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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
FSMO Role Review and Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Knowing Role Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Dumpfsmos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Replmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Transferring Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Role Transfer Through the GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Role Transfer Through the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Seizing Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Cleaning Up the AD Metabase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Metabase Clean-Up Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Renaming DCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
DC Rename Through the GUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
DE Rename Through the Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Renaming Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Domain Rename — A History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Windows 2003 Domain Rename — An Alternative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Windows 2003 Domain Rename — How To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Final Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Thank You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Chapter 8:

Special Domain Operations

In the previous chapters of Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials, I’ve discussed
many of the Windows Server 2003 (Windows 2003) tasks you might perform regularly or periodically
– although not always daily. Those tasks include working with
• trusts
• authentication firewalls
• security control
• Emergency Management Services (EMS)
• backup and restore
• advanced administration with support tools

In this final chapter, I discuss administrative tasks that involve operations I hope you seldom – if ever
– need to perform. These useful and occasionally necessary operations can be hazardous to the
overall health of Active Directory (AD) if they’re not handled perfectly. However, should you be
called upon, you’ll want to know how to perform these tasks. I recommend that you attempt these
operations first in a test lab – before you’re called to active (directory) duty.
Among the administrative tasks I cover are working with server roles, cleaning up the AD
metabase, renaming domain controllers (DCs), and renaming domains. Because the powerful
operations you’ll use for these tasks involve specific dangers, you need to know how to perform the
operations safely.

FSMO Role Review and Troubleshooting

If you’re a current Windows 2000 administrator, you probably already know about Flexible Single
Master Operation (FSMO, aka Operations Master) roles. FSMO roles control specific Windows 2003
and Win2K domain capabilities, as I describe in the following text.
Each of the five FSMO roles – two for the entire forest, three for each domain – must reside on a
DC. Each role plays a key part in the proper operation of AD.
Each domain role resides in a specific location and controls specific tasks:
• PDC Emulator – Each domain has one PDC Emulator. The PDC Emulator is the sole password
change location for downlevel clients, the central authority for time synchronization, and the
default location for the creation of Group Policy Objects (GPOs).
• Relative Identifier (RID) Master – Each domain has one RID Master. The RID Master helps in the
creation of new accounts in each domain by providing a unique identification number for each
user account. Each user’s SID has a RID. As you read in the previous chapter, Acctinfo.dll can
show you the user’s SID. The last portion of the user’s SID (the block of numbers that follows
the last dash – 1120 in the following screen shot) is the RID, which Figure 8.1 shows.

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148 Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials

Figure 8.1
RID – the last part of the user’s SID

• Infrastructure Master – Each domain has one Infrastructure Master. The Infrastructure Master’s job
is to help translate group memberships. This function kicks into gear when accounts from one
domain are members of groups in another domain.

Each forest role also resides in a specific place and controls specific functions:
• Schema Master – Each forest has one Schema Master. The Schema Master, as I discussed in
Chapter 5, controls all access to the schema. If you extend the schema, the entire forest must
comply because the forest has only one schema.
• Domain Naming Master – Each forest has one Domain Naming Master. The Domain Naming
Master ensures that no two domains with the same name become members of the forest.

Knowing Role Holders

Before you address any problem solving that involves FSMO roles, you’ll want to know which DCs
currently hold which roles. I’ll discuss two of the available methods for revealing the role owners.

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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations 149

One way to check role ownership is to use the Dumpfsmos command, which you can find in the
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit. Use the syntax
dumpfsmos <any Domain Controller>

and the results will reveal which roles reside on which DCs, as Figure 8.2 shows.

