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# 3 4f f i ' ' $ ffi # ,ffi s ffi ffi ffi

f or a 11 ln str uf f t ent a





X3rl,Ltq &

tr* mickGOODRIGK

mitch HA UP E RS
f or a ll instr ume nt s

Caution !. . . . . . .
Disclaimer! .......... ... ......ììì

Rhy t h n . . . , , , . . . . .
to Foctotiol

Betweenthe Authors
A Conversation

SeedRhnhmsfor"96 P lus". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4

for"96 P lus"( me lo d ic )
SeedRh).thms . .................. .l'+

ShortForm(3 attacks) . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

in 3/8orTripletsi# l. . . . . . . . . . . .
Rhythms ...................... -.16

#2 . . . . . . . . . .
in 3i8 orTriplets:
Rhythms ...... , ., . . . 1 7

in 3/4 ........18

"96 P lus"(l attack)........... . .............. ... -. -..20

atta c k s.). . . .
"96 P lus"(2 consecutive ...... .....,,,,... 24

"96 Plus"(3 attacks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Ise e d s wit h2 s e e d s ). . . . . . .
56 Measures ........... ,,,,,..32

(combiningI seedswith 3 seeds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

64 Measures

2 seedswith 3 seeos,. . . . . . . . . . .
56 lfeasures ... .,,34

in 6/4(3 attacks).. . . , . . . . . . . . . .
Rhythms . . . . . . . . . . . .. -36

in 5/4
Rhythms ............. .., ..40

in 7/8
Rb/thms ....... ....... .....42

I MetroS weeps
A ppendix ........................45

2 "96 P lus"(2 att a c k s ) . . . . . . . . .

A ppendix ... ...........47

Tb t'd@r' aregateful to thefollowingpeoplcfor their rhythmicwisdom;Wm.R.Brinkley & Associates,

4tintion, @ntributionsto afid sùppottof thk publice- for theirhardwork,design,anddedicationto pcrfec-
airr,,Mr diftîtly and indirectly: tion;TobiasGiesenofTG Tools,for the time saving
plug in; StevenHarrison,for his motivationalwritings
b Serranreand timmy Haslip,of the Yellowiackets, andprogessir€thoùghtson learningandeducatio;
fu óGir invaluableinterestand insight; Robm who workedhardpracticiÍgthis
and all the students
(;-Édral, for her constantsupport,editing and design materialand hadthe coungeto askall the right ques-
il6 ton Haupersand Bob Weiner,for their collective tionsandthe oDenness to sharetheirexDeriences.
) Please b€ advisedthat the autho$/publishers takcno Éachandeverymùsicianmustcontinuously monitor
responsibilitywhatsoerer for any (and all) accidental the sensations theyperceive in all partsoftheir bod)
) selfinflictedinjuriesthat mayoccur involvedìn the productionofsoundwhileplayingthese
and inadvertent
) fromerploringthematcridl rn lhi5book.l h;' i5c'pe rhythms;erron the sideofbeingovetlycarcful."No
ciallyrelevantfor those musicians who havealready pain is thewayto go."Perhaps it wouldbeevenbetterto
) put it thisway:"Not eventhe slightest hint ofany dis
experienced similarproblemsin úe past.Sinceall of the
) rh],thmsinvolvethe possibilityof ntrmerous rcPetitions' comfort is the way to go."
) we canseethe Polentialfor difficuìtiesfiom "over-use." Eachandeverymusiciancertainlyhasthe freedomto
Wewouldsuggest that all mùsicians aPproach this be creativein how theyuse/explore whafsin thisbook.
) Bul eachand everymusiciànmusttakeresponsibility for
bookwith a fair degreeofcaution,at ìeastinitially.It
) mjghtbe wiseto setrcasonable time limits on practic- the consequences of loltthey use/explore all of it
ing/exploring for the first few weeks (perhapsaslittle as Youmustexercise your intelligence,
your sensitivity,
5, 10or not morethan 15minutes session). your cautionandyour goodjudgment.No oneelsecan
) Sincethebookis ainìedat all musicians (for alì do this/oryoù.only l,oucan.And whenyou do,lhere
insîruments), eachand everymus;cianneedsto becog shoùldbe noproúlem.
ni?antofthe diflerences betweeninstrumentsin lerms Youhavebeenrvarnedl(Please takegoodcareof)our
of thingslike: body!)
t difficultyor easein playingrepeated notes In the intcrviewthat follows,be sureto underfand
) I tempocons;derations the sectiorreferringto "Seductionby Noveltv;'as\vcììas

I I dlnamic considerations otherobservations aboutthephysicalaspects of pla)"ing

I limb or combinedlimb movem€nt nìusicalinstruments.
I single-hand or twoìand movement
) ! single-finger or muhiple-fin8er movement

I ! breath,lips,toÍrgue,
I combinatiolìs
ofall ofthe above


) br Mrk Goodrtckond Mttch Houoerc
) Vvhar ls FactorialRb/thml The authorssharea common belief lhat readcrsand
ln mathenìatics,fnctorialmeansthe product of à num- studentsof this matcrial alread)'possess the tools,cre-
ber and all the lhole nùmbcrsbelow it. Hence,/orrfd. ativity and iÌìnate curiosity to define thcir o$n path
) tur'idlNouldbe 4 x3 x2x I = 24. (The synìbolfor this through it. As well, alìy allempt at establishingmethod
, equalion is: 4l) In music, we can apply this principle to ology may cìrcunìventthe chancefor self-dìscovcrvor
anr, rhrrhmic ouantìty (i.e., I = .'i 2 = J;ì 3 = JJJ presupposethat one way to work wilh lhis material is
I \\\i
of..ì 4 =.,., orrl. better than another.
t L'ting another mathematicalprincipìe calledpcrt"í Ycs!Youhaveprobably glressedit. lîd.loridl Rl,lfitrr is
:rtidn lan orderedarrangcmenlor grouping of a sel of another Do It Yoùrs€lfBook.\bu supply the effort and
) t,rn dr'rovern//1o.vùlrrh1thmi. prc'crr- lve supply all the rhythms, some usefulinformation aìrd
) rrtions ofanl given set ofrhythms. à fe!,rìnsightsfrom "sonìewhere(eLse)along the path."
) \úrat lhis meansis that four fdctorial,.'úhen,\pplled Hrre ar<sonrething' 1ou nr.ryrecd shen u.,ng thi'
:o rhvthnl, yields 24 possiblelerrturd.ions. If we dis bookr a n1etrorìome,a rclaÌed and realific attilude
I Fla.c theseorigjnal 24 lhythnic permutationsby one to$'ardprogress,tinle (iveeks,months, etc.),and a lole
) eiehth note, we come up with 24 new rhytbnìs.We can for explorirìgrhyth .
displacethem two more tiÌnesbeforc thcy becolnethe Like so many things,thorouglì practicerlill infornl
ariginal rh)'thms again.So,thcre are 96 possibiliticsin not only your playirg but lvilÌ proyide a spaccin rrhi.h
) .ll rt4 x4 = 96). lo grolv.Youcol d thiììk ofit thisrr'ay:
) Ifa student practicesdillossiúle rhythnic presenta- 'fyoun'ereatree
(perhapsa,voungsapling)in a foresl oflarger, older
rions ofany given set of rhythms, hc or shewill have trees, working on the rhythm ùìaterialin this book
:ùlll cxploredthem. This thoroughnessis essentialto would be the equivalentofelablishing a firrn rool srr-
I :he absorptionof nìusicalknowledge,especiallyfor teÌn in nu uring sojl. To contirìuethis analogy,this
) :hoseinterestedin developingtheir ìnrprovisationskills. book could be viewedàs a seedthat hasfalleÌì froln àn
older tree creatingthe possibilityofnew growth.
) \ /hat ls This Book? \|c.ifi(rrlv. rlìi\ book \ilì heìpthe pra.ti.i|ìgrnu'i-
) In this book, rcaders1{ilì find a thorough presentatjon cian ilì deveìopìnga more exteNive rhythlìlic vocatu
ofrhYthmic sourcematedalsfor use in practicing,com- laiy, aswell as improving sight-readingskills.As ith
Fosing,aÍanging and perforn'ìingmusic. (It is reason most endeavorsofthis sort, the benefitsarc unprc-
) ,]bleto expectthat dancersand choleographersmay dicLableand vàrywith eachmusiciaù,The fun is in the
I erentuallyfind this book of greatjntercstasIvell.) process-if you haven'tàlreadydone so,try and learn Ìo
enjoy the process.
I Mick Goodrick and Mitch II:upers
, Bosro'r,Noverrrer100,1


