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Scene 1

Ext, mouth of a cave

F looks at her map, then up at the cave.
F: Finally, I’ve made it! I can’t wait to get my hands on that crystal.
She hears rustling and turns around.
F: Oh god please don't be him, please don’t be him..
A man comes out of the foliage grinning as he puts down the map, and immediately frowns when
he sees her.
M: What are you doing here??
F: I was about to ask the same thing. Why do you always have to show up to MY treasure hunts?
M: Because those “treasures” that you sell to the highest bidder are ancient artifacts that would
be treated with the respect they deserve at our museum.
F: Ugh, whatever, Indiana Jones. You think you’re a better hunter than me because you’re smart?
I don’t have any of your fancy equipment and I got here before you!
M: God, you’re annoying.
He walks past her into the cave.
F: Good luck finding your way to the crystal without the map, smartass.
M: I have the map, for your information. And I wish you the same.
She’s shocked and runs after him.
F: I have the map. THE singular map. There were no other copies made.
M: Well it’s a fake, sweetheart. Our researchers made sure my map is authentic.
F: I guess if your fancy-schmancy researchers say so. And if you ever call me sweetheart again,
I’m gonna shove your fake map so far up your a-
M: So crude.
M cuts her off and walks toward a tunnel.
F looks at her map and laughs.
F: Wrong way, professor. God, I knew you were underqualified for your job but I didn’t think
you were ILLITERATE.
M holds out his map towards her.
M: I’m following my map, you follow yours.
F: Jeez, whatever. See you never, I guess.
F takes out a flashlight and sprints towards the other tunnel.

Scene 2
Int, the heart of the cavern
F comes out of the tunnel to see M at the mouth of his tunnel, below them is a huge blue crystal.
They squint at each other before they race to get the crystal.
She takes out a grappling hook and swings down before he gets there. As she runs towards the
crystal he throws a boomerang at her feet, tripping her. They both make it to the crystal at the
exact same time and grab it. They play a game of tug of war before she gets the idea to let go,
and M stumbles backward and the crystal flies out of his grip. F grins and runs toward the
crystal, picking it up. M buries his face in the ground in surrender. She stops in her tracks when
the cave starts to rumble and M looks up, worried.
M: What did you do?? (As he gets up.) Both the tunnels are sealed!
F runs back to the podium
F: I didn't do anything! You must have triggered a trap or something!
M: There’s no way I would be that careless. Sounds like something you’d be very capable of
F: God, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we need to work together.
M sighs.
F: Please.
M nods and runs to her.
F: There’s an inscription where the crystal used to be.
As M approaches she reads the first two lines.
F: Human conflict has destroyed nature. Cease your fire to escape the danger.
M (on the other side of the inscription): You must put back what you once stole. Only two halves
can make a whole.
F: Two halves? Two halves… our maps!
M: So neither of them were fake.
They put the maps together, confused for a moment.
M: Wait. The backs!!
They flip the map over to see a diagram. They gasp, M looks at the podium while F looks at the
crystal in her hands.
M: F… you have to put it back if we wanna get out of here alive.
F sighs and puts it in. Two handles eject from the podium and F and M each take one.
F: Five times. We can do this.
They struggle and manage to do the task. A panel on the floor opens, and M and F share a look
of relief.

The two of them burst through the exit just as it collapses.
They look at each other and laugh.
F: So much for the crystal.
M: Hey, don’t worry, there’s always next time.
F: You mean the next time for us to fight and hurl insults at each other?
M: Or maybe, next time we could work together.
F: No way you’re indoctrinating me into your little nerd cult. You’re pretty, but not that pretty.
M (splutters): Uh um. Ahem. Okay. well I’ll see you. Next time, I suppose.
F: See you, professor.
M: Wait, I-
F: Yeah?
They share a moment.
M: Is there any chance I could get a ride back? I kind of walked up here but that whole escapade
gave me a charley horse, and I’m not sure I can make it back to base camp on foot…
F throws her head back and laughs before tossing a helmet towards him.
F: Hop on.

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