Figure 8.2
The Dumpfsmos command

You can also discover which roles reside on which DCs through Active Directory Replication Monitor
(Replmon), which I discussed in Chapter 7. Simply add any DC to Replmon’s list of DCs, then
examine the DC’s Server Properties. On the FSMO Roles tab, you’ll get the rundown that Figure 8.3

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150 Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials

Figure 8.3
Locating FSMO roles through Replmon

Transferring Roles
If you need to take a server that holds a role down for maintenance, you should be able to transfer
its role to another DC. If the DC’s role is a domain-specific role (e.g., RID Master, PDC Emulator,
Infrastructure Master), you can transfer the role to another DC in the domain. If the DC’s role is a
forest-specific role (e.g., Domain Naming Master, Schema Master), you can transfer the role to another
DC in any domain. You can perform role transfers two ways: through the GUI and through the
command line.

Role Transfer Through the GUI

To perform a transfer graphically, you use tools with which you’re already familiar. Consider the
following list, which pairs tasks with the tool you use to accomplish them.
• To transfer the PDC Emulator role, you use the Active Directory Users and Computers console.
• To transfer the RID Master role, you use the Active Directory Users and Computers console.

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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations 151

• To transfer the Infrastructure Master role, you use the Active Directory Users and Computer

You can transfer the first three roles listed through the Active Directory Users and Computers console,
as Figure 8.4 shows.

Figure 8.4
Changing FSMO role owners through the Active Directory Users and Computers console

• To transfer the Schema Master role, you use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Active
Directory Schema snap-in.
• To transfer the Domain Naming Master role, you use the Active Directory Domains and Trusts

Role Transfer Through the Command Line

Transferring roles through the command line is tricky. To do so, you must use Ntdsutil – the same
tool you use for AD restoration, which I discussed in Chapter 6.
First, I’ll give you a brief overview of the sequence involved in the process. You would
1. run Ntdsutil
2. use the Connect command to connect to the server you select to receive the transferred role or
roles (i.e., the target server)
3. transfer the role or roles
4. confirm that you want to perform the transfer
5. exit the tool

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152 Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials

You perform these steps through commands inside Ntdsutil. For example, if you need to transfer
the RID Master role from VMServer2 to VMServer5, you would type the following sequence of

to start the Ntdsutil tool


to go to fsmo maintenance

to enter the connections menu

connect to server <servername>

to bind to the target server


to return to the fsmo maintenance prompt

transfer RID Master

to perform the transfer

You’ll be asked whether you’re sure you want to perform the transfer. After you answer affirmatively,
the RID Master should be transferred to the target server, as Figure 8.5 shows (highlighted in red).
Figure 8.5
Transferring a role

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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations 153

Seizing Roles
Should a server go down while it owns a role, you might have to seize the role. Seizing a role
basically draws a line in the sand that says, “I’ve tried multiple times and can’t get the server back
online. The server from which I’m seizing the role will never come back online again.”

d Caution
Seize a role only if you’re certain that you must.

The procedure for seizing a role involves Ntdsutil and resembles performing a transfer with that
utility. Again, I’ll begin with a brief overview of the sequence involved in the process. You would
1. run the Ntdsutil tool
2. use the Connect command to connect to the server on which you want the role or roles to
finally reside
3. seize the role or roles you need to relocate
4. confirm that you want to perform the seize
5. exit the tool

You perform this sequence through commands inside Ntdsutil. For example, if you must seize
the PDC Emulator role from VMServer5 and relocate the role on VMServer2, you would type the
following sequence of commands:

to start the tool


to go to fsmo maintenance

to enter the connections menu

connect to server <servername>

to bind to the target server


to return to the fsmo maintenance prompt

seize PDC

to perform the seize

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154 Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials

You’ll be asked to verify that you want to perform the seize operation. After you answer
affirmatively, the system first attempts a “safe transfer” (which I described in the Transferring Roles
section) before it performs the seize operation. If the transfer fails (presumably because the server is
dead), you must seize the role – in this case, the PDC Emulator role – and place it on the target
server, as Figure 8.6 shows (highlighted in red).

Figure 8.6
Seizing a role

Cleaning Up the AD Metabase

Sometimes the introduction of new DCs fails partway through. When such a failure occurs, records
could linger in the AD metabase until you manually remove them. You’ll want to remove the records;
otherwise, you’ll see instances of computers that no longer exist, which can cause confusion and
even corruption.
You can use the Active Directory Sites and Services console to see whether you have any
lingering “stale” DC objects. In the example that Figure 8.7 shows, VMServerF is stale (it has failed to
make any connections) and should be removed.

