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asimulation: Domain formation and impact on observables in

resolved cosmological simulations of the (a)symmetron

Øyvind Christiansen1,⋆ , Farbod Hassani1 , and David F. Mota1

Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Sem Sælands vei 13, 0371 Oslo, Norway

January 5, 2024

arXiv:2401.02410v1 [astro-ph.CO] 4 Jan 2024

The symmetron is a dark energy and dark matter candidate that forms topological defects in the late-time universe and holds promise
to resolve some of the cosmological tensions. We perform high resolution simulations of the dynamical and non-linear (a)symmetron
using the recently developed relativistic N-body code asevolution. By extensively testing the temporal and spatial convergence of do-
main decompositioning and domain wall stability, we find criteria and physical intuition for the convergence. We apply the resolution
criteria to run five high resolution, 12803 grids and 500 Mpc/h boxsize, simulations of the (a)symmetron and consider the behaviour
of the scalar field and the domain walls in each scenario. We find the effect on the matter power spectra, the halo mass function and
observables computed over the past lightcone of an observer such as the integrated Sachs-Wolfe and non-linear Rees-Sciama effect
(ISW-RS) and the lensing, compared to ΛCDM. We show local oscillations of the fifth force strength and the formation of planar
structures in the density field. The dynamics of the field is visualised in animations with high resolution in time. The simulation code
is made publicly available.
Key words. cosmology – dark energy – symmetron – structure formation

1. Introduction
The asevolution code (Christiansen et al. 2023) extends on the relativistic N-body Particle-Mesh (PM) code gevolution (Adamek
et al. 2016; Daverio et al. 2016) by adding the (a)symmetron (Perivolaropoulos & Skara 2022b; Hinterbichler & Khoury 2010),
which is a dynamical dark energy component. The theory is constructed so that the scalar field remains dormant during the early
universe, and undergoes a late-time phase transition that partitions the universe into domains of either the positive or negative
field value minima. As the field takes on non-zero values, it starts mediating a fifth force that enhances the clustering of matter.
The phenomenology of the (a)symmetron has been thought about in relation to cosmological tensions such as the Hubble tension
(Perivolaropoulos & Skara 2022b,a; Högås & Mörtsell 2023), cosmic dipole tension (Perivolaropoulos 2023), and is plausibly
connected to many more (Peebles 2022, 2023; Naik & Burrage 2022; NANOGrav 2023). The model has also been thought about as
a candidate for dark matter (Burrage et al. 2017, 2019); because of the environmental dependence of the mass of the field, the dark
matter mass would correlate with the halo/galaxy masses, which has recently been shown to alleviate the core-radius scaling tension
(van Dissel et al. 2023). In the companion paper (Christiansen et al. 2024), we simulate the production of stochastic gravitational
waves by the (a)symmetron scalar field and indicate a region of the parameter space that may account for the observed spectral
index of the stochastic gravitational wave signal as observed by the NANOGrav collaboration (NANOGrav 2023). The symmetron
screening mechanism, similarly to chameleon or Vainshtein screening, makes the fifth force inactive in local environments where
the model would otherwise be subject to strict constraints from solar system experiments (Bertotti et al. 2003; Esposito-Farese
2004; Tsujikawa et al. 2008). Requiring the local solar system or galaxy to be screened imposes some constraints on the allowed
parameter space (Hinterbichler & Khoury 2010) that have recently been suggested, which have been overestimated in the past due
to the non-trivial interaction of the field with the environment (Burrage et al. 2023). We make asevolution publicly available to
download from the URL:
While we previously have found convergence in results such as the background evolution and power spectra in Christiansen
et al. (2023), we did not explore thoroughly the convergence and resolution criteria for the domain wall network. Indeed, for the
parameter choice and simulation settings investigated, we saw good agreement in the power spectrum between the dynamic and
quasi-static solvers, indicating that time-convergence of dynamics must be established using other quantities. Furthermore, the sizes
of the simulations that formed stable domain walls were large, so that a systematic exploration of the convergence of the dynamic and
non-linear part of the model would have been too expensive. Here, we set out to more rigorously establish the physical validity and
convergence of the solutions found by our code. We do this in section 3 by considering temporal and spatial resolution separately,
and constructing ideal situations that we take as representative of subsystems of the cosmological setup. We then move on to low
resolution cosmological simulations to find results on the convergence agreeing with those of the ideal setups. Finally, in section 4,

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we extrapolate our results to a suite of five high resolution cosmological simulations. We visualise the behaviour of the scalar field
in animations that may be viewed at the URL:

1.1. Conventions
We set the speed of light c equal to 1 and use the metric signature (−++ +). The conformal factor A has an implicit dependence on the
scalar field ϕ. All symbols with ∼ over are defined in the Jordan frame, such as the trace of matter stress energy tensor in the Jordan
frame T̃ m ; in the Einstein frame it is written T m . By dot ẋ, we mean that the derivative is done with respect to cosmic time; primed
quantities (x′ ) have their derivatives taken with respect to conformal time. We refer to the Compton wavelength corresponding to
the mass µ as LC , while the ‘general Compton wavelength’ valid for all T m and spatial wavenumbers k is referred to as L. We will
refer to a∗ as the scale factor at spontaneous symmetry breaking in a homogeneous universe, and aSSB as the scale factor of actual
symmetry breaking. Finally, we refer to the ‘true vacuum’ as the deepest minimum of the (a)symmetron potential when T m = 0,
while we just write ‘vacuum’ for the minimum otherwise, or ‘false vacuum’.


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Theory 2

3 Convergence 3
3.1 Relevant scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2 Courant condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3 Spatial resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.4 Convergence in cosmological setups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 High resolution simulations 8

4.1 Description of data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.2 Power spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.3 Halo mass functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.4 Oscillating fifth force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.5 Planar structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.6 Light propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5 Discussions and Conclusion 15

5.1 Observations made from simulation data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.2 Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

A Parameter space 25

B Initialisation 25

C Solvers 26

2. Theory
The asymmetron (Perivolaropoulos & Skara 2022b), is a generalisation of the symmetron (Hinterbichler & Khoury 2010), both of
which are defined with the action
Z " #
4 √ 1 2 1 µ
S = d x −g Mpl R − ∇µ ϕ∇ ϕ − V(ϕ) + S m ψi , g̃µν , (1)
2 2
where the integral is taken over spacetime, g is the determinant of the Einstein frame metric gµν , R is the Ricci scalar corresponding
to gµν , ∇ is the covariant derivative, V(ϕ) is the potential of the (a)symmetron scalar field ϕ and S m (ψi , g̃µν ) is the matter action. S m
is defined with the Jordan frame metric g̃µν , but is otherwise as we know from the standard model of cosmology, consisting of Cold
Dark Matter (CDM), the cosmological constant, radiation, neutrinos and baryons. The relation between the Jordan and Einstein
frame metrics is given by the conformal transformation
g̃µν = A2 (ϕ)gµν , (2)
in which the conformal factor A(ϕ) is defined
1  ϕ 2
A(ϕ) ≡ 1 + ≡ 1 + ∆A, (3)
2 M

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Christiansen et. al: asimulation, resolved simulations of the (a)symmetron

where M is the conformal coupling. Equation 2 may be viewed as the attenuated Taylor expansion of some more generic function
that is symmetric in ϕ as long as ∆A is small, which it is for the parameters that we will consider in this paper. We can define the
effective potential Veff that enter into the equations of motion of the (a)symmetron

1 1 1
Veff ≡ V − ln A(ϕ)T m = V0 − µ2 ϕ2 − κϕ3 + λϕ4 − ln A(ϕ)T m , (4)
2 3 4
that has the additional term ln A(ϕ)T m , that comes from the conformal transformation of the metric in the matter action, see for
example (Christiansen et al. 2023). V0 is a constant, µ is the mass, λ is the coupling constant and T m is the trace of the Einstein
frame Stress-Energy (SE) tensor. κ is the coupling constant in the cubic term, and we recover the symmetron for the choice κ = 0.
We can define a set of phenomenological parameters that map to the Lagrangian parameters as in Brax et al. (2012); Davis et al.
(2012), which was extended to the case of the asymmetron in Christiansen et al. (2023)

1 ξ∗
LC = √ ≡ ≈ ξ∗ · 2998 Mpc/h, (5)
2µ H0
M = ξ∗ 6Ωm,0 /a3∗ , (6)
Mpl 2 µ2
λ= , (7)
M 2 β̄2 − (∆β/2)2
λM 2 ∆β
κ= , (8)

where LC is the Compton wavelength corresponding to the mass µ of the √ field, H0 is the present time Hubble parameter, Ωm is the
present time background energy density parameter for matter, Mpl = 1/ 8πG N is the Planck mass and G N is Newton’s gravitational
constant. The Lagrangian parameters are then defined in terms of (ξ∗ , z∗ , β+ , β− ), where ξ∗ = LC H0 is the ratio of the Compton
wavelength to the present time Hubble horizon, z∗ is the cosmological redshift at symmetry breaking for a homogeneous universe
and β± are the force strengths relative to the Newtonian force in the positive and negative symmetry broken minima. We have also
defined ∆β = β+ − β− and β̄ = (β+ + β− )/2. The field equations can be found using the Euler-Lagrange equation, and can be put into
the form (Llinares & Mota 2013) when neglecting relativistic corrections
n o
q̇ = a∇2 χ − a3 µ2 χ3 − κ̄χ2 + (η − 1) χ , (9)
q = a χ̇,
χ = ϕ/v, (10)

v = µ/ λ is the true vacuum expectation value of the scalar field in the symmetron scenario. The extension of the equations of
motion to include relativistic corrections is provided in Christiansen et al. (2023), but is not considered for the purposes of the
present consideration.

