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Complete The Following

1. The two major categories of fish are ___________________ and ___________________ .

2. Two groups of shellfish are ___________________ and ___________________ .
3. The four major part of fish are ___________________ , ___________________ ,
___________________ , and ___________________ .

Identify the correct answer.

1. What should the eyes of fresh fish look like?

a. Cloudy
b. Clear and bright
c. Sunken

2. How should the flesh of fresh fish feel when pressed with your finger?
a. Soft and mushy
b. Firm and springy
c. Dry and tough

3. What color should the gills of certain types of fresh fish, like salmon, be?
a. Brown
b. Bright red or pink
c. Green

4. What is the ideal odor of fresh fish?

a. Strong fishy smell
b. Clean, ocean-like smell
c. Sweet floral aroma

5. What should you avoid in the skin of fresh fish?

a. Missing scales
b. Loose fins
c. Slight discoloration

6. What is the ideal appearance of the flesh of many fresh fish varieties when raw?
a. Opaque
b. Translucent
c. Brown

7. What should you do if you detect an off-putting or sour odor in a fish?

a. Buy it anyway; it's probably fine.
b. Avoid it; it's a sign of spoilage.
c. Ask the vendor to double-check.
8. What should the skin of fresh fish look like?
a. Dry and rough
b. Dull and wrinkled
c. Moist and shiny

9. What's the ideal condition of the scales on fresh fish?

a. Tightly adhered to the skin
b. Flaking off easily
c. Covered in slime

10. What should you avoid in the flesh of fresh fish?

a. Firmness
b. Moisture
c. Bruises and dark spots

Whole Fish Dressed Fsh Butterfly Fish Fillet Steaks Fish Sticks.

Live Shellfish Whole Shellfish Shucked Shellfish Headless Shellfish Cooked Shellfish

1. ____________________ are cut evenly from large slabs of frozen fillet.

2. ____________________ are slices cut horizontally from a large fish.
3. ____________________ is done by slicing a whole fish lengthwise to remove its backbone and
4. ____________________ is whole but the entrails, scales and head are detached.
5. ____________________ are sold fresh and sometimes alive.
6. ____________________ is the boneless form of fish.
7. ____________________ is the suggested market form of clams, smails, oyster and shrimps.
8. ____________________ are no longer alive but are served in thweir original form.
9. ____________________ means that the outer shell has been removed.
10. ____________________ are marketed with heads removed.
11. ____________________ are canned and exported.
(fresh fish, bony fish) 12. ____________________ spoils faster than ____________________ .
(small fish, large fish) 13. ____________________ decays faster than ___________________.
(cold water fish, warm water fish) 14. ____________________ spoils faster than ___________.

Give at least 7 seasonal fruits in the Philippines:

For each question, choose the best option that corresponds to the information provided.

1. How can you determine the ripeness of fruits like mangoes, bananas, and papayas?
a. Check for bright colors
b. Gently press to feel if they yield slightly to pressure
c. Smell for a sweet aroma
d. Examine the skin for blemishes

2. What does vibrant, bright color indicate when choosing fresh fruits?
a. Overripeness
b. Ripeness and freshness
c. Dullness
d. Mold growth

3. Which sense should you use to evaluate fruits like pineapples and melons for ripeness?
a. Sight
b. Taste
c. Touch
d. Smell

4. When selecting fruits, what should you avoid?

a. Visible damage or signs of rot
b. Unusual shapes
c. Hardness
d. Bruised skin

5. Why should you choose heavier fruits, like watermelons and oranges?
a. They are easier to carry
b. They are often juicier
c. They are less ripe
d. They have a longer shelf life

6. What should you look for when choosing leafy greens like lettuce or spinach?
a. Wilted or yellowing leaves
b. Crisp and fresh leaves
c. Blemishes on the stems
d. Dry texture

7. How should vegetables like cucumbers and zucchinis feel when squeezed?
a. Rock-hard
b. Soft and mushy
c. Firm but not rock-hard
d. Slimy
8. What is an indicator of quality when inspecting the skin of vegetables like tomatoes and bell
a. Wrinkles and blemishes
b. Smoothness and freedom from blemishes
c. Slight discoloration
d. Mold growth

9. Why should you be cautious of vegetables with bruises or cuts?

a. They have better flavor
b. They are organic
c. They may have started to deteriorate
d. They are more affordable

10. What should you avoid in root vegetables like potatoes and carrots?
a. Sprouting
b. Vibrant colors
c. Firmness
d. Fresh fragrance

