SC Series - SC9000 Replacement-Storage Center OS Drive Replacement

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SC Series ® SolVe Generator

Solution for Validating your engagement

SC9000 Replacement

Choose an Option: Storage Center OS Drive Replacement

Generated: January 4, 2024 8:23 AM GMT


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Publication Date: January, 2024

Dell Technologies Confidential Information version:

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Preliminary Activity Tasks .......................................................................................................3
Read, understand, and perform these tasks.................................................................................................3

Tray for Storage Center OS Drive...........................................................................................4

Removing Storage Center OS Drive Tray...............................................................................4
Post-Replacement Procedures ...............................................................................................5
Start Up the Storage Controller...............................................................................................6
Send Diagnostic Data Using SupportAssist ............................................................................6
Contact Technical Support......................................................................................................6
Power Up Storage Center Hardware ......................................................................................6
Installing Storage Center Software on the SSD ......................................................................7
Prepare for the Storage Center Software Installation .............................................................7
Required Materials..................................................................................................................7
Establish a Serial Connection .................................................................................................7
Get the IP Address of the iDRAC............................................................................................8
Get the iDRAC IP Address Using the LCD Panel ...................................................................9
Get the IP Address Using a Terminal Connection ..................................................................9
Install the Storage Center OS on the SSD............................................................................10
Complete the Re-Image of Storage Center OS on the SSD .................................................13

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Preliminary Activity Tasks
This section may contain tasks that you must complete before performing this procedure.

Read, understand, and perform these tasks

1. Table 1 lists tasks, cautions, warnings, notes, and/or knowledgebase (KB) solutions that you need to
be aware of before performing this activity. Read, understand, and when necessary perform any
tasks contained in this table and any tasks contained in any associated knowledgebase solution.

Table 1 List of cautions, warnings, notes, and/or KB solutions related to this activity

2. This is a link to the top trending service topics. These topics may or not be related to this activity.
This is merely a proactive attempt to make you aware of any KB articles that may be associated with
this product.

Note: There may not be any top trending service topics for this product at any given time.

SC Series Top Service Topics

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Tray for Storage Center OS Drive
A removable tray holds the SSD boot drive.

The Storage Center OS is stored on the internal SSD boot drive. If the SSD fails, replace it with a new
SSD and install the correct version of the Storage Center OS on it.

Removing Storage Center OS Drive Tray

Remove the Storage Center OS tray from the control panel to access the SSD.

1. Use SupportAssist to send diagnostic data to technical support.

2. Contact technical support to let them know that you are performing a repair.
3. Power down the storage controller.
4. Unplug the power cable.
5. Remove the cover of the storage controller.

1. Loosen the thumb screen holding the Storage Center OS drive in place.
2. Rotate the silver latch away from the front of the storage controller until the SSD tray pops out of
the storage controller.
Figure 1. Removing Storage Center OS Drive

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1. Thumb screw
2. Silver latch
3. Tray opening
4. Storage Center OS tray
Next steps

1. If the OS tray is new (that is, not moved from the other storage controller), install the SCOS onto
the blank SSD. See Installing the Storage Center OS on an SSD for instructions.
2. Insert the tray into the control panel.
3. Close the cover of the storage controller.
4. Plug in the power cables.
5. Start up the storage controller.
6. Use SupportAssist to send diagnostic data to technical support.
7. Contact technical support to let them know that you have completed a repair.

Post-Replacement Procedures
Start up the storage controller (if it was previously shut down) and use SupportAssist to send diagnostic
data to technical support.

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Start Up the Storage Controller
If the storage controller was previously shut down, perform this procedure to start it up.

1. Plug the power cables into the PSUs of the storage controller.
2. Turn on the storage controller by pressing the power switch on the storage controller
3. Use the Dell Storage Manager Client to make sure that the replacement part is recognized and
shown as up and running.

Send Diagnostic Data Using SupportAssist

After replacing components, use SupportAssist to send diagnostic data to technical support.

