SY21 22 SLP - Gr8 W6 D3 Physics Worksheet

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‫ فيزياء‬:‫المادة‬ 2022/2021 ‫ العام الدراسي‬/ ‫السادس‬:‫الثامن األساسي األسبوع‬ :‫الصف‬

............. / ...../ ...... :‫التاريخ‬ ........................ :‫المدرسة‬ ................................... :‫االسم‬

 Dear grade 8 learners,

In this material we are going to start the first unit in Physics, chapter 4 about
Mechanical Actions as follows :
 To apply knowledge about mechanical actions

Day 1/Monday Day 2/ Tuesday Day 3/Wednesday

. Mechanical Actions
- Read the review of the
-Solve the exercises of
the worksheet

Day 4/ Thursday Day 5/Saturday

SLP/SY 2021/2022: Week 6 Physics

Revisionof a Force
 Definition of a force: A force is a mechanical action exerted by an object on
another object.
 Effects of force :
1- Producing the motion of a body
2- Modification the motion of a body
3- Deformation of an object
 A force is characterized by its:
1- point of application: Center of a body, point of contact.
2- line of action: vertical, horizontal, oblique.
3- direction: to the left, right, upward, downward, upward to the
Left , up to right , down to left , down to right .
4- magnitude: amount of the force expressed in newton (N) in S.I
 The magnitude of the force is measured by means of the spring balance
 Force is represented by a force vector using a suitable scale

Exercise 1 : Look at the adjacent figure then answer the following questions:
1- Give the line of action and the direction of the
force A.
2- Give the line of action and the direction of the
force B.
3- The length of the two forces A and B is 2cm.
Determine the magnitude of the two forces A and B if the scale used is 1cm→6N.
Exercise 2 : Represent the following forces:
1- Force F1 has the following characteristics:
- Point of application : M
- Line of action: vertical
- Direction: upward
- Magnitude: 10N (Use the scale: 1cm → 5N)
2- Force F2 has the following characteristics:
- Point of application: O
- Line of action: horizontal
- Direction: to the left
- Magnitude: 50N
(Use the scale: 1cm → 10N)
Exercise 3 :
During a school trip , the students play a game
using a ball canon trying to make the ball
passing through the basket by applying a force
on this ball.
1- Ball will not pass through the basket if
force applied was horizontally to the right
or vertically upward. Justify.
2- Which is the best line of action and direction of the force applied in order for
make the ball to pass through the basket?

Exercise 4 :
The hand applies a force on the wire as shown in
the figure

1- Give the name of the device used in the figure

to measure the magnitude of the applied force .
2- Find the magnitude of the force applied by the
3- Represent the force using the scale :
1cm  10 N
 In your daily life, you exert a lot of forces to perform actions.
Select five of these forces and for each force determine the point of
application, the line of action and the direction.
Estimate the relative magnitude of each force, arrange them from least
to greatest and represent them on a scale you choose.
- Perform the activity to be graded and added to the student
assessment case (SAC).
- Marks will be given on choice of forces and related characteristics as
well as the comparison and representation.

Self Assessment: Now its time to show to which extent you achieved your
goals: put (X) where you think suitable.

Never With a With few Without any

lot of mistakes mistake
I can give the effects of force

I can give the four charecteristics of a force

I can find the magnitude of force using spring
I can represent the force by a vector using
suitable scale
I can find the magnitude of a force
by vector by a given scale

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