11. What is the benefit of choosing locally grown and seasonal produce?
a. It's more expensive
b. It's less flavorful
c. It's likely to be fresher and more flavorful
d. It has a longer shelf life

12. What should you do if you're unsure about which fruits and vegetables are in season?
a. Avoid buying any
b. Purchase imported produce
c. Ask local vendors or farmers for recommendations
d. Choose randomly

13. Which of the following fruits should yield slightly to pressure when ripe?
a. Hard as a rock
b. Pineapples
c. Bananas
d. Oranges

14. What should you look for when selecting broccoli and cauliflower?
a. Wilting and discoloration
b. Moldy spots
c. Firm, tight clusters
d. Softness

15. When should you avoid buying fruits or vegetables that have a foul smell?
a. Always
b. Only if they're imported
c. When they're locally grown
d. When they don't have a noticeable scent

16. **This preservation technique involves immersing fruits or vegetables in a concentrated sugar
syrup to extend their shelf life while maintaining flavor and texture. What is it?**

a. Canning
b. Sugar Preservation
c. Fermentation
d. Pickling

17. **What natural preservation method relies on the action of beneficial microorganisms to
convert sugars or carbohydrates into alcohol, organic acids, or gases?**

a. Sugar Preservation
b. Canning
c. Fermentation
d. Pickling

18. **In this preservation method, food items are soaked in an acidic solution, such as vinegar or
brine, to inhibit the growth of microorganisms. What is it?**

a. Canning
b. Sugar Preservation
c. Fermentation
d. Pickling

19. **Which canning method involves pre-cooking or preheating food before sealing it in jars to
ensure that it is fully cooked and ready to eat when opened?**

a. Hot Pack Method

b. Cold Pack Method
c. One-Kettle Method
d. Sugar Preservation

20. **This canning method involves placing raw or uncooked food directly into jars before
processing. What is it called?**

a. Sugar Preservation
b. Fermentation
c. Hot Pack Method
d. Cold Pack Method

21. **In which preservation method are fruits, vegetables, meats, and fish sealed in airtight
containers and subjected to heat to destroy microorganisms and enzymes that can cause spoilage?
a. Pickling
b. Fermentation
c. Sugar Preservation
d. Canning

Give the formula for Gross Profit and Net Profit:

### Science Quiz

#### Identification:

1. The two major categories of fish are **bony fish** and **cartilaginous fish**.
2. Two groups of shellfish are **crustaceans** and **mollusks**.
3. The four major parts of fish are **head, trunk, tail, and fins**.

#### Multiple Choice:

1. What should the eyes of fresh fish look like?

- b. Clear and bright

2. How should the flesh of fresh fish feel when pressed with your finger?
- b. Firm and springy

3. What color should the gills of certain types of fresh fish, like salmon, be?
- b. Bright red or pink

4. What is the ideal odor of fresh fish?

- b. Clean, ocean-like smell

5. What should you avoid in the skin of fresh fish?

- a. Missing scales

6. What is the ideal appearance of the flesh of many fresh fish varieties when raw?
- b. Translucent

7. What should you do if you detect an off-putting or sour odor in a fish?

- b. Avoid it; it's a sign of spoilage.

8. What should the skin of fresh fish look like?

- c. Moist and shiny

9. What's the ideal condition of the scales on fresh fish?

- a. Tightly adhered to the skin

10. What should you avoid in the flesh of fresh fish?

- c. Bruises and dark spots

#### Market Forms of Seafood:

1. **Fish Sticks** are cut evenly from large slabs of frozen fillet.
2. **Steaks** are slices cut horizontally from a large fish.
3. **Butterfly Fish** is done by slicing a whole fish lengthwise to remove its backbone and
4. **Dressed Fish** is whole but the entrails, scales, and head are detached.
5. **Live Shellfish** are sold fresh and sometimes alive.
6. **Fillet** is the boneless form of fish.
7. **Whole Shellfish** is the suggested market form of clams, snails, oysters, and shrimps.
8. **Shucked Shellfish** are no longer alive but are served in their original form.
9. **Headless Shellfish** means that the outer shell has been removed.
10. **Cooked Shellfish** are marketed with heads removed.
11. **Fresh fish** spoils faster than **bony fish**.
12. **Small fish** spoils faster than **large fish**.
13. **Cold water fish** spoils faster than **warm water fish**.
14. **Warm water fish** spoils faster than **cold water fish**.

#### Seasonal Fruits in the Philippines:

1. Mangoes
2. Bananas
3. Papayas
4. Pineapples
5. Avocados
6. Durians
7. Mangosteens

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