1. Use Dell Storage Manager Client to connect to the Storage Center.

2. In the Summary tab, click Send SupportAssist Information Now, which is located under
SupportAssist Actions in the Status pane.
The Send SupportAssist Information Now dialog box opens.
3. Select Storage Center Configuration and Detailed Logs.
4. Click OK.

Contact Technical Support

Contact technical support to inform them that you completed a repair.

Request that technical support re-enable alerts for the storage system and ask for a post-installation
system check.

Power Up Storage Center Hardware

If you need to power up all Storage Center hardware, turn on the expansion enclosures first, then turn on
the storage controllers.

1. Connect the expansion enclosures and storage controllers to a power source.

2. Turn on each expansion enclosure attached to the Storage Center.
1. Simultaneously press both power switches on the rear of the expansion enclosure to
turn on the expansion enclosure.
The status indicator on the front of the expansion enclosure turns blue when the
expansion enclosure is powered up and operational
NOTE: After an expansion enclosure is powered on, its ID number is displayed by LEDs on the
back panel. If you want the IDs for all the expansion enclosures to appear in sequential order, turn
on each expansion enclosure, one after the other, in the order you want the ID to appear.

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2. Repeat with each expansion enclosure attached to the Storage Center, waiting for each
to become operational before turning on the next expansion enclosure.
NOTE: Make sure that all disks are up and running before turning on any storage controllers.

3. After all expansion enclosures are powered on, turn on each storage controller by pressing and
holding the power button on the front of the storage controller. The fans turn on as an indication
that the storage controller is starting to come up.

Installing Storage Center Software on the SSD

The replacement SSD for the storage controller is blank. Use an ISO image to install the Storage Center
operating software on the SSD.

Prepare for the Storage Center Software Installation

Complete the following to prepare for the Storage Center software installation.
About this task

• Gather the required materials described in Required Materials.

• Get the IP address of the iDRAC as described in Get the IP Address of the iDRAC.

Required Materials
Before you begin, make sure to have the following materials.

Item Purpose

Computer on the same SC9000 storage controllers use a software application, such as Enterprise
network as the storage Manager, to prepare the storage controller for an update and to complete the
controller to be imaged installation of an update.

Storage Center ISO image Used to load the Storage Center OS on the replacement SSD in the storage
file controller. Get the ISO image file from technical support. The version of the
image file must be the same or earlier than the version running on the other
storage controller.

DB9 RS–232 serial null Used to connect a laptop or PC to the storage controller to configure the
modem cable newly installed OS.

Establish a Serial Connection

Establish a serial connection from a computer to the storage controller.

1. Use the supplied serial cables to connect a computer to the storage controller. If the cables are
misplaced or damaged, contact technical support for replacement cables.
NOTE: To connect from a computer with a USB port, use a USB to DB9 male serial adapter.

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2. Open a terminal emulator program and enable logging to facilitate troubleshooting.
3. Configure the serial connection using the settings in the following table.

Table 1. Serial Connection Settings Settings for the serial connection to a storage controller.

Setting Value

Emulation VT220

Column Mode 132

Line Wrapping Off

Connection Serial Port

Connection Type Direct

Baud Rate 115200

Parity None

Data Bits 8

Stop Bits 1

Flow Control XON/XOFF

4. Press the keyboard Enter key several times to initiate the connection. The terminal emulator
echoes back to indicate when connectivity is established.

Get the IP Address of the iDRAC

Installing the SCOS on a new SSD card for the storage controller requires connecting to the storage
controller with a web browser.

The connection requires the iDRAC IP address. Use any of the following methods to get the IP address:

• Use the LCD Panel on the front of the storage controller to display the address.
• Use a terminal connection to obtain the address.
• Use the software application currently installed to manage and monitor multiple Storage Centers,
such as Enterprise Manager.

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Get the iDRAC IP Address Using the LCD Panel
For the storage controller, you can view the iDRAC address using the LCD panel on the front of the unit.


1. If Setup | View is not displayed, press the Select button, and then press the Left button until < is
highlighted. Continually press the Select button until Setup | View is displayed.
2. Press the Right button twice until View is highlighted.
3. Continually press the Select button (should be four times) until an IP address is displayed.
4. Record this IP address as the iDRAC IP address.

