcher 3
P12 31 Prefer not to UK LittleBigPlanet 2, Apex Legends, Hollow Knight

Figure 1. Grounded theory of need frustration in games. Need frustration occurs when players’ (1)
need-related expectations are negatively violated during (2) play behavior by an (3) unexpectedly salient or
intense need-frustrating situation. Over time, need frustration experiences update players’ expectations, which
in turn prompts alterations to play behavior aimed at reducing future need frustration—unless (4) extrinsic
motivations overpower these.

Need frustration instances of autonomy, competence, and related-

ness frustration during gameplay. Need frustration
We found substantial evidence that players regu- occurred when an unexpected (or unexpectedly
larly experience need frustration during gaming. intense) need-frustrating situation arose. We first
Almost every interviewed player easily recalled
Ballou & Deterding 7

briefly describe some shared experiential and emo- So too did they appear for relatedness frustra-
tional correlates across all types of need frustra- tion, illustrated by this player’s anger after experi-
tion, followed by descriptions of each need and the encing identity-based harassment from other play-
kinds of situations that gave rise to their frustration. ers:
Emotional experiences of Need Frustration Par-
In the match where there have been
ticipants reported a wide variety of emotions asso-
a player with those homophobic
ciated with having their needs frustrated. This
thoughts [sic] [...] I have felt frustrated
appears to be more than mere lexical differences
and angry more than in others where
(calling the same experience by different names):
I have not encountered this problem.
different people reported different emotions. That
said, certain described emotions did reoccur fre-
quently. Some of these, described here, were Autonomy frustration In addition to these general
shared across frustration of all three basic needs. experiences, autonomy-frustrating situations were
Others were unique to frustration of one basic uniquely characterized by feelings of tedium, dis-
need; these are specified in their respective sub- traction, and boredom:
Broadly, emotions that reoccurred across all It’s usually like a boredom thing, I
basic needs were anger, disappointment, and guess. Where it’s just like, you’re try-
annoyance. For instance, the following player felt ing to run through it as fast as possible
disappointed by being forced to play in a particular [...] you’re just like, ‘ugh, this is so
way (autonomy frustration): stupid. Why do I have to do this?’ (P1)
[Final Fantasy XIII] was quite dis-
We constructed three categories of autonomy-
appointing, more than anything, just
frustrating situations: when a desired playstyle
because it was so beautiful and it had
is constrained, when the ability to play is con-
so much potential, but the fact that it
strained, or when players are compelled to play.
was so linear and it just forced you to
The first was the most common: something pre-
do everything they wanted you to do
vented players from playing how they wanted to
that, they pre-set out for you just- it
play at that moment—e.g., playing a particular
was too much for me. (P4)
character, using particular equipment or abilities,
These same emotions also reoccurred with com- or taking certain in-game decisions. Constraints
petence frustration, such as this player who was could arise from other players (e.g., having one’s
annoyed with themselves after struggling to com- favorite champion or role taken in Overwatch), or
plete a gameplay segment: from the game itself:

It was, I knew I could do it, and it was Interviewer: Has there been a time
such a simple thing, just moving from when you felt the game [...] restricted
one ledge to the other, but I was really your sense of choice or freedom?
annoyed at myself and really giving P8: I think Destiny was definitely one.
myself a hard time about, you know, [...] You know, you’re called Light-
‘I should be able to do this, this is not bringer. You’re expected to be good.
rocket science’, you know. [laughs] So [...] the whole premise of the game
very annoyed at myself. (P8) is that you’re going to save everyone.
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So if you choose anything remotely Competence frustration Competence frustration