3. Convergence
In this section we will review our results on the convergence of the field solver in finding the domain wall network. In Christiansen
et al. (2023), we made use of the leapfrog solver to evolve the scalar field. Initially during convergence testing, we found a high
degree of sensitivity of the domain wall network to initial conditions as well as to changes in both temporal and spatial resolutions.
Therefore, we found it appropriate to first investigate a small selection of solvers to see whether a different field solver might
perform better. This made us choose the explicit fourth order Runge-Kutta solver in the following. See appendix C for a review
of the different solvers and their convergence. A useful property of the explicit Runge-Kutta solver that we make use of here is
that it becomes unstable and diverges after accumulating a sufficient amount of error. Implicit schemes have larger stability regions
and can provide (sometimes unconditionally) stable and reasonable solutions even when the physical system is not being resolved
(Linge & Langtangen 2017). We will use stability of the explicit scheme as an indicator for whether the physical solution is being
resolved, which is motivated by our ideal system considerations in section 3.1. We will now first give a review of the relevant scales
of the model. Next, we will look at convergence of physical solutions during the time after symmetry breaking. We will use both
idealised situations and realistic cosmological cases, where we will also need to carefully consider the initial conditions. Unless
otherwise is specified, we will in all instances below use the symmetron parameters (LC , z∗ , β∗ ) = (1 Mpc/h, 2, 1) that was also
studied in Llinares & Mota (2014); Christiansen et al. (2023). In this section we will refer to the Courant factor as the factor defined

C f = vvel dτ/dx ≡ vC, (11)

where for the scalar field, C f,ϕ = Cϕ , we set v(ϕ)

vel = 1 and dτ → dτϕ ; τ is the conformal time coordinate. On the other hand, for
cold dark matter, C f,cdm , we use vvel = vcdm,max ∼ 0.02 and dτ → dτcdm . In other words, we will vary the time stepping of cold
dark matter and the scalar field separately, requiring dτϕ ≤ dτcdm . For convenience, we will show time convergence for the CDM
equations in terms of Ccdm = dτ/dx.
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3.1. Relevant scales
In order to reliably evolve the scalar field, the frequency scale of its oscillations should be smaller than the Nyquist wavenumber
of our solver. In Christiansen et al. (2023), we found the linear solution of the perturbed symmetron in Fourier space, which is a
damped oscillation with phase frequency ω so that
ω 2 = k 2 + a 2 m2 − H 2 ≡ , (12)
where the mass m is defined below, H = aH is the comoving Hubble parameter, k is the comoving wave number and we have
defined the general Compton scale L. For large scales kL ≪ 1, if we have subhorizon general Compton wavelength LH ≪ 1, the
relevant conformal time scale is
L= √ . (13)

The mass m above makes use of the definition m2 = ∂2ϕ V that gives
Before SSB, |T m | ≥ ρ∗ : m = µ − 1, − (14)
√ p
After SSB, |T m | < ρ∗ : m = 2µ 1 + T m /ρ∗ , (15)

where ρ∗ ≡ µ2 M 2 is the energy scale of symmetry breaking. On the background, when Ωϕ ≪ Ωm and ∆A ≪ 1, T m /ρ∗ ≃ − (a∗ /a)3 .
For the fiducial symmetron model choice (LC , z∗ , β∗ ) = (1 Mpc/h, 2, 1), we see the background evolution of the conformal Compton
scale shown in figure 1. We will demonstrate more clearly in the sections 3.3 and 3.4 that this scale is relating to whether we are

0.87 Mpc/h
102 0.53 Mpc/h
L, [Mpc/h]



10−2 10−1 100


Fig. 1. The general Compton wavelength of the symmetron field at the background as a function of scale factor. The parameter choice is
(LC , a∗ , β∗ ) = (1 Mpc/h, 0.33, 1) and the horizontal lines indicate the initial and final Compton scales

resolving the system. Taking this for granted for now, we see in figure 1 that the time scale of the oscillations initially is set very
small due to the large mass gained from the background energy density. It will therefore be very expensive to evolve the field reliably
from e.g. z ∼ 100 until symmetry breaking. The mass m goes to zero around the time of the symmetry breaking. From expression
(12), the Hubble horizon is then k2 − H 2 ∼ 2L1 2 → 0, which is often thought to set the scale of percolation along with causality, as
discussed in among others Llinares & Pogosian (2014).

3.2. Courant condition

The section 3.1 indicates the resolution scale we expect to need in order to resolve the symmetron on the background. When the
field is resolved, we still expect a condition on the Courant factor, which comes from the stability of the numerical scheme. We
will now try to find this condition. In the following, we construct an idealised system where the matter field is homogeneous and
evolves as ρm = ρm,0 /a3 . We initialise the scalar field with its expectation value for a homogeneous background v, and with a sign
difference ±v, on the different halves of the box, so that there is a centre domain wall. At first, we run the Gaussian relaxation
iterations presented in Llinares et al. (2014); Christiansen et al. (2023) to thermalise the field configuration and smooth the steep
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gradient at the centre. The higher tolerance we use for the relaxation, the closer the configuration of the field becomes to the analytic
profile. If it has exactly the analytic profile, the field is unexcited, and stays dormant. If the box is too small for the analytic field
profile to establish, the relaxation instead puts the field entirely at one minimum, decided by numerical error. Since we are interested
in considering a dynamic scenario, we set the relaxation tolerance to not relax the field entirely. In the right hand panel of figure 2
one can see the initial profile of the field. Overlayed is the analytic profile correspondent to a smaller Compton wavelength of 0.5
Mpc/h, although the field being used here has a Compton wavelength of LC = 1 Mpc/h. The field is then in an excited state where
the profile is ‘squeezed’ initially, and starts oscillating once evolved. In figure 3 we see the the evolution of fraction of lattice points

30 0.6 initial profile
25 analytic, LC = 0.5 Mpc/h
y, [Mpc/h]

15 0.0 0.0
0 1.0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
x, [Mpc/h] x, [Mpc/h]
Fig. 2. Initial setup for the bare wall spatial and temporal convergence experiments. Right hand side shows the overlayed analytic profile corre-
spondent to a Compton wavelength of 0.5 Mpc/h, although the model here is defined with a Compton wavelength of 1 Mpc/h.

in the positive minimum for different choices of temporal and spatial resolutions, in addition to different Compton and initial scales.
We take the convergence of this fraction to be a proxy for whether we are resolving the field configuration properly. For having
more control of the initial conditions as we compare over different spatial resolutions, we simply initialise the field in the analytical
profile correspondent to a smaller Compton wavelength of LIC = 0.5 Mpc/h. Because of using the explicit Runge-Kutta solver, the
solutions diverge at once they accumulate a sufficient amount of error, and gives us an indication of the critical Courant factor for
stability of the numerical scheme, which we identify here to be Cϕ,crit ∼ 1.4. This means that we require dτ ≤ 1.4 dx. As long as the
Compton wavelength is resolved, the critical Courant seems to be independent of dx, LIC , and LC .

