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Welcome to World Wide Wrestling: Second Edition! This This document presents each set of Moves on a single
playtest text assumes you’re already familiar with the page, so they can be printed as one-sheet references.
World Wide Wrestling RPG. You should be able to fill There are also sheets of print-and-play Move Card play
in any gaps or unstated assumptions in these rules and aids. In some instances the phrasing for a Move has been
guidelines with how it already works in the base game. slightly reduced to fit on the card - when in doubt, consult
the full writeup of the Move.
This document is a basic presentation of the rules
changes for the Second Edition. The full published game Finally, this playtest includes a redesign of the wrestler
will include more explanatory text, examples and essays Gimmicks, which are provided in a separate PDF.
to form a complete package.
Now get to the action!
Thank you to my patrons for enabling the development of
Question, comments or feedback?
World Wide Wrestling: Second Edition, and for playtesting!
email me at


World Wide Wrestling: Second Edition is a revision in Revision Log
two parts: first, it combines all of the material from the » Gimmicks: The +Power Stat is now +Body, there’s a
various supplements with that of the base game to create new character mechanic called Wants, Heat questions
an expanded, integrated game. Second, all of these and Moves have been revised across the board.
rules have been revised towards addressing common
» Roles: The Babyface Move has been significantly revised,
sticking points for both new and experienced players, as
and the Heel Move slightly revised. The Advanced and
well as implementing design insights from years of play
Lucha Libre Roles are now additional options to add to
your Role Move, instead of unique Moves.
» Advancement: The overall Advancement process is
Global Revisions the same, but many of the individual elements have
Keyword - Book: Wherever the word is formatted book, been significantly revised. In particular, wrestler Wants
it acts like Creative’s booking - this counts as the scripted are a new way to gain Advances, the Top Spot works
outcome of the relevant match, overriding any existing differently, and the things you buy with Advances have
booking. When unformatted it means “to make a match,” been revised.
as in regular wrestling lingo. » Moves: All of the Basic and Wrestling Moves have been
revised. A new Basic Move has been added: Play Politics
Momentum Economy: Most Basic Moves and some
Gimmick Moves have been revised to give Momentum on
» Wrestling: The Wrestling Move no longer includes
+Look as an option. The way the wrestling rules are
a Botch, while reducing the number of “gain Momentum”
presented is aimed at making it easier for players without
options for 7-9 results. In the game world, this represents
a lot of wrestling knowledge to get into the spirit of it.
wrestlers learning from their mistakes. Mechanically, it
A new Match Move has been added: The Comeback.
smooths out the Momentum economy so that all players
have a chance to gain Momentum during a given Episode, » Stipulations: There’s more clarity about the difference
between storyline stipulations and Stipulation Moves.
even if the dice are unkind!
The example Stipulation Moves have been revised.
Play Aids: Use the print-and-play Move Cards to help » Promotions: A revision of the basic rules for treating
everyone keep track of what Moves are available. In the Promotion as a character for Seasons of play.
particular, try printing two copies of the Wrestling Moves » World Wide Wrestling: Added an example Promotion.
and giving each opponent a “hand” of their options for » Wrestling Move Sequences: Added visual examples
what they can do during a match. play aid.
» Quickstart: A quickstart walkthrough for booking a
First Episode has been added as a Creative reference.
Changes to Stats: Gimmicks continue to have four core Changes to Roles: The Babyface and the Heel Move
stats. +Power is replaced with +Body. +Body represents have updated effects. The biggest change is that Babyface
not only physical strength, but general athletic ability, now has an option that “counters” cheating.
gymnastic skills and fine control over the movement of
the body. Moves that roll on +Body have been re-framed ❏ BABYFACE: Spend 2 Momentum and pick one:
around that conception (including Gimmick Moves). » Gain +1 Heat with your opponent
» Leave your opponent speechless
As more Gimmicks were designed over the years, +Power
became a limiting factor for the diversity of possibilities in » Make Creative book you in a match
wrestling. +Body is easier to apply to different concepts. » Expose villainous behavior to book a cheater to lose
a match
New Mechanic - Wants: When you make a wrestler
for the first time, pick a Want from the choices on your ❏ HEEL: Spend 2 Momentum and pick one:
sheet. Wants are basic character motivations to help you » Gain +1 Heat with your opponent
play the wrestler and structure your feuds. Each Gimmick » Leave someone lying helpless on the floor
has one unique Want, in addition to those shared by all » Postpone a match you’ve been booked in
wrestlers. » Cheat in order to book yourself to win a match
Whenever you have a match where you feel like your
Want has been satisfied, gain an Advance and choose a Changes to Advanced Roles: When you take an
new Want. Advanced Role, you add the associated Advanced Role
Option to your Role Move. Thus, you are Babyface
You can also change your Want at any time, based on Celebrity or Heel Celebrity, Babyface Icon or Heel Icon,
the events of play. This does not get you an Advance, but etc.
there’s no penalty to changing Wants. You can have the When you make a Babyface or Heel turn, you keep the
same Want multiple times, just not in a row - once you Advanced Role Option.
gain an Advance, you need to choose a new Want, but
there’s no reason not to go back to one you’ve satisfied in
❏ CELEBRITY: Add the following to your Role Move:
the past if it comes up again.
» Creative must book you to win your next match.
The Want rules replaces the “end a feud satisfactorily”
option to gain an Advance from the original game. When a ❏ ICON: Add the following to your Role Move:
Want is satisfied, it’s time to move on to a new feud! » Make any roll a 10+, for you or someone else
❏ LEGEND: Add the following to your Role Move:
Changes to Heat: Most of the Gimmicks have had » You and your opponent count as having +1 Audience
slightly revised Heat questions. No other changes. for the rest of a match or segment.
The Gimmick Sheets have been revised to highlight a
rule that has been in the game, but is often overlooked - Lucha Libre Roles: Anyone established as wrestling in
Cooling Off. If you don’t cross paths with a character you the Lucha Libre tradition can use a Lucha Libre Role. The
have Heat with during an Episode, lose one Heat. Luchador always does.
Add the associated option to your matching Role Move -
Changes to Finishing Moves, Moves and Injury: that is, Técnico always adds to the Babyface Move, and
The Gimmicks have been individually updated to Rudo always adds to the Heel Role:
accommodate the other changes and focus down on their
essential identities. See the revised Gimmicks for details. ❏ TÉCNICO: Add the following to your Role Move:
» an ally comes to your aid, and gain +1 Heat with them
Changes to Advances: Advances have been revised
such that they are checked off when taken, in addition ❏ RUDO: Add the following to your Role Move:
to revisions to accommodate other changes. See the » leave an ongoing match to save yourself. Lose the match,
Gimmicks and the Audience & Advancement section for and you and your opponent gain +1 Heat with each other.
The Audience Ladder: The Top Spot is now a fifth rung The Over Move: The Over Move has been redesigned to
of the ladder. In addition, when a wrestler is knocked out not give as much advantage to wrestlers with high +Look,
of the Top Spot, they reset their Audience instead of just and be more flexible in general.
dropping by one. This separates out the Top Spot cleanly,
adds a little more time between getting multiple Advances ❏ OVER: When you’re in the Top Spot at the top of the
through Audience, and creates more ebb and flow on the show, you get to weigh in on your storylines. The Episode
card during a Season of play. opens with a segment focused on you and your agenda.
Gain +3 Momentum, and then spend Momentum 1-for-1 to:
Taking the Top Spot: When you’re at +4 Audience, » Demand, and be granted, any match you wish as the
and you gain an Audience, you take the Top Spot. Only main event of the Episode.
one wrestler can be in the Top Spot at a time, with one
» Add a stipulation to an upcoming match (this can be
exception: if two (or more) wrestlers move into the Top
the one you just demanded).
Spot simultaneously (like if they both have +4 Audience,
and then work a match while at +4 Heat with each other, » Call out anyone on the roster (and gain +1 Heat with
thus both gaining +1 Audience at the end of the match).
In this case they can share it, but are both knocked out by » Declare a non-wrestling segment for later in the show,
the next wrestler to take it. one designed to showcase you in the best possible light
or introduce a new aspect to your wrestling personae.
» Anyone knocked out of the Top Spot resets Audience
(to their “starts and resets to” Audience). When that segment starts, take +1 Momentum.
You can choose not to spend any Momentum (and thus
» If you ever need to roll +Audience when you’re in the
Top Spot, roll at +4. start the Episode with all 3), but you’re not fulfilling
your potential. Creative makes a Soft Move to prod you
» Everyone in the Top Spot at the top of an Episode makes towards greatness, or test whether you’re worthy of your
the Over Move (including while sharing it.)
current position.
In a longer-term Season of play this create a more dynamic
flow of wrestlers having to work to get the Top Spot only Example Audience Ladder:
to be dethroned by their rivals, as opposed to the “scrum”
around the top spot with multiple changes in short order
across individual Episodes. AUDIENCE
This is how popular you are with the crowd!
You start and reset to Audience +1.
Changes to Advances: The basics of gaining and
spending Advances are the same. Instead of pick-anything TOP ❏ Gain an Advance. Anyone you knock out of
menus, however, each Advance option is now a take- SPOT the Top Spot resets their Audience. Make the
once checkbox. Individual Gimmicks may have different OVER Move at the top of each Episode!
Advance from each other, as part of their Gimmick design. +4 ❏ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
The triggers to gain Advances are:
» Your Audience falls to 0 the first time in an Episode +3 ❏ Start each Episode with 2 Momentum.
» You take the Top Spot
» You satisfy your Want (and pick a new one) +2 ❏ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
» A unique Gimmick-specific trigger
Finally, Advances can be banked and spent whenever A+1 ❏ Start each Episode with 1 Momentum.
you’d like, you don’t need to spend an Advance as soon as
Gain an Advance. If you have 0 at the end
you get it. 0❏ of an Episode, you’re fired!
The finite Advances reinforce the sense of progression ROLL +AUDIENCE FOR: WORK THE AUDIENCE, PLAY POLITICS
along a character arc in long-term play, and the revised
triggers give the different Gimmicks stronger flags for the
kind of thing they should be aiming for in play.
The concept of the Basic Moves remains: all wrestlers ❏ BREAK KAYFABE: When you expose a legit truth on
do these things, and they are triggered either by the camera that you know could cause trouble, roll +Real.
player narrating the condition for the Move as they play, » On a 10+: it’s exactly what the crowd was waiting for,
or by narrating into it intentionally. gain +1 Audience.
They have been redesigned to more evenly spread » On a 7-9: you blur the line. Gain +1 Momentum, and
Momentum gain during play, and address the observed pick 1:
phenomenon of players avoiding making Moves because » Creative books you into an embarrassing loss as
they don’t want the consequences of a Botch. Basic punishment for going off-script.
Moves now give a Momentum on a Botch, along » The truth you reveal loses you -1 Heat with someone
with the invitation for Creative to make a Hard Move. involved.
Wrestlers learn from their mistakes! » You lose the faith of someone who was investing
in you backstage.
❏ CUT A PROMO: When you take the mic and speak your » On a Botch: All three, and gain +1 Momentum.
mind, roll +Look.
» On a 10+: you connect with the audience, pick 2: ❏ RUN-IN: When you interrupt a match in-progress, roll
+Heat with the wrestler you’re coming after.
