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Revision Worksheet
Worksheet-2- (2022-23)
Name:_____________________ Date: ________________
Class/Sec: VII/ __________ Subject : English

Ex – I- Identify the phrases in the following sentences and also state the type.
1. Danny was playing indoor games with his friends. ___________________
2. Nandhu, Vishnu and Arjun like going on road trips. ____________________
3. The girl, in the black dress, is my colleague. _____________________
4. We found an unowned vehicle parked in front of our house. _____________________
5. The savouries that were served
erved today were extremely sweet. _____________________
6. That boy standing
nding near the garden is my friend’s son. ______________________

EX- II- Fill in the blanks with the passive form of the verbs given in the brackets.

I was ________________ (ask) to eat some fruits by mom but I didn’t listen to her. I was
___________ (watch)
watch) by my mom with a ripe mango
o _____________ (hold) by me. Suddenly,
the mango ________________ (bite) by me and the juice wet my chin. The expression on
my mother’s face ____________ (see) by me, I laughed but continued eating it. With an
expression of delight, my face ________
___________ (wipe) by my mom with a napkin.

EX-III. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks.

The idiot box is (a) _____________________ (increasing/

(increasing/increasingly)) pushing the bookshelf
out of the(b) ___________________ (houses/house)
/house) even in regions that
(c) _____________________ (has/have
have)) a high literacy rate and a long tradition of libraries.
According to the findings of a sample survey (d) ______________ (an/a)
/a) average Keralite
now spends 90 minutes (e) ___________________ (watching/is
/is watching) television
televi and 80
minutes reading books. However, TV is not the only culprit; the survey, (f) _____________
(was conducted/conducted)) by the Kerala Library Council (g) ______________ ((indicates/is
indicated) that lack of interest and high price of books (h) ____
__________ (is/
(is/are) equally
responsible for people running away from serious reading

EX-VII- Rewrite the following sentences correctly.

1. A young man has once gone to a sage.
2. You haven’t done your homework, did you?
3. The bouquet of grapes looks delicious.

4. The house who is near the school is lying vacant.

5. She had an accident and suffers injuries.
6. I fall down the ladder and broke my back.
7. Would I help you?
8. Could you mind lending me your pen?
9. The injured child cried bitter.
10. Please read the sentence aloudly.

EX. V- You are Neetu/Nakul, Head Boy/Head Girl of Holy Child School, Indore. Write a
notice to inform the students about a debate competition to be held in your school on 18
January 2023.

EX. VI- You are Ram/Reema. This morning you received a call from Mr. Mohan, your
father’s friend. Your father was out. Mr. Mohan asked you to convey to your father that
he is unwell and not in a position to go to the office today. He has asked your father to
inform your manager about it. Write the message for your father.

EX.VII- The Internet began in the early nineties. Today, it has grown to become a major
means of communication. Websites and emails, things that were unheard of just two
decades ago, are quickly gaining popularity and usage. Write an article within 100 – 120
words. The Internet – Boon and Bane’

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