3.3. Spatial resolution

The smallest spatial scale introduced by the symmetron is the interface between two different domains. The profile of the field along
an axis, x, orthogonal to the domain wall will look like what is shown in the right panel of figure 2. As is shown in among other
Llinares & Pogosian (2014), the analytic expression for a domain wall in a homogeneous matter distribution is given by
r  a 3  r  a 3 

 ax ∗ 
χ(x, a) = 1 − tanh   1−  , (16)
a 2LC a 

where LC is the Compton wavelength correspondent to the Lagrangian mass parameter µ as shown in equation (5). In figure 4, we
show the oscillation in fraction of lattice points in the positive minimum for different spatial resolutions, keeping the initial wall
and Courant scales LIC , LC = 0.5, 1 constant. In each case, we have Courant factor Cϕ = 1 < 1.4 fixed, according to the numerical
stability found in the previous subsection, 3.2. For the case where we are using a spatial resolution of dx = 2 Mpc/h which is larger
than the general Compton, we saw an aliasing of the correct oscillation. In figure 4 we instead used a Courant factor Cϕ = 0.5 for the
case when dx = 2 Mpc/h to see whether the spatial resolution is important by itself. In this case we see that some of the fluctuations
are captured, but the second and third beats are missed while the fourth
√ is slightly displaced. Our conclusion then is that the spatial
resolution itself has to be smaller than L which in turn is L ≥ LC / 2 in the symmetry broken phase. For smaller spatial resolutions
still, the gradients are increasingly well resolved, and we have a more smooth oscillation.

3.4. Convergence in cosmological setups

In the above section 3.2 we found the condition for numerical stability and in 3.1 and 3.3 we indicated the relevant scale to resolve
the physical system. Now we want to apply these criteria to a cosmological scenario. As we do, there are some complications to the
previous ideal situation: First, the full set of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) that we consider is extended by the dark matter
and metric perturbations, which are no longer treated at the background. In principle, this may effect the numerical stability. Next,
since the matter fields are not treated homogeneously, we √will have both regions of the field in the symmetry broken and unbroken
phases. In the unbroken symmetry, for large ρm , L ∼ M/ ρm may be smaller than LC , and may be of importance to resolve if we
want to converge on the exact field configuration of the scalar. In the following, we will make sure to resolve the Compton scale of
the symmetry broken phase, fixing dx = 0.8 Mpc/h and Cϕ ≲ 1.
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fraction +

0.2 C
0.1 1.43
0.1 1.41 2
dx, LIC, LC = 0.25, 0.5, 1 Mpc/h 1.42 dx, LIC, LC = 0.125, 0.5, 1 Mpc/h


fraction +


dx, LIC, LC = 0.25, 0.2, 1 Mpc/h dx, LIC, LC = 0.125, 0.35, 0.75 Mpc/h
1.48 1.45 1.42 1.48 1.45 1.42
z z
Fig. 3. The volume fraction of the field that is in the positive minimum as a function of redshift for the oscillating bare wall system, for variations
of the Courant factor Cϕ . The four plots vary in spatial resolution dx, initial wall scale LIC and Compton wavelength LC .


fraction +


dx, [Mpc/h]
0.2 2 0.5
1 0.25
1.50 1.48 1.46 1.44 1.42 1.40
Fig. 4. The volume fraction of the field in the positive minimum as a function of redshift for the oscillating bare wall system, for a selection of
spatial resolutions. The coarsest simulation has the Courant factor choice Cϕ = 0.5, and would otherwise not resolve the oscillations. The rest are
kept with Cϕ = 1.

Initialisation: We initialise the scalar field from a scale invariant power spectrum at z = 100 for demonstration: Evolving the
field at a too coarse time resolution of for example 0.7 Mpc/h, when the general Compton at the background at initialisation time is
0.53 Mpc/h, we see in general completely different realisations of the domain wall network when slightly varying the timestepping.
The evolution in the pre-symmetry broken phase is however not very interesting for our parameter choices, and the power spectrum
of the field remains close to scale-invariant right up until the symmetry breaking, see the appendix B. We demonstrate in figure 5
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z = 1.70 0.75




z = 1.80



1 Gpc/h
IC=early IC=late
Fig. 5. Comparison of snapshots of the scalar field χ at redshifts z = 1.9, 1.8 for both the case of a late initialisation at z = 2.5, and for the case
of an early initialisation at z = 100. The amplitude of the late time initial conditions is chosen to be similar to the evolved early time one. In the
bottom left snapshot, a black square indicates the relative size of a 500 Mpc/h 3 volume box.

that we get qualitatively similar domain decompositioning if we rather initialise the scale-invariant power spectrum at some short
duration before the symmetry breaking, where we have used a very coarse spatial resolution and the more stable leapfrog solver for
demonstration. Performing late initialisation amounts to a large optimisation of the computational cost.
Scalar Courant factor: Evolving the scalar field in a cosmological scenario, together with the cold dark matter and metric
perturbations, using the resolution criteria developed in the ideal case bare wall scenario, we find solutions that blow up and diverge.
This indicates that we are not resolving all relevant scales; in the current setup we are using a spatial resolution of dx = 0.8 Mpc/h
and Courant factor of the scalar Cϕ ∼ 1 < 1.4. We were expecting the stability to change, both because of new relevant scales
introduced by the density contrasts maintaining the Z2 symmetry in high density areas, and furthermore the change in the numerical
scheme from co-evolving cold dark matter, metric perturbations and the scalar field. Since we are varying dτϕ separately, we expect
the numerical scheme to be similar to in the ideal case if the other dynamical degrees of freedom are slowly evolving in comparison,
which we expect them to. The new minimum scale in the symmetric phase owing to the density contrasts is
LC a
max .
L ∼ p (17)
a ∗ δm

For the spatial resolution that we will consider in the high resolution simulations, dx ∼ 0.4 Mpc/h, δmax m ∼ 3000, meaning that
conservatively, Lmin ∼ 0.013 Mpc/h. In other words, we do not expect to resolve the false vacuum fluctuations of the field in
the highest density environments for computationally reasonable resolutions, and expect therefore some small degree of phase
randomisation. We find that we can still avoid divergence of the solutions by adjusting the Courant factor to Cϕ ∼ 0.15. In this event,
we are resolving the Compton scale in the symmetric phase for density contrasts δm ≲ 140 in the event of dx ∼ 0.4 Mpc/h, which
is satisfied by almost all of the simulation box volume. For the choice dx ∼ 0.8 Mpc/h instead, we see that it is sufficient to use
Cϕ ∼ 0.2. As in the ideal case, in subsection 3.2, we expect the non-divergence of the solutions to indicate that we are sufficiently
resolving the system.
CDM Courant factor: In the case of ΛCDM, the timescale of evolution for the cold dark matter is much larger than what
we are considering here for the symmetron. Usually in gevolution, for large simulations, one may use Courant factors so that
Ccdm = dt/dx ∼ 50. Since the cold dark matter particles are slow, for the kind of resolutions we are considering, dx ∼ 0.4 Mpc/h,
the maximal velocity is vmax
cdm ∼ 0.02, making C f,cdm ∼ 1 in this instance. However, due to the interaction between the symmetron

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1.0 Ccdm 205 Mpc/h subvolume
10 1
1.25 0.4

fraction +



1.9 1.4 0.9 1.9 1.4 0.9
z z
Fig. 6. Fraction of nodes in positive minimum for simulations run with initial conditions found from a ΛCDM simulation with Courant factor
Ccdm = 1. Boxsize is B = 410 Mpc/h, and to the right is shown the fraction of domains within a B = 205 Mpc/h subvolume. Here we are using
5123 grids. We choose Cϕ = 0.15.

and the dark matter, there is introduced dynamics of the cold dark matter
√ on the symmetron timescale. As an intuitive requirement
for resolving this dynamic, we suggest vmax
cdm dτcdm ≪ L(T = 0) ≤ LC / 2. The fifth force is screened when the symmetry is restored,
so that the cold dark matter timestepping only needs to resolve the symmetry broken Compton scale. For dx ∼ 0.4 Mpc/h, we then
use a Courant factor of Ccdm = 1 while for dx ∼ 0.8 Mpc/h, we choose Ccdm = 0.4. In both instances the maximal displacement of
a dark matter particle during one iteration is ∆xcdm
∼ 0.4 · vmax
cdm Mpc/h ∼ 0.01 Mpc/h ∼ 1 % of the scale of the domain walls. In
figure 6 we show convergence in the fraction of lattice points in the positive symmetry broken minimum as a function of redshift
for decreasing Courant factors and spatial resolution dx ∼ 0.8 Mpc/h. There is approximate convergence for Ccdm ∼ 1.