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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations 155

Figure 8.7
A DC that needs to be removed

After you identify a stale object, you need to

• use Ntdsutil to clean up the AD metabase
• remove the DC from the site
• remove the DC from the DC organizational unit (OU)

Metabase Clean-Up Process

The process for cleaning up the metabase is similar to the process for executing other Ntdsutil tasks.
You would
1. run the Ntdsutil tool
2. instruct the tool that you want to clean up the metabase
3. use the Connect command to connect to any currently working DC
4. provide Ntdsutil with the location (site and domain) of the DC you want to remove
5. delete the object directly inside AD
6. exit the tool

Once again, you perform this procedure through commands inside Ntdsutil. In this example, I’m
removing VMServerF. The commands you would type are

to start the tool

metadata cleanup

to prepare to make a connection to a DC

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156 Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials

connect to server <servername>

to bind to any DC that’s working


to return to the metadata cleanup prompt (In the example that Figure 8.8 shows, I abbreviated the
command Quit to the letter “q.”)
select operation target

to get to choose the site, domain, and DC

list domains

to display all the domains to which you have access and automatically assign each of them a number
select domain <number>

where <number> is the domain on which you want to perform maintenance

list sites

to display all the sites in the forest and assign each of them a number
select site <number>

where <number> is the site on which you want to do maintenance

list servers for domain in site

to display all the DCs for the site and assign each of them a number
select server <number>

where <number> is the DC you want to remove

remove selected server

to then remove the server (by pressing Enter)

Figure 8.8 shows the complete series of commands for removing a server. The highlighted
section shows the final removal of VMServerF.

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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations 157

Figure 8.8
Removing VMServerF

After you type

remove selected server

you see the dialog box that Figure 8.9 displays. (Note that this dialog box appears before the final
lines of text in the screen shot that Figure 8.8 shows.)

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Figure 8.9
Server Remove Confirmation dialog box

The DC should be successfully removed. You need to return to the Active Directory Sites and
Services console and delete the object. You also need to load the Active Directory Users and
Computers console and delete the object.

j Tip
According to Microsoft, after you delete a DC, you can add a DC that has the same name as
the DC you’ve deleted. However, I recommend that you not do so. I’ve seen directory
corruption occur when names are reintroduced.

Renaming DCs
Renaming a server or DC should be easy. However, to rename a server in Windows NT, you must
remove the server’s computer account from the domain, which adds the server to a workgroup, then
reboot. You then rename the server and reboot again. You then rejoin the server to the domain, and
– oh, yes – reboot again!
With NT DCs, the process is worse. Basically, you can’t rename an NT DC without reformatting
the disk and starting over.
Win2K lets you rename a server from the Computer Name tab in System Properties. As long as
the server is online, the corresponding computer account in AD is changed to reflect the name
To rename a Win2K DC, you run Dcpromo to demote the DC to a garden variety server, reboot,
then rename the server and reboot. You run Dcpromo again to promote the server to DC and – you
guessed it – reboot again.
Windows 2003 changes things a bit. To rename a DC, you no longer begin by undoing its DC
status. That is, you don’t need to run Dcpromo and first demote the DC to server. You can rename a
DC two ways: through the GUI or through the command-line.

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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations 159

DC Rename Through the GUI

To rename a DC, you can go straight to System Properties’ Computer Name tab and click Change.
You’ll then be prompted with the Computer Name Changes warning message that Figure 8.10 shows.

Figure 8.10
Renaming a DC through the GUI

j Tip
Figure 8.10 displays a warning you see when you use the GUI to rename a DC.

After you’ve read the warning and are ready to proceed, click OK to continue. You’ll be
prompted to change the name, enter administrative credentials, and restart the DC. After the records
change in DNS, the DC will be fully renamed and available to service requests.

