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Lentini 1

MLA Format Checklist

Double Space
Identifying Information - Top Left Corner
Your Name
Teachers Name
Course Code
No bold, no italics, no underlines (except for book titles in italics)
Header (Top of the page)
Last Name
Page Number (Options → Page Numbers → Apply)
Right align
All text on the page is size 12 Times New Roman, or 11 Arial
Everything except the title is left aligned
Indent at the beginning of every paragraph
Hit ‘Tab’
12 spaces equals tab
No spaces between paragraphs, or between the title and the text, or between the date and
the title
Book titles are italicized: i.e. The Hate U Give
Poems and short stories are in quotation marks: i.e. “The Yellow Wallpaper”

MLA Works Cited Format:

Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date.
Web Sources:
Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Website Name, Access Date Day
Month Year. 30 October 2023.
Article in a Scholarly Journal
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal, Volume, Issue, Year, pages.
A work in an anthology
Last name, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection, edited by Editor's Name(s),
Publisher, Year, Page range of entry.
Lentini 2

Works Cited Checklist

Title → Works Cited
Centered, no bold, no underline
Replicate the citation as above with as much detail as you can find from your
If there is anything you cannot find, skip it.
Alphabetize your list of sources based on the first word in the entry (i.e. author
last name or article title”
Set the paragraphs for the works cited page to “hanging”
Format → Align and Indent → Indentation Options → Special indent →
Hanging → Apply
Double space

In-line Citations

Integrate your quote effectively

Complete your quote with quotation marks
No period or comma at the end of the quotation inside the quotation marks
(Last Name Page Number).

While referring to the situation in his neighbourhood, Trevor states that “Crime doesn’t

discriminate” (Noah 212).

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