4. High resolution simulations

In the previous section, 3, we established resolution criteria, guided both by physical intuition, ideal system simulations and cos-
mological system convergence testing. In this section we apply them to a suite of five 500 Mpc/h, 12803 grid simulations in order
to make predictions on the non-linear and and dynamically dependent observables that are not accessible by use of non-converged,
semi-analytic or quasi-static approaches used in the past.

model LC [Mpc/h] z∗ β+ β−
I 1 2 1 1
II 1 0.1 1 1
III 1 0.1 8 8
IV 0.75 0.1 8 8
V 1 0.1 8.4 7.6

Table 1. The five different parameter choices labelled model I-V. LC is the Compton wavelength corresponding to the mass µ, z∗ is the redshift of
symmetry breaking in a homogeneous universe, and β+ , β− are the fifth force strengths in the positive and negative field value minima respectively.

In table 1 the (a)symmetron parameters are shown for each of the simulations I-V. The cosmological parameters are otherwise as
found by the Planck satellite (Planck 2020), choosing the Hubble parameter h = 0.674, the cosmological energy density parameters
at z = 0 are Ωb , Ωm , ΩΛ = 0.049, 0.264, 0.687. We are adjusting ΩΛ to satisfy the flatness criterion i Ωi = 1, although the
symmetron parameter choices considered have Ωϕ ≲ 10−5 , so that the adjustment is very small. We use the Cosmic Microwave
Background (CMB) temperature T cmb = 2.7255 K, the spectral amplitude and index A s , n s = 2.1 · 10−9 , 0.965 and the spectral
tilt k p = 0.05 Mpc−1 . For simplicity, we do not consider massive neutrinos and set the effective number of relativistic degrees of
freedom Neff = 3.046. We choose the number of CDM particles equal to the number of grids.

4.1. Description of data

In figure 7 we give an overview of the symmetry breaking process for the different parameter choices, illustrated by the fraction of
the simulation volume in the positive field value minimum and the average of the square of the field as a function of redshift. There
are some interesting features to comment on the background:
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fraction +
0.2 IV



2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00
Fig. 7. Top: Fraction of the simulation volume where the scalar field occupies the positive minimum for the five different models I-V. Bottom:
Average over the simulation volume of the square of the scalar field χ2 . Both quantities are plotted as a function of the redshift z.

1. The domain wall for the early symmetry breaking scenario, model I, is only quasi-stable and collapses at redshift z ∼ 0.5.
2. The asymmetron scenario, model V, is only quasi-stable and is undergoing a slow collapse from redshift z ∼ 0.25.
3. All three instances of symmetron ∆β = 0 late-time symmetry breaking z∗ = 0.1, models II-IV, seem to be stable.
4. While the timescale from the first voids’ symmetry breaking to the last void’s, i.e. the width of the transition, is rather small for
these parameter choices; we see it growing slightly larger for smaller LC .
5. The timescale for the minima to reach the true vacuum, indicated by ⟨χ2 ⟩ is comparatively large, so that the vacua are still
evolving throughout the simulation time.
6. The bump in ⟨χ2 ⟩ at the onset of the symmetry breaking for model I bears witness of an initially non-adiabatic evolution where
the field falls into the minimum. The phase transition seems to occur more smoothly in the late-time symmetry breaking, models
We give a discussion of the observational implications in section 5. In figures 8 and 9 we give an overview of the evolution of the
exact field configuration as viewed through snapshot slices through the simulation volume at 4 different redshifts.
1. In addition to the earlier symmetry breaking in the smaller Compton wavelength model, IV, we see a different domain parti-
tioning in this instance as a result of the field’s different phases at the time of symmetry breaking. We expect this both from the
different oscillation timescale of the field ∼ L and from the different symmetry breaking time.
2. We see no large effect from varying the coupling β, but at a closer inspection, it is clear that there are some small collapses in
the weaker coupling case, model II, indicating that there is less pinning of domain walls to filaments in this instance.
3. Some of the domain wall collapses are especially clear in figure 9, where we see large amplitude oscillations in the velocity
around the site of the collapse.
4. Otherwise, we notice that the velocity field correlates on the scale of the Compton wavelength ∼ L, being on smaller scales in
the instance of model IV.
Finally, in figures 10 and 11, we show the scalar configuration at an instance for models I√and IV respectively. Here we show the
same simulation slice in 4 different fields:
The scalar  field χ; the isotropic gradient |∇χ| / 3, normalised to the bare wall analytic
expectation at the centre, |∇χ|wall = 2L3aC 1 − ( aa∗ )3 , in the case of model I and to the Hubble horizon H in the case of model II-IV
where the analytic expectation is not available since a < a∗ ; the equation of state of the field, ωϕ in the rest frame of the simulation;
and finally, the energy density parameter of the field Ωϕ = ρϕ /ρc , where ρc = 3H 2 Mpl 2
is the critical density. We comment
9β2 ξ2 Ω2m 2 4
1. The energy scale of the domain walls is set by V ∼ λ4 v4 ∼ and we see that that the energy scale is ∼ 100 times
H0 vχ (a),
smaller in model IV than in model I, whereas the above equation predicts ∼ 5%. We have defined vχ = 1 + T m /ρ∗ . However
it is complicated because v should be evaluated locally in models II-IV.
2. The amplitude of the isotropic gradient is ∼ 1 for both normalisations, indicating that the analytic homogeneous background
solution correctly sets the scale in model I, whereas the Hubble scale is a good indication in model IV. The animations show the
gradients gradually growing larger with time in models II-V, while they are the largest for the domain formation and collapse in
model I.
Page 9 of 28
3. The equation of state parameter ωϕ correlates with both the domain walls and structure, where it is ωϕ ∼ 0. On the other hand,
in the underdense parts it goes towards ωϕ ∼ −1. This agrees with the observation that was made in Christiansen et al. (2023).
We will now go into some more detail on specific measurements/quantities, starting with the matter power spectra.

z = 0.7 II III IV V


z = 0.55 0.50



z = 0.4



z = 0.2


400 h−1Mpc −1.00

Fig. 8. Snapshots of the scalar field χ in models models II-V from left to right, shown for four different redshifts from top to bottom.

4.2. Power spectra

In figures 12 and 13 one can see the matter power spectrum enhancement relative to the ΛCDM of models I and II-V respectively.
Figure 12 also shows a comparison of the power spectra to those found by the linear prediction from CLASS (Lesgourgues 2011).
We see a generally good agreement, except for at the very largest and smallest scales, due to cosmic variance and the grid resolution
respectively. We expect the power spectra to be trustworthy to about kmax ∼ kNyq /7, where kNyq = π/dx is the Nyquist frequency.
On account of the power spectra, we make the following observations
1. Each of the spectra’s relative enhancement has a bump at a characteristic length scale; this scale seems to relate to the Compton
wavelength LC of the field, and it seems to move towards smaller scales when comparing model III and IV.
2. The matter power spectrum seems to not be particularly affected by the asymmetricity of the potential in model V when com-
paring it to model III.
3. Comparing model II and III that has relative force strengths βII = 1, βIII = 8 respectively, we find similar shapes in the enhance-
ment, but an overall amplitude difference corresponding to β̄II /β̄III , as expected from among other Brax et al. (2012).
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z = 0.7 II III IV V


z = 0.55


z = 0.4


z = 0.2 −40

400 h−1Mpc

Fig. 9. Snapshots of the velocity of the scalar field q = a3 χ̇ in models models II-V from left to right, shown for four different redshifts from top to
bottom. The field is normalised to the conformal Hubble parameter.

4. Finally, comparing models I and II, we see the effect of varying the critical density ρ∗ ∼ a−3∗ . In this instance,
 there seems to
be both an effect of shape and amplitude. The amplitude difference of the bumps is roughly equal to a∗ /a∗ and approaches
I II 5
a∗I /a∗II for large k. Additionally, the power spectrum is less suppressed for larger modes k in model I, indicating a smaller
degree of screening, as expected by having a larger critical energy ρ∗ ∝ a−3
∗ . We expect a different scaling for large a∗ , and this
needs to be investigated separately.

In other words, the results agree with our physical intuition regarding the effect of the parameter choices and results obtained in
previous approximate treatments of the symmetron in among others Brax et al. (2012); Llinares et al. (2014).

4.3. Halo mass functions

The Halo Mass Functions (HMFs) for models I and II-V are displayed in figures 14 and 15 respectively. They give an indication
of the abundances of dark matter halos at different mass ranges, and are thought to correspond to the galaxy abundances roughly
(Guo et al. 2010). We find the dark matter halos using the Rockstar phase-space halo finder (Behroozi et al. 2013), and compute the
Tinker10 (Tinker et al. 2008) ΛCDM expectation for the HMFs using Pylians (Villaescusa-Navarro 2018) and CLASS (Lesgourgues
2011). On behalf of the figures 14 and 15, we comment
Page 11 of 28
z = 0.9





χ ∇χ/ (∇χ)wall



−2 0

100 h−1Mpc
ωφ Ωφ

Fig. 10. Snapshots from top left to bottom right: The scalar field χ, the isotropic ∇χ ≡ |∇χ| / 3 normalised to the one expected for the centre of
the analytic bare wall, the equation of state parameter of the field ωϕ , and the energy density parameter Ωϕ = ρϕ /ρc . The snapshots are from model
I and are shown at redshift z = 0.9 at a critical moment right before the two blue domains join together.

