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1. Who were the 3 principal characters in the story? Describe them briefly.

The characters are Silvia, Gabriel, Mrs. Delgado and Marco.

Silvia: She is a beautiful and young woman. She was in love of Marco. She and
her mother, Mrs. Delgado no have much money. She lived with her mother.
Gabriel: He is a good person. He has got an intelligent brown eyes. Gabriel isn´t
a richer man than Marco.
Marco: He is a bad and rich man. Marco was with Silvia because he thought
The Delgados have much money.
Mrs. Delgado: She is a Silvia mother´s. She is old and ill woman.

2. What was the difference between GABRIEL and MARCO?

The difference between Gabriel and Marcos are the first is a good man, he
really loved a Silvia. Marco is a bad man and rich man, he stays with Silvia
because he believed The Delgados have a lot of money.
3. Where did Gabriel invite Silvia to go?
Gabriel invite a Silvia to went The Plaza cinema.
4. Why didn’t she accept?
She didn´t accept because she went with Marco to Oasis restaurant.

5. Why did Marco like Silvia’s flat?

Marco liked Silvia´s flat because the room looked very expensive. In the room
there were beautiful pictures on the walls and there was an expensive

6. Were the Delgados a rich family now?

The Delgados weren’t a rich family because Silvia´s father died and her
mother was ill.

7. What was the problem with Silvia’s mother?

8. Where did Marco take Silvia to eat out?

Marco took Silvia to Oasis restaurant.
9. Why did she feel uncomfortable?
She felt uncomfortable because Marco was discussing with manager for a
tablet in the restaurant.
10.At 8:27 the earthquake happened. Where were Gabriel, Marco, Silvia
and her mother?
When the earthquake starts Gabriel was outside the Plaza Cinema. Silvia was in
the washroom, outside the restaurant in a small garden and Marco was inside
the restaurant arguing with the manager. Silvia´s mother was in her flat.
11.After the earthquake, what happened to the Oasis restaurant and
some buildings?
After the earthquake the Oasis restaurant was destroyed. It was only rubble.
12. People ran up and down the street and shouted for help. Silvia didn’t stop
to help other people. Where
did she want to go?
13. What happened when Silvia entered to the flat?
14. When Silvia left her flat she met Mr. Enriquez. What did he say about her
15. Silvia went back to her flat. What did she want to take?
16. Was Gabriel dead? What happened to him?
17. By accident, a woman hit his arm and Gabriel fainted. Where was he when
he woke up?
18. Was Marco dead? What did a man in the street tell Silvia?
19. What did Silvia understand at that moment?

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