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Battle of Uhud

There are 2 parts to this project. The first part is a model of the Battle of Uhud and second part requires you
to answer some questions about the battle. It is important that you attend the zoom lessons to help you
understand the expectations of this project.

Draw a diagram OR make of the Battle of Uhud with labels: Read Lesson 7 of the “Mercy to Mankind”
You may build a model or draw the Battle of Uhud. You can use lego, blocks, figurines and/or play dough
to build your model.

Your model or drawing should be labelled and include the following:

 Mount Uhud
 Archers Hill
 Where the archers were positioned
 Where the Muslims were positioned
 Where the Mushriks were positioned
 The direction that Khalid Bin Walid and his soldiers on horseback attacked the Muslims.
 Label how many muslim vs Mushriks were in this battle.`

Write questions in RED and answers in BLACK OR BLUE
Answer the following questions:
1. Who was Washee?
2. How did our Prophet (saw) treat Washee after he became a muslim?
3. What was the main reason the muslims were not successful in Uhud?
4. What are 2 lessons we learn from the Battle of Uhud?
5. Why do you think it is important to listen to the commands of the Prophet?
6. What are some of the commands of the Prophet (saw) that you follow in your life.

0-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

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understanding the topics. Ideas understanding of the topic, the content, has the content, with
lack depth the topic, lacks beginning to add mostly added detail and depth.
detail some detail. detail.
Battle of Uhud Model/Diagram Model/Diagram Model/Diagram Model/diagram Model is very
shows very little beginning to show covers all expected covers all expected detailed with all
detail some detail parts parts with some parts complete
Spelling Has made very Has several Has made Few difficult All spelling and
little effort with spelling errors in attempts to spell words are grammar is
correct spelling each piece correctly misspelt, mostly correct

Questions Did not answer 1–2-word All questions All questions All questions
questions answers for answered with a answered with a answered in
questions sentence detailed sentence detail with
On time Handed-in more Handed-in 3 days Handed-in 2 days Handed-in 1 day Handed-in on
than 3 days late late late time or before
Friday 22nd of the due date

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