1. The top panel of figure 14 shows the agreement with analytic estimates from Tinker et al. (2008) constructed out of CLASS
power spectra for the ΛCDM model. The agreement is better for later times z → 0 and larger masses. This is expected since
larger mass halos are resolved better at later times, and in addition, having larger halo numbers provides improved statistics. We
expect that the agreement would be better for all times for larger boxes and better mass resolutions.
2. The relative differences in the halo mass functions for model I are shown for 5 different redshifts in the lower panel of figure 14.
We see an overall enhancement of order ∼ 10%, going towards ∼ 100% at redshift z = 1. It is a surprising feature of the derived
halo mass functions that the enhancement appears larger at the intermediate redshift z = 1 than at z = 0. Comparing with the
relative matter power spectra in figure 12, we do not see this feature clearly; We do see a small suppression at large k-scales with
later time. One might speculate on whether both the suppression in the spectra and the HMFs can relate to the domain collapse
at redshift z ∼ 0.5 adding kinetic energy to dark matter particles and disturbing screening and bound structures; The shrinking
of enhancement already starts before the collapse so this might not be the best explanation. Another explanation may be that the
initial period of enhanced clustering leaves underdensities in the near neighbourhood of the filaments with respect to in ΛCDM;
this would throttle the structure growth in the continuing period. Such an observation can be made from the density fields in
figure 19, which we will present in section 4.5. The bump of enhancement in figure 14 may relate to the similar enhancement
scale viewed in the power spectra of figure 12
3. In figure 15, we view the relative enhancement of the halo mass functions compared to ΛCDM for models I-V, all at redshift
z = 0. We see see a similar overall amplitude to model I in figure 14 for models III-V, indicating that the enhancement might
scale with ∆A ∼ 12 ( Mv )2 , which is kept approximately constant between the two initialisation points. That is with the exception
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0.9 1.4
z = 0.4




−0.5 0.4

χ ∇χ/H

1 101

−1 0

100 h Mpc
ωφ Ωφ

Fig. 11. Snapshots from top left to bottom right: The scalar field χ, the isotropic gradient ∇χ ≡|∇χ| / 3 normalised to the conformal Hubble
parameter H, the equation of state parameter of the field ωϕ , and the energy density parameter Ωϕ = ρϕ /ρc . The snapshots are from model IV.

of model II, for which ∆A is much smaller, and the HMF is suppressed by a factor of ∼ β2 . This is similar to what was the case
with the power spectra in figure 13.
4. Similarly to what was the case with the matter power spectra, asymmetricity in the potential, for model V, seems to have
minimal effect on the halo mass function and reducing the Compton wavelength moved the enhancement towards smaller scales
and masses, reducing the level of enhancement of larger halos. The reduced enhancement of larger mass halos would correspond
to a more efficient screening mechanism.

4.4. Oscillating fifth force

In figures 16 from model III (LC = 1 Mpc/h , z∗ = 0.1, β+ = 8, β− = 8) panels labelled A-C show zoomed in snapshots corre-
sponding to regions marked A-C in the top left panel. At the centre location of each zoomed in panel, marked by a cross, circle
and triangle respectively, we sample the scalar field value throughout the simulation runtime. Part of the resultant time series of the
scalar field values is shown in figure 17. In figure 18 we show a similar time series of a randomly selected location in model I. We
provide the observations
1. All of the locations sampled in figure 17 show a smooth low-frequency evolution, while in figure 18, we see an extreme low-
frequency evolution with several switches in minimum and additional large amplitude, high frequency oscillation modes.
2. Although both sampling locations B and C in figure 16 seem to reside in screened regions at redshift z = 0.6, it appears
that neither remain screened. Although the magnitude of their background values are both increasing steadily, the oscillation
amplitudes are comparable and more or less constant in time
Page 13 of 28

2π 2 · Pδ (k), [(h/Mpc) ]

z = 3.0 symmetron
10−1 z = 1.0 ΛCDM
z = 0.0 CLASS

10−1 1.0

10−2 0.5

−2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10
k, [h/Mpc]

Fig. 12. Matter power spectra for model I as a function of wavenumber k indicated for different redshifts z. Top: Overlayed power spectra from
the symmetron asevolution simulation in solid line, and the correspondent ΛCDM simulation in dots. The CLASS power spectrum for the same
ΛCDM parameters is shown in dashed linestyle. Bottom: Relative difference with respect to ΛCDM of power spectra from redshift z = 3 to z = 0
indicated in graded colors from blue to yellow. The gap in the spectra in the lower panel is not a physical feature and is caused by a typo in the
settings file of the simulation, causing two spectra to be skipped.

3. Site C in figure 16 shows initial effective screening, showing variations in the field value of ≲ 1%.

4.5. Planar structures

In figure 19, we demonstrate the formation of planar structures on cosmological scales by plotting the difference in the overdensity
field between simulations of the (a)symmetron and ΛCDM models. For more clearly indicating the structures, we saturate the colour
scale and display it in a symmetric logarithmic plot. We comment on this figure that
1. The largest differences in overdensities are found in the cosmic filaments for each simulation, where we have enhanced clustering
and mostly saturated the colour scale.
2. We see a large degree of correspondence between the location of the planar structures and the domain walls of figures 10 and 8
for models I and II-V respectively.
3. In the bottom right panel, we show the density field of matter in the ΛCDM simulation ρm /ρ̄m = δm + 1 for comparison. One can
recognise several of the filaments making up the skeleton of the domain walls in the (a)symmetron simulation, that may indicate
that domain wall pinning is an important effect on the field configuration.
We discuss some more consequences of the planar overdensities in section 5 and comment on relevant observational signatures.

4.6. Light propagation

We expect light to be redshifted by the expansion of space. Additionally, we have secondary effects from the interaction of the light
with inhomogeneities that will perturb its redshift and direction. These secondary effects on light from a source field at z = 0.0835
are shown in figures 20 and 21. The source field is limited to a distance d(source) ≤ B/2 = 250 Mpc/h, where B is the boxsize of
the simulation, corresponding to the chosen source redshift. The lightcone construction is done natively within gevolution on the
fly, and the integration of the null geodesics from the source field is done by a shooting method that is presented in Adamek et al.
(2019). In the figure 20 we show the angular power spectrum of the secondary effects due to the (ISW-RS) effect, lensing potential,
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10−2 II III

10−4 0.6

10 −2 IV V



10−1 100 10−1 100

k, [h/Mpc] k, [h/Mpc]

Fig. 13. Relative difference of matter power spectra with respect to ΛCDM case, with redshift z = 1 to z = 0 indicated in graded colours from blue
to yellow. The spectra are plotted as a function of wave numbers k. Top left to bottom right subfigures show models II-V.

convergence (κ), Shapiro time delay and the gravitational redshift (or the ordinary Sachs-Wolfe effect (SW)). These effects, as well
as how to compute and observe them, are discussed in Hassani et al. (2020). Because of the small source distance r < 250 Mpc/h,
features of the angular power spectra correspond to physical scales, d, that are not very large, approximately
l ≃ π/∆ϕ ≃ rπ/d, (18)
for ∆ϕ ≪ 1 where l is the moment of the spherical harmonic corresponding to the azimuth. Considering at first the lightcone of
an observer at redshift z = 0, located at the edge of the simulation domain x = (0, 0, 0) Mpc/h, figure 20: In all of the late-time
symmetry breaking simulations, models II-V, we see a clear signature in the ISW signal, giving a ∼ 10 % relative enhancement with
respect to ΛCDM and peaking at a characteristic scale of l ∼ 20 − 40. The signal is suppressed in the event of model II where β∗ is
smaller, but has an identical shape. The rest of the secondary effects in the first lightcone shares a similar shape and peaks around
l ∼ 100, though the convergence field κ is slightly larger and peaks at larger scales l ∼ 40 − 100. We find the same qualitative
behaviour in the second lightcone, of an observer at redshift z = 0 at the centre of the box x0 = (250, 250, 250) Mpc/h, although the
convergence angular power spectrum is larger, peaking more sharply at l ∼ 40 − 50. The secondary effects on the light propagation
in model I, for which we only have produced the first lightcone, have a very different appearance, having much less peaked angular
spectra. Enhancements on the ISW-RS and convergence are still the largest and reach ∼ 20% at small angular scales l ∼ 200. We
put these observations into context from the literature and discuss some observational signatures in the discussions section 5.