» On a 7-9: you have their attention, pick 1:
» On a 10+: it’s a hot angle! You both gain +1 Heat with
» Make Creative book you in a match each other, and you pick 1:
» Add a stipulation to a relevant match » On a 7-9: your target gains +1 Heat with you and picks 1:
» They come out to respond to your promo » You attack them in the ring! This books them as
» Gain +1 Heat with the subject of your promo the winner, as their opponent gets DQed for your
» On a Botch: it doesn’t connect. Gain +1 Momentum. outside interference.
❏ ATHLETIC FEAT: When you demonstrate your extraordinary » You distract them from outside the ring, and their
strength or athletic ability, roll +Body. opponent takes control of the match. This does not
» On a 10+: you do it easily. Gain +1 Heat with your change the outcome, but you’re booked into a grudge
opponent, or, if you don’t have an opponent and you’re match with them later this Episode.
just showing off, gain +2 Momentum. » You shove the ref, start a brawl or otherwise interfere
» On a 7-9: it’s a cool move but you show the strain. Gain such that the match cannot continue. This books the
+1 Momentum and pick either: match a no contest, and you both take +1 Momentum.
» You do it, but it hurts. You have to forfeit your next » On a Botch: you get stopped before you hit the ring.
scheduled match while you recover. Take +1 Momentum.
» Someone steps in to cover for you, and you pull it ❏ PLAY POLITICS: When the cameras are off and you want
off with their help. If it’s another player wrestler, to resolve a disagreement in your favor, roll +Audience. If
they gain +1 Momentum. you’re arguing with another player wrestler, they also make
» On a Botch: take an injury, and +1 Momentum. this Move, and whoever rolls higher gets the result.
❏ WORK THE AUDIENCE: When you pump up, lambaste or » On a 10+: you pick one and then they pick one.
otherwise work to get the crowd cheering or jeering you, » On a 7-9: they pick one and then you pick one:
roll +Audience. » They agree that you’re right.
» On a 10+: they pop big. If you want, you can spend » The argument stays a private matter.
1 Momentum to gain +1 Heat with your current or » Creative sets up a match or other segment that the
upcoming opponent, the crowd can’t wait to see you go person who selects this options wants to see.
at it! Else, bask in the moment and gain +1 Momentum. » Change your Want to something they want to see
» On a 7-9: they play along. Gain +1 Momentum. as a result of your argument.
» On a Botch: you’ve lost them. You can’t Work The » On a Botch: you lose -1 Heat with them (or with each
Audience again this Episode. Gain +1 Momentum. other, if confronting a player wrestler), and Creative
makes as Hard a Move as you’re asking for.
❏ CHEAP HEAT: When you insult or praise the audience
or their hometown, gain +1 Momentum. You can only get Play Politics is a new Basic Move, to give structure to off-
Cheap Heat once per episode. camera altercations. If there’s a legit argument on-camera,
that generally still falls under Break Kayfabe.
Wrestling a Match: The overall structure of “narrative ❏ TAG TEAM: When you’re in a tag team match, you can
action” remains - one player at a time has narrative do the following:
control in the match, and control passes around as a result » If you make a hot tag to your partner to bring them into
of Moves and events in the match. Creative books the the match at a critical moment, roll +Heat with them.
ending ahead of time, then reveals the booking whenever They gain that result of the Wrestling Move (i.e. retain
they desire during the match. control and gain Momentum, choose whether to gain
Momentum or retain control, or botch).
❏ THE WRESTLING MOVE: Narrate a sequence of maneuvers » You can abandon the team by spending 2 Momentum
and moments that lead up to a showcase spot. This showcase and describing how you leave your partner to the mercy
is something you want people to remember about the match. of the other team. This books your team to lose the
» If you showcase your physical strength, acrobatic match, and you gain +1 Heat with each other.
skill or a signature maneuver that requires incredible
athletic ability, roll +Body. Dedicated Tag Teams: When two wrestlers form a
» If you showcase your technique, create or subvert Dedicated Tag Team, they both spend an Advance on that
what the audience expects to happen next, or option, and then frame a segment or vignette showing
demonstrate a signature maneuver that requires their formation. Choose a team name and a tandem
high-level wrestling skills, roll +Work. finishing move. When a Dedicated Tag Team wrestles, use
» If you work with your opponent to showcase an the Tag Team Move as normal. In addition:
innovative or exciting maneuver that requires both » You can spend Momentum on each others rolls
of you to achieve, roll +Heat with them.
» If your team is booked to win, whoever gets the pin
» On a 10+: the crowd pops as you nail the spot. Retain can pick the Finishing Move of either teammate to use.
control of the match and take +1 Momentum. They roll for and gets the benefits of the chosen Move.
» On a 7-9: you keep their attention. Choose whether to » If someone abandons the team during a match, the
hand control of the match to your opponent and take Dedicated Tag Team is dissolved in addition to the normal
+1 Momentum, or retain control of the match. effect. You both gain the Advance you spent on it back.
» On a Botch: you botch the spot. Your opponent You are booked against each other as your next feud.
describes how they counter you (or saves you from » If you wish to mutually dissolve the tag team, you can do
disaster), and takes control of the match. that at any time. Frame a scene showcasing the parting
Removing +Look as an option differentiate “talkers” (relying on of ways. You both gain the Advance you spent on it
+Look) from those with more in-ring talent (+Body and +Work). back, with no further effects.
❏ INTERRUPT: When you want to take control of the match, The One-Two-Three: As you narrate your wrestler doing
spend 1 Momentum and narrate how you counter, disrupt or their thing in the ring, try this:
otherwise interrupt the current sequence. You gain control
of the match, and narrate the next sequence. » Narrate the set-up move or your initial attack, and pick
up the first die. Ask for your opponents response. Then;
❏ WORK REAL STIFF: When you want to actually hurt your » Narrate your reaction to their response, a transitional
opponent, roll +Real.
move or a crowd-pleasing taunt, and pick up the second
» On a 10+:you really lay them out. Pick 2. die. Ask for your opponents response. Then;
» On a 7-9: It hurts, pick 1: » Narrate your big showcase spot, and roll the dice for
» You injure your opponent the Wrestling Move!
» The match is booked to end in a no-contest
» Your opponent loses -1 Audience, as you break the If you are comfortable with the back-and-forth flow
illusion of their toughness you don’t need to do this, but if you’re wondering what
you actually do in a wrestling match, this is a good start!
» You gain +1 Audience, as the audience can see you’re Pick up one die for the beginning and middle of your
a legit badass
sequence, then roll them for the big spot. Asking your
» On a Botch: you fucked up. Take an injury, and Creative opponent for their response doesn’t mean they have
makes a Hard Move.
control, but they do have input. You still have the final
❏ THE COMEBACK: You can voluntarily hand off narration say over how the sequence goes—remember, you are
to your opponent. If you do so when you have the upper professionals working together to make you look good
hand and the audience can see that your opponent is at your (or devious, or whatever you’re going for) when you have
mercy, and you have no Momentum, gain +1 Momentum. control of the match.
The Comeback is a new Move formalizing when a player should
voluntarily hand off narration to their opponent.
Match Stipulations: Match Stipulations can be narrative ❏ TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS: A match with multiple falls
conditions that change how a match looks and feels proceeds according to the standard rules, except that Creative
without changing the rules (“storyline” stipulations), or reveals the booking for each fall individually during the
can be one of the following Stipulation Moves. Whenever match. Each fall can be swerved by Moves as normal, but
a player or Creative has a chance to add a stipulation to a the match continues until the winner gets their second fall.
match, it’s up to them which they want to use. » The winner of each fall before the final one makes the
Wrestling Move as normal for that fall.
Storyline Stipulations: These are things that change » Once the fall is counted, the losing wrestler takes control
how a match plays out, often with an alternate win of the match if they don’t have it as a result of the
condition, without needing additional rules. The point of Wrestling Move.
a stipulation is to enhance drama or showcase a particular » The wrestler who’s booked to win the final fall, and thus
advantage or disadvantage of one of the wrestlers. Some the match, makes their Finishing Move on that final fall.
» Cage Match (winner escapes the cage) around the wrestlers using their knowledge of legitimate
» Falls Count Anywhere (can wrestle outside the ring) grappling, holds and counters in order to demonstrate their
» Lumberjack (ring is surrounded by other wrestlers, to ability.
keep the competitors from escaping) » If you showcase your technique or superior grappling
» Submission Match (must win by making your opponent skills, roll +Real for the Wrestling Move.
tap out) » You only gain Momentum from the Wrestling Move
for rolling on +Work or +Real.
Stipulation Moves: When you add a Stipulation Move » If you Botch when you roll on +Real, your opponent may
to a match, consult the Move to see how it changes the spend 1 Momentum to give you an Injury, punishing
rules for the match. Some are intricate, to give players you for your slip-up.
a framework for really getting into the details of a
match; some just change the potential outcomes of the
❏ EXHIBITION MATCH: This match showcases the art of
wrestling for its own sake. The wrestlers are meant to display
Wrestling Move (or other Match Moves).
a spectrum of strategies to gain an advantage. Replace the
You can stack storyline stipulations with a Stipulation standard Wrestling Move result list with this one:
Move (a Hardcore Match inside a cage, for example), but » When you roll on a stat (+Work, +Body, or +Heat),
if you want to add a Stipulation Move to a match that make a checkmark next to it.
already has one, it’s up to Creative whether they both » If you have a Move that allows you to roll on another
apply, or whether one supersedes the other. Stat, still check off on of those three.
» On a 10+: the crowd pops as you nail the spot. Retain
❏ STIPULATION—HARDCORE: When you draw first blood control of the match and choose whether you cash in
or revel in violence in the ring, roll +Real: your checks for Momentum.
» On a 10+: the crowd goes nuts! Retain control of the » On a 7-9: you keep their attention. Choose whether to
match and pick 2:
hand control of the match to your opponent, or retain
» On a 7-9: the crowd pops! Gain +1 Momentum and control of the match.
pick 1, and your opponent takes control of the match:
» On a Botch: : you botch the spot. Your opponent
» someone in the match gets injured, but it isn’t describes how they counter you (or save you from
discovered until afterwards disaster), and takes control of the match. Erase one
» gain +1 Heat with your opponent check.
» they gain +1 Heat with you » When you cash in checks: gain Momentum equal to
» On a Botch: you played it too safe or went too hard. Stats checked, and erase your checks.
Your opponent describes how they counter or save the
In Addition:
spot and takes control of the match. Choose whether
you take an injury or lose all of your Momentum. » Roll +Stats Currently Checked for your Finishing Move
» After the match, win or lose, gain Momentum equal to
the Stats checked at the end of the match.
Living Promotions: just as the wrestlers grow and Championships: Start your Promotion with as many
change through their storylines and feuds, the Promotion Championships as you’d like. Generally, you’ll have a
develops as the roster brings new eyeballs, more butts main event title, some kind of lower-card or specialty
in seats and finds new audiences. Playing a Living championship, and a set of tag team belts. Start a new
Promotion isn’t necessary for one-shot Episodes, but is game with NPWs holding these Championships, in order
appropriate for a Season of play. to give your wrestlers those initial goals to strive for.

