Teacher S Guide 2 Bgu M2

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Area: Foreign Language Oral Communication

Module: 2
I felt really tired when I took the bus to school
● Subject: English yesterday because Sarah and I had been to a
party the evening before. I didn’t go to bed
● Grade: 2 BGU
until after one. I hadn’t been on the bus long
● Lesson Title: Why is education when I suddenly realized that I had left my
important? mathematics project at home. Then I began to
wonder. Had I left it on the bus stop or on top
English: of my desk in my room? I just couldn´t
1. Discuss formal and informal education remember. I knew Miss. Ramirez was going to
2. Interview a famous person
give me a 0.
3. Listen to a teacher giving students advice
for exams Answers:
4. Read short texts about education and
5. Write an email and a note 1. The bus had just gone
2. The rain had stopped
Interdisciplinary: 3. I had forgotten my ticket
6. Sports: First Ecuadorian to win Giro d´Italia 4. It had been stolen a week before
7. Social Studies: British schools 5. I had not seen him for ages
8. Art: Facts about Oswaldo Guayasamín 6. I had just cleaned it
9. Social Studies: Malala Yousafzai´s life story 7. I had already eaten my sandwich

Page 4
10. Make decisions
11. Achieve goals Answers:
12. Work with others 1. most teenagers don't like it
2. They spend 2-3 hours on homework
after school, they don't have time to
Page 2 watch TV.
Communication and Cultural Awareness 3. bars and clubs have strict rules for
Extra Practice: teens under 18 so they cannot enter.
Listen - BeSpoke podcast: Carapaz victorious Instead they spend their free time
in Verona online.
4. 16 years old
Source: BeSpoke: The BBC's cycling podcast, 5. Forty (=some) Some teens judge
Giro d'Italia 2019: Carapaz victorious in others by the shirt or shoes they wear.
Verona. (2019, June 02). Retrieved from 6. a new and worrying trend
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07c0z5m 7. a passion

Extra practice:
Page 3
Match the words from the text with their studying for exams. Let's begin with:
What to study
● Don’t try to learn everything. There
a. tired of 1. when someone
isn’t time. Just choose the important
b. bullying frightens or hurts things, the things that’ll get you the
another person on a most points on an exam. And if you
c. to follow
recurrent basis aren’t sure about this, ask your
the crowd 2. gradual change teacher.
3. having had enough ● Learn the main ideas and don’t worry
d. trend
4. to do the same as too much about the details. If you
have time, you can go back later and
everybody else
read the details.
Answers: a- 3; b – 1; c – 4; d- 2 ● Make notes of key points and read
them, then cover them up and try to
Page 6 remember all the points. It might be
boring, but repetition helps you to
After Class
In groups of five search about The Chapel of ● Use past exams to study. They will
Man and the Guayasamin Museum. help you understand what kind of
They can go to the school library, search in questions come up.
newspapers or magazines.
Optional: you can click here: Now how to study:
● Take regular breaks while you’re
man-and-the-guayasamin-museum/ studying. A five-minute break every
Source: THE CHAPEL OF MAN AND THE half hour is usually enough. Get some