5. Discussions and Conclusion

In this section we will provide discussions on some of the observations made on the simulation data in section 4, and their implica-
tions for the features of the models and signatures in observational surveys.

5.1. Observations made from simulation data

Regarding domain partitioning and domain wall stability, considering the simulations listed in table 1 and displayed in figure 7,
and the ones shown in appendix A in figures A.1 and A.2, we make the following observations:
1. Domain wall stability seems to be improved by decreasing LC and z∗ .
2. Domain wall stability and partitioning seems to be almost unaffected by varying β̄. However, for larger β̄’s, we expect the
secondary effect of enhanced clustering along the walls that in turn the domain walls pin to, which enhances stability.
3. Although we are unable to find stable domain walls for asymmetric potentials ∆β , 0, we are able to make them quasi-stable on
presumably arbitrarily large time-scales by sufficiently decreasing LC and z∗ .
Page 15 of 28
10 13
Tinker10 symmetron
10 15

10 17

10 19


10 1
relative difference

10 2

10 3

10 4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
1012 1013 1014
m200b, [Msun/h]
Fig. 14. Top: Model I halo mass functions as a function of halo mass m200b in units of solar masses Msun /h, shown for three different redshifts
z = 2, 1, 0. Halo mass functions in dashed linestyle, compared with the analytic Tinker10 model for ΛCDM using the CLASS spectra in solid line,
and the result of the ΛCDM simulation in dotted linestyle. Bottom: The relative differences of the HMFs compared to their ΛCDM counterparts.

4. Domain wall instability and effect on partitioning caused by having an asymmetric potential seems to depend only on the relative
level of asymmetry ∆β/β̄, and is unaffected if this is kept constant when changing the β’s.
5. By decreasing the Compton wavelength, we find less variability in the fraction of positive minimum, meaning that the domain
size has decreased so that we are resolving more of them, giving the fraction of positive minimum ∼ 0.5 as expected from the
initial Z2 symmetry.
These observations suggest that for this part of the parameter space, the pinning of domain walls to the filaments of large scale
structure is enhanced by having larger density contrasts in the filaments (later time symmetry breaking) and having interaction of
the field with smaller scale structures (smaller LC ). Intuitively, we would believe there to be a feedback process, where the enhanced
clustering in the domain walls by itself would increase their stability, by either increasing the filaments’ density contrasts or creating
wall structures where there were no filaments originally. We see no strong indications that this is the case, but perhaps this effect
becomes more important towards larger values of β. We do see some slight differences between model II and III in figures 8 and 9,
such as the collapse of the small centre-left positive-minimum island, indicating that this effect is not entirely absent.
We make another observation on the explored late SSB parameter space of the symmetron: In all instances of z∗ ≲ 0.7, we
find an increasingly large mismatch between the selected time of symmetry breaking at the background z∗ and the actual time zSSB ,
∆z = zSSB − z∗ the smaller we choose z∗ . This is very interesting, since it means that 0 ≲ zSSB ≲ 1 for a large part of the parameter
space (z∗ , LC ). If we can somehow link this part of the symmetron parameter space to the dark energy phenomenon of late-time
cosmological acceleration, we will have explained the coincidence problem, since z ≲ 1 marks the onset of large density contrasts.
We will explore this possibility more in a future work.

5.2. Signatures
In the previous section, 4, we listed several results that we will now discuss the significance of.
ISW-RS: The peaked ISW-RS signal of figures 20 and 21 is especially interesting in the context of the claimed detections
of anamolous ISW signals in large voids, see Kovács et al. (2017); Kovács (2018); Kovács et al. (2019); Vielzeuf et al. (2020).
Intuitively, due to the fifth force F5 ∼ −∂r ϕ2 , we expect voids to be repulsive, and we therefore expect an enhanced clustering
towards the filaments enclosing voids compared to ΛCDM. Looking at figure 19, we notice this happening: the filaments and
domain walls all have enhanced densities (red) , while regions immediately next to filaments or within voids have less densities
(light and dark blue). The effect on the evolution of the potentials from the different clustering imprints on the √ISW signal. The
important scale for this, for models II-V, using equation (18), is ∼ 18 Mpc/h, using the mean distance of Rlightcone / 3 ∼ 144 Mpc/h.
Since this scale seems not to depend significantly on ξ∗ , seeing no clear difference of this in model IV, we speculate that it may
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relative difference I IV
10−1 II V

1012 1013
m200b , [Msun /h]

Fig. 15. The relative difference between the halo mass functions of simulations I-V and ΛCDM, at redshift z = 0, plotted as a function of the halo
mass m200b , in units of solar masses Msun .

be set by the parameter a∗ instead, or equivalently ρ∗ . We imagine that it is related to the scale on which δu ρ̄m < ρ∗ , where δu is
the underdensity of voids. This should be checked quantitatively. The width of the peak of the ISW signal seems to depend on the
Compton wavelength instead, and possibly also a∗ though this needs to be checked in detail. In a future work, we will investigate
the parametric dependence of this signal, and look at the ISW signal of voids in particular.
Planar structures: The planar structures that we identified in figure 19 are interesting in the context of claimed observations
of similar features in the local universe, see e.g. Peebles (2023). It is especially interesting in claimed detections of structures on
larger scales than what should be possible to account for in the standard ΛCDM, such as the detected dipoles in large scale structure
Secrest et al. (2021, 2022); Panwar & Jain (2023) or other claimed structures such as the Hercules-Corona Borealis (HCB) Great
Wall (Horvath et al. 2015, 2020). The structures that appear in our simulations, figure 19, extend across the box of ∼ 500 Mpc/h,
and remain approximately flat on scales up to 100-250 Mpc/h in some cases. Their overdensity amplitude is adjustable by change
of β̄, and their scale seems surprisingly not too dependent on the parameter choices, within our explored parameter space. The
scale in the late-time simulations seems to come from the cosmic filaments and the scale at which they encapsulate domains. We
expect variations in this scale for more extreme variations in the parameter space, and leave this study to a future work. The planar
scales found in the simulations are comparable to the ones reported in Peebles (2022), where it is reported flat sheet-like structures
of thickness ∼ 5 Mpc and lengths of ∼ 150 Mpc. An interesting future work would look into more detail on the ability of the
(a)symmetron parameter space to account for such observations, over a larger parameter space, and using cold dark matter halos
instead of particles, the former of which would correlate more with the galaxy number counts statistics made use of in Peebles
(2023). Furthermore, it would be interesting to analyse the full three-dimensional data to learn more about the sheet structure
Fifth force oscillation: The observation of local fluctations in the scalar field, and thus also the fifth force, F5 ∼ ∂r (ϕ2 ), in
figures 17 and 18 may have distinct observational signatures. The effect of oscillating ultralight scalar fields has been considered
in the literature for coupling to the dynamics of pulsars (Unal et al. 2022) and to the oscillations of stars (Sakstein & Saltas 2023),
which would help to impose strict constraints on the allowed energy density parameter of it when considered as a dark matter
candidate. In addition to the effect of an oscillating gravitational potential owing to the energy density of the scalar field, we have
the oscillating fifth force in this instance, which might work towards imposing stricter constraints on the model parameter space.
However, screening must be taken into account, which was shown in figure 17 to dramatically suppress the oscillation and the
overall scalar field value for the duration of the screening activity. In the past there has been reported the possibility of disruption
of the screening mechanism from ‘cosmic tsunamis’ (Hagala et al. 2017), i.e. waves in the scalar field. A study of such disruption
events in the simulation output will be made in the future. Apart from pulsars and stars, periodic systems on different length scales
may help to constrain dark matter masses and fifth force couplings operating on those scales. In our simulations, the oscillation has
the timescale ∼ Mpc/h, in which case it may affect the dynamics of galaxy clusters. Likewise, we expect the oscillations in models
choosing LC ∼ kpc/h to be able to affect the dynamics of galaxies. For example, by changing the attractive potential of a cluster,
the virial radius will oscillate and keep the particles from having stable orbits; for one instance the force will increase, giving the
particles a larger centripetal acceleration and injecting kinetic energy; the next moment the force will decrease, and the particles
will become unbound and spread out. This has been observed in Dutta Chowdhury et al. (2021) for an oscillating potential, and we
expect the effect to be enhanced when including a fifth force. It would be an interesting project to consider whether such a dynamic
would be able to account for the velocity dispersion of stars in galaxies for ∼ kpc/h scale general Compton wavelength choices,
Page 17 of 28
z = 0.6 A
165 Mpc/h



