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The Spanish-American War Chart Homework

This is in a chart. (3x3)


Independence struggle in Cuba:
Spain once had the greatest of all colonial empires. By 1898, all that remained of the once great
Spanish empire was Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and smaller possessions. The United States
went to war with Spain to liberate Cuba from Spanish rule and oppression.

Explosion of the U.S.S Maine:

The leak of the letter "The De Löme Letter"
followed almost immediately by the explosion of the American battleship U.S.S Maine in Havana
Harbor in Cuba. The Maine had been Sent to Havana to protect American lives. Historians still don't
Know why the ship expolded.

Yellow Press Yellow Journalism:

Sensationalist reports in several popular US newspapers- referencing to “yellows press" - distanted
the truth and fanned the desire to intervene in Cuba.

Teller Amendment:
was issued in the Spanish-American War to declare that the United States would not annex Cuba
after defeating Spain. The amendment also stated that the United States would only intervere in
Cuba to pacify its economy.

Rough Riders:
Theodore Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary of the Nary, resigned his post and gathered a group of
Volunteers, known as the "Rough Riders". These voluntees were to serve along with the army.

Role of Florida:
Florida already had substantial Cuban Commmites in Key West in the late 19th century. The Cuban
immigrants in Florida contributed their money and Suppert to José Matri and other Cuban

Cuba: Cuba suffered severe economic and human deaths from the war.
Philippines: The war also led to the United States involvement in the Philipaines
Revolution which delayed the Philippines independence.
Puerto Rico and Guam:
Puerto Rico becomes a US protectorate with fewer rights of a self-government, and Guam was
taken from Spoin after the Spanish-American War.

Platt Amendment:
The Platt Amendment was a U.S legislation that established the terms for the withdrawl of U.S
troops from Cuba after the Spanish-American War.

Impact on the USA:

The United States becomes the a super power of the word, acquired Puerto Rico, Guam and several
different little islands, such as the US Virgin Islands. The United States emerges
predominant in the Caribbean region.


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