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160 Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials

DC Rename Through the Command Line

When you rename a DC through the graphical interface that Figure 8.10 shows, fully replicating the
name change through DNS to other DNS servers can take time. To avoid replication delays, as well
as to ensure that the DC responds with its old name until you’re ready to remove that name, you can
provide the computer with an alternate name.
With an alternate name, the computer will register DNS (alternate – A) records for both names –
the current name and the new name. The computer provides DNS with the information necessary to
proclaim the “renamed” server a DC and to remove the records that supported the server as a DC by
its original name.
Setting up an alternate name is helpful if you have any applications that use the DC’s original
name. You gain time for application users to stop using the old name and start using the new one.
After everyone stops using the old name, you can remove it – which automatically removes the
records that contain it.
To perform the first step of a rename and provide an alternate name, you use the Netdom tool
from Support Tools. The basic procedure requires that you
1. use Netdom to add the alternate name
2. use Netdom to verify that the alternate name has taken effect
3. use Netdom to change the primary name of the computer from the old name to the new name
4. reboot the computer
5. use Netdom to remove the old name (when you’re ready)

First, you enter the syntax

netdom computername <current computername> /add:<newname>

In the example that Figure 8.11 shows, I’m adding an alternate name (rename5) for the DC

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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations 161

Figure 8.11
Deploying Netdom to rename a DC

After you reboot the computer, you should start to see new DNS (A) records populate for the new
name in DNS, as Figure 8.12 shows.

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162 Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials

Figure 8.12
DNS (A) records for both server names

DNS should now have (A) records for both server names. You should also be able to ping and
perform Nslookups for the computer by either name, as Figure 8.13 shows.

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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations 163

Figure 8.13
Finding both names with Ping and Nslookup

When you’re ready to expunge the old name, you can use the syntax
netdom computername <newname> /remove:<oldname>

Renaming Domains
In the domain arena, Windows 2003 brings a totally radical concept to the table. That is, you can
rename domains as well as perform rudimentary pruning and grafting within AD. However, before I
discuss the new domain rename option, let me set the context by taking you back in time.

Domain Rename – A History

Contrary to popular belief, you could rename domains in NT. In fact, if you look at Microsoft
Knowledge Base article 178009 at

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164 Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials

you’ll find the steps to do so. However, when you rename NT domains, some serious cautions apply,
and, to some degree, Microsoft has never truly support the renaming.
Win2K offers no real way to rename domains. If you want to rename a domain, you have to
demote every DC in the domain to server, then promote your first server back to DC – and introduce
a new name. In addition, you can rename a server only if the server is at the end of a domain tree –
not if it’s anywhere in the middle. Also, when you rename the domain, you lose all your user
accounts in that domain, and you have to recreate them from scratch.
Figure 8.14 shows an example of a Win2K domain in which – through the process described
above – you can rename some domains but not others. You can’t rename domains at the top of the
tree (or forest) or in the middle. Only the domains on the end are valid candidates for renaming, and
even then, the thought of losing all accounts isn’t appealing.
Figure 8.14
Valid and invalid domains for renaming

✓ ✓

Windows 2003 offers a new approach to renaming domains. However, don’t jump headlong into a
Windows 2003 domain rename, which is still complex and fraught with peril.

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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations 165

Windows 2003 Domain Rename – An Alternative

Before you decide to rename a domain in Windows 2003, make sure that you must rename it.
Consider, for example, whether an alternate approach might serve your organization’s needs.
In one of the most commonly occurring scenarios, your organization’s name will have changed
from Littlefish to Bigfish. You (and perhaps others in the organization) want to rename your domain
from to If you encounter this situation, I urge you to first consider adding
an alternate User Principal Name (UPN) suffix to the forest, which Figure 8.15 shows.

Figure 8.15
Adding valid UPN names to the forest

After you add an alternate UPN suffix to the forest, you’ll be able to specify user account suffixes
with the new name, as Figure 8.16 shows.

