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C a r d i o p u l m o n a r y I m a g i n g • C l i n i c a l Pe r s p e c t i ve

Raptis et al.
Review of the Literature on Chest CT and COVID-19

Cardiopulmonary Imaging
Clinical Perspective
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Chest CT and Coronavirus Disease

(COVID-19): A Critical Review of
the Literature to Date
Constantine A. Raptis1 OBJECTIVE. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a global pandemic. Studies in the ra-
Mark M. Hammer 2 diology literature have suggested that CT might be sufficiently sensitive and specific in di-
Ryan G. Short 1 agnosing COVID-19 when used in lieu of a reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction
Amar Shah 3 test; however, this suggestion runs counter to current society guidelines. The purpose of this
Sanjeev Bhalla1 article is to critically review some of the most frequently cited studies on the use of CT for
detecting COVID-19.
Andrew J. Bierhals1
CONCLUSION. To date, the radiology literature on COVID-19 has consisted of
Peter D. Filev4 limited retrospective studies that do not substantiate the use of CT as a diagnostic test
Michael D. Hope5,6 for ­COVID-19.
Jean Jeudy 7
Seth J. Kligerman 8 ith increasing numbers of pa- The implications for the widespread de-
Travis S. Henry 5
Raptis CA, Hammer MM, Short RG, et al. W tients presenting with possible
coronavirus disease (­COVID-19),
an efficient approach to triage is
ployment of CT in the evaluation and triage
of patients with suspected COVID-19 pneu-
monia are less clear. The Centers for Disease
Keywords: coronavirus, COVID-19, CT, infection, needed to conserve resources and mitigate the Control and Prevention, the American Col-
sensitivity, specificity spread of disease. The role of CT as an adjunct lege of Radiology, and the Society of Tho- to or replacement for reverse transcription– racic Radiology and American Society of
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in the Emergency Radiology have all issued posi-
Received March 25, 2020; accepted without revision
screening or diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumo- tion statements recommending against the
March 26, 2020.
nia has been the subject of much debate. The use of CT for the screening and diagnosis
potential value of CT is that it is widely avail- of C­ OVID-19 pneumonia, reserving CT for
Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington
University School of Medicine in Saint Louis, 510 S
able and fast. RT-PCR, on the other hand, still cases in which there is clinical suspicion of
Kingshighway Blvd, Saint Louis, MO 63110. Address
correspondence to C. A. Raptis ( is not readily available because of a lack of a complication of the disease or another di-
testing kits and reagents, and its turnaround agnosis [15, 16]. These recommendations,
Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women’s
times are variable, ranging from hours to days. however, are at odds with recently published
Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
The radiology literature has reported the char- studies reporting that CT has high sensitivity
acteristic CT findings of COVID-19 pneumo- and specificity in the evaluation of suspected
Department of Radiology, Zucker School of Medicine at
Hofstra/Northwell, Manhasset, NY.
nia, which most commonly include bilateral, COVID-19 pneumonia [6, 11, 12].
Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, peripheral, often-rounded ground-glass opaci- The purpose of this article is to critical-
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA. ties that are predominantly located in the lower ly review some of the most frequently cit-
Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, lobes and that may be accompanied by consol- ed studies discussing the use of CT for
University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. idation [1–12]. These reported findings of ­COVID-19 and determine whether the cur-
Department of Radiology, San Francisco Veterans
­COVID-19 pneumonia are not unique or sur- rent data justify a potential role for CT in the
Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco, CA. prising; instead, they represent common but screening, diagnosis, or combined screening
nonspecific imaging manifestations of acute and diagnosis of COVID-19 and whether CT
Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear
Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
lung injury with subsequent organization and can function as a replacement for RT-PCR in
Baltimore, MD. are associated with numerous infectious and areas where there is an outbreak of COVID-19
noninfectious inflammatory conditions [13, pneumonia or when the availability of RT-
Department of Radiology, University of California,
San Diego, San Diego, CA.
14]. In a global pandemic, recognition of these PCR testing is limited.
CT findings is important in identifying pa-
AJR 2020; 215:839–842
tients with possible COVID-19 pneumonia Sensitivity of CT in Detecting
who require further clinical evaluation, partic- Coronavirus Disease Pneumonia
ISSN-L 0361–803X/20/2154– 839
ularly when the findings are incidental and In a clinical scenario involving a commu-
© American Roentgen Ray Society identified on CT scans for other indications. nicable disease, the sensitivity of a diagnos-

