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Course Code: MAT1003 Course Title: Discrete Mathematical Structures TPC 4 0 4

Version No. 2.0

Course Pre-requisites/ None
Anti-requisites (if any).
1. To understand the notion of mathematical thinking and mathematical proofs,
and to apply them in problem solving.
2. To prove and disprove mathematical statements using a variety of techniques.
3. To learn number theory, modular arithmetic and appreciate its role in
cryptography and computer science.
4. To perform combinatorial analysis, not on applying formulae, to solve
Objectives: counting problems and analyse algorithms.
5. To address the challenges of the relevance of algebraic structures in computer
science and engineering
6. To understand the concepts of graph theory and related concepts of algorithms
7. To perform scientific communication in the language of mathematics precisely
without any ambiguity.

CO's Mapping with PO's

Course Program
Course Outcome Statement
Outcomes Outcomes
Use logical notation to define and reason about fundamental
mathematical concepts; Evaluate elementary mathematical arguments
CO1 PO1, PO2
and identify fallacious reasoning; and conceive and/or analyze basic
mathematical proofs.
Apply the knowledge and skills obtained to investigate and solve a
CO2 PO1, PO2
variety of discrete mathematical problems.
Understand the basics of number theory and be able to compute with
CO3 PO1, PO2
modular arithmetic and understand its use in cryptography.
CO4 Effectively use algebraic techniques to analyze basic discrete structures PO1, PO2
Identify combinatorial structures and apply basic techniques in
CO5 combinatorics and counting to solve problems in the context of PO1, PO4
Mathematics, Data science and Computer Science
Demonstrate an understanding of how concepts of graphs and trees are
CO6 used to design and solve model problems arising in data science and/or PO1, PO2, PO3,
Computer Science.
Total hours of
Instruction: 60
Logic and Proofs 14
Module No. 1
Review of Basic Structures: sets, functions.
Introduction to (Propositional) Logic, Propositional Logic and Equivalences, Predicates and Quantifiers,
Nested Quantifiers, Rules of Inference, Introduction to Proofs, Proof Methods and Strategies

Module No. 2 Number Theory 8 Hours

Divisibility and modular arithmetic, Integer representations, Primes, and the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean
algorithm, extended Euclidean algorithm. Solving Congruences: Linear Congruences, Chinese Remainder Theorem,
Fermat’s little theorem, Primitive Roots and Discrete Logarithms.

Module No. 3 Introductory Counting 9 Hours

The basics of counting, The Pigeonhole principle, Binomial coefficients and identities, Basic and generalized
permutations and combinations, recurrence relations and generating functions, Inclusion–Exclusion.
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