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TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Satuan Pendidikan : MTs
Kelas/Semester : VII / Ganjil
Hari dan Tanggal :
Waktu :

Petunjuk Umum :

1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan;

2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab;
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soal kurang;
4. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
5. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar dengan menghitamkan bulatan jawaban;
6. Apabila Anda ingin memperbaiki/mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban semula dengan penghapus sampai
bersih, kemudian hitamkan bulatan jawaban yang menurut Anda benar;
7. Periksalah seluruh jawaban Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C, dan D di bawah ini!
1. Which one of the following expressions is regarded as greeting?
A. Thank you
B. How are you
C. Good morning
D. Good bye
2. Father : Have a nice dream, my honey.
Son :....
A. Take care, mom
B. I’m happy
C. Have a nice dream, Dad
D. See you, Dad
3. Ratno : Mom, this is Tio, my classmate. Rio, this is my Mother.
Ratno’s mother : Nice to meet you , Rio
Rio : ............................................
A. I am fine
B. Thank you
C. Good bye
D. Nice to meet you, too
Read the dialog carefully to answer no 4-6.
Mr. Kardi, biology teacher is going to the laboratory , meets Wahyu at break time.
Wahyu : Good morning , Sir
Mr. Kardi : Good morning Wahyu, why are you in hurry ?
Wahyu : I am going to library ,Sir. I want to borrow some books to read.
Mr. Kardi : Great, How diligent you are !
Wahyu : Thank you, Sir. Sorry, I must go now. See you
Mr. Kardi : See you.
4. Where does the dialog take place ?
A. In the library
B. In the laboratory
C. In the canteen
D. At school
5. When do you think the dialog happen ?
A. In the afternoon
B. In the evening
C. In the morning
D. In the night.
6. Where is Wahyu going ?
A. To library
B. To laboratory
C. To canteen
D. To parking lot
Read this introduction to answer question 7 until 9!
Hello, my name is KETUT. I was born on the 4th of June 2012. I am a student of SMPN 1
Denpasar. I live on Garuda street no 68. My house is only 1 km from school. I have a bicycle, it
is my favourite vehicle. So I ride my bicycle to go everywhere. My favourite colour is blue. I
like to eat Betutu chicken. Nice to meet you!!
7. How old is Ketut ?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 14
8. Where does he come from ?
A. Lampung
B. Jogyakarta
C. Padang
D. Bali
9. What is his hobby ?
A. Cycling
B. Dancing
C. Painting
D. Gardening

Read the text to answer questions 10 to 12.

Made the Basketball Player

Made is Galang’s friend. He is 14 years old. He is very friendly. He has a lot of friends.
Made has short, black hair. He always wears a cap wherever he goes. He sometimes wears a
Made is special. He uses a crutch and sometimes uses a wheelchair. He likes playing
basketball. He plays for a basketball team called Kalimantan Wheelchair Basketball. He
practices basketball once a week. On Saturday. His teammates are proud of him. Together, they
make a very good basketball team.

10. What does Made always wear wherever he goes?

A. A cap
B. A crutch
C. A headband
D. A wheelchair

11. Why is Made special? Because … .

A. he has a lot of friend
B. he likes playing basketball
C. his teammates are proud of him
D. he uses a crutch and sometimes uses a wheelchair

12 . From the text we know that … .

A. Galang has a lot friends
B. Made is a disabled boy
C. Made is a football player
D. Galang is a basketball player

13. What does the term "singular" mean in the context of food, drinks, and snacks?
A. A small portion
B. One serving of food
C. Multiple servings of food
D. Something you eat quickly

14. Siti : "Hi, what's your favorite meal?"

Rizki : "My favorite meal is fried rice with egg and spicy sambal. I usually have it with
warm sweet tea."
What is Rizki's favorite meal?
A. Grilled chicken
B. Fried rice with egg and spicy sambal
C. Pizza
D. Instant noodles

15. Why might someone consider the favorite meal to have a negative aspect?
A. It's too expensive.
B. It's not delicious.
C. It can be high in calories and not very healthy.
D. It's too small.

16. Which word is the plural form of "drink"?

A. Drank
B. Drunks
C. Drinking
D. Drinks

17. What is the purpose of the singular form of "food"?

A. To indicate multiple types of food.
B. To express hunger.
C. To refer to a single piece of food.
D. To show a preference for food.

18. What is a synonym for "snack"?

A. Beverage
B. Appetizer
C. Main course
D. Breakfast
Read the text below for number 19 and 20.
Liana and Lisa are going to the supermarket. They are buying a chocolate, an ice cream, a candy
and a cake. Lisa puts them into the shopping bag and Liana pays the purchase at the cashier
counter. Then, they go home by motorcycle.
19. What kind of food are they going to buy?
A. Chocolate and candy
B. Ice Cream, chocolate, candy and cake
C. Vegetables
D. Fruits
20. Are they buying a cake?
A. No, they are not
B. Yes, they are
C. No, they are
D. Yes, they not
21. Do they go home by a car?
A. Yes, they aren’t
B. No, they are
C. Yes, they are
D. No, they aren’t
22. She has bought me ___ apple juice.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. Are
23. I want to buy ___ banana and a pineapple in the market
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. No articles needed
24. .I saw ___ very beautiful creature, but I don’t know ___ name is.
A. A - The
B. An - The
C. The - A
D. An – A

Read the following questions!