AJR:215, October 2020 839

Raptis et al.

tic test is important because misdiagnosis of studies and others, which report varying per- fined threshold for determining positive ex-
even a single patient (i.e., obtaining a false- centages of normal CT findings among pa- aminations. The imaging examples provid-
negative finding) can result in large out- tients with positive RT-PCR results [3, 4, 8, ed by the authors showed focal ground-glass
breaks among future contacts. To our knowl- 10, 12], we consider the 2% rate of negative opacities that could be seen in many other
edge, the first study to report the sensitivity CT findings in the study by Fang and col- diseases. Again, when such cases are consid-
of CT in detecting COVID-19 pneumonia leagues to be an outlier, suggesting that pa- ered to have positive CT findings, specific-
was a study by Fang et al. [6] that includ- tient selection in that study was biased. ity is compromised and sensitivity is overes-
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ed 51 patients who were ultimately proven It should also be noted that a cohort with timated. The only major difference between
to have positive RT-PCR tests and had CT more severe symptoms would be different the two studies was that the study by Ai and
scans obtained at various time points dur- from a cohort without symptoms (i.e., the co- colleagues included a larger patient popu-
ing the course of their disease. Fang and col- hort typically used for a screening examina- lation, which would erroneously suggest to
leagues retrospectively determined that 50 of tion), or a cohort with risk factors or gener- the reader that the cohort and study design
the 51 patients (98%) had abnormal findings alized symptoms worrisome for COVID-19. were better equipped to evaluate sensitivity,
on baseline CT scans, whereas only 36 of the This is based on a broad description of the af- when in fact the cohort and design used for
51 patients (71%) had positive initial RT-PCR fected Chinese population in a study reporting this purpose were as limited as those used by
tests. The authors concluded that the “re- that most patients with COVID-19 (81%) had Fang and colleagues. Both studies repeated
sults support the use of chest CT for screen- mild symptoms [17]. Ultimately, understand- the same errors and came to the same over-
ing for COVID-19 for patients with clinical ing the potential effects of selection bias is im- reaching conclusions.
and epidemiologic features compatible with portant in determining sensitivity, because if Both Fang et al. [6] and Ai et al. [3] also
­COVID-19 infection particularly when RT- a study cohort contains patients who are more attempted to compare the sensitivity of CT
PCR testing is negative” [6]. likely to have a true-positive finding and less to the sensitivity of RT-PCR in their cohorts.
However, Fang and colleagues [6] did not likely to have a false-negative finding, sensi- Fang and colleagues reported a time-to-pos-
fully discuss the limitations of their retro- tivity will be overestimated. itivity comparison and showed that of their
spective study, and the conclusion that they A second shortcoming of the study by 51 patients, 36 had initial positive RT-PCR
reached is unsubstantiated. One limitation of Fang et al. [6] was the lack of details regard- findings, whereas 50 had initial positive CT
their study was selection bias. Patients in the ing the definition of positive CT findings. The findings; all 51 patients were reported to have
cohort were selected to undergo CT on the authors stated that 72% of patients had what positive RT-PCR test findings later in the
basis of unknown clinical factors that may were considered typical CT findings, where- course of the disease [6]. Ai and colleagues