negative you either don’t get as much was uniquely characterized by feelings of anx-
bonus as you would have or you get iety and helplessness, as this player reports for
penalized. playing against an artificially boosted AI in Total
War: Warhammer: it ‘feels [...] like you’re helpless
Games could also thwart desired playstyles with against such a handicap.’ (P11).
unskippable segments, such as tutorials or story Three categories of competence-frustrating situ-
lines that the player is not interested in: ations emerged: stagnation, unfair situations, and
Nowadays in [Assassin’s Creed meaningless actions.
games], when you are pulled out the Stagnation describes situations where players
Animus, it’s by force. And they then feel unable to complete a desired or required
sort of force you to just do a few sort action, stifling their progression. This was afforded
of mundane actions in the real world by an underlying expectation that progress should
[...] And I’m just like ‘why are you be possible:
making me do this? I don’t want to do I’m like ‘I can play this game, I know
this, just can I go back in the Animus, how to play it’ but, for whatever rea-
please? That’s why I’m interested.’ son, every game I go into I just- I
(P4) can barely get a kill. And I’m just
A players’ ability to play is constrained when constantly, you know, lowest on the
constraints on their schedule, hardware availability, leaderboard and in those moments I
finances, or similar prevent them playing a game do, I feel frustrated at myself. And a
(when) they want to: little frustrated at the game, because
I’m just like ‘I can do this, why can’t I
It was too expensive for me to do it now.’
buy [Mass Effect Legendary Edition]
when it was first released, and I was Players describe unfair situations as moments
really disappointed. [...] I love the where external forces make a desired action or
gameplay and the character interac- goal attainment practically impossible in a way that
tions [...], but the cost was just too violates players’ expectations of being given equal
much. (P8) or sufficient means to make winning or losing an
expression of their play skill. This could be an AI
Lastly, autonomy was frustrated when players opponent having artificial bonuses, being withheld
felt compelled to play. Participants reported this for key information, or playing against significantly
multiplayer games where there are social pressure stronger opponents or with significantly weaker
or punishment mechanics for early leavers: teammates:
We are playing and my mother calls The friend group that I played
me or I get a phone call, and I really with, were very, very, like hardcore
have to go, so I lose interest on [sic] Counter Strike players. [...] And play-
the game, but I keep playing it because ing Counter Strike with them was hor-
I can’t go AFK [... as] that will result rible. [...] And I felt like I couldn’t- I
in a ban. So [...] I’m playing the game couldn’t do anything, you know. Like,
[...] but I’m not willing to play the I would spawn into the game, and I’d
game. I don’t want it. (P2) just die instantly. (P1)
Ballou & Deterding 9

In many cases, feelings around unfair situations [...] like they’re talking of me in a
were directed outward—at other players, the situa- bad way. Like, it’s not a great feel-
tion, or the game, rather than at themselves: ing, really. Like, I don’t- maybe I’m
ashamed of that part of my life, when I
At first, I thought it was just my ability play regularly League of Legends. (P5)
in games sort of wasn’t good enough
to get past a fight that was made [...] We found three categories of relatedness-
for a player at a difficulty level higher frustrating situations: being disconnected from
than mine. But when I did keep going other players, disconnected from the community at
and nothing seemed to be making a large, and disconnected from the game’s charac-
difference, and then I did kind of ters or world.
change over to the view that [...] the Being disconnected from other players arose
game had just made an enemy that was when players had disagreements with their team-
too hard. And if you can’t get past him mates, felt that a skill mismatch made for
by fighting him that there should have unequal in-game status, and—most commonly—
been some sort of alternative that you when players were harassed by other players:
could have done. (P6)
As soon as anybody finds out you’re
Finally, some participants reported competence a female gamer [in Call of Duty], it’s
frustration from meaningless choices—situations sort of immediately like, you know,
in which the game allows players to make deci- just preconceived jokes. [...] So it kind
sions, but these do not have the expected scale of of makes it hard to feel included, even
impact, or no impact at all: on your own team in those scenarios.
[Outer Worlds] tended to give you
choices between, say, this colony or In other cases, relatedness frustration was more
this corporation, but you can’t save generally about being disconnected from the com-
both, you have to choose one or the munity, which could be players of a particular
other. And it didn’t matter what you game, or a subset of those players:
did, you still ended up with the same
result, but you know, it made you There are communities that I felt like
feel awful, because they get you emo- I couldn’t be part of, and this is like at
tionally invested in the colony, they the very upper echelons of competitive
get you emotionally invested in the play in any space. It’s like, in Apex
corporation and it’s like ‘why can’t Legends, I can easily compete in the
you guys work together?’ It was super top 1% players, the top like 0.5%. But
frustrating that nothing I did made that there’s always like an exclusive group
happen. (P8) of like the top 500 players in the world
[...]. It can be very, like, cliquey in that
Relatedness frustration Relatedness frustration space. (P12)
was uniquely characterized by shame and alien-
ation feelings: Being disconnected from the game world com-
prises experiences where a game’s characters or
When some people made fun of environment made a player feel alienated, uninter-
League of Legends players, I will feel ested, or disappointed:
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Battlefield might be a good example ‘There have been very good games in
of that. I really normally don’t like a the [Assassin’s Creed] franchise [...]
setting, that is a battlefield. [laughs] It was just annoying that they could
Obviously Battlefield is in a battle- produce all this good content before
field. But war-themed stuff is not nor- and let [Assassin’s Creed Syndicate]
mally my kind of thing and it just feels actually go live [...] when it felt like
like- it feels like I’m out of place. It’s it wasn’t ready. [...] So yeah, disap-
like, ‘why am I playing this game, if pointment, disbelief and a lot of frus-
this isn’t a setting I enjoy to be in?’ tration.’ (P4)
But expectations were also set during gameplay
by perceived signals from the game. For instance,
Expectations lack of control over in-game story events would be
Expectations describe what players anticipate from experienced as less frustrating if the game set the
ongoing or future play and shaped need frustra- expectation that the story was pre-scripted:
tion in three ways. First, need frustration became
salient when play experience violated or nega- [In Cyberpunk 2077], there was a
tively deviated from player expectations. Violated character that died and it felt like I
expectations could be conscious or subconscious couldn’t do anything about it. It felt
and positive or negative: players could expect like he only died to advance the plot,
certain kinds or frequencies of game interactions and not even in a very meaningful
that ordinarily support autonomy, competence, and way at that. [Whereas in Red Dead
relatedness, which then did not occur (such as Redemption 2] there’s a story that’s
perceived impact of meaningful choices, a degree being told, I’m here to experience it.
of progress and effectiveness, or fairly matched I’m not here to necessarily decide the
opponents). Similarly, players could expect some story. So there isn’t that kind of false
(or no) degree of need frustration, which gameplay promise of ‘okay, yes, supposedly I’m
then negatively exceeded: supposed to decide the story, but really
we’re just going to do whatever the
[Losing items irretrievably in Val- developer wants me to.’ (P11)
heim] definitely blindsided me [...] I When need-frustrating situations were cor-
should have expected it and antici- rectly anticipated, these expectations would reduce
pated it, but I think I was just sort of the salience of felt frustration and could miti-
so in the zone and kind of enjoying the gate its impact on play behavior, with players
whole experience and the learning and autonomously choosing to play regardless. One
the things that I gathered and how far player describes their frustration over lacking
it progressed. I think that’s what made Black representation in avatar customisation:
it more upsetting when it did happen
and I knew there was no chance of The best thing they’ve been able to do
retrieval at that point. is change the skin color and maybe
the hair, which is not even still close
These expectations were shaped by prior expe- enough. You can’t really style it and
riences with that game, similar games, or other stuff. I guess it doesn’t make me frus-
knowledge of games more generally: trated again because it’s expected, it’s
Ballou & Deterding 11