where!VolumeThreel find beautyin the mathematicalpossibilitìesand

MH utì,v this sùddcnneed to Í'rite a rhylhm book, lhe connectionswith nìusic?(lerlàinl,vthe books
especiallyin úe midsl oftryjng to completethe are tàking on a look lhat I've heard described.ts
three-volumeser;cson voìce leading?\Vhdt are "purely ìnformational" .you kno$" here'sall this
l-ou goiùg throùgh at this stageiD your lìfe àsa stuff, so do wiîh it whal )'ou will
Dracticirrgmusiciànand performer that has
prompteà you to codìfy your expericncesand MG The connectionwith mathemalicsdefìnitely\\as
sharethem publiclY? made through thc Schillingereffcct from being
hcrc in the earl)'1960'swhen I flrst attended
YG Ifs a coùbination ofthe fact that I iùst kind of see tserkl€ was nuch molc part oI corììposltron'
thesethings and haveto go after them't'hich but thal $'asthe first time I saw tbat and I guess
meansit's frcsh for me and there'senergybehind lhe infornration just wen! to sleepfor a 1\'hilcxnd
it. There'sa straogckind oflhing lhàt goeson' for didìr't reemcrgeuntil I neededi! Nith this stuff.
me at least,lvith this kirrd of materiàl in lhat Í'hen Generallyspeaking,nrathematicshtìsbecn use
I feelcompclledto Pul jt dorvn or vhùtever,I ha\e ful for discovcringncw possibiìilies.If you ìook at
jt, saylvith the four-part chords,,vorivegol 24 por-
to gi\e !LP,in a tvay'rrl,vright to exploreit myself
bccauseI'm nore concernedwith preserltjngit to sibilities,rvlich is a goodly amount, but not like
other peoplc.And you're hincl of going against ridiculous aswhen you clealwith lìve-palt chords
rour o\{n ùusjcal sensibililiesin a rvay,but )rcu're Ther, il goe! up to l20 Or the orc we got inlo
alsogoing $'ith your ùeed to communicate,whiclr rvith the 6 rhythmic secdsthal So up to 720 it
I f-Ind,as I get oìder and older,more impoltànt' can gct cm4r But 24 is a doabìenumtrcr,
I think thaaslYhy it is . e'v€been$'orkilrg on
the yoice leadiÌìgthing for so long and it's nol ncw t{H Do you think that there may bc somer.hrdànce
rnrmore, at lcastfor me certajnly ..and maybelou on the part ofpoteùtjal rcaders10 get involved
with thisbook because oftheir "lèarof nl,ìth?'
hare thc samckind oflèeling too bec:ìùseyou
probabi-vhavcworkcd as nìuch as anyonehas wjth
it for thc longestamourìt of titìe l1'sthe freshness MG For anyonelvho re.ìdsthìs book who hîd b'ìd
,rfthe rhythmical thirg for e becausethat's lvhat Problerììs{ith malh€malics,which is Probnblr
lot of people,and who are a Iittle Lìit afraid lhat
l m \lorking on. And what lln finclingout fiom it
vety intereslitrg.
ìi reall,Y they haveto knorv anrl undcrfand aborrl làctori'rl
ì1ùÌbers to gct arìylhingout ofthis book, thdfs
not trllc at ail. SomepeoP]elrla,Yfind it interelting:
I know I do nnd you do, bu! don't be thc lenstl)it
Y- (rn\ \.ail to lìear about your discoveries, but lìrst put off about the mathenìaticsof il lt's not .ìbout
ìeis lalk aboul all thjs rnath l wanl lo preface lhis l]1athcmàticsiitì îbout the rhylhns. Do -toù haÌe
qìrÈslionb,vplacing it in a historical conlext.It is a an)' thoughls aboul that?
mdtter of recordthat thc Berkleecollege of l\'lusic
iiai lounded aftcr Larry Berk'siììvoh€menlwith MH well, just thdt the nathcìnaticsl|'as the process
Io'eph SchillingerAnd l know you I'ere there dur usedto.,.
rr: Ìhe earlier)'earswhcn Schiìlinger'swolks
'l he l''1G ...€ome uP \vith possibilitiesaÌìd \rrite thenì do\Ln
-'t:tens .ior llusical Conlositian at]rl
il hè. ùtic..lBnsis of theArtslwere still,ì major so you don't haveto rcmembcr then all ..the)'rc
::tluence on the curriculum. For thoseof us still there in fiont of you.
:è.r:hjngar Berklee,ìl is clearlhdl his influencehas
iLnìLnishedover limc Ye! the more I leùrn îbout MH Did you er€r study vcntriloqu;sm?
::. .L.nnectionof nrusicthrough nìath, the nìore I
:.: he bedùt)'of ìt and tr) to help m,vstudentsto l'4r.Goodchord Does the lfath
-:::re;iate this reLationshiP. Do start\ith this
MH So,24'sthc nìagicnunlber. )ou
\\1rt is lhe .onne.tion for rcu rLitb inathenìat ìn your prirate tcachi g?\{hal kind of aPpfor.h
p_(\(nlin8nìrr'i_ do you lake{ith a stu(lentwho js sccirgthisstuli
-.' \\:\ rrc \^ u ,n ìnk-c'led in
:: ::1rle.irlin !he .ontextof mathenaticalprinci- for the first tiùle? Ii rr slriitì! ior thoroughnessor do vou also
MG IfI just take,for inslance,the one rhythm rhar is the other things,such as tlìe rhythms irl 3/8,5/4,
the threealtackswithin two beats-the quarter, 614àl]d 7la.
ùote and Ìwo eìghlhs,ils reverse(two cighthsand Any musician,lvhetlìer they'rebeginningor
a quarter),the eighth-quartereighth and the one advanced,would get sometlìin8from it.I think
that is the eighth rest followedby threeeighth realll good players,you know they wouldn't do it
notes-what I do with my studentsis I write them ìn any order,..maÈc they'lljust jump around and
on thc board ì, 2, 3 and 4 and say,"Play them jn start playing stuff, work où it for 15 minutes and
ordet one after the other."After that I sày,"O.K., then inìproviseand seewhat showsup. That
now play them with a swing feel."They do rhat, wouìdbc reallyrool. lrdrì \ee rhath.ìppening.
and then I say'"Now play them in revcrse order, But on the other lÌand, for thosewho haven't
both straight,ìnd swing---4,lhen 3, then 2, theÍr beenplaying for tlìat long, jt would be nice for
l." Then I tell them to rnakeup their own order. them to play thesethingsbecausethen they've
Ancl they usuallytry this a few different ways. heard thenl. I mean,thereare somerhyùms in
I thcn say,"Supposevou wlite thesedown, post there lhàt are so "left-handed"that I knorv I've
then up on the wallwhere you practice,înd play nevcr playedthem...and I'nì not cven surc I've
s ilh lhem r bil evervJr). Ar wh.rtpoinl Jrc you everheard then know, deperdirg on
goirìg to sayto you$elf,'Dicl I play that one yester- tempo dnd all that kind of stufl
day?"'They'll usuallyrespond,"I don't kÌìo\,r',
bccausethey all sound the same."Then why not
Long or Short?
1ìgurethem all out and write thenÌ down? So,
that's what I did. Yet,ìt didn't occur to me until l''1H Ci\rn lhdr thi'booli'rrrtten forrll in\trumenls,
morìthslàter that "Wait a minute! You carìdìsplace do you haveany jdeasabout plàying through the
theml" They all sound somewlÌatthe same,but not material lhat nìay appiy to all readers?
renlly,they'rea little bit different.
ÈventuallyI show this to my studentssaying, f4G Thatt a very good question.The most obvtous
"WIìat would happenif you took eachone oI these thing is that most ofthe rhythms iÌì this book
two-nìeasurerhythns ànd Ìnoved th€m over by în appearÌo be tull duration with the exceptionof
eighth-note?Would jt alreadybe contàinedon the thosein 3/8 that haveresls-Still, evcryoneneedsro
pageor would it be differen!?And most of the kcep in nind that all the rhythms can either be
time they th;rk it would be conrainedlvilhin rhe playedstaccato,legatoor djffererìtconìbìnationsof
origirìaÌ24 possibilities.And I say,"Nol They are both.
different."So,t show thenì the secondpageanclso Nevertheless, what peopleare going to do with
on. Finall,v,they seethat there are 96 possibletwo- thesebooks,I think, will dependon their instru
measurernythms. ment and on what level they are at. I secpeople
$ ho rrc nìoreaJvan.eJ,ho1'efrrìlljusr opcningup
The Other Mother Lode the books,finding somethingintcrestingand then
immediatelystarting to improvise through a st.rn-
MH Soyou introduce ihen to the conceprand lhen ddrd turìe wìtlì tlìat rhythm or whate\€r.Nlaybc
lhey are supposedto work on il iù whatever$'ay peoplewho haven'tdone loo much of this sorr of
makessenseto them. What ha.|€/or louncl from thing will find it interestingto pla)-most or all of
working with this rhythm material? the rhylhms just on one note at a nice slorytemFo.
However,then you think about differenrinsrru-
l',1G I haven'tspentail that much time pracricingthese menls. For exaÌnple,a piano playerplaving one
rhlthms myself,becauseI're treenmore concernecl note through the whole book, this might end up
lvith generatingnew matcrial.But frcnl thc work with teÌìdonìtìsblooming, in which case,this is nor
that I've done,I lìa\e this fceling,il's like I have such a good thing to do.
faith thal, if )'ou do work ivith the whole set ir will
havean elTecton you that could be powcrful- MH Or evena guitiìrist fretting .r note instcadplaving
maÌbe drati not the bestrvord for it-thorough, at aì opcn string...
least.And the obvious thinS that anybodywho I
Norks with it even for a short period oftinìe secs MG Absolutehl Ifa guitarìstwas going ro go rhroùeh
is that their rhFhmic sight-readingimproves. the book this 1!'ar',hc or shemighl \l?nt lo Ìirnir r:
It hasto happenbe€ausethere are so manv dif to an open rring, as)ou sJ\',or elen ,ì h.ìrr:on:.-
ferent combinàtionsof on'the-beatand oft-the $here vou donì ha\€ to pressaìl thc rav dosn
beati particularl) iihen \!e take it to the extent of
threeattacksi{irhin t1{obea6, n\'o attacksNirhin MH pressureis tfle \a1 ro {Lr.
l\io beals,one artack11ithin t\o beati and a flr{ of
A Conve6ation Between rhe AKho.s

