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VOL 1 • NO 10 ‫ַה ִּמ ְז ָר ִחי‬

A project of the Mizrachi Schools Department PARSHA WEEKLY YOUTH EDITION

PARSHAT MIKETZ 5784 • 2023

parsha summary message from israel

From Self-Centered to G-d-Centered
Yosef interprets Pharaoh’s dreams, The Yosef who comes out of prison is a totally
predicting seven years of plenty, different person from the Yosef who went in.
followed by seven years of famine,
Before prison, his brothers hated him for
earning Pharaoh’s trust.
being a snitch, bragging about his self-
The famine brings Yosef’s brothers to indulging dreams and believing everyone
Egypt where Yosef recognizes them, but will bow down to him. He seems immature,
the brothers do not recognize Yosef. self-absorbed and even arrogant.
After prison he is totally transformed. Humble
Yosef accuses his brothers of being spies
and self-effacing – not blaming his brothers but
and insists that they bring Binyamin to
taking personal responsibility for his actions,
Egypt in order to prove their identity.
believing that everything Hashem does is for
After Yaakov agrees to send Binyamin, the best. From being self-centered, he is now a
Yosef and his brothers have a feast, and G-d-centered man; from being self-righteous,
Yosef plants his silver goblet in Binyamin’s he is now righteous. May we follow Yosef
sacks. The next morning, the goblet is HaTzadik’s towering personal example.
found, and Yosef offers to release the Shabbat Shalom
brothers, keeping only Binyamin as his Rabbi Doron Perez
slave. Executive Chairman, World Mizrachi

questions on the parsha

1. What were Pharaoh’s two dreams? How 6. What did Yosef make his brothers do to
does Yosef interpret Pharaoh’s dreams? prove that they weren’t spies?

2. After interpreting Pharaoh's dream, what is 7. What does Yosef secretly place in
the role to which Yosef is appointed in Egypt? Binyamin’s sack before his brother leaves
3. Whom did Yosef marry? What were the
names of their children? 8. Who remains in Egypt as a captive while
the other brothers return to Canaan?
4. What prompts Yosef’s brothers to come to
Egypt, and what is their intention? 9. When did Yosef know that the dreams he
had about his brothers were fulfilled?
5. What does Yosef accuse his brothers of?
See answers inside.

Dedicated by the Moshal family to the life and legacy of our family patriarch John Hillel Moshal
‫ – יוחנן הלל בן מרדכי ז״ל‬a generous lifelong supporter of Jewish education.
food for thought
Yosef’s Wisdom: Navigating Life’s Marshmallow Moments
In this week’s parsha we learn about Yosef’s Dilemma of the Week: Savor Now or Save for
brilliant plan. Interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams of Later? Picture a basket of marshmallows in
the seven cows and of the ears of grain, Yosef front of you. Do you indulge in the sweet delight
proposes an idea. In the first seven years of immediately or save them for a day when
abundance, they need to save and store the marshmallows might be scarce? Yosef faced a
surplus grain so that they have enough for the similar conundrum on a grand scale. How can
challenging days of famine that will follow. we apply Yosef's wisdom to our daily choices?
Discussion Questions
Jealousy and Favoritism: Yosef’s plan involved Teamwork and Collaboration: Yosef’s plan
looking ahead and planning for difficult times. required collaboration and trust among the
How can we incorporate strategic thinking people. How can we encourage teamwork
in our own lives, especially when faced with in our communities and families to face
decisions about the present and the future? challenges collectively?
Balancing Enjoyment and Preparation: Yosef Learning from the Past: Yosef’s plan was
didn’t suggest avoiding enjoyment during informed by his interpretation of Pharaoh’s
times of plenty but rather balancing it with dreams. How can we learn from our own
preparation. How do you strike a balance experiences and past decisions to make wiser
between enjoying the present moment and choices for the future?
preparing for the future in your own life?

send us your answer

Of the Chanukah gelt you may have received, how much of it do you save and
how much of it do you spend?