have distinguished them from similar pa- as 28% had atypical findings. In reporting also conducted a time-to-positivity compari-
tients who did not undergo CT. For instance, these atypical findings, the authors present- son and reported data on patients whose find-
were the CT scans performed for patients in ed CT images (see Figs. 3A–3D in [6]) that ings evolved from negative to positive RT-
the imaging cohort because they had more showed focal ground-glass opacities as small PCR test results: of 15 patients, 10 (67%) had
severe symptoms? Did all patients with a sus- as 5 mm [6]. These findings suggested that positive findings on baseline CT scans [11].
pected diagnosis of COVID-19 undergo CT the threshold for a positive CT finding may These comparisons are difficult to interpret
or did only those with more severe symptoms have been abnormally low compared with because of selection bias in the cohort and
do so? What about patients without symp- the threshold used in standard practice; if so, because CT was used as a binary test with
toms? Given that the patients in the study re- this would have resulted in overestimation of an undefined and abnormally low threshold
ceived care at a hospital, it is possible and the sensitivity of CT. In addition, the authors for positivity; both of these factors resulted
likely true that they had more severe symp- offered no evidence to suggest that the atypi- in overestimation of the sensitivity of CT in
toms. Unfortunately, the authors provide nei- cal findings were even related to COVID-19. detecting COVID-19.
ther information regarding how the patients In varying from standard practice by consid-
were selected to undergo CT nor data regard- ering CT a binary test and using an abnor- Specificity of CT in Detecting
ing patients who did not undergo CT. mally low and nonclinical threshold, the au- Coronavirus Disease Pneumonia
The possibility that the cohort in the study thors overestimated the sensitivity of CT at We expect the reference standard test for
by Fang et al. [6] is biased toward individuals the expense of specificity. any infection to be a laboratory test. The rea-
with more severe disease is also suggested A study by Ai et al. [11], which present- son for this is straightforward: the specific-
by a review of other studies in the literature. ed a larger cohort of 1014 patients and re- ity and positive predictive value of a test are
One such study, conducted by Inui et al. [8], ported a 97% sensitivity of CT in diagnosing based on its ability to limit false-positive
reported that among patients on the Diamond ­COVID-19, had limitations similar to those findings. Laboratory tests (in this case, RT-
Princess cruise ship who had COVID-19, CT in the study by Fang et al. [6]. The patient PCR, which is a molecular assay) are able to
findings were observed for 79% versus 54% population in the study by Ai and colleagues test a feature of the disease that is not pres-
of patients with and without symptoms, re- was not clearly defined, but we inferred that ent in patients without the disease or in those
spectively [8]. In addition, Bernheim et al. the cohort included hospitalized patients who have other diseases. Although false-pos-
[3] reported that normal CT findings were who, compared with outpatients, are more itive RT-PCR results are possible, they typi-
observed for 56%, 9%, and 4% of patients at likely to have abnormal CT findings [11]. As cally are caused by contamination and like-
0–2, 3–5, and 6–12 days after symptom on- in the study by Fang and colleagues, CT was ly are negligible in the setting of assays for
set, respectively. After consideration of these used as a binary test, and there was no de- ­COVID-19. This is in contrast to CT, which