GUAYASAMIN MUSEUM. (2016, January fresh air and stretch your arms and
06). Retrieved from legs. Drink a glass of water too. It’s
https://claveturismo.com/en/the-chapel-of- important to keep hydrated.
man-and-the-guayasamin-museum/ ● Now, while you’re studying, eat food
that gives you energy. Don’t eat
sweets or drink cola. Sugar won’t
Search about this architectural masterpiece and help. Apples are especially good.
awesome museum in Quito-Ecuador. ● Find a comfortable place with plenty
Each group must prepare a poster or a of light when you study. But not too
PowerPoint presentation describing what the comfortable or you’ll fall asleep!
chapel and the museum have. Please, include ● Try and keep a positive mindset. It is
the masterpieces people can find in there. easier to study when you are positive
and relaxed. Now, if you start feeling
As a tribute to Guayamin´s artwork each group
anxious, have a little break. Go out
is going to draw any of his pictures or for a walk around the block.
sculptures. And during the exposition they are Good luck! I’m sure you’ll all do your best.
going to explain the masterpiece and also
explain why you have chosen it. Source: Taken and adapted from. British
Council (n.d) Retrieved from:
Page 7 https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/ski
Oral Communication
Morning, everyone. How are you doing today?
I hope you are ok. Teacher tip: The pronunciation of the 'ed'
Today I’m going to give you some advice to ending for other regular verbs in the past
help you prepare for the exams next week.
simple depends on whether the last sound of
There are two main areas to consider when
the infinitive of the verb is voiced or not. whom is today her former partner Simon
Regular verbs that end in voiced sounds will Konecki; a man 13 years older than her. She
have / d / as the pronunciation of the 'ed' got a song named Angelo.
ending in the past simple. Here are some Adele has recorded a total of three studio
examples. albums since the beginning of her career in
2008: 19, 21 and 25.
Examples: Adele has been nominated for 18 Grammys
smile - smiled and won a total of 15 at the awards
turn - turned ceremonies in 2009, 2012 and 2017. She also
love - loved received a songwriting Oscar for the James
seem - seemed Bond track Skyfall.
Page10 I could talk about her for hours but instead I
Language through the arts invite you to visit my Blog and learn more
Teacher tip: In order to practice the Simple about the research I have done on her and you
can also listen to all her albums.
Past please listen to this song. Click here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Extra Practice:
v=uj3nFNIV2jY In pairs, Student A covers the lyrics and
student B reads the lyrics as a poem or as a
If this is not possible your teacher will read the song.
lyrics of this song as a poem. Student A completes the missing words.
Source: Adele. (2014, November 08). Set Fire
to the Rain. Retrieved from But I set fire to (1)______________
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Watched it burn as I (2)___________ your
v=uj3nFNIV2jY face
Well, it burned while I (3)__________
Page 11 'Cause I (4)_____________ screaming out
Oral Communication your name, your name!

