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B.Tech III Year I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, January 2024

Power Electronics
Time: 3hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.
Part A is compulsory which carries 20 marks. Answer all questions in Part A.
Part B consists of ten questions from 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each
question carries 10 marks and may have a, b as sub questions.
(20 Marks)
1 a Define latching and holding current. 2M
b Define peak inverse voltage. 2M
c What is meant by phase angle control technique? 2M
d Define Displacement factor. 2M
e A dc chopper input voltage of 100V and duty cycle is 0.5 then what is the output 2M
voltage of boost regulator.
f Define duty cycle and mention its range. 2M
g Write the equation of output voltage of half bridge inverter and full bridge inverter. 2M
h What is meant by modulation index in pulse width modulation? 2M
i What are the advantages of ac voltage controllers? 2M
j What are the applications of cyclo-converter? 2M
(50 Marks)
2 Explain the constructional details and operation of SCR with the help of schematic 10M
diagram and circuit symbol. Also draw it V-I Characteristices.
3 Explain he constructional details of IGBT and characteristics? 10M
4 Describe the working of single phase fully controlled bridge converter with RL load 10M
and sketch all the responses and derive avg. voltage expression.
5 Explain the principle of operation for an ideal dual converter with neat waveform. 5M
A single phase bridge rectifier which is connected to 230V, 50 Hz voltage source and 5M
supplying to a 10Ω resistive load. Calculate the average and RMS value of output
voltage for the firing angle 300.
6 Explain in detail working principle of boost chopper with neat diagrams and relevant 10M
equations. Also derive the average value of output voltage.
7 A step up chopper has input voltage of 120V and output voltage of 360V. If the 5M
conducting time of the thyristor chopper is 100 μs, Compute the pulse width of output

For a dc-dc buck-boost converter with a dc input voltage of 50V and output voltage of 5M
100V, calculate (i) duty cycle (ii) value of inductor if inductor ripple current ΔI
=10mA. Given the switching frequency is 10kHz.

8 Explain the operation of three phase full bridge inverter in 180-degree conduction 10M
mode with waveforms.
9 Explain the performance parameters in the inverter operation. 5M
Explain sinusoidal PWM technique. 5M
10 Draw and explain the operation of single-phase mid-point cyclo converter with R load 10M
for f0=4*fs and draw the relevant waveforms.
11 A single-phase voltage converter is employed for controlling the power flow from 10M
230V,50Hz source into a load circuit consisting of R=3Ohm and ωL=4ohm
a) the control range of firing angle,
b) the maximum value of rms load current,
c)Maximum power and power factor.

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