not ‘oh, really, I’m so heartbroken.’ counterplay against], you’re like ‘oh,
No, it’s expected. I expected it from that character is pretty strong.’ But the
the beginning. But if they do have it in more often you see it, the frequency
the game, I’ll be more encouraged to with which they appear, it gets to a
play or buy. (P7) point where it’s grating. And it’s like
‘oh my god, another one’, right. And
Players tended not to immediately change play it builds and builds and after a certain
behavior in response to a need-frustrating experi- point, I straight up just stop playing
ence. Instead, repeated experiences of need frus- the game. (P11)
tration shifted their expectations for the enjoyment
of future play over time, and these updated expec- Just as experiences from other games would
tations then informed their decision-making about shape expectations for the present one, so players
future gaming behavior. If the anticipated need would generalize experience from a present game
frustration outweighed the anticipated enjoyment to inform their expectations for the next one:
(facilitated by the anticipated satisfaction of basic
I played [Genshin Impact] for the first
needs), players would choose to alter their behav-
month that it came out. And it got to
a point where I was kind of logging in
So if I found that, like, two hour pro- just to do kind of like daily stuff. And
cess of beating a boss in Elden Ring I just couldn’t, you know, from my
frustrating, and I really didn’t enjoy it, experiences with Dragalia [a similar
then I’ll be thinking ‘well I’ve played mobile game], I was like, I don’t want
this one, so I don’t have to feel like to get into this again. I don’t want to
I was beaten by it, but do I want just do this daily stuff for no reason.
more of that? Do I want to have to go (P1)
through that process again and again In sum, expectations shape need frustration
to clear this game? And will I enjoy experiences and resultant behavior: felt need frus-
that?’ And sometimes the answer is tration results from the negative delta between
no, or at least other games are more expectation and observed situation, while expec-
compelling. (P12) tations not immediate emotional responses steer
While the above example shows expectation player behavior.
and behavioral shifts from session to session, they
could also happen during a single game session, Play Behavior
especially for competence frustration. Here, neg- Specifically, in response to current and expected
ative affect would build up over repeated need- future need-frustrating experiences in the game,
frustrating events, but counter-balanced by expec- participants might alter their behavior to reduce or
tations that some degree of frustration was normal; eliminate their exposure to need frustration in one
players changed play behavior (and in the worst of four ways. The first was to reduce the emotional
case, quit the game) when they felt that continued intensity of play. Players would, e.g., rush through
or repeated attempts would not result in a different, a segment, expending minimum time and attention
less frustrating outcome: until they pass the need-frustrating situation:
When you first notice [an overpow- Yeah, because you just rush through
ered character you feel you have no it, just to get it over and done with.
12 Preprint

