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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 501–507

Influence of some relevant process parameters on the dimensional

accuracy in incremental forming: a numerical
and experimental investigation
G. Ambrogio a , I. Costantino b , L. De Napoli a , L. Filice a,∗ ,
L. Fratini b , M. Muzzupappa a
a Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy
b Department of Technology, Mechanical Production and Management Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy


As known, incremental forming is a flexible and innovative sheet metal forming process which allows complex shape shells forming
without the need for any die.
For these reasons, incremental forming is nowadays suggested for rapid prototyping and customised products.
The present paper is focused on material formability in incremental forming and, in particular, on the evaluation and compensation of
elastic springback. The latter significantly modifies the imposed shape.
For this purpose, a deeper assessment of the process was developed following three different approaches. First of all, a wide experimental
investigation on the influence of some relevant process parameters was developed. At the same time, an explicit FEM analysis of incremental
forming process was carried out in order to verify its effectiveness and, as a consequence, its ability to be used as a design tool. Furthermore,
the obtained parts were analysed by a reverse engineering technique and the measured geometry was numerically compared with the desired
one, with the aim to quantify the geometrical discrepancies.
In this way, an integrated numerical/experimental procedure is proposed in order to limit the shape defects between the obtained geometry
and the desired one.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Incremental forming; FEM; Geometrical accuracy

1. Introduction These considerations clearly show that current metal

stamping processes may maintain a relevant role in mod-
Along with the traditional stamping processes, which are ern production routings just if cheaper and more flexible
nowadays still used in mass productions, several dramatic technologies will be developed. In fact, very large research
changes in the last few decades occurred in order to sat- efforts are spent all over the world in order to achieve
isfy new relevant and impellent market demands. Among such objectives. Innovative sheet metal forming processes
them the production of customised products, the increasing have been proposed in the last years, opening unexpected
request of processes flexibility and the necessity to reduce scenarios in the industry: water assisted sheet metal form-
the time to market of the products are probably the most ing processes, such as the hydroforming ones, are only a
important. On the other hand, metal stamping processes are relevant example [1].
traditionally characterised by relevant equipment capital and Incremental forming may constitute a suitable solution,
tooling costs and, for this reason, the industrial application especially if one or few parts are produced, with a very
has to be economically justified with large scale productions. simple and cheap approach. In fact, in the simplest pro-
Furthermore, it is not generally possible to fully satisfy the posal, the final component shape is determined by the rela-
above mentioned demand of flexibility. tive movement of a small punch with respect to the blank,
rather than by the dies shape. Such processes are usually
∗ Corresponding author. carried out on CNC machines, where it is possible to assign
E-mail addresses: (I. Costantino), and control the punch movement according to fixed paths
(L. Filice), (L. Fratini). [2].

0924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
502 G. Ambrogio et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 501–507

Nevertheless, incremental forming is not yet a mature 2. The experimental campaign