195 Mpc/h 0.2


165 Mpc/h 165 Mpc/h




Fig. 16. Top: Snapshot of the scalar field of model III at redshift z = 0.6. Black squares labelled A-C indicate the zoomed snapshots displayed top
right to bottom right. The centre mark indicates the point where the field value was sampled from in figure 17.

while keeping interesting cosmological behaviour of the theory. For smaller Compton wavelengths, after taking a careful account
of screening, one might venture to consider the effects on systems of timescale ∼ AU, for making constraints from lunar ranging
experiments (Xue et al. 2020).
Clustering and Halo mass functions: Enhanced clustering owing to the fifth force is visualised in the matter power spectra,
figures 12 and 13, and the halo mass functions of figures 14 and 15 for models I and I-V respectively. Overall, the effect of the scalar
field is to enhance clustering, but not uniformly over the scales k; the relative spectra enhancements of figure 13 are clearly peaked
and then suppressed for larger and smaller scales. On the larger scales we expect the suppression to be owing to the horizon H −1 , and
on smaller scales due to screening δm (k)ρm > ρ∗ . The enhanced clustering presents an obstacle to the model, as the effect is likely
to worsen the σ8 tension reported in the literature (McCarthy et al. 2023), that would require a stronger mechanism to suppress
structure formation in the late-time universe than what is needed for ΛCDM. The σ8 tension is so far only ∼ 2 − 3σ in significance,
so it is however not clear whether it will persist as more data is included. Observations that are more consistent with enhanced
clustering are also indicated in the literature (Mazurenko et al. 2023). Speculatively, thinking about suppression of clustering, one
could imagine a mechanism on cosmological scales for a model where the (a)symmetron makes up dark matter and has a conformal
coupling so that it has ∼Mpc/h scale Compton wavelength scale in screened regions during the time between the last scattering
surface and now. In this instance, it would operate similarly to fuzzy dark matter (Niemeyer 2020) cosmologically. With growing
inhomogeneities in the the late time, one can account for larger mass dark matter particles and might simultaneously have Compton
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0.600 0.575 0.550 0.525 0.500 0.475 0.450 0.425 0.400

Fig. 17. Field value χ in model III sampled from a single lattice point as a function of redshift z for the sites labelled A-C, shown in figure 16. The
rows labelled dχ are the instantaneous field value χ subtracted the average of the field over the interval ±dτ/2 = ±0.016 Mpc/h.

wavelength of ∼kpc/h in galaxies today. Furthermore, the dark matter particles in unscreened regions will have correlation ranges
corresponding to the Compton wavelength choice, which can be chosen at cosmological scales ∼Mpc/h. In this instance, we see how
we can get both suppressions and enhancement, dependent on the environment. Such suggestions require a more careful analysis,
and will be explored in a future work. For the simulations considered here, the energy budget of the symmetron is chosen to be
almost negligible, and reliably simulating fuzzy symmetron dark matter would present an additional computational challenge that
would be an interesting endeavour to consider. The shrinking relative enhancement observed in the halo mass function of model I
presents another opportunity for not worsening the σ8 tensions as much; structure formation may continue into a period of weaker
clustering due to a depletion of matter in neighbouring environments.

5.3. Conclusion

We have presented the first cosmological simulations of the (a)symmetron for which spatial and temporal convergence in the field
configuration is demonstrated, and we have retrieved quantitative estimates of novel signatures such as secondary light propagation
effects, the formation of sheetlike structures imprinted on the dark matter distribution and local oscillations in the fifth force. We
have analysed the evolution of the power spectra and the halo mass function. In the latter, we have observed a feature of greater
enhancement at intermediate times, which will be interesting to determine the cause of in the future. The possibility to produce
simulations resolving fully the dynamic part of the symmetron parameter space opens several possible paths towards uncovering
new phenomenological features of the model and further constraining its parameter space. In the future, we wish to study in more
detail the ISW-RS signal, how it correlates with void structures, and in particular how the gravitational potential of large voids
evolve, taken in the context of the anomalous ISW signal found in the literature (Kovács et al. 2017); we wish to study in closer
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0.0 [Mpc/h]

sampled: 0.4
smoothed: 1.6
smoothed: 4.7








0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8


Fig. 18. Top panel: Field value χ sampled from a single lattice point as a function of redshift z in model I. χ is the instantaneous field value χ
averaged over the interval ±dτ/2, where dτ is either 1.6 or 4.7 Mpc/h as indicated in the legend. Bottom panel: The difference between the field
values and the field smoothed over 4.7 Mpc/h. Blue shows the difference for the field value sampled at a 0.4 Mpc/h rate, while orange shows the
difference for the field value averaged over ±1.6 Mpc/h.

detail the effect of oscillating potentials on the radial mass profiles of dark matter halos; and we would like to conduct a more
extensive study of the imprint of the domain walls on the dark matter density field, creating planar structures, taken in the context
of Peebles (2023). In the future, a larger project would be to simulate the (a)symmetron in the part of its parameter space where it is
accounting for dark matter, which is well motivated in the literature (Burrage et al. 2017, 2019) in addition to our findings presented
here and in the companion paper Christiansen et al. (2024). The (a)symmetron model is an interesting and phenomenologically
complex model that includes mechanisms to deal with many of the observational tensions of modern day cosmology, along with a
large array of new and unique predictions. With the improvement of computational resources and techniques, we expect to access
predictions in a larger part of its parameter space in the near future.

We would like to thank Julian Adamek and Jens Jasche for helpful discussions or comments. ØC would like to thank Constantinos
Skordis and the Central European Institute of Cosmology (CEICO) for hosting him during the final stages of the project. FH wishes
to thank Martin Kunz and Jean-Pierre Eckmann for their insightful discussions and hosting him during the project’s early stages.
We thank the Research Council of Norway for their support. The simulations were performed on resources provided by UNINETT
Sigma2 – the National Infrastructure for High Performance Computing and Data Storage in Norway. This work is supported by a
grant from the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) under project ID s1051.

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100 10−1
∆δm I II



100 100


0 0

200 h−1Mpc

−100 −100


V δm,ΛCDM + 1






Fig. 19. The differences in the overdensity fields of the symmetron models with respect to ΛCDM, ∆δm ≡ δsymmetron
m − δΛCDM
m . Top left to bottom
left are the models I-V. Bottom right is the matter density field ρm /ρ̄m = δm + 1 for ΛCDM, where ρ̄m is the background value of the density.

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10−1 I



10−23 simulation
10−27 10−3

∆Cl /Cl,ΛCDM


10−5 10−3

∆Cl /Cl,ΛCDM

10−2 10−2

SW Shapiro
κ Nyquist
10−3 10−3
100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103
l l

Fig. 20. Secondary light propagation effects in the full-sky lightcone of an observer at redshift z = 0 located at the origin position x0 = (0, 0, 0)
Mpc/h. The source field is located at redshift z = 0.0835. Top left: The angular power spectra of the ΛCDM simulation in thin lines. In the thick
dotted line, we plot the CLASS estimate, which is only available for the ISW, convergence and lensing potential. Top right to bottom right: Relative
angular power spectra with respect to ΛCDM of simulations of models I-V. The meaning of the labels in the legend is SW: the ordinary Sachs-
Wolfe effect; ISW-RS: The integrated Sachs-Wolfe and non-linear Rees-Sciama effect; κ: The convergence field; Shapiro: Shapiro time delay; ψ:
the lensing potential.

Page 23 of 28



10−5 10−3

∆Cl /Cl,ΛCDM


SW Shapiro
κ Nyquist
100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103
l l

Fig. 21. Secondary light propagation effects in the full-sky lightcone of an observer at redshift z = 0 located at the centre position x0 =
(250, 250, 250) Mpc/h. The source field is located at redshift z = 0.0835. Top left to bottom right: Relative angular power spectra with respect to
ΛCDM of simulations of models II-V. The meaning of the labels in the legend is SW: the ordinary Sachs-Wolfe effect; ISW-RS: The integrated
Sachs-Wolfe and non-linear Rees-Sciama effect; κ: The convergence field; Shapiro: Shapiro time delay; ψ: the lensing potential.