9<,cron t/ Novelty One thing of note, however,is that mosl of lhe

FG -ìe.rl- . ..ertainh eveqîne has to aPProachlhese materiaÌthai's in 4/4, in 3/4 or in 6/4 can be Played
r.-insi rÈalisticall,!becauseofwhAt I called eilher $'ith an eveùeighth note fcel or wilh swing,
-:.'Juction br Noreh,v"in the voice leadingbooks. evenlhoughir. wrill(n '^ lh,rlil dl'l'(dr' in cvcrì
li.u remenber. . .that'sivhen somconeplayssomc- cighths.Of course,ìf ccrtair reddersdon't play
ijng theÌ neverheard before,so the,vgel kind of srvjng,then it doesrì'tnìakeany di|ference.They
<'irre,lnboutit "nd nrrlbe tl clìc nroretmotion don't haveto rvorry about that.
\' inrolvecliD the discoveryprocessthan any- Btìt most pcopleshould be awarctlìat it's kind
- of like approachA and approachB; ifyou re inter
rhing else.So,sorrìctinìesthat sort of lakesolcr to
rr( .\rent thdl rhcv-rcrìúl reJllyP r)irrgaÌ'cnI ion cstedin bolh feels,whichI think nosr pcoplewill
rtl their leveìofdìscolrìfort. l'eopìeslìùuld proba- bc. So,that'svery inrportant to see.
bì! s.t tiììe limils when working with this stuff,
.ire.irlh' iìì the beginning 5/4 and 7/8...What?
Èt- \.r. rhafs somethingyou mentioncd to me a long MH Whilc sonìeof the rh)'thnrsin tlìosemetersyou
:iÍÈ ago...1think it was about sight-reading mcntion \'\'ill feel"new" to pcopìe,the rcal chal-
\\ten I tìskedyou about infroving that àrea,,volr lcngemaybe in feelingsomeof the stulfjn 5 and
iug€cstedusing a timcr and selting iÎ lo five min- 7...even sonìeofthe rhythms in 6 are tricky lo 8ct
ules.That way,I would lvork on my sight reîding comfortablewith. Do you lÌavcany comnenls
lor tì\€ minuteseverydaybut ù'ould neverovcrdo about thesemetersand how readersnight
ir ànd aftera ycarl tiù know,365times5 aPProachtheln?
.quals (hat ùìuch ore lime regularlyrvorking on
:hat skill...slow but coÌìsislent. MG \{ell, as you knor'\',we put the 5/4 and 7/8 mrteri-
Th€ other thing you ment;oncd,awarcness of rls in more towîrd the erd and it's not meanl to
-ìerel of discomiort,"thatt sonlethingI $'ent be any ,herencarly as exhausliveas thc rhytlìms
rhrouelhduring the editing of the voicc lcading we includedin 4/4,3/4 or 6/4. Itì morc like an
.rooks.Lven lbough I thought I was payiÌìgatten opportuDity for peopÌelo explorc thoserlrythns if
rron to it, I wìsn't complctelyatvareof ìt all. For they wdnl to,
.\anìple, thc type ofchaì I Í'as sitting in ànd its This kirìd ofgoes back to the "FactodalThisl"
height l\as affecliúgmy loNer back bttt I rvasmore topic, if someonegetsthis book and all they've
:ocusedon nry hands,wristsand arms.I mean,I ever playedis D,A antl tì7 for the prìsl 35 yeàrsand
h.rdìust typed y6u1*6tds oflvarring abo t that that'sall they want to do, they lìaveabsoìutelyro
!.r! rhin8.(ú I ur. hypcr-awrr< ol thc i*ue in n|v usefor 5/4 nnd 7/8. So,no oùe should feeìary
rands, i{rists and ar s. I guessthat'swhy I hadrr't guìlt at all for coÙtrlelelyskjppirg over that mate-
ùought about lhe restof nìe! rial and saying,"'Ihcre are a few pagesI don't have
10do."'l hat'spcrfectìyC).K.Do 't get into tlìirìkirìg
ea I hcrcrou gù.so.)óu sccthal p(ofle drcgoin8Io you havea responsibiljq'for learniÌìgthe nath or
hale to takeresponsibilityfor rvhat they do rvher thc 5/4 and 7/8 rhylhms just becausethey'rethere.
rrorking lvilh lhìs material.Sinceso much of it can Où the other hand, peoplcwho alreadyhave
L.erepetition of the samething over and over done somework in 5/4 and 7/8 nright bc surprised
rgain, llìey need to be lvarncd that they haveto bc thàt the littìe bit that we do give them thcrc is pret
.:retul. ty good malerial.And lhat'sbecauseit s a colrl
pìctc set,"so Iìn nol surehow many peoPlehave
eventhought of it in that way.
:.eî Eighthor SwingFeel?
.,F{ MH So are you thinkimgthat the rhylhms we prescìrt
-\Jter\vorking on lhis materialanclgetling past the
iniià1"just playing through it all" pbasc,do you here are a1lthat are neededto work on"in this
hr\'e any suggestions about usingthis nìaterialthat way" or tlo you seebeyond this màlerial into other
are specificallyfor guitaists? nletersand rhythmic possibililies?

\es, but I doÌì't reallywanl io get into lhat becausc 1.,1GI thìnk it's I good startiùg set.I nean we could gel
of the fact thal thosediscoverjesAte not comPlete into cxamplesin li and I3, elc-but orhcr books go
\et and I may want to developthat material$'ilh into thal in greatdctail,so rve don't need to go
mr sludenlsor it lnay evenbeconleanotherbook theÌe.This is just ldnd of a "$&jtlnans Sampler"
at somc point. Also,I think wc should keep this ofrhythms,I think, that hasa nice crosssectionof
more gcDericsinceit is written for all instrumenh. usefulstufi
As it turns out, from what I see,some oflhe
IYH That's a nice analogy.We havethe Almanàcs,Ììolv
stuffthat doesn'tirvolve Playingall the time for
the Whitma sampler'. it all has a nice "down
examDlethe scedivilh the lour eighth notes'Pcr
home" feeìto it
peluaì motion-they're hiìrder Actually playing aìl
iour is easierthan solre of theseothcr onesat th€
MG LAdjustshis srsPenders..l
sametempo when you get pasta certainpoint
fuiother part of the reasonthis interestsurfaced
TechnicalConside.adons has lo do with the problems l've facedtreinga fin-
ger-styleelectricguitàr player'lt sholvedup mof
l'1H Maybc we can talk about how this miìtenal came
ibviouslyrvhen I tried to play some of thìs nrateri
about. For my part,l've been teachiÌìgrhythmic
al fas!,this ùìàde me want to really checkit out;
truining classeifor the past fifteen yearsor so and
esDeciallythoserh)'thms that hdvetwo attacks'
havellorked with nll levelsof plal'ers - ,vouknow'
whcre,evenif1'ou havea large rhythmic vocabu'
rvorkìng in a clcssroomsituationwhere sludents
lar6 ttrat might be verv different,but lvoùldn't be
are of rrrixedability levels.I'vehad to devctoprvays
to keepevelyoneinteÌestedin learningwhile beirg
Evenjust usìngsome of thc rhylhmic seedsand
care not to overwhclmthe beginÌlersor bore lhe
trying to play thenì at quicker tempos,it becanle
more advancedstudents.So,I needmaterialslhat
JDDJrclìl lo me $herc lhe Jcfiiiencie'wcrein trlt
lvill help mc accomPlishthis task.
L,, I'nr | .un t bc lhe onl) "nc l lhinL
We can talk a bit about how tlis material ay 'ure
ihnt ior nr p."pl.. oluhat theirirr't'u
heLDeduca[ors,bùt frrst,teì] us how this renewed ' '"g.rrJles'
ent is, are going lo find at à ccrkìn Poinl thal
ìnt;rest in e'xploringrhyîhms develoPedfor you? it faster)mar'
this stuff (especiallywhen p{aying
yield insightsof a lechnicalnature that Perhaps
MG lhc rvavthat, for mc, it kind of developedand
they hadÌit thought of before.
took priority over the volurne three book, aside 'fhis could be a really good eye-opener;I know
from the boredoìn with thc voice'leadingthing'
it certainlYhaslxen for nìe Not just in mv o\{n
rvasiI p.enaringlor thisduo ,oncerlwìth Pat
4 20o2Jr ts(rklce{ ollegeof work, bur also in helping to teacholherslvho Plà\
in a similar style.For exarnple'althoughwe clon't
warl to focus too much on guitarists,there'sthe
I 1èltlike I neededto, weìì,I Practiceall the time
lvhole businessofcoordination betweenthe lelt
anvhow,but I felt as jfI neededto work on it in a
and riSht hands-you kno$ how it is that wc
more specificway from the standpointof tr)-ing to
ge! up tbr that bccauseI knerv ltwas gomg to Dea manually do things.
ieal challenge.Also,I had been out ofthe loop for
pìayingmusic at lhat son of level Dynamics-Many of Us Forget
And part of it was practicingwilh a Ìnetro
nome,which I do all the lime an)ryaf but tryÙrg l.4H Yes,coordintrtionseeùsto be a large pàrt of learn
ing rhythm (or anything for that màtter) ln nr)
!o qet readvlor let'ssaysoìùemore quÌcKlempos I asknìy studentsto Practrce
ear traiiing cl.rsses,
beiauseof Pat'sprolific technicalprowessAncì'to rroll
all kinds of rhythnìc coordinationexercises' a long story short, the tlìing tha{ I sawor
of rvhichinvolve showingPulse,thc necessà suL)
kind of quefioned was'ifyou'{e lrying to get to
division and, ofcourse, the acfualrhythm on toP
whereyou can play all sixteenthnotesor eighth
of all thàt. Somereaìlystrugglewith thàt Bui
noles,or whatever$'ay)'ou re going to wlite lt,
eventuall)'peopleget it ifthey spendthe tìme on it
that'ssort of like the uLtinratething-perpct al
u'orking slorvlyand thoughtfuìl,v'
nrotion. BÌlt the quefion ù'aslWhat elseis thcre
l'vc foùtìd thàt this type of rvork givesstudents
beforeYou get lo thàt?
grcat insight inlo Pract;ce, Seneral,while specitì-
In otheriorrls, if I aìreadyhad the four pages
'i{ith the threc àttacks'I've had that for any lrum .,rlrr or, parirrgthcnrlo lugglcall rhe mu'i(Jl el(
r.i.'rrr,ft" wlr,rìthct r( 'iehr redJ'
ber ofyears now, that'sactuall,vthe bÙsiestone ',.ry.
just ing. Obviousìygetting the Pitchesand rhlthm is
comparedto, $'hal about just one attack,or
important,but alsoillustrùtingthatth' suÌìtletjej
nrrc aaacks?Ànd when you seeparticdarly the
like articulation,dlnamics, phraling, ctc reallr
variet)'of stuff there is with llvo atta'ks which
matter.There'scertainll;an elemenl of coordìnÀ
nreans1'ou'reonlv plaving half the time;rvoùldn't
lion in\oivedin Pavingatlentionto lhrt mrnr
that be à rla\. lo help soneone to developa ìarge
Ìhrngsal onae.
rocabulan of rhvthmic stuff that\ nol particuìarlv
phvsicallvchallcngingbut thèt ther''ould flat al 'r s.-l-:Î ::!:'a_
Èlc Sure.rnd lou J\r::r:.i
frsl temPo?
:: ::. -::,_r
) A ConversationBetweenthe Authors

