Mmmenglish Workbook - Conversation Phrases To Get UNSTUCK 1

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Hey there!

Feeling stuck in English conversations is no fun at all.

The secret is knowing what to say in those moments
where you need to ‘get out of trouble’ (HINT: this
idiom means to solve one’s problems) and keep
your conversation going!

Learn these essential phrases to get UNSTUCK and

keep your English conversations going!
When YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND what someone said:

I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.

Could you repeat that?


Could you say that again a bit/a little more slowly?

I’m sorry, I’m not following you.

I don’t think I understood you clearly.

When YOU FORGET your own words!

What’s that word?

It’s on the tip of my tongue!

I’m sorry, I had a mental blank.

I forget the English word… Do you know what I mean?

Nevermind. Tell me more about… (introduce new topic)

Hang on. Let me start over!”

Let me try that again.

Oh! I completely lost my train of thought…

Hopefully it will come back to me in a moment!

YouTube lesson:
Phrases to get UNSTUCK in Conversations
When YOU DON'T KNOW what to say:

To be honest, I’m not very familiar with (insert topic)

That’s an interesting question, let me think for a moment….

That’s tricky… I’ve never been asked that before! Hmmm...

I’m not sure! Give me a second to think about it.

Give me a moment to think about how to explain it in English!

I need some time to think about my answer. Does anyone else want to jump in?

I’ve never thought about that before. What about you?

That’s tricky… I’ve never been asked that before! What do you think?


“What’s your take (on the situation)?”

When YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE talking about the topic:

I'd rather not answer that if thatʼs okay… For personal/professional reasons.

Is it okay if we talk about something else? (Suggest a new topic!)

When THEY LOOK CONFUSED (they don’t understand you!):

Am I making sense?

Are you following (me)?

I don’t think I’m being very clear. Let me try that again. (& rephrase your statement)

I'm sorry, I think there was a misunderstanding. What I meant to say was….

I think I may have misunderstood.

I think you may have misunderstood.

CAREFUL! You might sound rude here.

YouTube lesson:
Phrases to get UNSTUCK in Conversations
Read the dialogue
and choose the best phrase to fill the gaps.

Paulo: Hi Sara, how’s your day been so far?

Sara: I’m swamped actually! I’ve been here since 7am and it’s
looking like I’ll be here until 10pm tonight!

Paulo: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Can I help with anything?

Sara: Oh no, I’ve got it in hand - there’s just not enough hours in
the day!
(Uh oh... Paulo didn’t understand “I’ve got it in hand”)


Paulo: I’m sorry 1. _____________________. What did you say
is “in your hand”?

Sara: Oh… I said, “it’s in hand”. It means it’s under control!

Anyway, have you got much planned for the weekend?
The weather is looking great!

Paulo: Yeah! I’ll probably head down to… Uhhh………. (thinking)

What’s it called? It’s 2. __________________________!

There’s a park, overlooking the beach… Where everyone

plays volleyball. And there’s a cafe on the water…..

(Paulo can’t think of the name of the beach)

Sara: Oh! You mean Port Melbourne, right?

Paulo: Yes, that’s it! I’ve been learning how to kite surf down there.

Sara: Really? I heard that there was a huge fight down there a few
weeks ago. A disagreement between some of the

YouTube lesson:
Phrases to get UNSTUCK in Conversations
kitesurfing schools. There was quite a bit of damage to
public property. I just wouldn’t be supporting them if I were
(Paulo doesn’t know the details, and
doesn’t really know what to say about it)

Paulo: To be honest, I’m not 3. _________________ the politics

between operators. What’s 4. ________________ on the

Sara: Well, I think that there needs to be a limit to the number of

operators on the beach. When the weather conditions are
right, it can get pretty busy down there.

Paulo: Well, I guess if enough people want to learn how to kitesurf,


surely there is enough room for all of them, right?

Sara: I can’t believe that you would stick up for them. They
operate like gangsters!
(Paulo is shocked! Sara thinks he
supports the gangsters! But he doesn't)

Paulo: I’m sorry 5. ______________________________. What I

meant to say was I don’t support their behaviour, I just
support their right to operate there. The beach is big enough
for everyone.

Sara: I guess so. Luckily, the weather I like to enjoy at the beach it
quite different to the weather that kitesurfers enjoy, so I
don’t see them often

Paulo: Good point! So what are your plans for the weekend? Clearly
you won’t be at Port Melbourne beach!

5. I think there was a misunderstanding.

4. your take

3. not familiar with
2. on the tip of my tongue!
1. I didn’t catch that / I don’t think I understood you clearly

YouTube lesson:
Phrases to get UNSTUCK in Conversations

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