process [3], thus an intensive research activity is performed
moving toward different directions: The research activity was carried out through the two fol-
lowing phases: first of all a set of experiments, characterised
• knowledge acquisition on process mechanics; by different geometrical conditions, were performed by us-
• very complex shapes forming; ing a properly designed equipment, able to clamp the sheet
• incremental forming drawbacks reduction. metal during the process. Subsequently, after the deforma-
tion process, the obtained shape was analysed by using a
The first research line is aimed to clarify some aspects particular reverse engineering technique (see Section 4).
related to the formability enhancing, obtained by using such The experimental campaign was carried out on a 3-axes
a process. In fact, due to the extremely localised deformation controlled milling machine and a cylindrical rotating
imposed by a spherical tool, a very suitable stress–strain punch, with a hemispherical head, was used as a simply
distribution occurs, extending formability limits well beyond tool (one-point incremental forming). The final shape was
classical formability curves [4]. obtained through a proper routine that imposed the tool
An important and industrially suitable research line is trajectory both in the horizontal plane of the milling ma-
related to the production of complex parts [2]. Such task is chine and in vertical direction, along the Z-axis. In this
very interesting in some applications, like the reconstruction way, the punch path determines an almost pure-stretching
of components for which the dies are no more available or, deformation mechanics on the material [5].
in turn, the development of functional prototypes, i.e. for According to the designed equipment, square sheets
rapid prototyping. (240 mm × 240 mm), 1 mm thick, were utilised during the
On the other hand, the incremental forming process tests. The blank material was AA1050-O, characterised by
suffers of several drawbacks probably because it is an inno- the flow rule, calculated by a set of tensile tests:
vative and partially unknown technology. First of all, even
σ (MPa) = 111ε0.14 (1)
if the modern machines allow to operate with high feed
rates, incremental forming processes are very slow than the Some previous investigations, have shown that the one-point
traditional stamping processes, resulting in a very low pro- incremental forming process behaviour is influenced by the
duction rate. For this reasons, from an economical point of geometrical process conditions [4]. In particular, the accu-
view, the break even point is reached for small production racy of the final geometry mainly depends on the chosen
quantities even if the equipment capital costs, as well as the tool pitch and tool diameter: at increasing of the tool path
tooling ones, are very low. Furthermore, although the pro- pitch a greater thinning and heavier stretching condition are
cess mechanics is based on a pure-stretching deformation, obtained together to a worst surface quality. In fact, the de-
some bending zones are not avoidable, close to the clamping formed surface becomes a sort of “stair surface”, since the
fixture. For this reason a sensible springback is generally whole surface is not directly deformed by the tool action. In
obtained when an incremental forming process is carried fact the tool jumps some sheet areas. On the other hand, a
out, compromising, for instance, the geometrical accuracy. small tool diameter concentrates the deformation in a limited
In this paper, the latter phenomenon is accurately taken zone of the sheet, improving the precision of the imposed
into account. First of all a complete experimental campaign trajectory.
was designed and executed on AA1050-O sheet specimens For these reasons, according to Table 1, the experimental
at varying of two relevant process parameters, i.e. the tool tests were carried out considering different process set-up, in
diameter and the tool pitch. order to investigate the geometrical error, measured like the
In the same conditions the process has been numerically difference between the obtained shape and the desired one.
simulated by using a modern explicit finite element code. All the experiments, characterised by a proper combina-
The deformed geometry of the experimental parts have tion of the above parameters, were carried out considering
been acquired by using a laser-based scanning technique the same final shape: in particular, a frustum of pyra-
which allows to rebuild the surfaces, starting from a cloud mid, with 163 mm side (L) and 50 mm height (Hf ), was
of points. In this way, the main discrepancies between the taken in account (Fig. 1). At the same time, the cone an-
actual part and the desired one have been calculated and gle α was fixed equal to 60◦ , which is a very high value,
compared with the ones predicted by the numerical code.
A very good agreement between the numerical prediction
Table 1
and the actual geometry has been pointed out. Furthermore, Experimental campaign
the possibility to develop a design strategy in order to min-
imise the shape errors on the part obtained by incremental Tool diameter (mm) Tool pitch (mm)
forming is foreseen; actually such a strategy involves sev- Test no. 1 18 2.5
eral further considerations and, as discussed in the coming Test no. 2 18 1
sections, a preliminary approach is proposed as a conclusion Test no. 3 12 1
Test no. 4 12 2.5
of this work.
G. Ambrogio et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 501–507 503