Making A Promotion: This can be decided by Creative, Supports & Struggles In Play: Creative uses Supports
or be a collaborative effort among all players before they and Struggles as aids to play. Use both of them to add
make their wrestlers. A Promotion consists of: tension to storylines and bring in new NPWs.
» A Name: Branding is key, of course. Any Botch is an opportunity to remove a Support or
» A Tier: Start at Tier 0. add a Struggle, especially if they come from +Real
» Reach: What area do you tour or broadcast to? rolls pertaining to the inner workings of the company.
» Two Supports: Supports are things that you’ve built the Use these changes to reflect how conflict between the
Promotion on, and that you can rely on for expansion wrestlers resonates out to impact the viewership.
» Two Struggles: Struggles are issues you’re having Supports and Struggles are vibes that your fans pick up
that threaten the future of the Promotion. on. Good things bring out celebratory fans; bad things or
changes to the core of your promotion make the crowd
Tiers: Start at Tier 0. Your Promotion has a Tier Threshold suspicious or drain the enthusiasm from ticket holders.
equal to your (current Tier) + ((current # of players)
x3). At the top of an Episode, if the sum of the player Example Supports:
wrestlers Audience is greater than your Tier Threshold, » Devoted Following
you Tier Up. Your Tier increases by 1. Then, the wrestler » Strongly Kayfabe
» Mainstream Appeal » Inclusive Culture
currently in the Top Spot (or you, if nobody is) picks one:
» A Dedicated Home » Combat Sport Focus
» Add a new Support, reflecting the nature of the new Arena
audience the Promotion has gained. » Motivated Roster
» Multiple Touring Shows » Large War Chest
» Remove a current Support, superseding the need for it. » Broadcast Deal
» Increase or decrease your Reach, reflecting expansion » Elite Production Staff
» Cable Deal » Kid-Friendly/PG
into a new market or area or consolidation.
» High-Concept » Well-Connected
» Remove a Struggle, reflecting how having new fans Storylines
address that issue. » Social Media
» Theatrical Presentation Expertise
» Add a Struggle, reflecting an unintended consequence
» Trustworthy
of the Promotions expansion. If your Promotion has no » Unbroken Title
Struggles, you must add one - nothing is perfect. Lineage