Get the IP Address Using a Terminal Connection

You can view the BMC IP address using a serial connection.

1. Establish a serial connection to connect to the controller.

2. Enter the following command in the serial console to display the BMC IP address:

platform bmc show

3. To prevent unauthorized access to the BMC, make sure that the IP address is set to a private
non-routable IP address on the same subset as the device from which you are downloading the
files. If not, set it to a private IP address on the network using the following commands:

platform bmc set ip [IP address]

platform bmc set netmask [netmask]

platform bmc set gateway [gateway]

4. Record this IP address.

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Install the Storage Center OS on the SSD
Use these instructions to install Storage Center software on a replacement SSD.

Contact technical support to obtain the correct ISO image file. After the reimage process, the storage
controllers must be at the same SCOS version. Make sure that the functioning storage controller (the
storage controller not being reimaged) is at the same SCOS version as the ISO image file used to
reimage the storage controller.

1. Save the ISO image file onto a computer on the same network as the storage controller.
2. Connect to the iDRAC in the storage controller.
1. Start a web browser, enter https://[iDRAC-IP-address] in the address field, and
press Enter.
NOTE: Acknowledge all messages that might appear.

2. Log on to the iDRAC as an administrative user. If the administrative user name and
password have not been changed, use the defaults.
▪ Default user name is root.
▪ Default password is calvin (password is case sensitive).
3. Open the virtual console.
NOTE: Depending on the version of the iDRAC you are running, the virtual console may look
different and some menus and choices may vary from the instructions here. This procedure
documents a recent version of the virtual console which runs with iDRAC version 1.56.55.

1. Click Server in the left pane and click the Properties tab.

2. Click Launch under Virtual Console Preview. The virtual console opens.
NOTE: Acknowledge all messages that might appear.

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4. Connect the iso image file as virtual media.
1. Select Virtual Media >Connect Virtual Media.
2. If using an iso image file:
▪ Click Add Image.
▪ Browse to the location of the iso image file.
▪ Select the iso image file and click Open.
▪ Select Mapped in the row listing the iso image.

3. If you burned the image file on a CD or DVD:

▪ To map the CD or DVD drive, select Virtual Media >Map CD/DVD.

1. In the dialog box that appears, select the drive where the update
2. Click Map Device.
5. Reboot the storage controller to boot from the iso image file.

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1. Click the virtual console to make that window active and select Power → Reset System
(warm boot).
2. Click Yes to acknowledge the Power Control message. After processing startup
commands, the remote console shows the maintenance prompt.
6. Enter the following command at the scmaint# prompt:

7. When the maintenance menu appears, use the arrow keys to select Reimage Storage Center
and press Enter.
CAUTION: Do not select Reimage unless instructed to do so by technical support.

If there are no problems, the following is displayed:

8. When the Storage Center Installation Complete message is displayed, press Enter.

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9. Use the arrow keys to select Exit and press Enter.

10. From the Virtual Media menu, select Disconnect Virtual Media to un-map the virtual media
11. Press Enter again to exit the installer.
12. Enter the following command at the scmaint# prompt to reboot the storage system:

The storage controller takes several minutes to reboot. You can now close the remote console
session and wait for the status of the storage controller to become up in the Storage Center
management application.
13. After the storage controller reboots to the new software version, establish a serial connection to
the storage controller.
Next steps

• Assign the correct HSN and SSN to the storage controller and restore the Storage Center
configuration. Otherwise, follow the instructions provided by technical support.
• Complete the re-image, which includes using the management application to make sure the
storage controller is up, installing all firmware updates, and deleting the pstart.xml file.

Complete the Re-Image of Storage Center OS on the SSD

Perform these tasks to complete the re-image of the SSD.

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1. Open the software application used to manage and monitor multiple Storage Centers, such as
Enterprise Manager, to make sure the storage controller has come back up.
2. Use the same software application to install all available firmware updates.
3. After all updates are installed, restart the storage controller.
4. After all updates are installed and the Storage Center reboots:
1. Log into iDRAC on the storage controller and run virtual console.
2. Enter the following command at the scmaint# prompt:
del pstart.xml

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