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Lesson 9

Prepared by: DAISY C. FEDILO

Quantum Numbers
• Recall the concept of electron
configuration by providing the
RECAP core method configuration of
the following elements:
• 1. Phosphorus
• 2. Platinum
• 3. Tin
• 4. Sulfur
• 5. Calcium
Quantum numbers

are numbers that are

These numbers work
used to describe the
like addresses for
probable location of an
electrons in an atom.
electron in an atom.
To describe 1. energy level
the location
of an 2. type of orbital
electron, you
need to have 3. orientation of orbital
the following
4. orientation of electron
This quantum number describes the energy
level of the electron.

Quantum The energy of the electron is determined by
its average distance from the nucleus.

Number (n) The values of n ranges from 1 to the shell

containing the outermost electron of that
atom. It is a whole number integer (n = 1, 2,
3, etc.).
In the configuration
1s1 the n = 1

2d9 has a principal
quantum number of
It describes the “shape” of the
or Angular
Momentum It designates the sublevel which
the electron is said to occupy.

Number (l) The following is the value of l
with respect to the subshell: s =
0, p = 1, d = 2 and f = 3.
In the configuration 1s1 the l =
0 because the subshell of the
electron is s
2d9 has an azimuthal quantum
Examples: number of 2

Remember: s = 0, p = 1, d = 2
and f = 3.
Number (ml)
• This describes the shape of
the orbitals in a subshell.
Orbitals have shapes that are
best described as spherical,
polar or cloverleaf.
• The values of ml ranges from
–l to +l. These values are
summarized in the table
• Example:
• What is the magnetic quantum number of 1s1?
• Step 1: Write the orbital diagram of the configuration: 0
• Step 2: Take note of the value assigned to the orbital. The
last electron falls on the orbital that has 0 on it. Therefore,
the ml = 0
• Example: What is the magnetic quantum number of 2d9?
• Step 1: Write the orbital diagram of the configuration:
• Take note of the value assigned to the orbital.
• The last electron falls on the orbital that has 1 on it.
Therefore, the ml= 1.
• Remember: s = 0, p = 1, d = 2 and f = 3.
Spin Quantum Number (ms)
• The spin quantum number refers to the “spin” of an electron in a
given orbital.
• It can only have two values: +1/2 and -1/2.
• Conventionally this can be interpreted whether the electron is paired
or unpaired in an orbital.
• If the electron is unpaired, the value is +1/2. If it is paired the value is
• Example: What is the spin quantum number of 1s1?
• Step 1: Write the orbital diagram of the configuration:
• Step 2: Observed that the last electron is not paired. Therefore, the
ms = +1/2.

• Example: What is the spin quantum number of 2d9? Step 1: Write the
orbital diagram of the configuration: Observed that the last electron
is paired. Therefore, the ms = -1/2

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