Then, all wrestlers reset their Audience, as now they have to Example Struggles
» Blacklisted
win over all these new fans! If someone is in the Top Spot, » Niche Fanbase » Outlaw Federation
they make their Over Move before resetting audience. » In Debt » Umbrella Federation
» Hostile Silent Partner For Unrelated
Reach: Your reach describes the geographic area or » Disgruntled Talent Companies
media market that can access your product. Pick your » Green As Grass Roster » Fractured Creative
starting Reach, then move one step when you increase or » Overreaching Committee
decrease Reach.
» Poor Maintenance » Bloated Roster
» Local Reach (you perform for a hyper-local audience) » No Merch » Behind the Times
» Municipal Reach (you perform in a city or a multiple- » Strong Competition » Pointlessly
city shared market) » Unlicensed Bureaucratic
» Regional Reach (you perform on a circuit in your area) » Tax Write-off For » Convoluted Lore
» National Reach (you perform anywhere in your country) Unrelated Venture » Theatrical...
» International Reach (you perform anywhere in the world) » Bad Sponsorship Deal Pretensions
World Wide Wrestling is a national touring company, Wrestlers & Staff
mostly in the US but with occasional forays both north Tricia “Tina Tahini” Terzy is the founder of World Wide
and south of the border. It was created when an ex- Wrestling, and funded it initially out of dividends from her
promoter from the Southern territories bought into a career as a savvy financial manager. Once the promotion
new company in the upper Midwest, bringing booking got off the ground she went all-in on the venture, which
know-how and personal connections with veteran changed her lifestyle for the better but did cut off the
wrestlers with him. The founder, a lifelong wrestling fan easy money. Her occasional on-screen backstage reporter
looking to create something new, also built the business character “Tina Tahini” is a familiar face to long-time
side to keep pace with the creative side. World Wide Wrestling fans.

It’s been slow going, but the last year or so has seen Professor Atomo, the Dean of Wrestling Science, is
a lot of new fans coming to the small arenas and local the head booker of World Wide Wrestling as well as an
active wrestler. With his experiences from promoting
university sports centers that form most of World Wide
in the territory era, he does his best to keep the stories
Wrestling’s circuit. The promotion tries to live up to
centered on personal grudges while spicing things up
its name by bringing in talent from other countries to
with high-flying and more modern gimmicks to pop the
showcase a diversity of wrestling styles, but this effort
live crowd. In the ring, he usually acts as a gatekeeper to
also causes a lot of financial and booking headaches. up-and-comers.
C. Colton Craig is the “Co-Owner and General Manager”
The Promotion of World Wide Wrestling. Originally a stage actor, he was
» Reach: National hired on his good looks and the air of authority he exudes
» Supports: Mainstream Appeal, Diverse Roster on the screen. Once he smartened up, he brought in new
» Struggles: In Debt, Behind the Times ideas from the theatrical world for how to make things
look good--most of which paid off. Now, in addition to his
on-screen role he’s also the lead producer of the show, in
Championships: There are no weight, gender or style charge of how everything looks and sounds to the crowd.
divisions in the company. Every wrestler is eligible to
compete for every belt. “Brawny” James Dio is the ring announcer and in-ring
interviewer, the voice of World Wide Wrestling. A retired
» Main Event: Pan–Oceanic World Wide Wrestling
Championship (the “POW” Title). It is currently held by wrestler, the “Man From the Silver Mountain” is in good
as shape as ever, his bald head and signature goatee
Doctor Moreau, a recent addition to the top of the card.
hearkening back to his glory days in the squared circle.
» Midcard: Grand Athletic Sports Pro Championship (the
“GASP” Title). Often held by more technical wrestlers, Doctor Moreau is the current POW Champion. A
it is currently around the waist of Joey Crak, a popular mysterious masked luchador who’s always one step
mainstay of the roster. ahead, he defeats his opponents by slipping a mask
of his own design over their heads. These masks have
» Tag Team: The World Wide Wrestling Tag Team a suite of powers, including controlling thoughts,
Championship has only recently been created as the
changing personalities, or compelling the victim into his
roster has grown, and awaits it’s first awarding.
“laboratory” for future experimentation.
» Other: The Journeyman’s Cup is a trophy won in an
annual tournament by a promising young wrestler. It Joey Crak is the current GASP Champion. A hardcore
favorite from Philadelphia, Joey blends hyperviolence
also entitles the winner to a title match of their choosing
with technical acumen to make himself one of the most
at any point before the next tournament.
formidable, and versatile, wrestlers in the company.
Custom Move: Use this Move anytime a player is planning to play a wrestler for only one Episode in a Season, whether
they are a drop-in guest, someone just trying out the game, or if it’s their Episode “off” from their usual wrestler.
❏ ONE NIGHT ONLY: You’re here to pop the crowd and, hopefully, bring some of your current fans to the Promotion.
» Take +1 Audience at the top of the Episode (after the Over Move is made, if anyone is in the Top Spot).
» During the Episode, if you gain Audience or someone else gains Audience due to a match or segment they have with
you, all players gain +1 Momentum.
» If you would gain an Advance (for any reason), you can give that Advance to another player who you think deserves
it. When you do so, describe how you give them the rub, on or off camera.
If you return for a subsequent Episode, this Move no longer applies. Reset your Audience at the top of the Episode.
❏ MAIN EVENT: Pan-Oceanic WWW Championship
Promotions live, grow and change along with the roster.
❏ MIDCARD: Grand Athletic Sports Pro (GASP)
World Wide Wrestling. A national touring company, mostly in the US but with occasional
❏ TAG TEAM: WWW Tag Team Championships
forays both north and south of the border. Founded by a fan with good business sense ❏ SPECIALTY: The Journeyman’s Cup
who brought in a southern territory-era booker to handle the creative side. Took on big ❏:
loans to go national, and is getting good media and response to a diverse and exciting
roster, but everything costs money and the old-school booking sensibilities sometimes hold
back individual wrestlers and storylines.
These are core elements your These are specific issues you
Promotion is built on, what face as a company, and that put
differentiates you from the
REACH the future of your Promotion in
This is the geographic area or
competition. Pick 2: media market that you can reach jeopardy. Pick 2:
❏ Devoted Following with your shows. Pick your ❏ Niche Fanbase
✗ Mainstream Appeal
❏ starting Reach: ❏ Hostile Fanbase
❏ Kid-Friendly ❏ LOCAL: You perform for a small ✗ In Debt