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Appendix A: Parameter space

In preparation of the more expensive simulations presented in section 4, we ran a large number of Ngrid = 5123 , 500 Mpc/h 3

volume simulations in order to identify an interesting region of the parameter space that permitted the existence of quasi-stable
domain walls throughout the simulations. As a simple quantity to quantify the stability and behaviour of the domain walls, we
compare the fraction of the simulation volume in the least occupied (labelled + here). The result is shown in figures A.1 and A.2. By
choosing a resolution so that we are barely resolving the Compton wavelength dx = 0.9 · LC , but keeping the size of the simulation
domain Lbox = 500 Mpc/h, we expect the results to be representative for the dynamics in the higher resolution simulations of section
4, according to section 3 and figure 4. Here we can make several of the observations listed in section 5.1 on the effect of variation
of the symmetron parameters on the domain wall stability.

LC [Mpc/h], +, , z*
1.0, 1, 1.1, 0.10 1.0, 2.85, 3.15, 0.10
0.6 1.0, 2, 4, 0.50 1.0, 7.6, 8.4, 0.10
1.0, 1, 1, 0.33 zini = 3
1.0, 3, 3, 0.33 zini = 3 and different seed
0.5 1.0, 2.85, 3.15, 0.33

fraction +




1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
Fig. A.1. The fraction of the simulation volume with the scalar field in the positive minimum as a function of redshift, for a range of (a)symmetron
parameters. The three last lines in pink all show the same parameter choice, but ealier initialisation point in the dotted linestyle, and different seed
number in the long dash linestyle.

Appendix B: Initialisation
As was demonstrated in subsection 3.1, resolving the Klein-Gordon equation in the pre-symmetry broken time at early redshifts √
z ∼ 100 would be computationally demanding; this is both because of the smaller Compton scale due to the large mass m ∼ −T ,
and the fact that we would have to evolve the symmetron for a larger duration. In the subsection 3.1, we argued that a late-time
initialisation was sufficient and would save computational expenses. We will substantiate on this argument here.
The initialisation that was used in Christiansen et al. (2023) and is continued to being here, is to initialise the scalar field as a draw
from a Gaussian scale-invariant power spectrum of some small amplitude set by the user Aamp ∼ 10−20 . The following evolution
of the field in the pre-symmetry broken regime will involve local oscillations of spatial correlation of the Compton scale L. The
energy scales made use of here for the symmetron is ∼ 10−6 · ρc,0 at most post symmetry breaking, and completely negligible before
∼ 10−40 · ρc,0 , so that there are no relevant gravitational effect that we are neglecting. The fifth force is ∝ ϕ∂r ϕ, and is therefore also
suppressed, since ϕ ∼ Aamp . The only information we are at risk of loosing on dismissing the early time field evolution is then the
phase information of the field and correlation structure that would establish throughout this time. In figure B.1, we demonstrate that
the initially scale-invariant power spectrum of the scalar field, remains very nearly scale-invariant up until the symmetry breaking
time, and the symmetry breaking process otherwise takes place identically. We see similar features for earlier time initialisations,
although there is an amplitude modulation, owing to the Hubble friction acting on the field. Since both the amplitude and initial
phase of the scalar field is chosen arbitrarily, the information of its evolution in the pre-symmetry broken time, as long as it leaves
its statistics qualitatively similar, is irrelevant. Small variations in the amplitude seems to affect the symmetry breaking process
minimally, and variations of the phase amounts to changing the seed number of the simulation.
If we are performing late-time initialisation of the scalar field, a relevant question is how late we can make the initialisation. At
this point, we discovered that there is some pre-symmetry breaking evolution which is of relevance to resolve; before the symmetry
breaking happens globally, the density contrast in the simulation will make |T | < ρ∗ locally. The spatial Laplacian in the wave
equation will keep the field from symmetry breaking in this region until the density has dropped below ρ∗ for a sufficiently large
Page 25 of 28

fraction + 0.4


0.2 LC[Mpc/h], +, , z*
1.2, 1, 1.05, 2.0 1.0, 1, 1, 1.0
1.0, 1, 1.05, 2.0 0.9, 1, 1.1, 0.7
0.1 0.3, 1, 1.05, 2.0 0.6, 1, 1.1, 1.0
1.0, 1, 1.05, 1.0 1.0, 1, 1, 2.0
1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0
H0( collapse )
Fig. A.2. The fraction of the simulation volume with the scalar field in the positive minimum as a function of conformal time before collapse
(normalised by the Hubble scale), for a range of (a)symmetron parameters. In the case of no collapse (densely dotted purple) it is instead plotted
against the conformal time until the end of the simulation z = 0.

10 39 0.950
1.4 0.925
10 40

1.3 0.900
10 41
10 42
Pk ( )

1.1 z
10 43 0.825
10 44
0.9 0.775
10 45
0.8 0.750
10 1 100 10 1 100
k, [h/Mpc] k, [h/Mpc]
Fig. B.1. Pre-symmetry breaking evolution of the scalar power spectrum for a simulation of 5123 grids and (500 Mpc/h)3 volume. The left panel
has an initialisation time at redshift zini = 1.5, while the right side panel has zini = 1.

scale that seems to relate to the Compton wavelength LC . However, during the time before this happens, we can see the domain
structure establishing, even though the field amplitude is still very small. See figure B.2. This evolution is relevant to resolve, and in
some instances when we did not resolve it, the domain walls were more unstable. Additionally, since the the field is expected to have
correlations on the Compton scale L which is increasing before symmetry breaking, see figure 1, we expect to have to initialise the
simulation so that the field thermalises on this scale before the symmetry breaking. We chose both initialisation times zin = 3, 1 in
section 4 by running 5123 grid (500 Mpc/h)3 volume simulations and making sure that we started the simulations before the domain
structure established, and that we are finding convergence with yet higher initialisation times. We expect the time before symmetry
breaking needed to depend on among others the density contrasts and leave the analytic prediction of this for the future.

Appendix C: Solvers
The solvers we chose were expensive in different ways – using a method such as fourth order Runge-Kutta requires us to keep
multiple auxiliary fields so as to not overwrite the field values before the neighbour lattice points have calculated their Laplacians.
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Christiansen et. al: asimulation, resolved simulations of the (a)symmetron

z = 2.19 10 14

10 17 2

10 20 0
10 20
10 17

100 h 1Mpc 4
10 14

Fig. B.2. Evolution in the scalar field, χ, of model I before the global symmetry breaking, which happens at zSSB ∼ 1.9. Right panel shows the
equation of state parameter of the field, which evolves until the global symmetry breaking and indicates the final domain walls.

In addition, every partial step has to be done within its own loop over the lattice, giving more overhead. Finally, between each step,
the auxiliary field that will be used in the next loop’s Laplacian must have the ghost layers of the computational domains updated
before entering the loop, giving more communication overhead. Taking all of these into account, we compare both the convergence
of both solvers with respect to wall-clock time and with number of iterations in figure C.1. The comparison is made over a redshift
interval of z ∈ (1.5, 1.46) for the symmetron model parameters (LC , a∗ , β∗ ) = (1 Mpc/h, 0.33, 1). At each step i the error is calculated
as the average, absolute difference between the solution obtained with step size h, and the previous with step size h/2 as
err ≡ ⟨|χi − χi−1 |⟩. (C.1)
We observe in figure C.1 the expected convergence with smaller step sizes, among other that the Runge Kutta method is fourth
order, meaning err ∼ O(h4 ). We see this easily, realising that if err ∼ O(hn ), then
χi (2h) − χ(h) = χ − χ + [err(2h) − err(h)] ∼ (2n − 1)hn , (C.2)
so that the function in logspace is log(err) ∼ n log h.
In figure C.2 we demonstrate that convergence in the relative error of the actual scalar field value for a variety of choices of scalar
Courant factors, for cosmological time evolutions, using the fourth order Runge Kutta solver. Because of divergence for χ ∼ 0, we
are only averaging the points on the lattice for which χ > 0.1.

Page 27 of 28
10 4

10 5

10 6
err= |
10 7

10 8


10 1
(err > 10 3)/Npcl

10 2

10 3

10 4
euler PEC2k1
leapfrog RK4
10 5
102 103 101 102
N walltime, [hrs]
Fig. C.1. Comparison of different solvers for the symmetron in a 3 Gpc/h box and 1283 grids. The convergence is checked on a redshift interval
z ∈ (1.5, 1.46). The solvers’ final slopes in logspace are respectively: 1.97 for leapfrog, 4.3 for 4th order Runge-Kutta, 1.91 for PEC2k1, and 0.87
for the euler solver.

Comparing to C = 10 4

10 2

10 4

10 6

10 8
C = 5.0 10 3

C = 3.3 10 2
10 10 C = 1.0
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Fig. C.2. Comparison of different Courant factors for the scalar field in a 512 Mpc/h box and 1283 grids. The comparison is made with respect to
the solution of the scalar field found with a Courant factor of 10−4 . Percent level agreement is indicated with the dashed horizontal line.

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