Script: I set fire to (1-repeat) ___________

Adele is my favorite celebrity. I am going to And I (5)_________ us into the flames
share facts and my opinion of one of the best When it (6)________, something died
British artists ever. 'Cause I (7)__________ that was the last time,
Adele is just awesome. I have followed her the last time!
career for years and I just love her. Her music
is romantic but at the same time very realistic Sometimes I wake up by the door
and cheerful. She has built her career with That heart you (8)__________ must be
effort. I have attended many of her concerts waiting for you
and I have enjoyed every single song. One of Even now, when we're already over
my favorite songs is Rolling in the Deep I can't help myself from looking for you
though Set fire to the rain is my second
I admire Adele because she is very talented Page 12
and a hardworking artist. Her life was not Extra Practice:
very easy. I have read that her mother raised Word Puzzle
her alone since her father was alcoholic and Reread the article on page 12 about Slavery
left them when she was very young. and look for 15 words in this word puzzle:
Adele is a singer and a songwriter which
makes her a real artist. She got married to
young boys and girls from 10 to 15 years’ old
who have experienced our camps.

Woman: Fabian, what makes you unique?

Fabian: Well, our Youth Camp is different

because we teach our kids the philosophy of
effort. In our camp young boys and girls have
a priceless opportunity to be in contact with
nature and disconnect themselves from
everything they have at home and around
them in the city. We mainly climb mountains,
visit rivers and do camping. But we also play
board games, complete puzzles and this year
SLAVERY for the first time will explore artistic
ABOLISH activities.
CARGO Woman: Fabian, what are the most common
CHOCOLATE problems you face during youth camps.
COTTON Fabian: Well, there were a few problems, yes.
EXCHANGE We were very surprised last year by the
FORCE number of people interested in the camp. We
GOODS actually had to open an intermediate period to
PRODUCT answer this demand. The weather also gave us
SUGARCANE some difficulties. There was so much rain
TOBACCO that we couldn’t go outside as often as we
TRADE wanted to, but we had prepared for that. We
VICTORY had art and music activities that the kids could
do indoors, so they weren’t left with nothing to
Page 14
Assessment Woman: I am sure the audience wants to have
Script: more details about the camp. Would you
please tell us when it starts, how long it takes,
Woman: Good morning everybody! We are
how much it costs and your contact
lucky to have in the studio this morning,
Fabián Zurita. Fabian is one the most
prestigious mountain climber and teacher
Fabian: Of course. For those who live in the
ever. This year as every year since 1974 he is
highlands and rainforest the camp runs for a
arranging a summer camp, isn't it?
4-week period from the first week of July until
the end. And the second from the first week of
Fabian: Yes, that's right. Thank you for your
August until the end of the month. The price is
invitation today. As you mentioned this year
200 dollars for the 4-week period. There are
we are having our 68th youth camp. We
special discounts for 2 or more siblings. You
started in 1974 when we arranged the first
can visit our website: youthcamp@gmail.com
Youth Camp, so far we have had over 25.000
or you can call 0984497711.
Jennifer: Mum?
Woman: Thank you dear Fabian for being Mother: Yes?
here today. All the activities from the Youth Jennifer: You know that Mathematics exam I
had last week?
Camp sound awesome. Additionally, the price
Mother: The one you didn't study for?
is simply excellent! Jennifer: I did study for it. I worked very hard
on it all weekend. Don't you remember?
Answers – Listening: Mother: Oh, yes, I remember. Apart from
1. c going out until 10h00pm, you mean?
2. a Jennifer: Well, I have to relax a little.
Anyway, I didn't pass the exam.
Answers – Reading: Mother: Did you fail? Wasn't it an important
1. c exam?
2. a Jennifer: Yes, I am very sorry!
3. b Mother: I am very sorry too. What does it
Page 17 Jennifer: I would have to repeat the course.
Answers: Mother: I imagine, but I don't know who is
going to pay for it, not me!
1. c
Jennifer: Mum I am going to talk to the
2. b teacher to see if she can help me to retake it.
3. b Mother: Please find a solution
4. e
Situation 2
Page 18 Paul: Hi Simon. how are you?
Answers: Simon: Not feeling good today.
1. F Paul Oh What's that?
2. T Simon: Well, something terrible happened this
3. F morning.
4. T Paul: What? Sorry take your time and tell me
when you are ready.
5. T
Simon: Well I was playing with my Bronco in
6. F the garden with a ball, and the ball went over
the fence into the road, and….
Page19 Paul: Yes?
Answers: Simon: And Bronco jumped over the fence
a. Your bus never arrived and you after the ball and he got hit by a truck.
arrived late to school. Paul: Oh, no! And is he?
Simon: Yes. We took him to the veterinarian,
b. You fail an exam.
but there was nothing to do.
c. Your cat died. Paul: I am really sorry Simon
d. Your boyfriend/girlfriend breaks up Simon: He was the best and most loyal friend