❏ Cultural Crossover Appeal audience that is mostly the same ❏ Hostile Silent Partner
❏ Dedicated Home Arena from show to show! ❏ Disgruntled Talent
❏ Cable TV Deal ❏ MUNICIPAL: You perform in ❏ Green As Grass Roster
❏ Large War Chest a city or multiple-city shared ❏ Poor Facility Maintenance
❏ Social Media Expertise market! ❏ No Merch Production
❏ High-Concept Storylines ❏ REGIONAL: You perform in a ❏ No License to Operate
❏ Theatrical Presentation circuit or in a media market that ❏ Created as a Tax Writeoff
❏ Strong Kayfabe covers multiple cities! ❏ Bad Sponsorship Deal
❏ Inclusive Culture ✗ NATIONAL: Your shows can be
❏ ❏ Outlaw Federation
located or broadcast anywhere
❏ Combat Sport Focus in the country!
❏ Fractured Creative Vision
✗ Diverse Roster
❏ ❏ Bloated Roster
❏ Motivated Roster perform or be seen anywhere
✗ Behind the Times

❏ Elite Production Staff in the world! ❏ Shock Value Booking
❏ Trustworthy Management ❏ Convoluted Lore
❏ Unbroken Title Lineage ❏ Theatrical...Pretensions
❏ Your Tier tracks how your Audience grows over ❏
❏ time. Start at Tier 0. ❏
❏ ❏
Your Tier Threshold is the total amount of When you Tier Up, the wrestler in the
ADVANCEMENT Audience your Roster needs to accumulate Top Spot picks one. If nobody is in the
WHEN YOU TIER UP, PICK ONE: before Tiering Up. Top Spot, Creative picks one.
❏ Unlock Mythic Moments It is equal to Tier + (# of player wrestlers x 3): » Add or remove a Support, reflecting the
❏ Unlock an Audience Move cause or effect of your new audience.
❏ Unlock an Audience Move TIER THRESHOLD » Increase or decrease your Reach,
❏ Add a new Championship reflecting expansion or consolidation
At the top of an Episode where your roster’s of your audience.
❏ Add a new Championship total Audience exceeds the Tier Threshold:
❏ Retire an old Championship » Remove a Struggle, reflecting how your
» increase your Tier by 1 new fans helps manage that issue.
❏ Debut a new Main Event NPW
❏ Debut a new Main Event NPW » the wrestler in the Top Spot picks a Tier Effect » Add a Struggle, reflecting an unintended
❏ Retire a Main Event NPW » all wrestlers reset their Audience consequence of new eyes on your
❏ Start an Invasion Angle » Creative picks an Advance
» If your Promotion has no Struggles, you | updated 8-2020 must add one - nothing is perfect.
Here’s a condensed quickstart walkthrough of how to get » You start as a Babyface (good guy) or Heel (bad guy),
a first Episode going and think about initial booking. your choice. You can pick now or after we do Heat. It’s
generally best if there’s a roughly even split of babyfaces
and heels for the first Episode.
FIRST: Hand around the Gimmicks and read or
summarize the following as the players look at them:
» Moves are the cool unique things your character can do that
nobody else does. You have one or two already selected,
“We’re going to play out an Episode of a televised pro and then you make a choice from the remaining ones, as
wrestling promotion, called World Wide Wrestling. I’m it says on your sheet. You might want to pick Moves that
Creative. I decide the order of which segments go when, ask you to roll + your high Stats, but generally just pick
I frame the backstage and interview scenes, and I book what sounds cool!
the matches, including their outcome, ahead of time. You » Audience tracks how popular you are! This is what you
each play a wrestler, represented by these Gimmick sheets. really care about - if you lose all your Audience you’ll
We can have one of each Gimmick in our game, and these get fired. Your Gimmick says you “start and reset” to a
number, just put a check in the box next to that number
are the broad archetypes you tend to see in wrestling.
to indicate you currently have that Audience score. This
Don’t worry about making the “right” decision, just pick
will go up and down in play.
something that you think is cool.
» Your Audience score tells you how much Momentum you’ll
This game includes what happens both on- and off-camera. start the Episode with, but all new characters start with
You’re playing a professional wrestler who’s inhabiting a 1 Momentum. Note that in the Momentum box, or take
certain Gimmick in this promotion, but you may have your that many poker chips. Momentum is spent to give your
own career goals and backstage aspirations, outside of rolls bonuses, and goes up and down a lot in play.
the ring. In a single session we mostly play the on-camera » Injury and Advances come up during play, and you don’t
action, but it’s something to keep in mind as we play.” have to do anything with them now. Advances are what
you get you more Moves and better stats, along with
While everyone’s taking a look at the Gimmicks is a good storyline improvements like getting a manager or making a
time to take one and run through the different sections dedicated tag team. There are also some boxes for recording
to orientate everyone towards how they work. Read or your stats on the back of the sheet for quick reference.
summarize this overview:

» Pick (or choose) your Hailing From and Entrance; come INTRODUCE THE WRESTLERS: Once everyone has
up with anything you want for your specific Gimmick; chosen their Gimmick and made their choices, pick
come up with your wrestling name. someone to introduce their wrestler. Ask about their
» You have 4 stats, which range from -2 to +3. Each Gimmick mental image of the character and their general “deal” -
has a starting statline, and then you make one decision what’s their ring gear? What kind of fans do they have?
(usually adding +1 to a Stat, but see what it says on your What’s their entrance look like? Tell the players to write
sheet). Higher is better! down each other wrestler’s name in their Heat section as
» Body is your physical strength and athletic ability they get introduced as well.
» Look is your overall “it” factor and charisma, and your A player asks one Heat question for each other player (so,
talking ability
if there’s four players, each player will ask three questions
» Real is your ability to break the fourth wall effectively
off their list). One of the other players volunteers to
and entertainingly combine back-stage reality with the
answer each question. The players should expand on
on-camera storylines
what that means or implies for their characters, and you
» Work is your technical wrestling ability and skill telling a
should take some notes so you can make matchups that
story in the ring
build on these initial rivalries and relationships.
» You’ll have Heat with every other wrestler. Heat represents
how entertaining and compelling your relationship is, The asker adds +1 Heat to the answerer’s wrestler on their
positive or negative; you have Heat with both your tag sheet. Heat can be asymmetric (that is, two characters
team partner and your blood feud enemy. We’ll do Heat
don’t need to have the same amount of Heat with each
after everyone has decided on their character and made
other). A player can answer multiple questions if they feel
their other choices.
it’s appropriate. Once all Heat questions have been asked
» Pick a Want that seems interesting to you. You can change
your Want whenever, but when you wrestle a match and and answered, all Babyfaces take +1 Heat with each Heel,
get what your Want out of it, that gets you an Advance. and all Heels take +1 Heat with each Babyface.
You can pick now or after we do Heat.
LAST WEEK, ON WORLD WIDE WRESTLING: To get Book the winners of each with an eye towards drama,
everyone warmed up, go around the table one last time depending on the nature of the wrestlers. It may be more
and ask each player to describe a highlight from the last dramatic for the green-as-grass Babyface to win over
time the imaginary viewing audience saw their wrestler. the grizzled veteran Heel, or for the villainous veteran
It could be a match, a promo, a backstage interaction, to demonstrate his experience by beating down the new
or anything else they want! The purpose of this is to meat to make a point. When in doubt, book the Heel to
get everyone thinking about what’s cool about their win (so the Babyface can chase them later, to create an
character, and to give you some context to work with ongoing feud). Also, use the relationships the wrestlers
when you book the show. have developed through their Heat and Last Week
contributions to drive your booking.
BOOK THE SHOW: Now, call for a 10-minute break.
It’s time for you to book the Episode. You decide now Book any other segments you want around the matches.
which segments are going to happen, which matches are Generally, put an interview segment before each match,
scheduled on the card, and who’s booked to win! Keep so the wrestlers involved have a chance to Cut a Promo
in mind that your plans will be swerved by the players before going in the ring.
actions and the results of Moves. Your booking is the
baseline of the Episode, not a straitjacket. Booking largely MOMENTUM: Remind players that they can spend any
depends on the number of players. You will generally amount of Momentum to add that amount to any roll,
have to add some non-player wrestlers (NPWs) into the and they decide after the roll. If someone groans at the
mix. Some suggestions: result of a roll, it’s a good time to ask them if they want to
» 2 Wrestlers: If the characters are opposed Babyface spend Momentum! Try using physical tokens, like poker
and Heel, start by putting them in an ad-hoc tag-team chips, to track Momentum. It helps everyone remember
match against an NPW team, then book a singles match they have it, and they can throw them down dramatically
between the two of them. If they’re the same Role, then to use it.
book two singles matches against NPWs, and then a tag
match against an opposed NPW team. STARTING THE EPISODE: Once you’ve booked the
» 3-4 Wrestlers: Start with a singles match between a show and everyone’s ready, start with the first segment:
Babyface and a Heel, and then a tag-team match with a backstage interview with the contestants for the first
the Babyfaces on one team and the Heels on the other, match. You should name the interviewer, banter with
filling out the short team with an NPW if there’s only 3 the wrestlers, and then stick the mic in one of their faces
players. Alternately, a singles series where the loser of the and ask “You’re scheduled to wrestle (their opponent),
first match has to compete in the second one, and then what are your thoughts?!” When they answer, no matter
a main event triple threat between all three wrestlers,
what they say, they’ve made the Cut a Promo Move.
with something like a championship shot or a winners
purse on the line.
The player rolls 2d6 and adds their +Look stat, then
references the results chart under the Move description
» 5 Wrestlers: Start with a singles match between a
on the Basic Moves sheet. This is a chance for the
Babyface and a Heel, then a singles match between
another wrestler and an NPW, then a four-player tag- characters to start building Momentum (in addition to
team match. The player not involved in the tag match what they start with), or start gaining more Heat with
should be highlighted in the NPW match. Alternately, their opponent.
a big match (like the Regal Wrangle) that involves the Give their opponent the mic to Cut a Promo as well, then
whole roster in place of the tag match, or a 2-versus-3 go to the ring!
handicap tag match.
» 6+ Wrestlers: Start with a singles match between a
Babyface and a Heel, then a tag-match putting the other
four wrestlers on opposing teams. Then use one of the
big matches (like a Regal Wrangle or traditional Battle
Royal) to play out a match with the whole roster!
WRESTLING: First, each player should describe their The One-Two-Three: If someone has narrative control but
character’s entrance. doesn’t seem to know what to do, introduce the One-Two-
If they do anything in particular to pump up or insult the Three. Read or summarize the following.
crowd, make sure they make the Work the Audience Wrestling matches have beats to them, like any other story.
or Cheap Heat Moves, as appropriate. Then, read or You have control, so narrate a set-up move or your initial
summarize the following. attack, and pick up the first die. Your opponent responds –
you have control, so you get to say if what they do actually
You’ll both get a chance to show off in the ring. Whoever happens or how it works into your plan, but they have a
has control of the match narrates a sequence of wrestling chance to say what they’re doing too! The narrate your
moves (or holds, or strikes, or whatever you want) that reaction to their response, which may be a transitional
culminates in an important, impressive or dangerous move or something like a crowd-pleasing taunt, and pick
maneuver that advances the overall story of the match. up the second die. Ask for your opponent’s response. Now
When you get to that point, you’ll make the Wrestling you’ve built up the big spot! Narrate the cool, important
Move. The control of the match might change then, or you or impressive move you do, and roll those dice for the
might keep it, in which case you continue narrating the Wrestling Move!
next sequence.
When the match is getting to a natural end point,
Now, the person who isn’t in control can use the Interrupt depending on your sense of pacing and drama, you call
Move to cut in and take control of the match! You can use for the end of the match and reveal who you have booked
other Moves as well, if you want, like Work the Audience. to win. The player currently in control of the match is
When the match is getting towards the end, I will reveal responsible for narrating how they get to the booked
who I’ve already decided is winning the match, and then finish, but whoever’s booked to win rolls for the Finishing
you work together to make that happen. If you want to Move, even if they don’t have control of the match. If
swerve my booking, you can, (which usually means you’ll a player wants to change who wins, they have to use a
make the Break Kayfabe or Heel Move, or another on your Move (like the Heel move or the Anti-Hero’s Rules? What
sheet that’s appropriate). Whoever’s booked to win will also Rules?), or else they’re Breaking Kayfabe.
get to hit their Finishing Move at the end of the match.
Before we get started, I’m going to hand this mic to another GAINING HEAT: They gain +1 Audience whenever they
player. They’ll play the ringside announcer during your wrestle someone they have +4 Heat with, win or lose. This
match! Announcer, your job is to summarize and add is a good reason to take Heat when they can!
whatever fun context you want for the “imaginary viewing
audience” at home. In addition, you can “put over” each AFTER THE MATCH: Post-match interviews, backstage
wrestler once per match by describing how awesome what confrontations and other fallout are all appropriate
they just did was. This means that their result on a Move scenes to have after a match. Also, ask the players what
bumps up one, from a Botch (6-) to a partial (7-9), or a they have mind when they head back to the locker room
partial to a full (10+) success. to inform your segments!
Hand the mic to whoever you want to be the Announcer
for the match, and get started! If there isn’t a free player, THAT’S THE BASICS: That should get you through an
then you can play the Announcer, but you do not have the Episode! Have a pre-match promo, play through a match,
ability to Put Over the wrestlers in the ring. It’s often clear stage a post-match wrap-up, and repeat. Remember to
from context who starts in control of the match, but if you be flexible and work in player agendas if they want to
need to make a call, go with the Babyface. talk to a particular person, cut a certain kind of promo
or otherwise put their wrestler in the spotlight in a way
If the match is between a single player and an NPW, you you haven’t thought of. The Gimmick and reference
narrate their reactions and any counters they may get, sheets summarize the specifics of each Move, but if you
but the player is the only one who makes Moves or can be can’t find an answer for something that comes up there,
put over by the Announcer. You never roll dice. reference the rules text.
BUT WHAT IF… …one of the players hasn’t been on screen for a long
…everyone’s looking at me and I don’t know what to time?
say? A couple ways to deal with it: make sure they get the
That’s when you make a Soft Move (listed on the Creative Announcer mic during matches, remind them that they
reference sheet). These are the things that happen all can interfere in matches using the Run-In Move, or bring
the time in wrestling - you should do your best to hook it them into the action by putting them in a non-wrestling
into what’s going on, but it’s also fine to just drop in a new role (like as a referee or ad hoc interviewer).
challenger when you need to move the action along. …I feel like I’m dictating how the characters should
…the player Botches and the Move doesn’t say what act?
happens? Don’t mistake booking the show for being the only
That’s when you make a Hard Move (listed on the person to talk. Remind the players that there are
Creative reference sheet). Hard Moves hit the character always microphones and cameras available, if they have
where they live - mostly things that happen behind the something to say or do! After each segment, ask them if
scenes, that can actually impact their long-term career they have something they want to do before getting back
prospects. to the booked show. Often, the first interview-match-
interview segment will feel a little artificial, and then once
…somebody gets injured? the players get a better hold on their wrestlers they’ll
start seizing opportunities to bring in their own agendas.
They tick off an Injury box, and then apply the conditions
on their sheet whenever they make sense to do so. The …someone does something that feels like we should
chances of a wrestler getting injured enough to no longer roll dice, but doesn’t seem like it’s covered by a Move?
be able to compete in one Episode are pretty slim, but
even if they can’t compete they can still appear in non- It may be covered by the Heel or Babyface Move.
wrestling segments. Are they being dastardly, or are they standing up for
something they believe in? It may also just be something
…somebody gets an Advance? you can handle with roleplaying. Make Moves when
they’re called for, but you don’t need to be rolling dice all
They can spend it immediately on anything listed on the the time if you’re enjoying chewing the scenery.
top portion of the Advancement section on their sheet, or
save it to spend later.
When you take the mic and speak When you demonstrate your When you pump up, lambaste or When you you’re a Heel and
your mind, roll +Look. extraordinary strength or athletic otherwise work to get the crowd you insult the audience or their
On a 10+: you connect with the ability, roll +Body. cheering or jeering you, roll hometown, or when you’re a
audience, pick 2: On a 10+: you do it easily. Gain +Audience. Babyface and you praise the crowd
+1 Heat with an opponent, or +2 On a 10+: they pop big. Either: and say how glad you are to be in
On a 7-9: you have their attention,
Momentum if you’re showing off. their town, gain +1 Momentum.
pick 1: » Spend 1 Momentum to gain
» Make Creative book you in a On a 7-9: you show the strain. +1 Heat with your current or
match. Gain +1 Momentum and pick one: upcoming opponent, the crowd
» Add a stipulation to a relevant » You do it, but it hurts. You have can’t wait to see you go at it! You can only get Cheap Heat
match. to forfeit your next scheduled » Bask in the moment and gain +1 once per episode! Get as
» They come out to respond to match while you recover. Momentum. creative as you want!
your promo. » You pull it off with someone’s On a 7-9: they play along. Gain +1
» Gain +1 Heat with the subject of help. If it’s another player wres- Momentum.
your promo. tler, they gain +1 Momentum. On a Botch: you’ve lost them. You
On a Botch: it doesn’t connect. On a Botch: take an injury, and +1 can’t Work The Audience again
Gain +1 Momentum. Momentum. this Episode. Gain +1 Momentum.
Basic Move Basic Move Basic Move Basic Move


