Tex-Cad-23-893 - Cemp Motor - Cesi 01 Atex 102x Rev 0

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Conformity Assessment Document

Cemp International S.p.A.

AB 3590S4 Three-phase Asynchronous Electric Motor

Document Number Rev 0: TEX-CAD-23-893

© Copyright 2023 DKN PTY LTD ATF Texeco Trust ABN 88 281 694 665. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from Texeco.
Table of Contents

Executive Summary................................................................................................... 3
1. Scope of Work ............................................................................................. 4
2. Assessment Requirements ............................................................................ 5
3. Evaluation Process – EC-Type Examination Certificate ..................................... 6
4. Equipment Markings .................................................................................... 7
5. Evaluation Process – Standards Compliance (ATEX) ......................................... 8
6. Evaluation Process – Manufacturer's Quality System ..................................... 10
7. Assessment Conclusion ............................................................................... 11
8. Assessor Requirements – Texeco Competency .............................................. 12
9. Conditions ................................................................................................. 13
10. Revision History ......................................................................................... 14


A. EC-Type Examination Certificate (CESI 01 ATEX 102X)

B. Production Quality Assurance Notification (CESI 00 ATEX 030Q)

C. IECEx Quality Assessment Report Summary (IT/CES/QAR07.0002/00)

D. Texeco Conformity Assessment Document Competency Certificates

Page 2 of 14
Executive Summary

Texeco has assessed the Cemp International S.p.A. type AB 3590S4 Three-phase Asynchronous Electric
Motor, which is approved for use in explosive gas atmospheres in the European Union under Council
Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) with relevant Australian/New Zealand standards. It is Texeco’s opinion that
the electrical equipment provides an equivalent level of safety to equipment certified according to the
ANZEx and IECEx certification schemes for explosion-protected electrical equipment.

Page 3 of 14
1. Scope of Work

Texeco has been commissioned to provide a conformity assessment document (CAD) on behalf of ESI-
Tech Services Pty Ltd for Weatherford Australia Pty Ltd of the Cemp International S.p.A. type AB
3590S4 Three-phase Asynchronous Electric Motor. The CAD aims to determine whether the specific
electrical equipment meets the relevant Australian/New Zealand Standards’ safety and compliance

This document’s scope is a desktop exercise limited to assessing the EC-Type Examination Certificate,
the related production quality assurance, and comparing the applied standards for explosive gas

The CAD is issued for use in Australia as follows:

End-user company name: Weatherford Australia Pty Ltd

Corporate address: 9 Metal Circuit, Malaga, WA 6090

Asset: EPU - 1053521-161

Page 4 of 14
2. Assessment Requirements

As per AS/NZS 60079.14: 2022 clause explosion protected electrical equipment shall be
certified as complying with an Australian, Australia/New Zealand, or international explosion protected
method in accordance with one of the following accepted certification schemes:

• IECEx and registered on the IECEx database (www.iecex.com), or

• ANZEx and registered on the Administering Body database (www.anzex.com.au)

Electrical equipment with a third-party certificate but not according to IEC Standards or AS/NZS
Standards shall be restricted to circumstances where suitable equipment with a certificate in
accordance with AS/NZS 60079.14: 2022 is not practicable to obtain. AS/NZS 60079.14: 2022 clause states that justification for using a third-party certificate may be demonstrated in the form
of a conformity assessment document. Details of such justification shall be included as part of the
verification dossier.

This conformity assessment is a desktop exercise undertaken by Texeco to assess whether the Cemp
International S.p.A. type AB 3590S4 Three-phase Asynchronous Electric Motor meets the equivalent
safety objectives of the relevant Australian/New Zealand Standards. This document’s scope is not to
determine if the installed equipment will be safe or to make recommendations regarding the
equipment’s installation or operation but is limited to assessing equipment certification for use in
explosive gas atmospheres.