tend to forget about dynamics?Dependingon the Al this point, it's actuallvnìore íntcrestiùgfor
) Ìne thaìì playing the rhythìns thernselves. The
kind of musicyou plap too, it's like, "Well, cloesit
) to crankuP the vol_ rhythnN are more of an excuse to gct inlo that
go up to I l...or l2?" LPretends
-ume_o,t do)Ìaiù rvhcreI'm payingattenljon to all lhesc lit
) an omp. l Iust as many of us doù't spend
tle detailsand trying to gel them coordìnateil lhc
a lot of iime playing things slolv-I know I don t,
t lÌn guilty of that. .l'm usualll nore concerned riglìt !va)'.
) aboùt the upper end-so d)îamics, too' ottcn get
) lgnoreo,
Too. thereare thc technicalconsideÎations,like:
Ho do )-où pìaysoft, if ,vouremenrberto do it? MH Furìnyyou shouìdsaythat. .l've been oslng these
) \\'hat do you acruaììyhaveto do to play soft? rhythms 1()warnì Llp.I've noticcd that thcre are
\\'hat do )'ou haveto change?Are there any other sotnerhythms that I reallvl;ke .1l]alòctheyÌc ju't
) neÍ, to lrle. So,l've starledcircling thoselhrt
lrays ofchangitìg it? So,this getsirto what I see
) as paying more and more atlenlion to det'il in a appealto n1e;not onll so I remenìberthem' bLrt
\d\ lh.rrmJy"c I hrdn r Lrforcrur -ì led\I.irr'1 becauseI want to sceif thc noveìly rvearsoffrnd
differcnt $'ay. they reallydo catchmy ear later on Havc,vou
) experiencedtbis as wcll?
I RepeatedNotes: ProblemsÌ MG Definitely,aìthoughtlìere'sanolher aPProàch'too
) One of the things I think peoplenay rurnt to do
HH I spendà lot of tjme practicingthat Playingsoft
) ly. Not only doesthat dynamic levelaPpealto me wilh rhc'c book\.I nì rhinling ol doirrgit
musically,it's also he\red me to notj.e areasof mys€lf.. .anywa)',this is for more inlerm'diate or
tensionand alìowedn1ero discoverIa-vs to deaì advanccdphlers: yoù're going through . Pnge k't;
t \rith lhat. I find it's beneficialto stePìrackfrom sayitt lhe "nvo attacks"(96 measuresof l$o
) lhe rvhole"atììle1ìcapproach"to Playingat some JlluLk'J,lhes( lLrrnúul lo Le \crv irìlere'rin8
point; especiallybefole )ou've sufferedany iÌìjury r\thms rnost of whìch you may alreadvknorr'
) And maybeyou seethat, (lhcrc'slike 24 erianìfìcs
and been forcedto stoPPlaYìng
) ThiÍlkin g about the "disclaimerhvarnin g/cau_ per page)!supposeyoì.rscethat therc'rejusl thrce
tion" pagein the voìce-lea ding books, do you have ofthel1l that )úu've neverplayeclbeforc l hen rou
aììv connrent on \{'hat to avoid while working with nìight waùt lo take a pencil and Put a litlle .he.k
) next to lhem.
lhe rhythn m.rtelial?
I But, ìt only makessense1<ldo thàl if therere
just a fe$'.Lel's sî)-thereìc ì5 or 20 of thenr lou re
, MG \\t'lÌ probablyhaveto put in a similar pagein this
book, as ell.l guesslve could talk about rePeatcd €omfortablewith, so there'sjusl d f${ that fcel
I nolesiagair, just to llakc surc thal peopledon't "left handcd" or arvkwardiyou kno1!.lìla) l)c lhe\
t hurt lhenìselvesPh,vsically.You knou like a piano makeit so rd likethe t;nrcis lurncd arourìd
'lhen you night want to checktlìosewith
I pla\€r thinknìg he has to go lhrough rhe whole
book as fastas he can $'ith one finger; so,he ends .o \ h(n ) ou Lorncb r. k lo lhdl D.lg<r8 'irr.\ oJ
, ùp in a castor\vhatevcr. .we take no responsibility caù go right to the onesthal arc a bit problcnrali.
for yoÌr. I thiÌìk that t'ould be a uscful tool
I lbr rhat stuff.
I Broken"Tv/o" Feel
I fhe Need for Speed
Ihere'ssomethingelsetoo, and this jusl occùrred
I MH \\t talkedaboul playing softìy.rnd slowly'yet lfc
to me recenth The broken"b{o' feelis sonelhjng
ùafs not goitì€itodo it for ereryone So many,
t especial\'1'oungerplayers'arc dri!en to Playfafer that I first kind oflearned r[.oul,I tlìink lhrough
t and hardet than their bocìiescan handle-rvhether my associationwith Lbàssist'
that\ oneofthc manyth;ngsthùt he doe:
I iher're arvareof it or not How nlàny casesof over
useiniLrriesdo wc seeever,vsemestcrhereat
I B€rklee?I1'sbccomeePidelr1ic.
Mv undcrfandingof il is tlìat i1'sesseìrtiaìì\
"b.rssthing." Like at a nrediunì ternPofor lhe
I melody,behind tìre meìodv on lhdfirst choru! nt
tor mvsell this comesup fron lrying to Push lhe
t -C
outer ìillìits of mY own lllayirg, but aÌso from îry least,thc broken "trvo" feeljs a ice oPtion The
a ing to find a s av to larm up qrticklv,rvhich has "tlvo" nìeansvou'rebasicallvpla\'inghùlf otes:

a alnarsbccna problem Thafsoneofthethings

:!ìrl hirlc b€.ome an out.ome of doing this
you'renot walking.which is qu.ìrtcr'nolesThe
''broken" neans lou can do sonleolher stufl too
t rh\:hnl riork. \bu'rc not linìitcdto iust h.rlfnor.i-
players,this is somelhingthey'll be able to do
A thing like a dotted quarter and an eighth and
then another one or evenan eiglìth then a dotted immediatelywith this materiaì.
quJrler:thcseJrc dll posiLrilirie'lhingsìike: Anothel thing miSht be to lake a pàrticular
ihiikrdee gong' {lhe lripìeleiShlhnore' in à rhyúnìic "seed"and force yourself to Playi 'ìll rhe
watking bassline) All thosekinds ofthingsi it's a way through a tlrÌìe.Thdt coùld sometimesbe bo''
vcr! irclri!e sJv of pldyinSa br5sìinc-nol iu\l ing, but still it's a skill. For instance,ifyou take
"clang-cìanga'dang-danga"-you know, the swing
I'chindrhe nrclody'l,ut bclìindà 'oloisr'loo
The cool thing about broken "two is that il dde cymbal beat-and the inverseride, 'dangr-
doesn'tjust hdveto be a bassline Someonecoultl dang drnga dang'and 'ry thai' allJ-m8ùrngto
plar; I rneanI don'l havelo pldyil all lhe limc' I
solo with the samekind of thing, basicallyjust try
iùg to pìay half-notes.I think lguitarist, Iohnl ioul,l leavespaces,too...but' I'm going io try and
Abercrombietalks about this on one ofhis featurethat as much as I can through a tune'
These,I think, are real intercstiÌìgusesfor the
instructional videos-you haveto play the "right"
notes,so start with whole notes€veÌì,then halves' malerial in this book
q arters...youdon't have lo jump right ln to pLay
ing all eighth notes. KeepinsTrack
We'rc kind oflaking a similar aPproachby
showir'lglessnotesor attacksnoving toward lhe MH Having pracliced theserhythms in a variety of
eventualperpetualmotion of all eighih-notes- orclers,including the presentatìorìof eachoriSinai
you know, that"seed"which is four eighth notes rhythm first follorvedby its permutationsor drs-
placenents,l've found that it is a very different
iepeatedendlesslylt would be interestinglvorking
with the examplesin 4/4 where yo\r traveone erncrien.cfrom ployinglhc maleriJlin your sug-
geited order o[all the originat rhythms first fol
allack or two allàcksin one mcasure.A lot ofthat
vocabularywould fit nicely into that broken"hvo" l,orvedby eachset of disPlacedrhythms, especialh
feel. where the tied rhythms are groupedtogether'But
'weboth know that putling all the displaced
Imagine two peopleplayirlg togetherand sort of
swapPing,let'ssayhvo guitar Playcrs,and they re rhylhnÌs in tbis book getsout ofhand it's iust
botú phying rvith this fcel,but one'sPlayjngin thc too much and not leallYnecessar,v.
Still, when coÌìfrontedwith the vast amount of
upper rcgisterand one is P{ayingrhe bnssline and
they switch everychorus,or somethinglike thît' informîtion Presentedin lhis rhythn book (and
'Ihis would be a red interestirg areato checKout the voiceìeadìngvolunes),wol d it be fair to saÍ
with some of tlÌeserhYthms that one ofyour molives iù writing then is to helP
studenlsrealizethat they'reoften only practicing
'\oùe of the stufi" In other words' to supPlythe
Points of Departure whole pictùre to thoselvho may not realizeit
existsand may fìrd their Practicingfeelsiikc being
MH Earlier)'ou said that onceyoll've worked on these
rh!1hnls to rì point rvhercthey'vetrecomeinternal a hîmster in the excrcisewheel?
ized or at leasiyou didi't haveto think about
them, you couìd play them and notice other thirìgs MG Yes.Absoìutely.I think thît's what haPpensfor a
lot of us.And thit's lvhy it wlts important to go to
about yourselfwhile you wcre doing thenl )'our
righl hand, lhe connectionbelweenhands,tcn the trouble ofwriting them all out.You know,
dealingNith 35,000possibilitiesis over the top, \{e
sión, etc.Is tbere anything elseyou'venoticed
ilon't havethat much papet but 6 or even24 is
lhat'sworth mentioning?Do you seeanother
doable.So,yeah,let'shavethenì thereso rvecan
approachto playing thesethàt would be ofvalue
kcep track ofwhat we Practice
to rcaders?

