DBS - Maintenance Committee Manual

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Dawn Breakers School

Maintenance Committee Manual

A. Purpose of the Maintenance Committee:

1. To make sure that School Property is safe, cared for and well functioning.
2. To plan School Assembly Meetings. To make plans for the protection, maintenance and
cleanliness of properties.
3. To report facilities that are damaged, need repair, replacement or to recommend purchasing of
new facilities.
4. To research and make plans to install a sense of care & caution in students.
5. To ensure that the First Aid Box is well equipped and available at all times.

B. Membership:

1. Two teachers, one from the Primary Department (Class 1 to 4) and one teacher from the
Secondary Department (Class 5 to 10).
2. One student from every class and division, from Class 5 onwards. Will be appointed by the Two
teachers of this Department.
3. 2 Students from 7th and 2 from 9th will be elected through voting.
4. Within this Committee, there must be a Secretary and an Assistant Secretary who are responsible
for calling meetings, collecting agendas, making minutes and sharing them with the Management.

C. Duties:

1. To conduct a meeting at least once a week.

2. To appoint inspectors from within this committee to inspect various areas such as classrooms,
grounds, corridors, swimming pool, library, computer lab, staff rooms and all other areas on
School Campus for cleanliness and maintenance.
3. To check whether benches, tables, chairs, TVs, paints, furnitures, electronics, constructions, toilets,
windows, First Aid Box, etc are in a functional condition.
4. To maintain a register to keep a record of items that need repair, replacement, purchasing, etc.
5. To collect Meeting agendas after discussing with students, teachers and Management.
6. To make plans in the meetings to solve identified issues.
7. To write proper Meeting Minutes about what agendas are discussed in Meeting, solutions
proposed, sorting Maintenance work orders as per priority, etc

D. Powers:

1. To discuss with students, teachers about Maintenance related issues.

2. To award positive or negative Character Card points to students.
3. To organise Campaigns, Guest lectures, skits during School hours or Saturdays for students,
parents and guests.
4. To conduct meetings during after school hours, holidays or Saturdays.
5. To punish or reward students and call their parents for meetings.

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