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Year 8 English

Term 2 Assessment (20%)

English Mainstream (2023)

Persuasive Campaign Poster Due Date: Week 6 Monday

Task: This project has two parts:

● Part A: Design your campaign poster on an issue. (20 marks)
● Part B: Provide justification of choices in creating the poster. (25 marks)

Topics (issue) to choose from.

➔ Healthy eating habits
➔ Climate change
➔ Racism
➔ The effects of social media (TikTok/FB/IG/Snap)

Instructions: You can either create a digital poster (Canva or Word ) or a hard copy
poster on A3 paper.

Your persuasive campaign poster must include the following.

● Issue
● Contention
● Heading
● Two or more arguments/Key points
● Audience
● Purpose (To inform/to educate/to appeal/to make a call for action etc.)
● Persuasive techniques (3-5)
● Images/Slogan/links/logos/careful choice of colors and layout.

You will be given two periods of class time to work on your poster.

Plagiarism: While students are free to look for ideas, the final work must be their own
unique idea. Copying work from any other resources and presenting as your own is
plagiarism and will end in immediate failure: ‘zero’.

NAME:_____________________________ Date: __________________

Persuasive Campaign Poster Justification of Choices

To be completed in class (one period)

1. What is the issue you have chosen? Why did you choose it?
2. What is your contention (main point of view) on the issue?
3. List two key points (arguments) that support your contention?
4. What is the purpose of your poster?

5. What tone/s have you used? Provide examples of the words that helped you achieve this
intended tone. (list 2-3 words)
6. Who is your target audience? (Identify two) Explain why you have chosen them?

7. List at least three persuasive techniques you have employed to strengthen the points. Why
have you chosen to use those techniques?

8. What images have you chosen to use in your poster and why?

9. What strategies or techniques did you use to create the Heading?

Total Marks: /25

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