1. You can make instant noodles with the help of a microwave
2. Finally, add any items that you want and serve the noodles
3. First, fill the bowl with two cups of water and the noodle
4. Microwave it for about three to five minutes
5. Then, take the noodles out of the microwave and pour the seasonings
6. After the microwave beeps, wait for three minutes in the closed microwave
7. Next stir the noodles until the seasonings dissolve
25. The best arrangement of the sentences above is …
A. 1-7-5-6-2-4-3
B. 1-3-4-6-5-7-2
C. 1-2-7-3-6-5-4
D. 1-4-7-5-2-6-3

26. I Have a stomachache,….. I will come to school.

A. Since
B. Because
C. However
D. Unless

27. My brother …….. I went to the workshop to repair our car.

A. And
B. Or
C. Neither
D. But

28. He Apologized............his mistakes

A. As
B. But
C. For
D. Because

29. Nadia : “ I am very tired “

Nora : ……………….
A. Why are you taking a rest for a while?
B. Take a rest for a while!
C. Taking a rests for a while !
D. Don’t taking a rest for a while!

30......................disturbing him! He is finishing his homework.

A. Stop
B. Stopped
C. Don’t
D. You don’t
31. You always come late. Don’t..................again next time.
A. Be Late
B. Late
C. Lately
D. Arriving Late

32. Ghania : What time is it?

Nova : --------------------(19.10)
A. It is ten past seven.
B. It is quarter past eight.
C. It is ten past nine.
D. It is quarter past ten.

33. How do you say 16.55 p.m.?

A. It is five past four in the afternoon.
B. It is five past four in the morning.
C. It is five to five in the afternoon.
D. It is five to five in the morning.

34. Mrs. Annisa is a teacher. She teaches the students in the .....
A. School yard
B. Classroom
C. Teacher office
D. Science Lab

35. Adiba : Hurry up, sir. We must arrive at the......soon. My flight is at 5 p.m.
Taxi Driver : Alright, ma’am.
A. Airport
B. Bus Station
C. Harbor
D. Train Station

36. What is the boy look like ?

He is . . . . .
A. fat and has curly hair
B. fat and has straight hair
C. thin and has curly hair
D. thin and has straight hair
37. When making a fruit smoothie, which of the following ingredients are commonly used?
A. Milk and chocolate
B. Fruit and yogurt
C. Vegetables and sugar
D. Bread and cheese

38. Look at the picture!

Intan : How many pencil do you have?

Romi : I have .....
A. A pencil
B. An Pencil
C. Five pencil
D. Five pencils

Text for question number 39 – 40.

Pak Edo’s Hobby

Pak Edo’s hobby is cycling. He goes cycling every morning. Pak Edo always wears a
helmet, a t-shirt, shorts, and shoes when he goes cycling. He never forgets to bring his bottle.
Pak Edo sometimes goes cycling with his wife and children. They ride their bicycles
together on weekends. Their favorite place for cycling is the park. They like cycling at the park
because the air is very fresh.
Pak Edo likes cycling because it can make him healthy. Cycling makes immune cells are
more active. Cycling is also good for the environment because it does not release pollution.

N Statement Tru False

O e
39. Cycling is also good for the environment because it does not release
40. Pak Edo and his families like walking every morning in the park.

Text for number 41 – 42 !

41. Hello, I am Yogi from Kendari. I will stay for two months in Bali. I like sport, but my favourite
is badminton. I join a badminton club in Kendari. I like travelling too. I want to learn Bali
traditional dance. I hope you can teach me.

What are Yogi's hobbies?

A. Playing badminton and traveling
B. Playing badminton only
C. Collecting book
D. Drawing manga.
42. The statement which is true based on the text?
A. Yogi doesn't join a badminton club in Kendari.
B. Yogi joins a badminton club in Bali.
C. Yogi will stay in Bali for years.
D. Yogi wants to learn Balinese dance.

Teks untuk soal nomor 43 – 44!

Tiur : Hi, come in.

Rio : Hi, thanks. Your living room is clean.
Tiur : My sister cleans it every day . Rio, Can you tell me about something?
Rio : Sure. What is it?
Tiur : About your new school. Are there any air conditioners in your classroom?
Rio : Yes, there are.
Tiur : How many air conditioner are there?
Rio : There are two air conditioners.
Tiur : It's amazing. And your classroom?
Rio : There is no an air conditioner in my classroom. But, we have two fans.
Tiur : I see.

43. Who are talking?

A. Tiur and his friend.
B. Tiur and his teacher.
C. Eko and his brother.
D. Tiur, Eko, and his teacher.
44. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
A. at home
B. at school
C. at the canteen
D. at Rio's home

45. How many air conditioners are there in Tiur's classroom?

A. three
B. two
C. one
D. nothing

Read this paragraph to answer question 46 -47!

Mother and Father always go shopping every weekend. They will shop at the supermarket to buy
vegetables, fruits, groceries, and snacks. After shopping at the supermarket, they will go to the
pet store to buy my cat food. I go shopping with them. After that, we will eat cake at the coffee
46. When the mother and father usually go shopping?
47. What mother and father buy from the supermarket?
48. Foods that are in a recipe. ... .
49. Should be clear and step by step instructions of preparing a recipe. . . . .
50. tell you exactly how much you need of each ingredient. . . . .


1 C 11 D 21 D 31 A 41 A
2 C 12 D 22 B 32 A 42 D
3 D 13 B 23 A 33 C 43 A
4 B 14 B 24 A 34 D 44 A
5 C 15 C 25 B 35 A 45 D
6 A 16 D 26 C 36 A
7 D 17 C 27 A 37 B
8 D 18 B 28 C 38 C
9 A 19 B 29 B 39 TRUE
10 A 20 B 30 A 40 FALSE

46. Every weekend

47. Vegetables, fruits, groceries, and snack
48. Ingredients
49. Directions
50. amount

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