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Aprilyn Batobato BUTOT BALAT By:Kara David

The documentary Butot Balat by Kara David focused about the severe malnutrition in the Philippines. In fact the Philippines is just 2% lower in terms of malnutrition rate as compared to Africa. In this documentary it has shown about the case of Angela from Mercedes family who has severe malnutrition which affects her to be a bedridden, at the age of 19 she has died because of this severe malnutrition, according to her mother they only eat once to twice a day because of lack of money. Another case is about a fisherman father who had 2 year old child who had a weight of 3 month old baby and the other one is his 14 year old child who had only a weight of a 2 year old baby. Another case shown is about the pedicab driver than can earn only 30 pesos a day to sustain his 7 children and her wife. A piece of 7 eggs and rice will share the whole family. This documentary showed what the Philippine government has. Lack of education is one of the causes of this severe malnutrition which effect to the poor people to have not sustained their basic needs. Lack of education left the people handicapped in illiterate about the population control. Couple also should be responsible by producing child if they know that they cannot sustain them enough they should have to do some family planning. Thats why I am a pro-RH bill, people will learn on how to control their self and by this way, in this case government much has easier way to control this problem. .Due to unemployment, poverty occurs, improper food consumption takes place in the family and lead to malnutrition which might then the cause of death. This documentary for me does not have a good transition even the flow. There is a little bit confusing about the story cause by failing of having a good transition. You will not easily get what the video want to say and what it wants you to think. There

is many lopped shot like one story turn to another but it doesnt affect the whole story not to be understand enough. According to a commentator of a blog says that another problem would be the lack of full blown programs the local governments should try to fix the budget in such a way that the people would be able to benefit all year round from feeding programs, but I think this case cannot resolve by just a feeding programs the government should offer more jobs to sustain their family. I am agree on the other commentator who said that whenever he see street children begging him asking for money he was at loss rather he want to teach them on how they should get a real job instead, it is really true because as long as we give them money the more they think that they can always ask money to other people. Butot Balat by Kara David reveals the reality of poor Filipino situation. Middle class Filipino are unaware about situation of them. This documentary showed what the Philippines government has somehow been denying instead of prioritizes this problem they are more focusing on super hi-ways. We all know in fact that Philippines have a large population which the reason why Philippines having problem about this severe malnutrition and its maybe enough time to pursue the RH bill and we all can admit it that it helps a lot to control the this kind of cases in Philippines . This documentary claim up to its duty of showing the reality behind the government claim of serving people. Hunger and malnutrition are two joining problem that result to a more complex hardship for survival of poor Filipinos. I was greatly affected with what I have watched, I didnt help myself thinking why government and richest people doing their wealth when millions of people are dying for hunger. I am now thinking who was to blame about this issue, the government who did not do enough effort to help and to control something about this case or the people who engage in the case itself who could not help themselves to stood up and do more efforts.

Sa mga mata ni Ekang By: Kara David

The various environments that children encounter in day-to-day life . An environment filled with sadness and negativity can seriously affect a child's behaviors. While children are usually upbeat by nature, an atmosphere that constantly focuses on the bad things in life can quickly change the child's natural tendencies for positivity. This documentary entitled Sa mga mata ni Ekang we will know on how Ekangs life basically affect her by her environment. This story of little girl named Ekang, a 3 year old child. Theres nothing special about her but it is about the people around her. Her Father is a pedicab driver who turns out to be a holdaper in the evening. Her Mother on the other hand is a drug pusher and user at the same time. She was also used to be a prostitute. Her Grandmother is a myrmidon which is also known as bugaw. While her 15 year old uncle is a smoker, drunkard and a computer addict.Ekang had a little sister who just a month years old. Ekangs family were rich before but because of they are not use it properly and wasted it, it is slowly gone until they become poor. They have money to sustain their needs that why Ekangs family doing those illegal things. Her uncle starting to waste her life by escaping subjects, computer addicts and a smoker. Economic crisis, financial problems and illegal job are common problems here in Philippines. Because of this, you really have make sacrifices to end this. Ekangs life is just one in a million of Filipinos who suffered poverty and hunger. No one can blame her family for having those kinds of jobs. Our country is having a problem about this issue. We have the poor employment which the government should do something to stop people doing uncertain jobs which sometimes people around them usually affecting and also suffering about this. When you're editing there might be a tendency to use a lot of like crazy transitions and effects and all that, in fact in this documentary have been have a good

transition and flow which viewers does understand enough the full story . The substance of this documentary has sufficient to let the viewers know what they have to know. I have read about one comment from a blogger that she understands why Ekangs family is doing that. But for me, I somehow believe them that being a prostitute, drug pusher, holdaper, uneducated is hard. As what they say they have no choice they dont have enough education to find sensible jobs than what they have now but we all know that theres a lot of legal job that dont even needed whether you have finish study or not. Loner Arien a blogger said that she has feel bad about what Ekangs uncle said in the documentary. His uncle said that he much prefer another kind of life than what he had for now. Even me feel bad too and I even agree of what Ekangs uncle said, even you will ask a million of people will not prefer to have that kind of life. I have known about these kinds of issue here in Philippines. But I dont know what kind of people behind these crimes. I dont know why governments allow these things to happen, government should be the one to responsible to care about people involve. It is not easy to be in Ekangs place. A young mind that had seen poverty in her family where illegal jobs are doing as their means of survival. Its a pity thing that even an innocent mind who had nothing yet know about the world is being exposed about these issues. I still feel lucky for being educated and cared for. Ekangs life should an inspiration to those who feel that life has been unfair to them.

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