A particular attention has to be paid to the contact con-

ditions, since the progressive interaction between the punch
and the sheet has to be properly modelled. In other words,
small time increments are required in order to avoid, for
instance, too large penetrations between the rigid surface
modelling the punch and the deforming sheet.
Due to the above considerations, in the present research an
Fig. 1. Sketch of the geometry. explicit dynamic model was utilised [7]. Such a model per-
mits the development of an accurate contact simulation, with
particular reference to the interactions between the blank
even if the investigated material may support angles up to and the punch, due to the very low time increments.
65–70◦ . As above described, the explicit models require very small
Fig. 2 shows the part at two different process stages. time increments lower than a critical threshold depending
both on the element dimension and the material behaviour;
in order to overcome such shortcoming which would dra-
3. Numerical analysis of the problem matically enlarge the computational time, the punch velocity
is usually artificially increased in order to reduce the total
Incremental forming is a progressive sheet metal forming duration of the numerical simulation. In the present research
operation characterised by large displacement and strains. In a continuous check on the ratio between the kinetic energy
order to simulate such operation utilising the finite element of the model and the deformation one was developed with
analysis, two different approaches could be pursued, namely the aim to maintain the former within the 10% of the latter.
an implicit model implementing a Lagrangian formulation In this way, any inertia effects which may affect the numer-
or an explicit model [6]. The former approach is charac- ical results is avoided. In particular an artificially increased
terised by a non-linear equations system solved through an punch velocity equal to 5 m/s was fixed.
iterative procedure; the latter is based on the dynamic equi- The sheet was initially meshed with about 5000 shell el-
librium equation of the considered model: at each step of ements; as far as the utilised shell element was regarded, a
the deformation path it requires just the solution of a set 4-node one, characterised by five integration points through
of linear independent equations but, in turn, it results con- the thickness and hourglass control, was chosen. Further-
ditionally stable and time increments, lower than a critical more a geometric remeshing algorithm was utilised in order
threshold, have to be chosen. to reduce element size when the distortion level reached a
Whatever is the utilised approach, the numerical simu- maximum value; in other words at the punch arrival the sin-
lation of an incremental forming operation requires a fully gle element was subdivided in four ones, and so on. In this
three-dimensional analysis since no symmetry conditions way, the simultaneous contact of several shell elements with
can be assumed during the forming process due to the the tool surface allowed the proper modelling of the pro-
three-dimensional path given to the punch. As a conse- gressive deformation impressed to the sheet metal. The use
quence, the most effective element used in FE analysis is of such tool permitted a strong computational time saving,
the shell element. In this way, for each node, both displace- in fact it was obtained a reduction up to about 24 h allowing
ments and rotations (i.e. 6 degrees of freedom for each to utilise the FEM simulation as an effective design tool.
node) are taken into account. Furthermore, the element is In Fig. 3 deformed mesh reproducing the investigated
subjected to both tractions and moments at each step of the shell shape, obtained utilising a 12 mm punch diameter, is
deformation path. reported.

Fig. 2. Two different steps of the process.

504 G. Ambrogio et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 501–507

Fig. 3. Deformed mesh. Fig. 5. The laser-based scanning system set-up.

Once the sample position optimisation has been per-

4. Acquisition of the actual geometry formed and the acquisition parameters have been chosen,
the virtual comparison has been executed into Parametric
One typical application of the reverse engineering tech- Pro-Verify (V.2001) environment. This module allows the
niques consists of the comparison between a manufactured simultaneous management of both the acquired and the
product and a virtual one. This task becomes very interesting virtual geometry, evaluating the discrepancies between the
when it is carried out taking into account the model gener- two entities, as shown in the next section.
ated in the design phase and the obtained product; in such a
way, in fact, it is possible to evaluate the geometrical errors
5. Discussion of the results
related to the actual manufacturing process.
A laser-based scanning system as well as a CMM ma- As described above, the aim of the paper is the evalua-
chine are usually utilised to pursue the above goals. These tion of the geometrical error that occurs when the one-point
technologies are able to supply a file containing a model incremental forming process has been run. For this reason,
representation based on a cloud of points. the clouds of points, acquired by using the above described
In the present research a Minolta Vivid 300 laser scan- technique, have been compared with the expected geometri-
ning system has been used. It is able to rebuild the product cal model. In the next figures, different sections and view are
geometry by laser triangulation principle [8] (see Fig. 4). reported in order to get an immediate representation of the
This technique is based on a laser source which irradiates discrepancies between the desired and experimental geom-
a body by a reflected beam. The body diffuse light is then etry. The latter can be read as shape defects of the obtained
revealed by a CCD sensor, placed at a known distance from parts. In particular, a transverse section along a symmetry
the laser source. Subsequently, starting from the obtained plane and two different section parallel to the pyramid base,
CCD image, the spatial coordinates of some surface points at 10 and 30 mm from the bottom of geometry, respectively,
may be calculated. are reported for test 1 and test 3, which correspond to the
The utilised set-up consists of the described scanning sys- worst result and the best one, respectively (see Figs. 6 and
tem and a rotating support on which the deformed workpiece 7). The continuous line represents the desired surface while
can be univocally placed. In this way any problem due to the dotted one is the cloud of points trace.
the repositioning of the sample is avoided (Fig. 5). What is more, a quantitative analysis of the obtained re-
The sheet surface has been accurately opacified by using sults was carried out on the basis of the mean root square
a proper varnish since the aluminium alloys show a very error between the two profiles, namely the desired and the
high reflectance. actual one, obtained along a symmetry plane of the part. The
obtained results are reported in Table 2.
Several considerations may be pointed out starting from
the above figures:
1. On the basis of the given shape, a very high discrep-
ancy between the actual geometry and the desired one is

Table 2

MRSE (mm)

Test no. 1 6.70

Test no. 2 6.01
Test no. 3 3.53
Test no. 4 4.59
Fig. 4. The laser triangulation principle.
G. Ambrogio et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 501–507 505

Fig. 6. Comparison between experimental and ideal geometry: test no. 1.

