PTS Science Bil Kelas 6

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Raj Yamuna School Denpasar 2023


SUBJECT : Science Bilingual CLASS : VI (6th Grade)
NAME : …………………………………….. NO : ………………..

I. Multiple Choice
Please choose a, b, c or d as the correct answer!

1. In order to preserve humans’ existence. They need to do … (Untuk mempertahankan

kelestarian jenisnya. Manusia perlu …)
a. Eat
b. Drink
c. Reproduction
d. Work

2. Kind of reproduction that happen to Human is … reproduction (Jenis perkembangbiakan

yang dialam
a. Vegetative reproduction
b. Generative reproduction
c. Ovoviviparous
d. Viviparous

3. Fertilization of the reproductions takes place in the …

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4 3

4. The fetus of inside mother’s womb will get food and oxygen through …(Janin pada
Rahim ibu akan mendapatkan makanan serta oksigen melalui …)
a. Placenta
b. Womb
c. Ovary
d. Fallopian tube

5. How many weeks does the mother’s pregnancy happen? (Sekitar berapa minggu masa
kehamilan ibu?)
a. 26 weeks
b. 30
c. 38
d. 40

6. At the age of 24 weeks, the fetus can … (Pada umur ke 24 minggu, janin dapat …)
a. Use the five senses
b. Hear
c. Recognize mother’s voice
d. Breathe

7. The characteristic of human development is … (Ciri-ciri pertumbuhan pada manusia

adalah ...)

Mid Term Test of Semester I

Raj Yamuna School Denpasar 2023

a. Getting smaller
b. Increasing weight
c. Increasing abilities
d. Can work

8. The childhood stage happens at the age of … years old (Masa awal anak-anak terjadi
pada umur …)
a. 5
b. 4
c. 10
d. 11

9. Woman has menopause which can unable her to be give birth. It happens at the stage of
… (Wanita memiliki masa menopause (berhentinya menstruasi) yang membuatnya tidak
dapat melahirkan. Terjadi pada saat masa ...)

a. Adolescence
b. Adulthood
c. Teenage
d. Childhood

10. The correct stage of human growth and development orderly is … (Tahapan yang tepat
pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan manusia adalah …)

a. Childhood – toddler – adolescence – adulthood

b. Adolescence – toddler – childhood – adulthood
c. Toddler – childhood – adolescence – adulthood
d. Toddler – adolescence – childhood – adulthood

II. Please Match (Soal Menjodohkan)

Please draw a line to match the statement A and the statement B
No A B
7,5 weeks of fetus inside bones are formed and
mother’s womb
replacing the spongy bones
11 (tulang mulai terbentuk dan
menggantikan tulang
fetus can use the 4-5 senses
(fetus bisa menggunakan 4-5
panca indra)

13 30-32 weeks of fetus inside
mother’s womb
8,5 weeks of fetus inside uterus
mother’s womb
eyes, legs and arms are
developing (mata, kaki dan
tangan bertumbuh)


Mid Term Test of Semester I

Raj Yamuna School Denpasar 2023

Please give checklist () if the statement True or False

No Statement True False
16 Reproduction of human happens when the egg is fertilized by
sperm. Egg is produced by testes (Reproduksi terjadi ketika sel
telur dibuahi oleh sel sperma. Telur dihasilkan oleh testis)
17 In order to keep our reproductive organ healthy, we should
change our underwear twice a day minimally (Agar organ
reproduksi kita tetap sehat, kita harus mengganti pakaian
dalam minimal dua kali sehari)
18 Mustache and beard start to grow on woman when they’re
having puberty (Mustache and beard mulai tumbuh ketika
Perempuan mengalami masa pubertas)
19 Puberty in girls begin at the age of 9 to 13 signalled by the first
menstruation (Pubertas pada Perempuan mulai dialami pada
umur 9 -13 yang ditandai dengan menstruasi)
20 Appearance of Adam’s apple only happens on boys as a sign
of their puberty (Kemunculan jakun hanya terjadi pada laki-
laki sebagai tanda masa pubertas)

IV. Essay
Please answer the questions with the way you solve it!

21. What do you know about reproduction? Explain! (Apa yang kalian ketahui tentang
reproduksi? Jelaskan!)

Answer : ………………………………………………………………………..



22. Why does menstruation happen on women? Explain! (Mengapa menstruasi terjadi pada

Perempuan? Jelaskan!)

Answer : ………………………………………………………………………..



23. How do you keep your reproductive organ healthy? Mention 3 ways!
Answer : ………………………………………………………………………..

24. Please mention 3 puberty sign of secondary change in Girls! (Sebutkan 3 tanda atau ciri-
ciri perubahan sekunder pada saat Perempuan mengalami pubertas!)

Mid Term Test of Semester I

Raj Yamuna School Denpasar 2023

Answer : ………………………………………………………………………..
25. Please mention 3 puberty sign of secondary change in Laki-laki! (Sebutkan 3 tanda atau
ciri-ciri perubahan sekunder pada saat laki-laki mengalami pubertas!)

Answer : ………………………………………………………………………..

Mid Term Test of Semester I

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