parsha answers Send your answer to the question above

1. Yosef interprets Pharaoh’s dream of seven fat or the picture of the week to
cows being eaten by seven lean cows, and seven
healthy ears of grain consumed by seven thin and for a chance to be featured next week!
withered ears of grain. He explains that the dream
represents seven years of abundance followed by
seven years of famine.
2. Yosef is appointed as the second-in-command in
picture of the week
all of Egypt.
Has there been a time when you
3. Yosef marries Osnat, Potiphar’s daughter. They
name their children Menashe and Ephraim. showed loyalty to a friend?
4. To buy grain to feed their families during the
severe famine that Yosef predicted.
5. Yosef accuses his brothers of being spies who
have come to scout the land.
6. Yosef tells the brothers that they must bring their
youngest brother, Binyamin, to Egypt.
7. Yosef puts his silver goblet in Binyamin’s sack as a
test to accuse him of theft and thereby measure
the brothers’ reaction and loyalty to Binyamin.
8. Shimon stays in Egypt while the other brothers
return to Canaan.
9. When his brothers bowed down to him.

‫ו ַ ְיחִי‬ ׁ‫וַיִ ּ ַּגש‬ ‫ִִמ � ֵּּקץ‬ ׁ � ַ ‫ַו‬

‫ֵּי�ֶּׁשב‬ ‫ַוִַּי� �ְּׁשַׁלַח‬ ‫ַוֵַּי�ֵּצֵ א‬
MEET rabbi mark dratch
Rabbi Mark Dratch is the executive vice president of the Rabbinical
Council of America.

What is your favorite Parsha in the Torah?

Parashat Kedoshim. It’s a mix of ritual and ethical commandments.
Reminds us that both are essential.

What is your favorite place to travel to in Israel?

My home. We made Aliyah in July. There’s no place like home!

Among the various Jewish traditions, is there one that holds personal significance for you?
The Shofar at the end of Yom Kippur. Rabbi Soloveitchik explained that it is a signal that the Shechi-
nah (G-d’s Divine presence) is leaving. It reminds me that I just spent 24 hours with Hashem!

What is a must-have dish at your Shabbat/Yom Tov meal?

Wine and Challah. It’s all about the mitzvot!

If you could choose any Jewish historical event to witness, which one would it be?
Har Sinai. No greater moment of Jewish unity: like one people with one heart!

word of the week this week in jewish history

‫ – ַטַ ַ�ַּבַעַת‬Taba’at – Ring 10 Tevet
(Miketz 41:42) ‫ַּפ ְְרֹעֹה ֶאֶ ת ַטַ ַּב� ַ ְע ְּּת ֹֹו‬
ַ � ‫ַוַָּי�ַָסַ ר‬ The start of Siege of Jerusalem
The Hebrew word “‫( ”ַטַ ַּב� ַ ַעַת‬pronounced In the year 3336 of the Jewish calendar,
“taba’at”) translates to “ring” in English. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Bavel at the
The root of this word is “‫ע‬-‫ב‬-‫( ”ט‬Tet-Bet- time, surrounded Jerusalem and began
Ayin). The word ַ‫ ַַמ ְְטֵּב�ֵ ַע‬which translates to a 30-month siege, which ended in the
coin also shares the same root. This is no destruction of the first Beit HaMikdash.
coincidence as in the time of Torah, rings
acted as stamps leaving an engraving on
wax or clay. Coins as well, were engraved answers from our readers
(and still are) with numbers and images, Last week’s picture:
Which colors do you think Yosef had in his coat?
hence engraving being the connection
between the two words.

parsha word scramble

Can you unscramble these
Blue, red, and green
parsha related words?
Tzvi, Age 9, Beit Shemesh, Israel
MIENFA NSOHMI TTES Blue, green, yellow, purple, and orange
Tehila, Age 6, Scottsdale, AZ
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ָ ַ ‫ַו‬ ‫ך‬
ָ ְ‫לֶךְ ל‬ ַ‫נֹח‬ ‫ְ ּב ֵראשִׁית‬
Mizrachi Schools Department is excited to partner with Tribe, the Young People’s Department of the United Synagogue in the
UK, creators of The Tribe Scribe comic series.

HaMizrachi Parsha Weekly Youth Edition is a project of the Mizrachi Schools Department headed by Rabbi Bentzi Mann.
Special thanks to Temima Schwartz for her contributions. Please email with any questions or comments.

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