This CAD only addresses the equivalent level of safety of the equipment’s explosion-protection aspects
and does not consider compliance with any other requirements such as environmental requirements,
electromagnetic radiation, or compliance with AS/NZS 3000 (Australian Wiring Rules).

Page 5 of 14
3. Evaluation Process – EC-Type Examination Certificate

The EC-Type examination certificate was issued by Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano (CESI),
which holds Notified Body number 0722 in accordance with Article 9 of the Council Directive of
European Communities of 1994 for the European Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) (Appareils destinés à être
utilisés en atmosphères explosives).

CESI is known as the Italian National Testing and Certifying Authority.

CESI is a company founded in 1956 with the support of the Italian electrical utilities and
electromechanical manufacturers and it has been operating for more than 65 years in the electro-
energetic sectors and is a market leader in testing and certification of electromechanical equipment.

The design and testing of the apparatus, as indicated in the EC-Type Examination Certificate, have
been reviewed to determine if it would offer an equivalent level of safety to equipment issued with
an ANZEx or IECEx certificate of conformity.

In conducting this review, the following was considered:

• The equivalence of the standards to which the equipment was certified.

• Registration and compliance of the Certification Body.
• The quality assurance requirements for manufacturing the equipment.

Compliance with Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) for electrical equipment is via a manufacturer’s declaration
that the following two documents have been issued from a European Union Notified Body:

• An EC-Type Examination Certificate to cover the testing of the sample submitted, and
• A Production Quality Assurance Notification (PQAN) to cover factory inspection.

A copy of the EC-Type Examination Certificate CESI 01 ATEX 102X is attached as Appendix A.

Texeco has not sighted a copy of the confidential test report EX-A1/039452. However, the EC-Type
Examination Certificate was verified as authentic as it was issued directly by a reputable equipment
manufacturer. Texeco is confident that the accredited Ex-Notified Body has conducted all required
assessments and tests.

CESI is accredited against:

• EN ISO/IEC 17025 - Testing and calibration laboratories

• EN ISO/IEC 17065 - Product certification

CESI is accredited with the ACCREDIA (The Italian Accreditation Body) to ISO/IEC 17065: 2012 to
provide product conformity certification.

CESI is also an accepted Test Laboratory and Certification Body and carries out conformity assessments
within the scope of the IECEx equipment systems under the IECEx rules. Therefore, we assess CESI will
maintain an equivalent level of certification assurance to bodies issuing ANZEx certificates of

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4. Equipment Markings

The EC-Type Examination Certificate and equipment data plate provide the following markings for
explosive gas atmospheres.

Manufacturer: Cemp International S.p.A.

Equipment: AB 3590S4 Three-phase Asynchronous Electric Motor

Description: Three-phase and single-phase asynchronous motor series

AB63, AB 71, AB 80, AB 90, AB 100 supplied by mains or


Notified Body Number: 0722 (Verified Texeco)

Certificate Number: CESI 01 ATEX 102X

ATEX Marking: II 2 G Ex de IIB T4 (Tamb 50°C) Gb IP55

Page 7 of 14
5. Evaluation Process – Standards Compliance (ATEX)

The Cemp International S.p.A. type AB 3590S4 Three-phase Asynchronous Electric Motor has been
assessed under European Standards (EN) for explosive gas atmospheres. The European Committee
for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) has ratified the EN standards for explosive gas
atmospheres. CENELEC has a close working relationship with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC), and the organisations have formalised the cooperation framework through a
document known as the ‘Dresden Agreement.’ Resulting from this agreement, the IEC and CENELEC
Standards for explosive atmospheres are technically equivalent.

Australia and New Zealand began adopting IEC Standards for explosive gas atmospheres in 1996, and
these Standards are progressively being introduced in parallel with the existing Australian standards.
The original Australian Standards will eventually become obsolete and align with the IEC 60079 series
of Standards with only minor deviations. Consequently, the EN 60079 series of Standards is similar to
the Australia/New Zealand (AS/NZS) 60079 Standards.

