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Part 1
1. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
- I could do some exercise and control food in each meals. Normally, I jogging at
least 30 minutes in three times a week after finished job. And I try to control
food with less fat since annual medical check up last year notice that my blood
high content in bad lipid.
2. Is it easy to keep fit where you live?
- whether it's easy to keep fit where you live depends on the specific
circumstances. However, with determination and creativity, it's possible to find
ways to stay active and maintain a fitness routine regardless of your location.
3. What part of your lifestyle would you most like to make healthier?
– Well, I think I should sleep ealier and reduce a mout of time you spend on
your screen to get a better sleep.

4. Are you careful about what you eat?

-Not really. But, I try though. It’s just that, it’s difficult to choose what to eat.
5. How important is a healthy lifestyle for you?
-I think it is very important. a healthy lifestyle can have a positive influence on
productivity and performance in various aspects of life, manage stress, focus

better, and have the energy, boosts mental well-being, improving mood, and
enhancing cognitive function.

6. Do you eat much junk food??

-No. I rarely eat junk food. I just eat them when other people who are with me
are eating them, and I only eat a small amount.

Part 2

Describe a time when you were ill. You should say:

when this was

what your symptoms were
how long the illness lasted
and say how it affected your life at the time

It happened a few months ago when I had flucoupled with a flu.

A slight tickle in my throat, a hint of fatigue, a subtle ache in my bones. I
dismissed them as nothing more than the remnants of a long week at work, a
consequence of pushing myself too hard.

But as the days turned into nights, the subtle signs transformed into undeniable
symptoms. My throat felt like sandpaper, my voice a hoarse whisper. My muscles
ached, my joints creaked. A relentless cough wracked my body, leaving me
breathless and exhausted. The simple tasks of daily life – eating, drinking, even
breathing – became monumental efforts. The days stretched into an endless loop
of fever, chills, and aches. I lost track of time, the days blending into a
monotonous blur. Sleep, once a welcome respite, was now a restless battle
against my own body.
As the days turned into weeks, the symptoms gradually subsided. The cough,
the aches, the fatigue, slowly retreated, leaving behind a lingering weakness.
The illness, though unwelcome, It had reminded me of the fragility of life, the
preciousness of health, the importance of human connection

Part 3
1. What is the role of the government in promoting healthcare?

The government plays a crucial role in promoting healthcare by ensuring that all
citizens have access to quality, affordable healthcare services, educating citizens

about healthy behaviors, preventing the spread of disease, and protecting the
environment from health hazards.
By taking action to improve healthcare, governments can make a real difference
in the lives of their citizens.
2. What more do you think could be done to promote healthy living in
your country?
I think that the government should have more initiatives andimplement strict
policies when it comes to activities that affect people’s health. For example,
Reduce alcohol consumption: Implement stricter regulations on alcohol
advertising and sales. Increase taxes on alcohol and invest in alcohol education
and treatment programs.
3. How can individuals take more responsibility for their own health?

Taking responsibility for your own health is a lifelong journey. By making healthy
choices and getting regular checkups, you can improve your chances of living a
long, healthy life. We should Get regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, Get
enough sleep, Manage stress
By taking these steps, you can take charge of your health and make a positive
impact on your well-being.

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