l.4G Wcll. verv much like the voice leadingbooks,I see BenefìtsPackage(432lk)
them as sort ofa springboard ln other words, if
I'm working with a Particularsel and I'm looking l4H I've noticed a number of things lvorkiììg t{ith lhis
material myseifand one ofthem is thtrl it also
.rl il mùreirom lhc ndlìdpoinlúl iu\l gelling
cìealsrvìth improving 1'oursi8h, reading'is \îu
warmed uP and comfortablelvith my hands,when
mentioned earlier.I evclì inragínethat bcginntngl
I feel as if I've kind of reachedlhat point, then
sight reacìerswould get a lot out of\rorking rtìlh
what I'll do is start improvising on a tune, or
thoserhythnìs \vith ft$er àttacksas jl meansro
blues,or maybeevenjust a modal v'ìmP whìlc tll'-
ing to incorPoiìte some of the matcriàì- hclp them internalizesLrbdivision especiaìì'ii
'lhat I find ver.vinteresÎingand' as I've said' for lhe! $ork al real slorstenìPos.
peode Nho are àìreidr intermedjateor advanced
A ConversationBetweenthe Authors

wG I think, too, the thing about the readinSconìcs ers,at the vcry leasl,there'sproìrablya lot that just
ftonì being a guilarist and dealinglvilh guilar stu- Non't occur to her oÌ him.
denls.Becauscevensomeguitaristst'ho arc vely \\4ìereasifyou havethe machineaììd they'rc rll
there...n'cil,it's kind of likc leaming to pla)' in aìì
eood players,iÌì terms of inìProvìsing'nlay nol
ìcad asu'elì as someoncwho's been playirrgsaxo twclvekeyswhich is a good thirg to do' too. I
thiik il's real jnìPortant for Peoplero undcrstand
fhone fot saysix months So,il's a concern'
I \\'asnol prima ly concerlìedfor it àsbcìng an thc busi,ressofwÌr.t I cdll the "oclaveof tilne"-
aid to in,lProvesight readirg, but ùorc 1òrdevcl- $'hjch is like rvhatwe nornì.ìlly call doublc-tìlne or
oping an enla(ged,enharcedrhythmjcal sense. lìall lime.
.llmost in a sublini'ràl $'ay.. in other words like, let\ \ì) rhdlyou rc ing 'orrìelhingu:irrg
Nhen ,vouwork wilh this stuff, in the santeway as a melronome sct at 72 beatsper rninute (bPm).
the voice leadiùgstuff, clont tr-vlo memorizeit Gradr.rally, you work 1rcurway up in jncreù1ents
\lalbe ifyou Playit and repeatit a few times and until you reàch144bprr,lvhich is doublc-tiùlei or
\îu do happento remcmberit and you don't have eventhe other way aroulìd, going from a faster
Ìo look at it and you c.ìnjust hear it, then n]aÈe lenìpo to its haìf{ime feel You ll rìolicethàt lhe
r_oucould start rvith doiÌ19it just on one nole' two Iwo tempos"fccl the same,"like you'vebecìì there
notes,an arpeggio,maybea scale..could be any- before.
thing lîù rsant it 10bc, evenimprovise ith it, Now on the old pendulùm_stylemelronomes
thàfs fine...justdon'tthink"I haveto remembcr thal went from 40-208 bPm, if ,vounolice' drere
this lonìorrow."Iust let it kind ofgo in thereand are 16 lempo arkiììgsbetweeneachtìÌl1eoctave.
ree\!hàt ìt does. Thal's l{hy I call it an Becauseaswilh
And I have,asI've said,this faith that' because pitch, you kno$',tlìere arc o y tNclvenoteswitlìin
ìtì mathelraticsand so much of$'hdt we do in lifc an octave,ard there are similarly lhesel6 stefs
and h'hat {'e've learnedabout everythinfiin life oÌì betneen tiù1eoctaves.Plusthe fuequencres
the planel and iÌì lhe universeseemsto be basccl bel$'ecnpitch octaves,suclì ùsA 440h2'A 220h2'
.ì sìlrlilar relation as the
on mathematics-I mean you can lell whcn the -A 1Ì0h2,A 55h2,share
next ecl\)seis in Novembel or whatever'so ll cant octaves of tiùe, as with 55 bpm, 110bpm' 220
be harmfuì-it's got to be benign' Particularìyif, as bpnÌ, etc.
lou sa),yolr'renot sPinnitg yoÌlr wheelsdoillg the Witlì the adventof the ne$'digital metronoDles,
samefour or fir'e possibilitiesand can't seeàny_ however,thc whole lalout haschanged Nor! morl
thingclse. metronomesspan from 30-250 bpnr' or sonethrng
The other dark sidc of th;s is that sometimcs like that. Also, dìcy Progrcssiù ìncrcmerls ofone
peoplereact the sîme ay they do to just mathe So,now l'll suggestlhat nìy sludcnts$'ork in
nìatics-which is thcy're scaredYou kiìow' it's like ln\rcrnc l\ ol l0 0lì lhc ncw mclr^no
''lhais too much" or "I cdo't rcnìemberthal." In way to organizetheir apProach.
r.hich case,lheol1lything I could sayis let'sforget The nrain idea is that, ifyou really\Lant to
about the materialand talk about what yodre feeì- beconrecomfortablewithin the entire lànge of the
ìng...nol that I'm cven quaìifiedto ,bout lhat. melrononìe,you nccd to spcììdan equalamount
of tìme al àìl tcnìpos.Of course,$ithin a
metrorol]1e,there'sa i!'holebunch of possibilìtiesr
Yetfo Gnomes and the Ocrave ofTime' dìthoughthereareiì't ds Inany as you think thcrc
I\e spenl a number of l'cars'here at Berklcc, are when you considerthe oclavefactor.So YotL
-d (ould ùrgdniTc ir. dr $ ilh lh( "nìcrros$ccl' Ii8(
Ìea.hing sonrcvery rudiììentary things to help
which is just one examPlethat I give to my fu
inrroducestudentsto nlusic literacy,including
uiing a metrononreas one Nay to helPdeveloP denls rvho don ! bavenìuch time to practice.[sec
iteady tillìe or evento learn to ness with lhe till1e l l
a brt. I know thal )'ou useonc iù your praclicefbr ^ppendix
.ertain things.Whal suggestìons or irsights dbout MH \{4ren do /0, usea netronorììe?W}cn do )ou nor
metronomesdo )-ou have for readers? useone and Nhy?Ìs the emphasizedbeal (hiSher
pitched click) lhat showsbeiìt one on a
.+3 I rhìnk ir's k'nd of like the math thilg; having all netrononìc, ìet'ssayin sonle odd neter, some
the possibiliticsis belter tlÌan |ot knowlng that thing 1'oufìnd helpful to pracliceregblvingPhrase,
rouìe practicingthe sanrething, suchas lcmPo' movìrg the tinle, etc.?
Lr\erarrd oYeragain.lf à Persoùdoesnot exdore
remposr'ìth a nelronorrre,though maybesollle l4G Personalli',the \!a,\'l usethc ìÌelronome is nuch
p.aple do it better or nrore thoroughlYthaD oth ùore lhc \\'hole rangeof, at lcaf, rn oci.r\e |)1tinìc
and evenmort'thrn that ererr timc I Pr.ìatlac
not jlrst like three or foBr tempos.But again, might say,"Yeah.Tenorplayersback in the forties
evcryonehasa different sort ofapproach to it. So, and fifties."
to me it's like: "Why would you not take àdvantage And I'll say,"They deliberatelydid thar because
ofthe f.ct dìat it's there?" it sort oí createdthis Dicekind ofrhythmic ten-
I think, too, in nÌy own case,the way things sion. Novr,the rhythm seclionhad to kind oflike
haveturned oul; ['ve spent much oìore time asa ignore it becauseotherwiseit wouìd just slow
sidenranthan a leader.Way 95oloofthe dowÌì ùc whole band. Ther you wouldn't have
linìe. In which case,you don't caìl the tempos;you lhat effect."So,they seethe Ììeedofthat and say,
play the tempos lhat the ìeadercalls.And I've actu- ''Yeah,I can pmctice that with a metronome."
ally studiedit.
IfI listen to a CD t did with lsaxophonist,
ferryl Bergonziand a CD I did with lbassist,Stevcl
Swaìlow,the tempos are very different irì terms of MG Let'ssay$,e'replaying somethingfast,like sjx-
what areathe octaveis. So, part ofit has beer that, teenth-notes,with the click: one group can play
too.You need ro be able to play all rhesetempos aheador speedup aÌìd tlìe olher can play behind
becausethey'regoing to come up. or slow down, but it's go;ng to averageout and
sound probably the lvay {pianistl Keith Ilallett]
l'1H \\hen you did look at your playing as a sideman plays.
on recordingswith other leaders,you sayyou've BecàuseKeith, hc pìayspretly fastand while a
noticed their preferencesfor certain tempos.f)id lot ofìt ìs pefect, a lot ofthe stuffthar swjngsis
you also discoveror notice thirgs that you hadn'r not the same-it's alÌ different.There are àll these
thought of or worked on? tiny little things...irt likc, thnCsa ìjrlle ahead,and
MG What you seeis that you havewaysofkind of I must havc told you the time I
dcalingwith cre11thing.Ycttertairrone: l ou rc knoq we were at school togetherand were kind of
only using six out ofeight cylinders,so to speak. closefor a lìttle bit. I'd go over to his placeard
Or therc'sstuffyolr could do à bit better.You see we'd play once in a while. So,you know, nc moveo
where you havetìttle gaps,but generallyyousee to NewYork, tìme passcd,and I hadnt seenhim in
tlìat, at this pojit,I can kìnd ofdedl. It nìay not be probatrlyfive,six or severìycars.And I $'aswith
hlìal I'd like to do, but at leastI can sort of func Gnry (Burton) playing a concertin Philadelphja
tion respectabhat ì for Ìnaybea chorus or and Keith was there,I thirìk he was gojng ro be
two...sonething likc that, you know. playing with his band or playing solo.We had just
finished the recording"New QuàrleC'that had his
t,1H Do )-oufeel that a reàl measureofpeople's ability tune"Coral"on it...
is how theyplay"in time?" So,he saysto me, "That wlìs reallya nice solo
you pÌayedon 'Coral'."
MG lhat's certainlyone ofthe tlìings you want to be I said,"Thanks and that's a greattùne you
able to do.You mentionedî greatpoint before
though:"What about'lnovirìg it'?" Absolutely!The Alìd hc said,"You'realì adagiopcrson."
thing is though: Ho$'are you going ro learn to do I said,"What's that?"
that ifyou don't havea metronome to delibcrately He saitl,"\\rell you know thereare differenr
messwith the time? tempos,lìke allegro,prefo, etc."(Which I didn'r
So,the lvay I do it in my lessonsand labs is I evenknow bîck thcn...I mean,l hearorne names.
alwaysmakestuderltsplay lvith a melronolne.Thc but I did.'t know necessarilywhere they were.)
other thing that does is get them to plà). So he contirued, "YouÌe an adagiopcr$n. know, to hear the netronome. And 'lhat. rvhcrcvouÌe mo\r Lornt^rl,rhlc.
l'm screamingat them all the time: "You'replaying I said,"Ho\\' do you know that?"
too loud, I can't hear the beatl" He said,"BecauseI'm one, too."
ThaCsso( ofqrhrt the disciplineis and, sure Arcl I didn't reallythink nuch of it bur, sure
cnough,by tlìe end ofthe semesterrhey'vclcarned cìrough,yearslarer rvhenI'm getting inlo reailr
how to play soft and how to not turn the time detaiìedwork with thc nìctrononte,l noricedthai
around. One of the rext stepswould be,"O.K. Ler's adagiois like69, 72.And that is threerí'mposlor
deliberatelvturn the time arouml and seewhal me: thatjs kind ofa \\'alkingballadIturnson the
lhat feelslìke."So,tou start by sa,ving,
"O.K. Let's clickljit'sa mediumswingIsnapslìngerion ba.k
piav aheadofthe beatand see1t'hatthat feelslikc. beats\\'ith .li.k as tro and lbur : and that it frenr
Lefs plat behind and checkthàt out. Htrverou Íìuah the top oiirhere nì\'!L\ieettì,nLrtÈi ar.-
ever heardiinvoneplav behind the bedt?'Th.r
A Conversationgeeveen the Authors

5o, thereseemsto be somerhingto it. It may \\cìì. ir'\ rhcirn,clhodology.