Get the achievement that you com- Where need-frustrating experiences were more
pleted the game, and that’s all. It’s salient, or more frequent and immovable, players
not like ‘Oh, let’s do every single side may de-prioritize the game, playing less frequently
quest and get distracted from the main or only due to strong countervailing motives:
quest.’ [...] I just wanted to get it over
and done with. (P3) [My friends] would ask me to come
play [Counter Strike] with them. I’d
Second, players may change their in-game be like, ‘please don’t make me do this,
behavior to reduce the prevalence and/or salience I don’t want to play this game.’ And
of need-frustrating events, taking actions such as they would keep asking, and then like,
circumventing or exploiting challenges, moving to you know, I would try one more time,
a different in-game location, or interacting with and then get destroyed again, right.
others in a different way: [...] And like that- the length of time
between, you know, me refusing to
I always did pick up groups [in World and me saying ‘yes, okay, I’ll play
of Warcraft]. I never went- like, I never one more time’ gets longer and longer,
stuck with specific people because I until I just don’t play again. (P1)
didn’t want [...] to be known as that
person who always held the group Fourth, in response to the strongest or most per-
back. That was my own assessment sistent need-frustrating experiences, many players
of how I played and it wasn’t neces- chose to quit the game entirely:
sarily true to life, and so when I got-
when I went in a raid with a pickup [In Zuma] you’re shooting bubbles [...]
group I would be quiet, I would follow and it’s just coming so quickly that
instructions. (P8) you can’t do it. And I remember being
super frustrated at that. [...] You know,
Third, players might disengage. At the mildest it shouldn’t be that hard. But yeah, that
end, players would simply step away or take a was one I had to put down and not pick
break from the game. Players describe these expe- up again because I just- it made me
riences as having a temporary impact on their feel incapable. A failure. (P8)
desire to play that could be ‘repaired’ by counter-
vailing experiences:
Extrinsic Motivation
Um, I think it might have [quit The As can be seen in the above Counter-Strike
Witcher 2 for good] if- if any future examples, several players reported persisting play
enemies were [... as difficult as the despite repeated need frustration. In many of these
previous one]. I mean we were both instances, that was because pressures or anticipated
just so annoyed about it that we’re like rewards external to the need-frustrating gameplay
‘right, finally, that’s it. We’re quitting ‘outweighed’ undesirable frustration. We here refer
the game and saving.’ [laughs] [...] to these as extrinsic motivation in the broad sense
once I then like launched the game the of motives that are not inherent to performing the
next time I played, and none of the rest activity itself. Three categories of these stood out:
of the game was like that, I did move a desire to see the game beyond the obstacle, iden-
on pretty quickly. (P6) tifying as a fan, and rewards and achievements.
Ballou & Deterding 13