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166 Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials

Figure 8.16
Modifying a user account to use a UPN name

You can have users log on with the new name by explicitly spelling out their full UPN name every
time they log on, as Figure 8.17 shows.
Figure 8.17
User logon with a UPN name

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Chapter 8 Special Domain Operations 167

Of course, this change is only skin deep. Indeed, the new UPN name ( doesn’t even
show up on the Log on to: line of the authentication dialog box. However, this adaptation might be
enough to satisfy those who requested the change.

j Tip
Creating a UPN name is much simpler than performing a domain rename – and it might

Windows 2003 Domain Rename – How To

A Windows 2003 domain rename is a large undertaking, one that I can’t describe in detail in this text
because of space constraints. However, I can outline the general procedure for performing a domain
1. Set up a Windows XP Professional workstation to be your “control station.”
2. Download the latest domain rename tools from Microsoft at

d Caution
Although you’ll find domain rename tools on the Windows 2003 CD-ROM, the tools are old –
avoid them! Always download the latest Microsoft domain rename tools.

3. Back up all DCs.

4. Design your new forest structure to maintain the overall naming structure. Microsoft calls this
approach maintaining a “well-formed forest.” Put the new forest instruction set on your control
5. Upload the new forest instruction set to every DC in the forest by using the domain rename tools.
6. Perform the rename by using the domain rename tools.
7. Reboot all DCs to accept the new instruction set.
8. Reboot all member computers (servers and workstations) – twice.
9. Fix the external trusts, Dfs, and GPOs.

d Caution
Also, keep in mind that Microsoft doesn’t support the domain rename operation if the forest
contains Microsoft Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000. Exchange simply can’t handle the

Because of the several steps required, the potential bumps in the road on the way to the goal,
and the restriction that you can’t rename forests that contain Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2000 – the
domain rename operation might be out of reach for many organizations (although rumor has it that
Exchange 2003’s Service Pack 1 – SP1 – might let a domain rename succeed).

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168 Windows 2003: Active Directory Administration Essentials

j Tip
To read Microsoft’s two white papers on the specific step-by-step procedure for performing
domain renames (one is 30 pages long and the other 80 pages long), go to, where you’ll
find links to the two documents with all the (gory) details.

d Caution
Be sure to perform the domain rename operation – in fact, all the operations I discuss in this
chapter – first in your test lab, not on your production servers. Also, after a domain rename
operation, as the Microsoft papers discuss, certain other elements of AD (e.g., certificates, Dfs)
might need adjusting before they work again.

Final Thoughts
I hope you won’t need to perform the operations I discuss in this chapter often. From the transfer
and seizing of FSMO roles to renaming DCs and domains, all the operations involve some perils.
However, none of them is impossible, and you should be aware of what’s required to perform them
as safely as possible.

Thank You
I would like to thank NetIQ and Windows and .Net Magazine for providing the opportunity to write
about a topic I love – Windows 2003 and AD.
Special thanks to Dave Bernard at Windows and .Net Magazine for seeing this project off to a
smooth start and landing. Additional thanks to Veronica Patterson, who edited this book and pro-
vided just the right amount of firmness in editing.
I thank Jan De Clercq (Hewlett-Packard – HP) and Dave Peterson (NetIQ) for providing technical
editing. However, if you find any technical errors, they’re mine, not theirs. Please feel free to contact
me to point out technical errors and necessary updates at
I also thank Bill Boswell for additional bits and pieces of technical assistance throughout the
book and for being a solid sounding board for my questions.
Finally, thanks to all of you – the readers who have taken and will take time to download and
read the chapters of this eBook. I’m grateful to you for reading what I have to offer.

I dedicate this book to the best friend a guy ever had: Jill Knapp. In a word, you rock. (Okay, that’s
two words.)

Contact Information
If you need AD training, deployment assistance, or a resource to validate your plans for AD deploy-
ment, growth, or renovation, please feel free to contact me at I also
encourage you to visit my free community Group Policy forum at

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