Fig. 7. Comparison between experimental and ideal geometry: test no. 3.

obtained in correspondence of the intersection between process parameters are accurately chosen: as shown in
the oblique walls and the major base of the pyramid. Such Table 2 a sharper product is obtained if the smaller punch
a defect strongly depends on the absence of any support diameter is adopted and the tool path pitch is reduced
that may reduce the sheet bending. In fact, the problem is (test 3). The latter choose increases, of course, the pro-
almost completely resolved by using a proper counter-die cess time length, since a higher number of concentric
at the edge. Anyway this solution moves the process to- spires, i.e. a longer path, has to be executed.
ward a more complicated one, modifying the basic prin- 4. If the bent zone is not taken into account, the average
ciple on which the incremental forming is based, i.e. the error is about 1 mm from the ideal surface compared to a
simplicity. height of 50 mm on a length of about 160 mm. Then, the
2. The actual geometry presents some interesting errors also error is of course not negligible for many applications,
along the oblique walls. In particular, a sort of distor- even if in some cases it may be quietly accepted. Thus a
tion is obtained, generating a curvature on the expected
straight sides. This phenomenon is due to the elastic
springback whose effect is lower in correspondence of Scanner 3D
the edges, where the geometrical stiffness is higher then
in other areas.
3. Although it is not possible to exactly reproduce the de-
sired geometry, the errors entity may be reduced if the Fig. 8. Comparison between FEM and experimental geometry: test no. 1.
506 G. Ambrogio et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 153–154 (2004) 501–507

Fig. 9. The modified tool path.

more accurate set-up of the process is strongly required. For sake of simplicity, a conical shape was investigated and
In fact, many general mechanical applications require a the results coming from two different geometric paths were
tolerance in the coupling of the order of 10−1 mm. compared in terms of the mesh profile geometry. The ob-
tained results are shown in Fig. 10: definitively, an improve-
Furthermore, the FEM results have been compared with
ment was obtained, in fact a final profile much closer to the
the actual geometry of the obtained parts in order to test the
desired one was reached.
effectiveness of the numerical simulation. In Fig. 8, a com-
Of course several decisional variables may be chosen in
parison is reported with reference to two profiles, namely the
order to evaluate the correcting operation and, then, several
FEM and the actual one, obtained along a symmetry plane
operative strategies may be performed.
of the part (test 1).
Anyway, even implementing a very simple correcting
A very good overlapping was observed between the FEM
strategy, a significant improvement in terms of product
results and the experimental ones, with reference to the
precision was obtained giving a preliminary proof that the
whole experimental campaign; this confirms that the numer-
one-point incremental forming may also be regarded as
ical simulation may be considered a suitable design tool as
a precise forming process, despite its high simplicity and
far as the incremental forming processes are regarded.
As discussed, shape errors in incremental forming opera-
tions characterised by a single point punch are due to the lack
of a counter-die or, more in general, by the absence of a guide 6. Conclusions
for the deforming sheet metal. On the other hand probably
the most important characteristic of the considered forming In this paper, the dimensional accuracy of the incremental
process is the absence of rigid dies; in this way the intro- forming operations was accurately discussed and analysed
duction of a rigid die would make the process more expen- by using and effective experimental technique, highlighting
sive strongly reducing its potential. In the present research, very relevant discrepancies between the designed surfaces
a simple procedure is proposed to reduce the geometrical and the obtained ones.
errors affecting the final geometry of the investigated part. This shape may be satisfactory predicted by using the
In particular, two different geometric paths were introduced modern FE codes.
in the numerical simulation with the aim to obtain a final One of the most promising way in order to assess incre-
deformed mesh closer to the desired geometry. The first one mental forming also as a net-shape forming process seems
reproduces the traditional path in which the punch moves to be the design of optimised trajectories that result in more
tangentially to the desired surface; in the second path the tool precise profiles. A preliminary study was presented in this
trajectory is modified introducing an increased initial slope work.
which is reconjuncted to the former one as shown in Fig. 9b.
In this way, the shape error, due to the bending mechanics, Acknowledgements
occurring close to the clamping zone, is strongly reduced.
This research was supported by the grant of the Italian
Ministry for Education, University, and Research (MIUR).
Not optimised
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