Lrcrr prrs,'nsge'ng
ìust lre the power ofsuggestion.Or it mxy be thàt to haveto figure oul his oi her olvn kind ofpath.
leopìe hayedifferent aredsthat they are very conì
fortatrlein and that'sreallygood to know. |ro a I\l glad you brought that up. Basedon 1'ourfirst
negatìvestandpoirt, vou ù'aDtto know the areas book and the oneswe\,e done lopiether,thcre
)ou'Ìe lhe Íeakest in. I know for me, wilhirì orìe or secnìsto be lhis pattern $'hich js tbat,vou don'l
nro ciicksofthe sametempo,I will haveexaclly likc to tell peoplewhat to tìo. In thc past,you've
the oppositeexperienceìfI'm lrying lo pltìy with a cr.plairedthis as nol wanting îo iDtcrfcre$'ith lhe
srvingfecl or rvith an evcn cìghth-notefecl. chancefor self-discovery.Itseemsthat this rhythm
Ifs like: 'At this one, I can play swing real good, book and the voice leadingbooks arc cvcn more
but I carì'tplay eveneighth notesto savemy life. gcaredtoward self directedsiudy than perhaps
-Lnd$ilhin two clicksone way or the otlìer, itì your Iìrst book, Iùe /1dldnclngCritdrist U4ìat is
exactlythe opposite."And Iìn surethat thcrc are so important for you about self teaching?
so many issueslike that that IVIRY inusicjan has,
dependingon their instrumclrt and their lech- Part ofthc rcasonÍrlìy ihat seemsto be rny st,vleis:
nique,that they would Deverreallybc able to find peoplehaveto rovide their own lìethod---rach
unlesstlìeI realÌydid systenraticrvork Í,ith a person. lo sLìggesl lhal one approachncces
metronone. I think if)îu want t{r be a Llayerand ^nd
saril).fits alì; I don't think thafs right.
speakthe ìanguageof lemposwith good musi- t think also,as time has gone on,I havedevel-
cians,you need to reaÌlystudy it well. oped more and Ínorc faiih in peoples'abilityto
fìgure lhings out for thcmsclves. Yet,a lot of the
time, they don't havethat faith becausejf thel
come lo a school or thcy study with tou thel rre
YG businessabout playirg wjrhout a nrctrononìe, kind ofsaying up front, "I don'1know Nh:ìt to do
I do thatwhcn I'nì lettingmyselfjoslkind ofcom- \vilÌìlhi..lulf...l ll p.r))ou rroncylo tell Ire.
pose,you know,jusl explorc stuf[ Or iust deliber' Ancl whî1 l'ù sayiiìgis:"Thanl<sfor your mono,
alely try to play somethjDgthat docsn't seemto but you cirn figure this out. Let'scxpìorethis a
ha\e a teÌnpo to it. bf..."
It's a way ofteaching, il's part ofmy personaÌirr.
YH Do }'ou rcin thrÌt in? In yollr ow practice,is that and it's sonìethingI'\,e been doing for n long
s.heduled?Or doesthdt kind olexploration just time...sort of an approdch.I think it says,in a
happenbecauseyou fèellike that's the drirg to do nonverbalrvay,"You can do this."It you harc a
problem bcing overwhelmedby the possìbilitìes,
you're thirkirìg too much. lìn saying,lou can
',îG l'eah,it's more like lhàl. practiccthis stuffalmosl mindlesslyand it u'ill still
be beneficial.
YH So,\'ou don't s.y like: "lbda)' Iìn gonìg to do this." .\'ìd it \ nol b(Lar\eùf ) orrr thiîlirìg: irì
\bu don't force it on yourself...youjust let it becauseof the fact that peoplc lcarn horv to plal
evoìrc.rvhi.h m. l<r '<n' . nroreorgani.. music becausethey ha!€ differcnt kinds of inte|ì
genceilike rvhat StevcnHarrison lnlks about ìn his
YG \talì...and it's basedjust oì whereyour rntcrestrs. uitings [i.e., Get.rrg to \l'herc yo *e, The Ilapl.t
Sonletinìesyou work with a netrononìe and Cftildl. All kinds of intelligenccritt not just lhirk
You'reworking really hard and sometìmes,yodre not iu't rcrl'al ur)dcr'\ nol iu.l
iust tìrcd of ìt and you needa break.ì\,fa,vbeyou Inrrhclìì.rlir,rl. I lrcr(\ tJLtilc,l'nc,theri., trnnlìolì-
come back to f ìn five or ten or fifteen nìinutcs... al, ctc., and wayslhat no one'scven idenlified
1'et...and$e all bavcthat. So,"You can do thìs."11
H't \bu iust go and fecd the pigeons...ordo some- sort of hopefullycomesfroùr that perspective.
thing else...?Ìe Ailrdr.iiry Orni tholaglst. I thirlk if Iìn successfùlwith r{hcre I'm going in
pr.r licrngrhi, rhyrhrn(trrfta J rhar lr, ,n,r. r g
Seff'Teeching me about iny oit'n technicalinadequacicsand ho\!
to sort ofcorrectrhose...)rcu know,gerting
Èlt -\s \€ discussthis rhythm îterial,I'm thìnkìng of through the warnr up thing, so it doesn'lt4c mc
.ourse from a praclicirg perspectivcbccauseI threeand à half hours to gct conrforllìblejthcrc
rhink r lot ofpeoplc lvill usethis in lheir pra(tice mà) be sonrcthingin the future tlìal r{ill Lrea lol
e\?n rhough it's not presenledàs a nìethodolog)'. rloscr to very specificthings aboul like, \!h,rt rrc
the options ofhow you useyour fingerson the In fact, I still think "trying not to learn it" is the
strings,lelì hand to rìght hand coordiÍìation,that way to go. So that, every time you go through the
willbe a loi more specificonce I gct it together rhythms, even ifyou did thenr a weekago or even
ùìyself...alìdI'm not thereyet. yesterday, you can kind of hear them freshagain.
I think, too, that rvhat this doesis-maÈe even
in a more obviousway than the vojce leading
GettinS to Where YouAre (Doint)
books it fills in gapsfor people,becauseof the
l',1H ln light ofthese recentbooks,it seemsthat much fact that the numbersare done and th€ scb arc
ofthe work vou're dojng on the instrument now is complete.I[you just takethe rhyrhms that I would
not only about self-improvement,but alsoabout write on lhe board for my studcntsand mjx them
improving communication betweenplayers.ln up al random;after a certainpoirìt, you can't
essence,learning to connnunicatein "their lan- remember,"llid I play that one aheady?"or "Did I
Sudge \eems lo be d nìolitilor lor ìc.ìrning. play that yesterday?"
Thìs ;s an interestingway to think about slruc But, when they'rewritten out and lhey'reright
luring ) our prd\li(c. or ìookingat lour or n rnu.i- there front ofyou, you don't haveto worry about
cal grorvth;as opposedto feelingovenvhelmedby that. You just play them and you can absorbthcm
tryiÌrg to do too much or evenbecomingstagnated on an Lrnconscious level.It's like somepeople,
by the wealth ofchoices availableto us.Asking the without going into a long story (although I could),
question,"Irlow can I communicatebetter with the hear much better when they're not reallypaying
peopleI playrvith?" is very different th.ìn just attention.
focusingon oneseìfandorìe'sown strengthsand In other words, itt like how somepeoplecome
weaknesses. Seeingourselvesin relation to others is up to you, aftcr yo ve played"ShadowOfYour
mole the point ìn music. Smilc',".nd requestit wheÌì you're done.It really
got in lheir head,but maybethel werc having a
MG lt's that for sure.But, in addition, this whole idea conversationwith the barterder.
of discipline.. .like LStevenlHarrison talks about: So,peopleshould takea very Ìelaxedapproach
"It's one thing to get $meone to do someùing to this kind ofthing. And again,wheù you have
they clon'twant to do. But, it\ ànother thing when filled in lhe gaps-I mean,with all thesedifferenl
sonreonehasto do somethingthat tbeylyant to do rhythms yo ve playedon so many dilferent com-
that'shard."And thaaswhat this is. binations ofnotes that are on the beat and off the
beal, and tied or not-when you fill in that set,it's
like you havethe completeset ofthe tlncl.loleilid
Try NotTo Learn
Britatúi.a, insre d ofhaving letters"M" and "D"
MH You hnd said,at the end ofthe voiceìeading book missing,or somcthing like thàt.
text,somethingfo the effed that"this Ìnaterialhas
a life of it's own."Are you saying,sinceour presen-
For All lnstruments
tation ofthe rhythn is very sinìilar-in terms of
all thc permutations,etc.,you know, rve'vefigured MH Is thereany other "bigSerpicture" Ìhing thal per
everlthing out with the ath, now you go ahead haps woultì reachalì levelsof playersinteresledìn
and work with this materialas a sprirìgboardinto working with this nraterialnnd that youd Ìike lo
( rcrling) our o$ n aplroa.h to itt or cvcn.ju,r share?
practicethis stufflvithout trying to learn ìt-that
all the instruclions hold true in voiccleading as l'1G I think again,"for all instruments,"to tn to
they do rvilh this rhythm materiîl? on that. If someonehas problemslike thes donì
know what an cighth-note is or somelhinglike
MG What instructions? that, cerîainlythey can't do an,vlhingi(ith the
books...yet.But, they could go to a tea.her and
MH I mean the little bit that yoLr'vesaid... learn rvhat an eighth-noteisi so, it\ not like ir's
complelelyout of the questionthat thev.ould
MG I betieveso.I believeit's very much lhe same.Like the books.But, thereare basi., fundamentil 'ùrnas
the businessabout not having to think that you that the,r'll haveto be able to do.
ha\€ to learn or eventry to learn it reallyapplies Havìng said that lhoùgh, r Fersonmllie drle!-
and that l'ou're mìrch better offgoing through thìs n't haÍe anr impro!;int skilli but ù.r'!. !ÈÈ.
stuff mindlesd\'.Ofcourse, there hasto be a cer- Flavinp marbe sL\ monlh. or .o JnJ Lìkl .à- ;..r'
tain amount ofrepetition until \rcu rememberit. note\ .ome rh!1hm:rnd mart't rc,-c-.:r ':.r ::
But, \lat rou do \{ith it, that'sa r{hole other lhar: I think ir \ould h€ z 9,.{ì: :Lr:r; :.- :rr,c -=
tn'ng. a little bir ot:i:x. s.-::ri :L-Lìji :_,è:i <.À
A ConversationBetweenthe Authors

Therc are sucha rvitle v:ìrjetyof rh)'tiìùs lhat a movemcnt.Thal's certainlysomethingI've been
lol of pcoplehavc neverplayed,so havingheard trling to gel acrossto my students:youcan't rcally
oneselfpl.ry theserhythnìs can't l)e anylhing but a leirn rhythm sitt;ng in a classroonì's.bout
good thing. movemelt and florv.