840 AJR:215, October 2020

Review of the Literature on Chest CT and COVID-19

does not test for singular features unique to diagnosis was reached by gestalt, as was re- cific. However, according to the Bayes the-
the disease. Even the features that are report- flected by the very low performance of one orem, positive CT results are unlikely to be
ed to be most characteristic of COVID-19 of the readers. clinically useful because the posttest prob-
pneumonia (i.e., peripheral, bilateral ground- Finally, the study did not describe any ability would not be significantly different
glass opacities that are predominantly found training CT readers may have received be- from the high pretest probability, given the
in the lower lobes) can be seen in a large fore reviewing the images. In real-world overall high prevalence of disease.
number of other conditions, including other practice, the differential diagnosis for a pa- Even in situations in which RT-PCR test
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infectious and noninfectious conditions (as tient presenting with fever and cough is quite results are negative, delayed, or not available,
discussed later in this article). broad, and other aforementioned causes are a no data of which we are aware support CT as
With these considerations in mind, we be- significant proportion of the diagnoses. Con- an adequate replacement test because its true
lieve that reports of CT having high specificity sequently, the specificity of chest CT for the sensitivity is unknown (and is unlikely to be
in diagnosing COVID-19 pneumonia should diagnosis of COVID-19 is almost certainly of value given the known existence of normal
be viewed with skepticism. One such report is much lower than that reported by Bai and CT findings in patients with the disease) and
a retrospective study by Bai et al. [12], who fo- colleagues [12], and the lack of any training because CT findings lack specificity. In other
cused on evaluating CT reader performance in information or specific diagnostic criteria in words, no high-quality data of which we are
distinguishing 219 cases of COVID-19 pneu- their study limits the application of CT in aware support the wide deployment of CT to
monia at Chinese hospitals (37 cases were ex- ­real-world clinical practice. meaningfully improve the management of pa-
cluded because of normal CT findings) from tients with suspected ­COVID-19 pneumonia.
205 cases of viral pneumonia in the United Implications for the Application of Finally, no diagnostic test is without risks,
States that had positive findings on respiratory CT in Clinical Practice and the hazards of wide deployment of CT
viral panel tests. Bai and colleagues concluded We have addressed the limitations of some must be acknowledged. These risks include
that “radiologists are capable of distinguishing of the most frequently cited studies in the radi- overuse of hospital resources, including the
COVID-19 from viral pneumonia on chest CT ology literature about the use of CT for evalu- use of protective gear that is already limited
with high specificity” [12]. The reported spec- ating patients suspected of having COVID-19 in availability but is required to safely perform
ificities (24%, 88%, and 94%) for CT readers pneumonia. In our opinion, the studies to date CT studies; clustering of affected and nonaf-
who reviewed all cases varied greatly. The provide no compelling data to support the use fected patients in imaging departments, there-
authors provided no explanation for the low of CT as a screening test for populations with by potentially increasing risks of disease trans-
specificity of the outlier radiologist, although symptoms or for those suspected of having mission and exposure among staff performing
that radiologist had a much higher sensitivity the disease. The sensitivity of CT varies wide- the examinations; patients for other indications
than the others and therefore was likely iden- ly, and none of the studies adequately evalu- because of increased use of CT scanners to
tifying most cases as COVID-19 regardless of ate the use of CT in a representative screening evaluate cases of suspected COVID-19.
imaging appearance. population [3, 4, 10, 12]. The studies report-
If we ignore this outlier, radiologists who ing high sensitivity values are fraught with se- Conclusion
have experience reading thoracic CT exami- lection bias, and they vary from clinical prac- To date, the studies reporting CT features
nations may be surprised at the high specifici- tice in that they consider CT a binary test of COVID-19 pneumonia have been retro-
ties (87% and 92%) achieved in the diagnosis with abnormally low thresholds for positive spective reviews and case series. They should
of any infectious pneumonia. A closer exami- results. These factors lead to an overestima- be considered low quality, providing a level 3
nation of the study design and patient cohorts tion of the sensitivity of CT in the diagnosis of body of evidence [18]. This is not to say these
in the study by Bai et al. [12] offers reasons ­COVID-19 pneumonia. As such, the negative studies are not valuable. Reports of the vari-
for these results. First, the control group in- CT results cannot be reliably believed. As pre- ous CT features of COVID-19 pneumonia are
cluded only patients with viral pneumonias. viously stated, the consensus of many national an important first step in helping radiologists
No patients had noninfectious diseases with and international organizations, including the identify patients who may have ­COVID-19
findings that might have overlapped with CT Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pneumonia in the appropriate clinical en-
findings of COVID-19 pneumonia, such as the American College of Radiology, and the vironment. However, test performance and
pulmonary edema, organizing pneumonia, Society of Thoracic Radiology and American management issues arise when inappropriate
or lung injury of any other cause (e.g., drug Society of Emergency Radiology, has also af- and potentially overreaching conclusions re-
toxicity, radiation treatment, or a cryptogen- firmed this conclusion. garding the diagnostic performance of CT for
ic cause), pulmonary infarcts, alveolar hem- None of the literature reviewed in this COVID-19 pneumonia are based on low-qual-
orrhage, and interstitial lung diseases (e.g., article reliably reports a high specificity of ity studies with biased cohorts, confounding
nonspecific interstitial pneumonia or desqua- CT in differentiating COVID-19 pneumonia variables, and faulty design characteristics.
mative interstitial pneumonia). If the control from other diseases with similar CT findings, At present, CT should be reserved for
group included no patients with diseases oth- thereby limiting the use of CT as a confir- evaluation of complications of COVID-19
er than viral pneumonias that may have over- matory diagnostic test. In populations of pa- pneumonia or for assessment if alterna-
lapped with COVID-19 pneumonia, specific- tients with a high prevalence of COVID-19 tive diagnoses are suspected. As the medi-
ity would be overestimated. pneumonia (as in disease surges or out- cal community gains experience in treating
Second, no objective criteria were used breaks), the positive predictive value of CT patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, high-
to define a positive CT examination, and the will appear increased even if CT is not spe- quality data hopefully will emerge and will

AJR:215, October 2020 841

Raptis et al.

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