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S.3 Chem (2022-23) From Atoms to Materials p.

Name:____________________________________ Class: __________ ( )

Fanling Rhenish Church Secondary School

Notes and Supplementary Exercises (Set 2)
Chapter 13
From Atoms to Materials
S.3 Chem (2022-23) From Atoms to Materials p. 2

1. You should check for the Chinese meaning for the words before a bracket ( ) and in the

2. Feel free to input the words you encountered in chemistry into SolidMemory.

3. For the words in bold italic form (粗斜體),they have specific (特定) meaning in chemistry
and science. Be careful!
Bonding (in chemistry): 化學鍵,the attractive force (吸引力) between two atoms
Bonding (in daily life): 人際中的親密關係
S.3 Chem (2022-23) From Atoms to Materials p. 3
Section 13.2: Periodic Table

(1) Elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number

Period: horizontal row (Period 1, 2, 3, ……)
Group: vertical column (Group I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII & 0)
Transition elements: elements between group II and group III

(2) Element in the same group have similar chemical properties.

Group Example of element Common properties

Group I Lithium (Li)
 React with air readily
Sodium (Na)
 React with water to produce hydrogen
Potassium (K)
Group II Beryllium (Be)
Magnesium (Mg)  React readily with dilute hydrochloric acid
Calcium (Ca)
Group VII Chlorine (Cl)
 They are reactive
Bromine (Br)
 React with metals and non-metals
Iodine (I)
Group 0 Helium (He)
Neon (Ne)  Very unreactive
Argon (Ar)

(3) Daily application of elements

Group Example of element Daily application

Group I Lithium (Li)  Used in battery
Sodium (Na)  Used in sodium lamps
Group II Magnesium (Mg)  Used in flashbulbs and fireworks
Group III Aluminium (Al)  Used to make window frames, food cans and foils
Group IV Carbon (C)  Used as pencil lead (graphite)
Silicon (Si)  Used in semiconductors, glass and bricks
Group V  Liquid nitrogen to store living cells at very low
Nitrogen (N)
Phosphorus (P)  Used in matches and fireworks
Group VI  Mixed with fuel gas to produce high temperature
Oxygen (O)
flame for welding metals
Sulphur (S)  Used in processing rubber and making paper
Group VII Chlorine (Cl)  Used in water purification
Iodine (I)  Used as an antiseptic
Group 0 Helium (He)  Used to fill balloons
Neon (Ne)  Used in neon signs / lights
S.3 Chem (2022-23) From Atoms to Materials p. 4
Section 13.3: Compound and Mixtures

A. Compounds
(1) Compounds are substances consist of atoms of two or more elements chemically joined
- Each compound has a fixed ratio of different kinds of atom.
e.g. In water, the ratio of no. of H atom to no. of O atom is always 2:1.

(2) Compounds can be broken down into their constituent elements by chemical methods

e.g. Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis

(3) The properties of a compound are different from its constituent elements.

𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑛 + 𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑢𝑟 → 𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑛(𝐼𝐼) 𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑖𝑑𝑒

Can the substance attracted

Substance Colour
by the magnet?
iron powder yellow Yes
sulphur powder dark grey No
iron(II) sulphide black No

B. Mixture

(1) Mixture is formed when two or more substance mix with each other without the formation of
new substance.
- Substances in the mixture is NOT chemically joined together.
- A mixture retains some properties of its constituent substances.

C. Chemical change and physical change

(1) Chemical change: change with new substance(s) is/are formed.

(2) Physical change: change with no new substance is formed.

Physical change Chemical change

Examples  Water evaporates into water vapour.  Burning
 Sodium chloride (table salt) dissolves in  Photosynthesis
S.3 Chem (2022-23) From Atoms to Materials p. 5
Electronic arrangement of atoms

(1) Electrons in an atom move in certain positions surrounding the nucleus. These positions are
called electron shells(電子層).





(2) There are many electron shells in an atom. Each electron shell is assigned with a shell number,
n = 1, 2, 3, 4, ……

(3) For n = 1, it is the electron shell closest to the nucleus (i.e. innermost shell).

(4) For electron shell with shell number n, the maximum number of electrons in the shell is 2n2.

Shell number Maximum number of electrons in the shell

(n) (2n2)
1 2
2 8
3 18
4 32

(5) Electronic arrangement ( 電子排佈 ): the way in which electrons are arranged in different
electron shells.
- electronic arrangement can be represented by numbers or electron diagram.
Using numbers Using electron diagram

The electronic
2, 8, 1
arrangement of Na
S.3 Chem (2022-23) From Atoms to Materials p. 6
(6) Electronic arrangement for the elements with atomic numbers 1-20

Atomic No. of electrons in electron

No. of Electronic
no. (no.
Element Symbol shells
of electrons arrangement
protons) n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4

Hydrogen H 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

Helium He 2 2 2 0 0 0 2

Lithium Li 3 3 2 1 0 0 2,1

Beryllium Be 4 4 2 2 0 0 2,2

Bron B 5 5 2 3 0 0 2,3

Carbon C 6 6 2 4 0 0 2,4

Nitrogen N 7 7 2 5 0 0 2,5

Oxygen O 8 8 2 6 0 0 2,6

Fluorine F 9 9 2 7 0 0 2,7

Neon Ne 10 10 2 8 0 0 2,8

Na 11 11 2 8 1 0 2,8,1

Mg 12 12 2 8 2 0 2,8,2

Al 13 13 2 8 3 0 2,8,3
Si 14 14 2 8 4 0 2,8,4

P 15 15 2 8 5 0 2,8,5

S 16 16 2 8 6 0 2,8,6

Cl 17 17 2 8 7 0 2,8,7

Ar 18 18 2 8 8 0 2,8,8

Potassium K 19 19 2 8 8 1 2,8,8,1

Calium Ca 20 20 2 8 8 2 2,8,8,2

(7) Relationship between electronic arrangement and periodic table

Period number of an element = no. of occupied electron shells in the atom

Group number of an element = no. of electrons in the outermost occupied electron shells
in the atom
S.3 Chem (2022-23) From Atoms to Materials p. 7

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