The EC-Type Examination Certificate CESI 01 ATEX 102X extension number 07/12 lists that the Cemp
International S.p.A. type AB 3590S4 Three-phase Asynchronous Electric Motor has been designed
according to the following CENELEC Standards for explosive gas atmospheres:

Explosive atmospheres – Part 0: Equipment –

• EN 60079-0: 2009
General requirements

Explosive atmospheres – Part 1: Equipment

• EN 60079-1: 2007
protection by flameproof enclosures’ d'

Explosive atmospheres – Part 7: Equipment

• EN 60079-7: 2007
protection by increased safety 'e'

The above standards are not recognised in Australia under the ANZEx or IECEx protection schemes.

European Norm (EN) 60079-0: 2009 covers the general requirements for explosion-protected
equipment, regardless of the technique applied. This standard's design and testing requirements are
almost identical to those in AS/NZS 60079-0: 2008 - Australian/New Zealand Standard for Explosive
Atmospheres Part 0: Equipment - General requirements.

Conclusion: With minor variation EN 60079-0: 2009 is technically equivalent to AS/NZS 60079-0: 2008.

EN 60079-1: 2007 covers the specific requirements for flameproof (Ex d) equipment. This standard's
construction and testing requirements align with those in AS/NZS 60079-1: 2007 - Australian/New
Zealand Standard Explosive Atmospheres Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures 'd'.

Conclusion: With minor variation EN 60079-1: 2007 is technically equivalent to AS/NZS 60079-1: 2007.

Page 8 of 14
EN 60079-7: 2007 covers the specific requirements for increased safety (Ex e) equipment. This
standard's design and testing requirements are almost identical to those in AS/NZS 60079-7: 2006 -
Australian/New Zealand Standard Explosive Atmospheres Part 7: Equipment protection by increased
safety 'e'.

Conclusion: With minor variation EN 60079-7: 2007 is technically equivalent to AS/NZS 60079-7: 2006.

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6. Evaluation Process – Manufacturer's Quality System

The manufacturer deems the Cemp International S.p.A. type AB 3590S4 Three-phase Asynchronous
Electric Motor to be compliant with Directive 94/9/EC(ATEX). ATEX compliance requires the
manufacturer to lodge an application for assessing its production quality system by a Notified Body of
its choice for the equipment concerned.

The application includes:

• All relevant information for the product category envisaged.

• The documentation relating to the quality system.
• Technical documentation, including a copy of the EC-Type Examination Certificate.

The manufacturer's quality system shall ensure compliance of the equipment as described in the EC-
Type Examination Certificate and with the Directive requirements that apply to them.

The Notified Body then assesses the quality system to determine whether it satisfies the Directive's
requirements. The Notified Body also inspects the manufacturer's premises.

To ensure the manufacturer maintains and applies the quality system, the Notified Body shall:

• Periodically carry out audits of the manufacturer's quality system.

• Provide an audit report to the manufacturer.

As part of the ongoing surveillance, the Notified Body may also pay unexpected visits to the
manufacturer to conduct tests to verify that the quality system is functioning correctly. These
unexpected visits provide a similar level of quality assurance required by the IECEx and ANZEx

A copy of the Production Quality Assurance Notification (CESI 00 ATEX 030Q) is attached as Appendix
B of this report.

A copy of the related IECEx Quality Assessment Report Summary (IT/CES/QAR07.0002/00) is included
as Appendix C of this report for information.

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7. Assessment Conclusion

The Cemp International S.p.A. type AB 3590S4 Three-phase Asynchronous Electric Motor has been
assessed as follows:

CENELEC marking AS/NZS marking equivalent

Hazardous Area: Hazardous Area:

ATEX Category 2 G (high protection) Zone 1 Applications

Protection: Protection:
Ex de Ex de

Gas Group: Gas Group:


Temperature Class: Temperature Class:

T4 (Tamb +50°C) T4 (Tamb +50°C)

Ingress Protection: Ingress Protection:

IP55 IP55

Equipment Protection Level: Equipment Protection Level:

Gb Gb

Cemp International S.p.A. type AB 3590S4

Three-phase Asynchronous Electric Motor


Ex de IIB T4 (Tamb 50°C) Gb IP55

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8. Assessor Requirements – Texeco Competency

Texeco specialises in providing electrical equipment in hazardous areas compliance services to the oil,
gas, and hydrogen sectors. As part of the hazardous areas team, William Rankin is responsible for
preparing the CAD. William is a chartered electrical engineering technologist TMIEAust CEngT NER
IntET(Aus), holds a Master of Business Law degree (Southern Cross University) and has attained the
unit of competency UEE NEEM 036A (conduct a conformity assessment of explosion-protected
equipment – gas atmospheres).1

Texeco is an ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System Certified Company. The scope of the
certification covers explosion-protection compliance and hazardous area inspections for the oil, gas,
and mining sectors.

(Web Page) <www.engineersaustralia.org.au/portal/ner/search>.

Page 12 of 14
9. Conditions

This CAD is issued with the following conditions:

• DKN Pty Ltd ATF Texeco Trust retains the ownership of the copyright of this literary work.
• This CAD is to be read in conjunction with the original certification and the installation and
operations manual.
• Installation, use, maintenance, training, and the equipment manufacturer's inspection
requirements and the relevant Australian/New Zealand standards shall be met by the
person conducting a business or undertaking.
• DKN Pty Ltd ATF Texeco Trust offers no guarantee that the regulator, having jurisdiction
over the facility or asset, will accept this report's findings.
• In no event will DKN Pty Ltd ATF Texeco Trust be liable for any damages which the assignor,
or the assignor’s clients, vendors, consultants, or other third parties, may incur as a result
of applying or using the results of Texeco’s work unless there is misconduct or gross
negligence on the part of Texeco or on the part of the persons employed by Texeco to
carry out the work.
• The person in control of the installation must ensure that the special/specific conditions
for safe use (denoted by the letter X according to CESI 01 ATEX 102X/8) are always
complied with.
• This assessment is prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of Weatherford
Australia Pty Ltd and is subject to and issued under the agreement between DKN Pty Ltd
ATF Texeco Trust and ESI-Tech Services Pty Ltd. DKN Pty Ltd ATF Texeco Trust accepts no
liability or responsibility for using or relying upon this CAD by a third-party other than
Weatherford Australia Pty Ltd.

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10. Revision History

Rev. Date Description Author

Rev A 17 July 2023 Draft (Internal Review) WER

Rev 0 19 July 2023 Issued to Client WER

Page 14 of 14
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
IECEx Quality
Assessment Report Summary
IEC Certification System for Explosive Atmospheres
for rules and details of the IECEx Scheme visit www.iecex.com

QAR Ref. No.: IT/CES/QAR07.0002/00 Page 1 of 1

QAR Free Ref. No.: CESI-A7/021823 Status:Issued

Location(s) audited: CEMP S.p.A. via Piemonte 16 I-20037 Senago (MI) ITALY Date of issue:2007-05-24

Issuing ExCB: CES - CESI Valid until:2009-01-07

Manufacturer: CEMP S.p.A. Audit date:2007-03-23

via Piemonte 16
I-20037 Senago (MI)

Location of Italy

Product information: Equipment or Componen as listedt:

Electrical Motors
Supply terminal box for motor
Flameproof cable bushing
Single phase asyncronous motors

Type of protection: Flameproof enclosures ‘d’ Increased safety ‘e’ Dust ignition protection “tD” Type of protection "nA"

Related QARs:

Related Certificates (manual insertion)::

Related Certificates (automatic linking)::

Related Certificates for

previous versions:

Appendix D
William Rankin

is registered in the following area(s) of practice

Electrical Engineering

valid until 30 June 2024

Jane MacMaster Romilly Madew

APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus) Chief Executive Officer
Chief Engineer

EA ID Date of Issue
2938529 08-Jun-2023

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