MG What would ),o suggestto other educatorsabout

As we Live and Breathe this material in the classroom?
So,it doevr't matter what levelyou're at as a Play
er; lhere'sthis ideathal, and this seemsto be an MH \4/ell,I'nì using this matcrial in nìy Rhythmic Ear
'liaining classthis fall. Siùceso nrany stùdentstakc
uherior motive ofyours, ma)òe not a motive, bul
certainlysomethingyotive noticed in your own this electil'eto improl'c areasin thcir rhythm, such
plaving,regardìess of lhe levelyou'rc at, you just as sight-reacling, we'll start eachclassNith d fei{
go tlìrough this material,jusl listen and feel that minutcs of reùdingfrom thesePagcs.You knoÍ', its
roù rc 8<llingrìu\Ll( nìc,lìor)worl. il'' P,(lling a sixtecn-weekcoursc,so I'll divjdc the ùlaterialuP
into,rour brain somehow,into youl vocabulary to make surewe go through all of it.
ànd maybeit'll get theresoo[er if)'ou dodt work I've en€ouragedstudenlsto usethis naterial
so hard at it or don't lry ejthcr,which ìs a strong rvithout feelingas if they have to go through it in
statementto make. any parti.uhr order.Of corìne,there'scerliìirly
logic to our presentalion,but 1lìeyshouldn't feel
lbu know, jtì somelhingthat, when I wasyoungcr limìted by tlìat. Jfyou'rc someonewlÌoseinlerestrs
as a pla,rerand a leacher,ifanyone had said any_ exploring rlrythms in 5, then, by all nìeans,8o
thing l;ke that, I would'vebeenviolently oPposed immecliatelyro thosepagesarrd start work; 8.
to il; thinking, "No, it's gol to bc hard lvork- You've hì fact, one oftlìe things u'c discoveredabout
got to be payjngatterlìon to everythingall the the 5/4 rhythms in classthis se1nester is that, if
rime and reallytry to learn this stuffl" That lYasà you havelitlle exfcrierìcein 5, it is eosjerto work
ìot of úe $'ay I $'asnlotivated. on thenr in a different order from what we'r'e
\uw I under\l.rnd wh) llrdtic Jnd I re.rìi7c' presentcd.The rhl'thmic seedsjn 5 are Presented
jn nranycases,il work for a wlìile, yel it's not in order ofsmtrllcf to lafgef quantity; stàrtswith
ahraysthe most efficicnt îpproach thdl a person one ciglìtlÌ Dote,thcn rwo eighths(or quarier-
could lake.Also, now I lravemuch more faith with
rhis nìaterjalànd lvith peoples'abililyto learnj This nlednsthat the rhyúmìc permutationsiÌl
peoplecan leain things and not evenknow hoN 5 aìì stîrt wilh syncopatedrhythnrs,you kno$',
the,vcloit. cighth note foììowedby quartù or dotled quarter
llere we'rc sittiÍrgand talking about this stuff which, for studentsnew to it, could make it cliflì
Nhiìc, at the sàmetime, we're Srolvingour hait cult to feel.Whereas,ifyou start rvith those
and digestingour food, the heart js beatirìg,\ve'rc rhyúms beginring rith a half-note,the fourth
breathingand all like thot, w;thout eventhinking seed,and work "backwards"through the first ll{o
Jbúurir. :o. I ha\( n nrc ldrlhr\ rirn( goeton in colùmnsof rlìythms,lhcn playing Lhescrhyth s is
peoples'abilityto lcarn stuff, parti€ularlyif thcire ceÍtainlyeasier.
presentedrvilh completesetsof possibiljtìcs Onc olher rhing tlìat we discovcredlogether
about working in 5; it is much casiello copewith
theserhythms $'hcn they'reinitially "felt" or
Tliîkint Outsidethe Books "counted" on the eighth note level.for examPle,
T\o other things to talk about: ihe thing I men- the rhythnì ùat ìs ejghth-n()1e, quartcr-note,dof
rìoned about chorcographersànd darìcersgetting ted quaÍer-note,followedby a half note(l 234)'
inlerestedin this sluffand, also,teachinglhis can be practicedwith a ùrelrono e setat an
nìaleriùl jn a classrooir.For edùcators$'ho n'uy ciglìth no!e click, say206 bpùì-..Prelly fast for
sant to use lhis book,I'm $'onderingif you lìave beginncrsjn 5. Studcntscaùjust count the value of
àn\1hingto savto thcnì about this nlitelial. eachrhythm bàsedon the lìunber of cighth notes
each"seed"is $'orth. So,that rhythm in farticular
Y 3 leah...l uould nercr haveeventhoughl about the wouldbc countedas:I, I (2), I (2 3), I (2 3 4), as
.rrnrerthing.I canseethat though. if it were in 10/8.They tend to feel that imnìedì
ately,without too much trouble an inrprovisational dancesettingor even No$', ifyou ad<studeùtsillsteadto counl this in
in a nìore lradìtional setting,lhcsc
rehearsal 5/4 or cven to conduct in 5/4 whjle singiÌrgthe
rh\Ìhms.lÈingthat ther'Ìc'1hecomplcteset; rhythms,they osu.ìllyfind rhìs much nrcre djffi-
,.uld pro\ iJe a grcatfoundrtionfor learning cull to do. \\'lv is that?Ofcoursc, lhc-! re trling l.'
keepthe"one"ìn mìnd and,so,arefeelingtwo MG Justseewhereit goes...phythecbords,seewhere
thingsat onceithe meterand lhe rhythms,howev- that leads;pÌaythe rhythnìs,seewherethat leads.
er slnrcopated theymìghtbe.Now,ifyou askthem ThaCsthe inportant thing,not figuringout the
ro do thisrel.rtivelydifficulrri5kdrercourìring math or undentandingwhatM.S.R.Pmeans.We
and feelingthe rh)'thmson theeighlhnotelevel, did tharalready,it'sdonel
asdescribed, theyhavelessdifficultywith it. This
is whereit getsinteresting for me asthe teacher, f..tH Wow!Checkit out, Mick!Wetalkedfor exactly74
because the questions just startflo\r',ing. minutesand4 secondsl Thesemini-discsareonly
And I rn sur(que\lion.will .omcup É aboul74Ininule'ìonglI hda(prettyBoodliming.
ply goilg throughall thismaterial.WhenI asknìy I'd like ro be ableto saythatworkingon th€se
fudents,"Do you noticeanything?" or "Do you rhythmshelpedour time that much...bìrtI know
haveany questions about what we've just done?" better.At leastthisinterviewshouLdgiveus som€
mostly,theyjuststarclìkedeercaughtin the head- usablenìaterialfor thebook.
lights,whichis understandable with thevoice
leadingmaterial...itcanhàvethat effect. MG Sure,Ithink we covered
But I noticeif I don'taskquestions and,for don'twantto haveto lìstento it again.
example, wej st singthevoice-leading, or play
throughthe rh)'thms,with just a bit ofguidance t,1H Ofcoursenot...we'llaskMr Goodchordto
from me,questjons oftenarise.So,in a way,it's an t}?e it.
extension ofwhat you'resaying,"Youjust do it and
don t think aboutit so much."

One Attack ThreeAttacks

'll') 1 1l 'll, ) ' I \

ar 1l 'll'J 1 n{ l
'll't J 1l 'll,.f .l 1l 'll'J-l )v,ll
'll' r 1 N r 1l 'll,) 1 |lr 1l 'll,J-l , )11
nll't .ll {l 'll't J nll
' ll ' t 1 |\
'll,t J |lr il Four Attacks

" ll ,t 1 a
a, 1l 'll'J-J nll


One Attack Two Attacks ThreeAttacks

' l l ,J tl ' ll'J. \

1l ' ll'J n{l
'll' .lr J-_jll 'll,) ). 1l 'll,J-J J{l
'll-_J J-;ll 'll,J 'll 'll' .fr ) )ll
tll'J. )11 r.ll. x
ll' . ll J
.f 1l .ll,J-l
ttaa J1l Fo{rA|f2ds
'll,J r; ll 'il r-J n ìl
Sl|()RÍ FORll (3 attacks)

Sccd Rbnhms

'll'J r-l { 'll,f-: .l 1l 'll'.ltJ .f 1l .ll,J-:J-:,ll

Il2 l

ll,JJ: J: J ,ll ll,_.tJ

ll 3 l

ll'J .r: )J ),ll ll,_J

r r:ll:ll
ll 4 l

ll'r J:_"rf.f:,ll l,'-Jl. ,rf:_ll


ll'J: J )J .f,ll ll'J I J-J-JI,ll


ll'J:J J-J-r,ll ll,.rl-t:J. .lì,ll

I2 1 l

ll'r: J J J: 'll ll'1. .fJ-J-r:ll


ll,.fJ J!J-J-ft ll,:-:-n ; ; ,ll
[ 3 1]

ll'.[J JJ ,-:ll l]')1. ,Tr: 'll


ll,JJ i,r: J ll ll'"lft: .fìJ.1l

[41 ]

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r ll
I4 3 ì

), ùll l,J-JT:,JJ)1l


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ll' at t
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l21l l43l l63l

ll=t l'r:
a' YJ: 'II ll,t Y Y ),l l ll')' ) 7 7 )'ll
f25l I45l f64l

It' h r Jl t ,ll ll't y ,ll ll')' ) I ' r]' ll

lxl 146l [6s]