When you expose a legit truth on When you interrupt a match in- When the cameras are off and When you’re in the Top Spot,
camera, roll +Real. progress, roll +Heat. you’re arguing, roll +Audience. the Episode opens with you. Gain
On a 10+: it’s exactly what the On a 10+: you both gain +1 Heat (If it’s two players, higher result +3 Momentum, and then spend
crowd was waiting for, gain +1 with each other, and you pick 1. makes the Move). Momentum 1-for-1 to:
Audience. On a 7-9: your target gains +1 Heat On a 10+: you pick 1, then they pick 1. » Get any match you wish as the
On a 7-9: you blur the line. Gain +1 with you, and they pick 1. On a 7-9: they pick 1, then you pick 1: main event.
Momentum, and pick 1: » You attack them in the ring! This » They agree that you’re right. » Add a stipulation to an upcom-
books them as the winner. ing match.
» Creative books you an embar- » The argument stays private.
rassing loss as punishment. » You distract them! Their opponent
» Creative sets up a match or oth- » Call out anyone on the roster
takes control as the match contin- (and gain +1 Heat with them).
» The truth you reveal loses you -1 ues. Then, you’re booked into a er segment that the person who
Heat with someone involved. grudge match. selects this option wants to see. » Declare a non-wrestling seg-
» You lose the faith of someone » ment for later in the show.
» You interfere in the match! This Change your Want to something
When that segment starts, take
who was investing in you back- books the match a no contest, and they want to see.
stage. you both take +1 Momentum. +1 Momentum.
On a Botch: you lose 1 Heat with
On a Botch: All three, and gain +1 On a Botch: you get stopped. Take them/each other. Creative must Start the Episode with any
Momentum. +1 Momentum. make a Hard Move. Momentum you don’t spend.
Basic Move Basic Move Basic Move Basic Move
When you stand up for When you stand up for When you stand up for When you stand up for
something you believe in, act something you believe in, act something you believe in, act something you believe in, act
in sportsmanship or comport in sportsmanship or comport in sportsmanship or comport in sportsmanship or comport
yourself with honor, spend 2 yourself with honor, spend 2 yourself with honor, spend 2 yourself with honor, spend 2
Momentum and pick one: Momentum and pick one: Momentum and pick one: Momentum and pick one:
» Gain +1 Heat with your » Gain +1 Heat with your » Gain +1 Heat with your » Gain +1 Heat with your
opponent. opponent. opponent. opponent.
» Leave your opponent » Leave your opponent » Leave your opponent » Leave your opponent
speechless. speechless. speechless. speechless.
» Make Creative book you in a » Make Creative book you in a » Make Creative book you in a » Make Creative book you in a
match. match. match. match.
» Expose villainous behavior » Expose villainous behavior » Expose villainous behavior » Expose villainous behavior
to book a cheater to lose a to book a cheater to lose a to book a cheater to lose a to book a cheater to lose a
match. match. match. match.

