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The HiPeR Flexlinks Catalogue - Airbus

Standard catalogue options are available off-the-shelf for different dimensions and
end-fitting configurations. These have minimum lead time and require no up-front
engineering phase. Our straps are produced in-house and we can rely on a proven
network of qualified suppliers to build them in record time. There is a wide range of
standard options available based on:

 Different lengths of the PG stack

 Different type of end-fittings – different parallel and perpendicular end-fittings

 Different orientation of end-fittings

Interested? Download the Excel configurator to explore all options in the catalogue.

Key benefits of HiPeR Flexlinks:

 Mass reduction, thanks to lightweight PG material

 Suitable for environments demanding high cleanliness, due to unique sleeve around

 Saves time and cost thanks to standardised design and production

 Highly flexible
Custom design

Custom designs are available on demand. The Airbus NL team can design any
configuration and has done so in the past for different projects, e.g. SoRa, Sentinel-5
and JUICE.

Main Specifications

 Conductivity in standard versions up to 3.6 W/K (in custom solutions, up to 5

W/K has been achieved).

 A typical 1 W/K straps only weighs about 120 gr.

 Simple, standard M4 connections.

 Suitable for clean, optical instrument missions.

Applications & Key missions

HiPeR Flexlinks can be used on either space, or non-space applications, wherever a
flexible thermal bridge is needed. For spacecraft applications, straps are typically
used to remove heat from on optical instrument detectors, RF components, power
processing units, deployable mechanisms (booms, radiators, antennas, etc.) and
others. In most of these applications, maintaining pointing accuracy is mandatory,
which is ensured by the flexibility and thermal stability of the straps.

 Mega constellation: For the delivery of 900 thermal straps in just a few
months an in-house industrialised production line was prepared, with a
maximum manufacturing output of 26 thermal straps/day. These straps are
currently flying.
 SOLO / SoRa: For this mission to the Sun, high performance requirements
were applicable.. These straps are currently flying.
 Sentinel-5: Thermal straps developed for cooling the Optical instrument,
which has very low operating temperatures (-150°C). To be launched soon.
 JUICE: thermal straps for the RF instrument on-board this deep space
mission to Jupiter. To be launched soon.

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