Final Report

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Hosting Company:Ethio-Engineering Group Power Equipment

Manufacturing Industry(EEGPEMI)

Names of intern ID
1.Burtukan Tadele UGR/7306/11

Company supervisor:Melkamu Tsagaye

Acadamic Supervisor:Mr.Dinku Worku

Jan 2024 G.C

Bale Robe,Ethiopia
I want to declare this report is written to show my works and experience at Ethio-Engineering Group
power Equipment Manufacturing Industry (EEGPEMF).The internship semester for award of internship
evaluation under the guidance of Mr.Dinku and Mr.Melkamu from September 18/2023 to December
30/2023 G.C. All relevant resources of information used in this paper is fully acknowledge.

Name of student Signature Date

1.Burtukan Tadele _________ __/__/__

Approved by: Mentor Signature Date

1.Mr.Dinku Worku __________ __/__/__

2.Mr.Melkamu Tsegaye ___________ __/__/__

First of all, I would like to thank my almighty God, who gave me a will to do all things and
existence. I feel great pleasure to acknowledge all those involved in the process of my education
and project. In the first place I would like to record my deep and sincere gratitude to my
academic advisor Mr.Dinku Worku and my company supervisor Mr.Melkamu Tsegaye for
their supervision, advice, guidance, and crucial contribution, which was backbone of this project.
Their understanding, encouraging and personal guidance have provided good basis for the
present project. Their involvement with their originality have triggered and nourished my
intellectual maturity that I will benefit from, for a long time to come. I wish to express my
gratitude towards my all friends, who helped me throughout on my work. I extend my
acknowledgement, gratitude and indebtedness to all other members and staff of Ethio-
Engineering group who bestowed their great effort and guidance at appropriate times without
which it would have been very difficult on my report.
Table of contents
List of Figures
In recent years, with the increasing use of power electronics, the quality of electricity supply,
together with energy efficiency, has become a key issue, and company energy responsible are
more and more aware of the benefits of paying attention to that. A common problem that occurs
when power factor correction capacitors are installed on a
system is harmonic resonance. When this occurs, the power system at a facility is tuned to a
specific frequency due to a combination of the system inductance and the added PFC
capacitance.PFC capacitor is one of the main products of the power factor corrector and
compact substation company which is
branch of my internship hosting company (EEGPEMI). The main problem I observe in this
company is those customers buying and installing PFC for their industry can commonly face
harmonic problem. In industrial plant containing PFC, harmonic currents and voltages can be
magnified considerably due to the interaction of the PFC capacitors with the power system
networks. When they install PFC in the presence of nonlinear loads the amount of harmonic
distortion must be reduced to solve power quality problems or avoid penalties. The most reliable,
lowest cost solution is often realized with the use of harmonic filters, and therefore it is
important to improve this capacitor bank by adding harmonic filter. The most effective solution
to this problem consists of series tuning the capacitor bank to the lowest offending harmonic.
This reduction can be done using passive filters (detuned), consist of reactors and capacitors
connected in series to reduce the current harmonics or voltage harmonics. The study includes
modeling of the system using MATLAB/ Simulink.



Ethio –Engineering Group previously named as the Metals and Engineering Corporation
(METEC) is a government owned industrial enterprise established under the laws of country. It
was initiated in 2010 G.C by government decree with an authorized capital of 10 billion
Ethiopian birr .METEC is one of the institutions established to enable the realization of the
government’s growth and transformation plan besides accelerating the going transition of
Ethiopia into industrialization in order for the country to line among the middle income
countries. The metal and engineering industries was identified as a priority sector not only for
import substitution but also support the export industry, develop local design and manufacturing
capability and facilitate technology transfer.
1.2 Vision, Mission and objective of the company
1.2.1 vision:

To be the first class providing quality electric power equipment manufacturing industry of the country
and regionally interconnected as a competitive export industry there by realize reliable electric power

1.2.2 Mission:

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