with you. ever.
e. You forget your keys inside your Paul: At least he had a happy life.
f. Someone steals your cell phone.
Source: Taken and adapted from British
Council (n.d). Retrieved from:
Page 19 https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/ski
Oral Communication lls/listening/intermediate-b1-listening/
Script: difficult-situations
Situation 1
Teacher tip: Conditional sentences are used
to say one thing depends on another. They can Emilia: ¡Hi Peter!
be used to talk about real or imaginary Peter: ¡Oh, hi Emilia!
situations. Conditional sentences are always Emilia: How was your summer holiday?
Peter: Yeah, good thanks … and yours?
composed by two parts or two clauses. A
Emilia: Yeah, great! How’s your first day
clause is the basic building block of a back at school going?
sentence; by definition, it must contain a Peter: Oh … OK. Just had Chemistry. It was
subject and a verb. Although they appear awful.
simple, clauses can function in complex ways Emilia: Oh, yeah? Who’s your Chemistry
in English grammar. A clause can function as teacher?
a simple sentence, or it may be joined to other Peter: Mr Martinez.
Emilia: Oh, she’s really good! I like Mr
clauses with conjunctions to form complex
sentences. Peter No way! Really? He makes us make
One of the clauses starts with if (or a similar experiments from the very first day of class!
word) – this is the conditional clause. The Emilia: Yeah! He’s strict but you learn a lot in
other clause talks about the result of the his classes.
conditional clause happening. Peter: Hmmm, I see what you mean, but it’s so
difficult! And I don’t understand him.
Second Conditional structure for positive or Emilia: That’s because he’s always using
negative sentences scientific vocabulary, Peter! And who’s your
math’s teacher?
Peter: Mr. Pérez. He’s my favorite.
If + V(Simple Past) + C, S + Emilia: Really?! I’ve got Mr. Gómez. He
could/would/might + V(Base form) + C explains everything really well.
Condition clause Peter: Yeah, Mr. Gómez is OK, but he gives so
much homework! I prefer Mr. Pérez.
Result clause
Emilia: OK, well Mr. Gómez is my favorite.
Example: If Japanese students had got a Peter: OK, let’s agree to disagree. Who is
janitor, they would not be so disciplined. your Science teacher?
Emilia: Miss Garcia. She’s an intelligent
NB: Setting a comma to start the second teacher and she’s so nice.
clause is a must! Peter: Yeah, I agree with you there.
Emilia: I can’t believe it! Finally, you agree
with me!
Page 22 Peter: Whatever!
Extra Resource:
Source: DramaticoMusic. (2008, December
03). Katie Melua - If You Were A Sailboat.
Retrieved from Page 24
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Answers:
v=8hOwLap5Je8 1. She was born in Mexico City in 1907.
2. Frida went to the prestigious Escuela
Optional. Click here: Preparatoria in Mexico City in 1922.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? 3. In 1925, at the age of eighteen, Frida
v=8hOwLap5Je8 had a terrible traffic accident.
4. The next year, they moved to New
Page 23 York, but Frida was not happy there.
Oral Communication 5. Frida won a national art prize in 1946
6. Answer may varied
Extra Practice
After class: Dr. Smith: Well the answer is no. If honey
In groups of 5 students. Search more bees didn't exist, we wouldn't die but life
information about Frida Kahlo's life and about would be a lot more difficult. The food we eat
her paintings. is directly or indirectly provided by bees
In a Powerpoint presentation expose your because they pollinate the fruit and vegetables
research. Your research must have: we eat. They also pollinate the grasses and
a. Diego Rivera´s short biography. cereals animals we consume. Pesticides and
b. Choose three paintings from Friday parasites are killing honey bees.
you like. Why? Interviewer: So Dr. Smith if there weren't any
c. How has her education impacted her honey bees, what would we do?
professional life? Dr. Smith: If that ever happened, some other
d. Why is she considered one of the most creatures could help fill the gap. Other kinds
talented female Mexican artists in of bees, some kinds of flies and butterflies are
history? good at pollinating, but not as good as honey
Time for the exposition: 5 minutes bees. So let's protect honey bees as much as
Good luck! we can!
Interviewer: Thank you very much Dr. Smith
Optional: Here is the official trailer from the for being here today solving our week What if
movie Frida: question.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Answers:
v=uOUzQYqba4Y 1. d
Here is a link to visit Frida’s house. 2. c
https://www.museofridakahlo.org.mx/en/the- 3. b
blue-house/virtual-tour/ 4. a
5. e
Page 26
Answers: Page 30
1. F Answers:
2. T a. 4
3. T b. 5
4. F c. 1
5. T d. 3
6. T e. 2

Page 29
Interviewer: Good morning and welcome to
Science Time, our weekly hour where we play
with ideas and try to answer What
if…...questions. Last week we talked about the
moon and the sun. This week we will be
talking about bees- specifically what if there
were no more bees? Would we die if honey
bees didn’t ‘exist? To answer these questions,
we will have here at the studio of Dr. Martin
Good morning Dr. Smith.

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