The most prevalent extrinsic motivation was a because I knew that if I got the shells, I
desire to see the game world beyond—be it appeal- will be able to get a prize or a mystery
ing characters, an interesting narrative, or beautiful box or something. So when there’s a
visual design, players had positive expectations reward at the end or a reward after
for future portions of the game, and would push each phase (P7)
through the temporary need frustration:
While these categories do not exhaust the extrin-
I’m really enjoying a game, and then sic motivators we observed, they demonstrate that
there’s like one part of the game that need frustration does not singularly determine play
I really don’t like. But in order to behavior; rather, play behavior results from a con-
continue enjoying the game, I have to scious or unconscious weighing of multiple pos-
get through this part that I don’t like, if itively and negatively valenced factors relating to
that makes sense. Like going through actual current and expected future consequences.
a Water Temple in Zelda or something,
right? [laughs] Like no one, no one Discussion
likes that shit. But the rest of the game
is beyond this Water Temple. So you At the broadest level, our results support that
kind of have to slog through it so that need frustration is an important recurring expe-
you can play the rest of it. (P1) rience in video game play that impacts experi-
ence and behavior. Players easily recalled a vari-
In other cases, players persisted because they ety of autonomy-, competence-, and relatedness-
identified as a fan of a franchise and felt some obli- frustrating situations that linked to distinct nega-
gation to that identity. In the following example, tive experiences and subsequent play adaptations
expected future positive gameplay and fan identity via changing expectations. Our findings furnish
mix: empirical content to game-related autonomy, com-
petence, and relatedness need frustration, and show
But I had to [finish Final Fantasy that these are indeed separate: each was triggered
XIII], because I felt like I was obliged by distinct situations, and showed some distinct
to as a Final Fantasy fan, to play that experiential signatures.
game and get to the end of it. And play This empirical content shows the limitations of
the sequel which is also very bad, and existing measurement instruments for need frustra-
get to the end of that. But yeah, I guess tion in games. Current instruments use a modified
it’s more of like, to see if it suddenly version of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfac-
becomes better or to fulfill your duty tion and Frustration scale (Chen et al. 2015), either
as a fan. (P3) pre-pending ‘when I play video games’ to each
item (Allen and Anderson 2018), or adding ‘in my
Lastly, participants reported being extrinsically [current favorite online game]’ in the middle (Kosa
motivated by in-game rewards and achievements: and Uysal 2021). While many of the scale’s frus-
tration items abstractly match experiences reported
[In Subway Surfer] you have to find by our players, our players also reported need-
different shells [...]. So whilst playing, frustrating experiences not captured in these items,
it was quite frustrating when the actual like perceived unfairness, meaningless actions, or
shells will be up, but I couldn’t jump having one’s desire to play or desired playstyle
as high. But it kept motivating me constrained. In other words, our results suggest
14 Preprint

that current scales lack content validity for the equals expected error reduction, while positive and
domain of video game play. We therefore advocate negative affect emerge from the delta between
further work on domain-appropriate measurement expected and actual error reduction: we continue
instruments. to engage in an activity as long as we expect it
A second major upshot of our findings is to progress us toward expected desired states, and
the crucial role of expectations modulating both feel good (or bad) when we actually progress better
need frustration experiences and behavioral conse- (or worse) than expected (Van De Cruys 2017).
quences. To our knowledge, mainstream and game- A budding strand of mostly theoretical research
specific self-determination theory work to date has applied this model to play (Andersen et al.
has not identified expectations to play a role here 2022) and video games (Deterding et al. 2022).
(although see Hagger and Chatzisarantis 2009 for Our findings suggest that at least for negative,
a counter-example combining self-determination need-frustrating experiences, predictive process-
theory with the theory of planned behavior, show- ing tracks players’ self-reported experiences and
ing that expected consequences about a behav- behavior well: frustration arises from the delta
ior shape engagement intention). Researchers may of expectations and observed events; things going
therefore be missing a crucial component of moti- ‘worse than expected’ are felt negatively; and moti-
vation. Cognitive evaluation theory, a main sub- vation to continue playing is tied to expectations,
theory of self-determination theory, specifies that not immediate positive or negative experience.
people appraise the functional significance of an
Taken together, our findings invite future empir-
event as informational, controlling, or amotivating,
ical research into the role of (conscious and
which will shape need satisfaction (Ryan and Deci
unconscious) expectations in gaming and media
2017, p. 130). Need satisfaction in an activity
use, and self-determination theory research more
will lead to enjoyment, which will then increase
broadly. Specifically, it stands to reason that our
intrinsic motivation to continue the activity (Ryan
findings generalise from need frustration to sat-
and Deci 2017, p. 117; cf. Ryan et al. 2006 for
isfaction: players should have expectations about
games). In contrast, our findings suggest that (a)
both. Under our model, need satisfaction should
appraisal includes comparing actual with expected
arise and be (most) salient if events positively
need frustration, (b) salience of experienced frus-
exceed expectations, and expected need satisfac-
tration arises from the delta between the two, and
tion should fuel continued play.
(c) observable motivation in the form of behavioral
persistence and intensity is not directly driven by A third upshot of our findings concerns the
felt frustration (as the inverse of enjoyment), but timescales at which need frustration, motivation,
by expected future frustration. and gaming operate. Here, our model supports and
The role expectations play in our model interest- extends that put forth by Melhart (2018). Melárt
ingly aligns with the predictive processing account observes that players are usually intrinsically moti-
of cognition (Clark 2016), which asserts that vated to play on the overall contextual level of
human perception and action consist of gener- a gaming session. Moment-to-moment frustration
ating (subconscious) predictions about the world might then disrupt need satisfaction on the situa-
and comparing these to actual observations, where tional level of a game segment (such as a level),
mismatches produce prediction error. Humans act leading players to temporarily shift orientation
and steer perception in a way they expect to toward extrinsic motivations, which would ‘bridge
most efficiently reduce uncertainty and prediction the gap’ to the next need-satisfying gameplay seg-
errors, continually learning in doing so. Motivation ment. We similarly observed extrinsic motivators
Ballou & Deterding 15

