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Molly Cannon Cannon,1

Dr. Carole Thomas

HNR 211


The mission statement of Sisters in Shelter is, “The mission of Sisters in Shelter is to support

survivors and illuminate the atrocities of human trafficking through community education and

advocacy.”. The vision statement is, “continued education of the general public and

empowerment of survivors of human trafficking to become contributing members of society. I

have seen how Sisters in Shelter is using these statements to inspire their everyday work. When I

first expressed interest in volunteering there, I was required to come to a presentation about

human trafficking and how it happens. This is exhibiting the community education part of their

mission statement. I knew about Sisters in Shelter from the Around the Town event as well

which is also showing community education. I have also seen the support they offer the women.

In the safe house, there are free toiletries and other necessary items. They also have binders that

educate on necessary skills like how to format a resume. These are a part of supporting the

survivors and helping them to become contributing members of society again.


The article talks about the purpose of mission and vision statements. It mentions how it not only

can inspire the employees of the company, but also the community around them. I think that this

is similar to Sisters in Shelter. By publishing their mission statement on their website, they know

what the purpose of the organization is. This could make people more willing to volunteer,

donate, or become more educated on the topic of sexual violence.


I will apply this to everyday life by continuing to look at different companies mission and vision

statements. I think these are important to look at when making purchases from companies too. I

would rather buy from a small business with an inspiring mission and vision statement, than a

major corporation like Amazon. This is also important when picking a company to work for. If

you work for a company that has a good mission and vision statement, you will feel more

fulfilled in the work you do because you know you are helping the company fulfill its mission

and vision.

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