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Topic 1: Make a conversation about the importance of learning English. You should say:
 Reasons for students to learn English
 Ways to learn English
 Places to learn English
 Things you like/ dislike about learning English

What is your reason for learning English? I think learning English is very important. Because it helps us communicate with
others, expand relationships, and can find jobs easily.

What is your method of learning English? I try to learn English every day. I often learn English in groups with friends, we
contribute ideas to develop lessons.

Where do you usually study English? I usually learn English at the library or at home.

What do you not like about learning English? I don’t like English grammar because it's really difficult for me.

Topic 2: Make a conversation to discuss your musical tastes. You should include:
 Your favorite genre of music, singers, or musicians
 Your habit of listening to music
 Explaining the importance of music in your life
 Your opinions of teenagers’ musical tastes nowadays

What kind of music do you like? I’m fond of rock music because it's attractive and exciting
Which singer do you like? My favorite singer is Cabela Cabello.
Where do you usually listen to music? I often listen to music at home. Sometimes I listen to music at coffee shops.
How important do you think music is to you? I think music is important to me, it helps me relax and improve my spirit.
What are your feelings about the music tastes of today's youth? I think youth today tend to like upbeat music or moody music.

Topic 3: Make a conversation about your family. You should say:

 Your family’s information
 The activities your family enjoys doing together
 Your likes and dislikes about your family
 Your opinions on the factors that make a family happy

How many people are there in your family? There are 5 people in my family. ………..
What activities does your family do together? My family often does housework together. My father cleans the house, my
grandfather cooks, my mother makes food, my younger brother cooks, and I
sweep the house.
What do you like and dislike about your family? I like my family to take care of each other while sick. And I don't like it
when there is no common voice leading to arguments
What factors do you think make your family happy? Everyone in the family must respect each other. Parents
must love and teach their children. Children must be polite
to adults. Families must share stories together every problem
they face.

Topic 4: Make a conversation about a healthy dish you would like to order. You should include:
 Some information about the dish
 The ingredients or categories of foods in it
 The reasons that make you want to order it
 Your tips for others to have a healthy eating habit

Which food do you think is good for your health? I think salad is good for my health.
What are the ingredients and what food does it belong to? It includes such as cabbage, tomatoes, olive oil…..and it belongs to
Why do you want to place an order? Because salad helps us have beautiful skin and improve our health very well
What advice do you have for others to have healthy eating habits? You should incorporate (in cót rây) fruits and vegetables into your meals.
Then exercise to burn (bơn) calories.

Topic 5: Make a conversation about the latest electronic device you like. You should say:
 The name of the electronic device
 Its brand and released date
 Its functions
 The reasons that make you like it

What is the name of your favorite electronic My favorite electronic device is the laptop
What is its brand? Its brand is Dell
When was it released? I remember correctly it was released in 1984
What is its function? It has many functions such as documents, online
learning, especially information technology.
What is the reason why you like it? Because it has a modern design that helps me
compose documents faster and chat with friends.
Topic 6: Make a conversation about your favorite sportsman/athlete. You should say:
 Some basic information about him/her
 His/her achievements
 The ways you got to know him/her
 The reasons that make you like him/her

What is the name of your favorite athlete? My favorite athlete is Anh Vien. She is a swimmer
How old is she and what country is she from? She is 27 years old and she comes from Vietnam
What achievements does she have? In 5 SEA Games, she has owned many medals along with setting 11 records.
Do you get to know her? I don't know her. I only see her on TV.
What is the reason you like her? I like her effort. She has inspired me a lot in swimming.
Topic 7: Make a conversation about your good and/or bad vacation experiences. You should say:
 The place you went to for the vacation
 Some activities you did during the vacation
 Your feelings about the vacation
 The reasons that make it a good/bad vacation

Where did you go your vacation? I went to Vung Tau

Did your vacation go well? Yes, I did. It was a vacation that left many
memories for me
What activities did you do on vacation? I went to the beach, ate seafood, took a lot of phto
of the sea, bought a lot of seafood, especially
octopuses, and some sea present for our relatives.
How did you feel about the vacation? I felt relaxed and enjoyable.
What reasons do you think make the vacation There is no traffic jam, the weather is very nice

Topic 8: Make a conversation about your clothing style. You should say:
 Your favorite pieces of clothes and accessories
 The occasions you wear them
 The reasons that make you like this style
 Whether you want to change your clothing style

What are your favorite clothes and accessories? My favorite clothes are T-shirts and jeans. and
accessories are watches and belts

What occasions do you wear them? I often wear it when going out, going to school, or
going to parties.
Why do you like this style? Because wearing it I feel comfortable and polite
Would you like to try any other styles? I always want to change my style to make me
more better.

Topic 9: Make a conversation about your plans for the next trip. You should say:
 Some information about the trip
 Activities to do during the trip
 Things to prepare for the trip
 Your expectations for the trip

Where do you want to go on your next trip? Next trip I will go to Nha Trang

What are the activities to do during the trip? I think the necessary activities are go swimming, eating seafood, walk around
the beach and buy

What are the things to prepare for the trip? You need to bring a smartphone, cash, medicine, and swimsuit.

What are your expectations for the trip? I hope that the trip will be a smooth and wonderful experience.

Topic 10: Make a conversation about your favorite store for shopping. You should say:
 Some information about the store
 The items you usually buy there
 The reasons that make it your favorite store
 Whether you recommend the store to others

What is your favorite shopping store? My favorite store is Min in Can Tho City.
What items do you usually buy there? I often buy household appliances and souvenirs
Why this is your favorite store? Because the store is luxuriously designed with many good products and
good service staff.
Would you recommend the store to others? Definitely, I will recommend the store to my friends and my family.

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