Role Move Role Move Role Move Role Move


When you take underhanded When you take underhanded When you take underhanded When you take underhanded
action, take advantage of someone action, take advantage of someone action, take advantage of someone action, take advantage of someone
unfairly or act with villainous unfairly or act with villainous unfairly or act with villainous unfairly or act with villainous
intent, spend 2 Momentum and intent, spend 2 Momentum and intent, spend 2 Momentum and intent, spend 2 Momentum and
pick one: pick one: pick one: pick one:
» Gain +1 Heat with your » Gain +1 Heat with your » Gain +1 Heat with your » Gain +1 Heat with your
opponent. opponent. opponent. opponent.
» Leave someone lying helpless » Leave someone lying helpless » Leave someone lying helpless » Leave someone lying helpless
on the floor. on the floor. on the floor. on the floor.
» Postpone a match you’ve » Postpone a match you’ve » Postpone a match you’ve » Postpone a match you’ve
been booked in. been booked in. been booked in. been booked in.
» Cheat in order to book » Cheat in order to book » Cheat in order to book » Cheat in order to book
yourself to win a match. yourself to win a match. yourself to win a match. yourself to win a match.

Role Move Role Move Role Move Role Move

When you stand up for When you stand up for When you stand up for When you stand up for
something you believe in, act something you believe in, act something you believe in, act something you believe in, act in
in sportsmanship or comport in sportsmanship or comport in sportsmanship or comport sportsmanship or demonstrate
yourself with honor, spend 2 yourself with honor, spend 2 yourself with honor, spend 2 your technical prowess, spend 2
Momentum and pick one: Momentum and pick one: Momentum and pick one: Momentum and pick one:
» Gain +1 Heat with your opponent. » Gain +1 Heat with your opponent. » Gain +1 Heat with your opponent. » Gain +1 Heat with your opponent.
» Leave your opponent speechless. » Leave your opponent speechless. » Leave your opponent speechless. » Leave your opponent speechless.
» Make Creative book you in a » Make Creative book you in a » Make Creative book you in a » Make Creative book you in a
match. match. match. match.
» Expose villainous behavior to » Expose villainous behavior to » Expose villainous behavior to » Expose villainous behavior to
book a cheater to lose a match. book a cheater to lose a match. book a cheater to lose a match. book a cheater to lose a match.
» Creative must book you to win » Make any roll a 10+, for you or » You and your opponent count as » An ally comes to your aid, and
your next match. someone else. having +1 Audience for the rest gain +1 Heat with them.
of the match or segment.

Advanced Role Move Advanced Role Move Advanced Role Move Lucha Libre Role Move


When you take underhanded When you take underhanded When you take underhanded When you take underhanded
action, take advantage of someone action, take advantage of someone action, take advantage of someone action, show disrespect or act to
unfairly or act with villainous unfairly or act with villainous unfairly or act with villainous save yourself, spend 2 Momentum
intent, spend 2 Momentum and intent, spend 2 Momentum and intent, spend 2 Momentum and and pick one:
pick one: pick one: pick one: » Gain +1 Heat with your opponent.
» Gain +1 Heat with your opponent. » Gain +1 Heat with your opponent. » Gain +1 Heat with your opponent. » Leave someone lying helpless on
» Leave someone lying helpless on » Leave someone lying helpless on » Leave someone lying helpless on the floor.
the floor. the floor. the floor. » Postpone a match you’ve been
» Postpone a match you’ve been » Postpone a match you’ve been » Postpone a match you’ve been booked in.
booked in. booked in. booked in. » Cheat in order to book yourself
» Cheat in order to book yourself » Cheat in order to book yourself » Cheat in order to book yourself to win a match.
to win a match. to win a match. to win a match. » Leave an ongoing match to save
» Creative must book you to win » Make any roll a 10+, for you or » You and your opponent count as yourself. Lose the match, and
your next match. someone else. having +1 Audience for the rest your opponent gain +1 Heat with
of the match or segment. each other.
Advanced Role Move Advanced Role Move Advanced Role Move Lucha Libre Role Move
Narrate a sequence that leads Narrate a sequence that leads Narrate a sequence that leads When you want to take control of
up to a big spot showcasing your up to a big spot showcasing your up to a big spot that requires you the match, spend 1 Momentum and
physical strength, acrobatic skill or wrestling technique, grappling to work with your opponent to narrate how you counter, disrupt
incredible athleticism. precision or in-ring acumen. achieve and make exciting. or otherwise interrupt the current
On a 10+: the crowd pops as you On a 10+: the crowd pops as you On a 10+: the crowd pops as you sequence.
nail the spot. Retain control of the nail the spot. Retain control of the nail the spot. Retain control of the
match and take +1 Momentum. match and take +1 Momentum. match and take +1 Momentum. You gain control of the match, and
narrate the next sequence.
On a 7-9: you keep their attention. On a 7-9: you keep their attention. On a 7-9: you keep their attention.
Choose whether to hand control Choose whether to hand control Choose whether to hand control
of the match to your opponent of the match to your opponent of the match to your opponent
and take +1 Momentum, or retain and take +1 Momentum, or retain and take +1 Momentum, or retain
control of the match. control of the match. control of the match.
On a Botch: you botch the spot. On a Botch: you botch the spot. On a Botch: you botch the spot.
Your opponent describes how they Your opponent describes how they Your opponent describes how they
counter you, and takes control of counter you, and takes control of counter you, and takes control of
the match. the match. the match.
Wrestling Move Wrestling Move Wrestling Move Wrestling Move


You can voluntarily hand off When you want to actually hurt When you’re in a tag team match, When you draw first blood or revel
narration to your opponent your opponent, roll +Real. you can make the following Moves in violence in the ring, roll +Real:
whenever you wish. On a 10+: you really lay them out. whenever you would make the On a 10+: the crowd goes nuts!
Pick 2. Wrestling Move: Retain control and pick 2:
If you do so at a time when If you make a hot tag to your
On a 7-9: It hurts, pick 1: On a 7-9: the crowd pops! Gain +1
you have the upper hand and partner to bring them into the
the audience can see that your » You injure your opponent. Momentum and pick 1, and your
match at a critical moment, roll opponent takes control:
opponent is at your mercy, and » The match is booked to end in a +Heat with them, then they gain
you have no Momentum, gain +1 no-contest. » Someone gets injured, but it
that result of the Wrestling Move. isn’t discovered until later.
Momentum . » Your opponent loses -1 Audi-
ence, as you break the illusion of You can abandon the team by » Gain +1 Heat with your oppo-
their toughness, spending 2 Momentum and nent.
» You gain +1 Audience, as you describing how you leave your » They gain +1 Heat with you.
prove how badass you are. partner the mercy of the other On a Botch: your opponent takes
On a Botch: you messed up. Take team. This books your team to control of the match. Choose:
an injury, and Creative makes a lose the match and you gain +1 take an injury or lose all of your
Hard Move. Heat with each other. Momentum.
Wrestling Move Wrestling Move Wrestling Move Wrestling Move












Aerial Attack TO WOW THE CROWD










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