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The society we live in often tends to direct our will We already live in a dystopia, but we are too busy
towards the spasmodic search for utopias. chasing utopias to realize it.
We fill our heads with movies, TV series, advertise- Dystopia as a narrative form has always fascinated me
ments, and television shows that put us in front of a lot. Imagining a catastrophic or depressing future
realities that seem true, but ultimately only provide a based on real trends, typical of today’s world, is one
vague impression of what life is in all its concreteness. of the most effective ways to satirize, to offer a harsh,
Yet often that vague impression is enough to induce us albeit subtle criticism of the systems that govern our
to compare real life with those distorted realities. We lives. And I don’t think there is a better language than
thus begin to invalidate ourselves and our surroundings visual art to tell about a dystopia. A language that can
without reason, deeming everything not up to certain be as raw and ruthless as needed and that is precisely
standards. We identify with that character from our why it can go deep and stir consciences.
favorite series and ask ourselves why we’re not as brave In “The Last Rose in the World” (page), for example,
and enterprising as him or why we don’t have an athlet- I imagined a future world where there are no more
ic physique like his or brilliant and ingenious ideas like plants and the last existing rose is kept alive by a sort
those with which he overcomes his difficulties. of heart-machine. It’s a warning, it wants to tell you
We follow celebrities and influencers, business and “the world can become like this if we don’t safeguard
success gurus, fitness masters, models with sculptur- the environment”. The same goes for “A wonderful day
al bodys, and we become more and more convinced for a walk in the park...”(page) which instead expresses
that those people have a perfect life, a perfect career, a in an ironic sense the fear of a future nuclear war.
perfect relationship, and that’s why they’re happy. So I haven’t limited myself to imagining scary fu-
if we’re not happy it’s because we don’t live in those tures, sometimes it was enough for me to represent
utopias and therefore we must do everything to reach what was happening in the news, as in “I Can’t
them. And society also teaches us that those utopias Breathe”(page) which tells the murder of George Floyd
are achievable by everyone, which makes us feel even by a Minneapolis police officer and the consequent
28 more guilty when we fail. 29
riots it sparked in 2020. Or “Heroes”(page) which tells
We are all unconsciously conditioned by these subtle the global health crisis of COVID-19.
beliefs, even those who do not want to admit it. But Some artworks like “Money” (page) or “Animals”(page),
the most incredible paradox about society is that while inspired by the music of Pink Floyd, of which I am a
it celebrates and promotes utopias almost as if they big fan, instead paint human greed, corruption, and
were a cult, it itself tends to embody the diametrically the rot behind capitalism.
opposite value, that of dystopia.
When you read dystopian novels like “1984” by George
Orwell, “Brave New World” by Huxley, or “Fahrenheit 451”
by Bradbury, you realize that many characteristics of
those dystopian realities are already present in today’s
society, althogh in a less evident and extreme way.
We live in a society where most of the world capital
is invested in weapons and military equipment rather
than promoting scientific research, medicine, art, and
culture. As a species, we’ve got the potential to reach
the stars, to conquer them, and instead, we’re here
burning fossil fuels to enrich that 1% of the population
that holds 99% of the world’s wealth. Meanwhile, the
planet is frying, poverty is increasing, and it always
seems to be on the brink of a nuclear holocaust. Not to
mention that we have just come out of a pandemic.
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Lita derrum remporporro mincid ul-
luptisquam fugit ex excepro ex ex eo-
stota tiores arum ut eveliquia precto
blacernam volorep tatessim accum
quis deria duciis ventota que rem rest

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