sustaining play in need-frustrating moments at var- lack of personal control or unfairness (González-
ious ‘in-game’ time scales. However, we found that Gómez et al. 2021). Yet other situations (such as
changes in expectations or behavior are more likely compulsion to play and disconnection) do not fit,
to happen at longer, session-to-session time scales. and many of the negative feelings characterising
We hypothesise from our model that at shorter, need frustration are not reported in other frus-
moment-to-moment or segment-to-segment time tration literatures. As need frustration was near-
scales, players expect occasional frustration, while universally experienced as negative, we believe
they expect overall enjoyable gameplay at ses- that need frustration could offer an explanatory
sion and session-to-session timescales. Thus, while mechanism for differentiating negative and pos-
occasional momentary or even segment-level need itive experiences of frustration, which are fre-
frustrations are unpleasant, they do not violate quently reported in video game play (Frommel
expectations and hence, do not impact contextual et al. 2021; Petralito et al. 2017). Perceiving one’s
motivation to continue playing. It needs repeated goal-directed action to be impeded without feel-
or sustained segment- or session-length frustra- ing controlled, ineffective, or excluded (i.e., need-
tion experiences to violate and update expecta- frustrated) may set apart the positive, motivat-
tions. Experiences over time update and gener- ing experiences of wanting to get past a difficult
alise into ever-more global expectations (about a obstacle from negatively valenced instances where
game, game series, game genre, or gaming overall), goal attainment and needs are frustrated. Similarly,
which then top-down modulate players’ gaming need-frustrating frustration may be more likely to
selection, persistence, and incoming expectations induce aggression (supported, e.g., by Przybylski
for a particular game or session. Thus, our model et al. 2014).
points to a ‘sliding time and generality scale’ of
bottom-up learning informing ever more global Limitations
expectations and back, ranging from moment-to- Despite purposive sampling for variety, our sample
moment play to the whole domain of gaming. remained relatively homogeneous: all participants
This fits theories of active media selection like were between 18 and 42 years of age and with one
mood management theory (Zillmann 1988), which exception (Chile), came from the Global North,
states that people actively select media stimuli to with nine out of 12 from Europe. Participants’
improve their mood; as media selection occurs stated favourite games were exclusively highly
before consumption, at least initially, it must be commercially successful console and PC games;
based on expected not actual mood effects. participants did discuss having played mobile
Finally, while not the focus of our study, our games during the interviews, but none listed one
findings also indicate that need frustration does as an all-time favorites. While we do not expect
not equate to common conceptions of general, that cultural and game platform differences would
consumer, or computer user frustration (González- challenge the core process model and categories
Gómez et al. 2021; Bessière et al. 2006; Dol- of our theory, different contexts might give rise to
lard et al. 1939). Frustration as impeded goal- additional, distinct need-frustrating situations.
directed action ‘fits’ a range of the autonomy- and During coding, we uncovered evidence of
competence-frustrating situations we found; for several mitigating and exacerbating factors that
example, our categories of constrained playstyle affected the salience of need-frustrating situations,
and unfair situations overlap with appraisal theory- such as having a preexisting low mood during
informed findings that negatively valenced con- play, consciously devaluing the experience, or feel-
sumer frustration occurs in situations of perceived ing strong positive need satisfaction. These were
16 Preprint

highly varied within and across participants, thus Acknowledgements

preventing us from theoretically saturating them
This work was supported by the EPSRC Centre for
as categories; for this reason, we did not specify
Doctoral Training in Intelligent Games & Games
them in our model. We are confident, however,
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and that their under-saturation therefore does not
impact the validity of the core expectations-play
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