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Mandala Art is commonly used in Sikkim art and craft,

especially in Thangka Paintings, carpet weaving, and
Wood carvings.
In Sikkim, mandalas are one of the most intricate and awe-inspiring works
of lamaistic art. They're always drawn by the lamas, and the
meticulousness of the drawing shows the perfectionism of the artists.
Mandalas are used in Hindu and Buddhist cultures to represent the universe and a
guide on the path to enlightenment. They are also used in the Eastern religions of
Jainism and Shinto.

सिक्किम भारत का एक राज्य है जो नेपाल, भूटान, तिब्बत और वेस्ट
बंगाल राज्य से घिरा हुआ है. यह पूर्वोत्तर भारतीय राज्य है और
प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य से भरपूर है.


Name of 3 Type mandala Art :

टीचिंग मंडला, हीलिंग मंडला और सैंड मंडला।

सिक्किम के 5 मंदिर:

1. ठाकुरबाड़ी मंदिर

2. किरातेवर रश्वमंदिर

3. हनुमान टोक

4. गणेश टोक

5.सोलोफोक चारधाम मंदिर

1.Mandalas is frequently employed as meditation and
concentration techniques.
2. The mandalas are believed to aid in attaining inner calm
and enlightenment.
3. The shapes and colors you create in your mandala art
therapy will reflect your inner self at the time of creation.

Health Benefits of Mandala Art

 Stress Reduction
 Self-Expression
 Enhanced Focus
 Spiritual Connection
 Aesthetic Appeal

SST: History Of Mandala Art

The art form originated in Nepal in the 7th century, developing into
several schools of painting
The term “mandala” is taken from the ancient Indian language
Sanskrit, which means “circle.” Mandalas can be found in Hinduism,
Buddhism, Native American traditions, and Celtic and Islamic art. This
universal notion implies a link between the macrocosm representing
oneness and wholeness.

Mandalas are frequently circular. However, they can be square,

rectangular, or even triangular. Mandalas are used for many things,
including meditation, prayer, and healing. They are also utilized as
ornaments in homes and temples.

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