I t ' lrr ) ' ) , l l

at ll't )'),ll ll,)' ) r J ' ,l l


[l attack] [2 attacks:2+4] [3 attacks:2+2+2]

l l , J. 1l l l 'J ) 1l ll'J ) ) 1l
ll. r-r I
ll'-J-.l-!-;ll at,a a_4. _*ll ll,.fJ J .fil
ll--J J._;ll ll,J J ll
ll._J J.--:ll ll,J. ) ull
ll_J J l l ll_J ) l.-;ll
l[r:_J___;ll ll,JJ r1 l

[2 attacksl+5] [2 attack: 3+3] [3 attacks:l+1+4]

ll'fi_,J 1l ll,J. ). 1l ll'rl ) {l

ll'J._t-: il ll._J). ull ll:
at a
f-lttea. I .h1l
ll._J JLll ll._)J. J1l ll'J n {l
ll._J. .hJ.-;ll ll._J. .hr:Jl
ll._J ) J.--;ll ll._Jn ul
lF_r-lJ l l {l
[3 ettacks:l+2+3] [4 attacks:
[4 attacks:l+2+2+l ]

ll,.hJ ).
,ll ll,.f J
1l ll:F )1 1
at a a a,a. )

ll J J l l ll'J-:J. J{ l ll,l
). 1l )

J. n { l l l ,)J. ,n 'll ll'_JJ .f J:_jll

ll' a.
| \l 1l ll'
at n ,ll ll, J
a ). 1l )

]-, JJ l-ll ll_J n r'-1 :ll ll._..t) J tll

) aaaalta

lL_r-tJ 'll ll_fi Jt J=__lll l'J-:) ) 1l

13.ftacks:l+3+21 {4 attacks:1+2+1+21 [5 attacks:


ll,.h j. il I I' JJ J J il 11:l-l

| ll ataaaaa

ll,J. .l il l l 'J J J
) 1l ll: l-1 \ | .h1l at a a a,a

ll-_J J-t_ll ll',JJJ J-: 1l ll,t-:; ,n 1l


ll-.hJ .f J-:ll II'JJ ,n 1l

llJ : ; . )11 ll,J Jt r: 1l
IFJ .f J. 1l ll;t.: ,r: f::ll
"9ó PLUS" (t anack)

I li,J il ' li,_) j._ll , ll._J J._ll . ll._J. l_,ll
lt2 3 4 l
ll, I Nl lr I r ),ll
ll,J._r:J_fJIJ 'll ' la ' llr N\
a _:-.. ò-o l. 'll fl,J)._) llJ._)J 'll
ll, |
.t o. . \i tr r
o ,d'o._l
l a
,ll ll,J. U__I,-:: ,ll
ll32 4 l ,o.I I l\r r
a. ) a,a._4. ),il ll,Ji. l)l ù j , ll
._ a J ,ll ll,J._) J ll_J ) ,ll
l. tl ' io . |rl Nl
ll' | \l I I r.. ,ll
., o.. .-_. ,_l '). li'J I./ J_I)._)J1l

ll,J_)i_j ) n_) ll',u_.i J_tJ l,

ll ). .t:-]_J._,bJ fr J )j. [].r_t
ll'J U___,DJ._;J fl'J ù)J_J; )
ll ) J_DJ IJ fl', .r-.fJ.-,J. la
ll,J._.fJ ll_J ) fi,)J._J ll_; o
ll,.l. U__ji l_.f.J ll' .t. ,)i ,_,\,-_o
l234rl [41231

J-IJ )J.:ll ll'-J ,bJ-_l-,bJ.-J
l24r3l [4231]

llJJ.._.J)l J J=ll ll,_Jù)J-_L.JJ J_:ll

l2r34l |$'t2l

fl_)J J__l_l
),_) ùll ll,_Jùl J lJ_)J_;ll
[24311 142131

ùl_lJ J:ll ll_J ò)J |) J._ll
[2314ì I 4 l1 2 l

J 1].__Jùll ll,_J)J__J_lJjJ;ll
12143) I$2rl

)__DùJ J._.ll ll,_JU J_DJul


ll_JJ_.J) lJ.-)J=;ll ll,_JJ--_L:l;._.:


fl_JJ J__DJ_Jùll ll,_J_)l_l_J

J ) ùll

ll._J ll,J J lJ.._)i ttt

ll-_J J )__Df)]._'ll ll'_:._,u|) rJl

ll-_J )) lI)J J.:ll ll,_J)__DJ.,,fìJùll

ILJJ._)J|)_) ùll ll,J J_l_)J) ùtl

a a to
j.:ll ll,J U lJ._J:J._.l
ll_)JùJ ). J_.ll ll_: i__J.)JùJ J._.l
fl,_)J.)__l J:_J.J| ll,_J)J IIJ J J._]l
ll,_)lùJ__LJJ J:ll ll'_J ) llJ_r J._ll
J lJ òJ;ll ll_JùJ__DJJ J_ll
ll_)J ) ll_J J_ll ll'_J..___)J
lJ ùJ ul

ll._tn_) |J..__.bJ=;ll ll'_J)__Ln)._) ùll

ll_JJ J__J.)J
ùJ__;ll ll_J._.r:
J_IJ ) ùll
ll;J J.JJ lfJ J=;ll ll_J) lJ_)J ùll
ll_J) ) {fJ_)J:ll ll'_J.__)J
IJ J_.nJl
ll_Jr_J__)J J:ll ll,J J l_lJ_.)J {.jl
ll_JJJJ IJ ùul fl_JJ___Dr) ul
ll_fi o-J'
ll r
.,_Lo l___ll ll_JIJ l)1.__J
llJJ .aofì l J-:ll ll,_J)J_IJ U j_,ll
llrbJ ) J-l-; ùJ:ll ll'_)J
_J lL: ) J_,ll
llJJ ùJ )u J-:ll ll_J J ìI.\J._JJ._ll
ll-_rl ) I J ùJ:ll ll'J ù)J_]-J ) J_,ll
ll-_)J )
tr l
.J. t J____ll ll'_,\J._ilJ ùJ J._ll

ll-_JJ_J ìl_J .\J.=;ll ll,_J)t__l_i

u ùtl
ll-_Jù J l l J.-)J:ll ll;)J.=JJ_l_J) ùll
lLt J J_l_Jù)J:ll lu ) lr:_J._i
ru ùJ t_l_J )J:ll ll,JJ._JlJ )._)ùll
ll-_J). I.1.ù)J. ,ll ll,_JJ I_DJ._.Jùll
IF-J .,t tr l
.Ja t JJJ:ll ll'_J
"9ó PLUS" (2 consecutive


, ll,J. J lf 'll,.l' ). 1l ,ll,f-l J_11 olt._J J-_ll

tt2 3 4 l t34t2l
ll,J ))i_Jr )J fr ll-I )J r)IJ ))l_;ll
It342l 13t24l
ll,J . \N.I
2. a a l a I I a a aNl
,a. il_,? ))) )J.,J fljll
u1231 - t32411
ll,l ùJ r : )J.-T J ll_rJ )i_l_JrJ ùll
t l3 2 4 l 131421
ll,J ù",] J ,hJ..,J
T ll,_r) ) ll_JJ:)J:ll
112131 1342tl
l l'J . .NN
4. I
aa-aaa ll,_rJ_Jrt)J ) ùil
lt432l 132141
ll,J \1.
.e . aataaa
1 1 t|\a'4. ll,_.1
J)J ) ll J:jll

[2341] t4t23l
ll'.bl._IJ_fl,l i. ),ll ll._.t
fi ) )l ,f,l_t J_ll
[]413ì t423tl
ll,)J._JJ:IJ.IJ: I ,ll \,
ll,_joòo1.. I t-t,
). r_ll
l2l3.ll -
fi,.u ) ll_tJ_Jr'll ll,_J.a -a a a ll N \r .l
ta . a ,a' 4.-,1
1243 l4 2 t 3 l - -
nLn) ) )'ll ll:l òl-| i'tr\ .| | N
' a. a:a-t. ._ a
[:31,1] Í41321
ll, Nl . I N] J:,ll
a) a a ._ a a a ) ' ouo ll,_J|']l . a a
a I a a a
o o ._ l
Ir l43l [,13]l l -r\

li,)i ) al
| \I
) fr-nJ ,ll ll'j .-
a a- a. ,
\ : lI
ll'.r''Jrl J_1_J
J-l_J)1l ll,) J J , l| J )TJ .II
ll,)J J J:Jr:J_l )1l l' .bJ ). tll rl L L at't,ll
ataaava a ta

ll'r] l_l r:Jl. ),fl ,ll l')J i) _fl )J I]1l

ll,'J.JJ lJ I]_J)1l l .\|
at a.'a' a.
\l rFaa-.laaa
ata 'll
ll'I] J_J) J r_)J 'll ll-rl Jt-,J ,f.,)J. I r-l'll
l i , J lJJ I lI)J J .b ll ll_ruJ ). .bJ,-l'11

I'J rlfìt
a a_ata'
t aaaea.
a ll-ril) )t n )_LI
ll n n t l t atlafìla .
a a _ a a a\_ L a . 'll ll_r J } T ] ,ll
|iJ a a_4.
N l .l N l
a't aaa_a a, 'll ll_r))J IJ-:J_Jrlf
li .rana-art lla a\_)-a a. _4.
t t r, , l |rl ll_J)J ,T:J)J.I U
lr:. N.rl rr1Nl
a a a a__)-a
a a-a a.
,ll ll-J \n ll J T.II
a a a a I a a.

It J l. \ l anall ,a na ta_a
lt a.
,ll li'J N \ Irta l)-fr ) 'll
a a a.
I ''ó PLU!;" (2 consecutiveàttacks)

.t .. . vl .---l I r ..
. a a!-a. ,') |*....-..
l l 'l TÎtl N làI r
.,1 .,:J'll
rt . ..v.
\l tr- l.'_....-à
l ' l în l lrN l \l
l l ,l t l L)
r,.r J'J J-'ll
l ' [ TTt I ).|),J
tlNr N
J\) ,ll: .'.
\ l .'t
l. ,l
t tl aI J:
.r .. a a_a.Jl\l' r tr\ ltil :À
J J _IJ . t')l rN
,àl ltJ
r r)r.)
r rj
.t . .N l . Nl
l l r .rdr ro
t1o ò-) ,.N..l ..f T.n.:..
i t ./'J
xr j
ll: hl Nl I r \ ll' . Nttt. ..Nl .:Nl |
..-a ) ,ll
. t . ,. . O lltd
d_o,). .,
" -l

ll,J .,r.l N l' . . lt traaraar r-4, .b,ll J_,r.j,f.l) [JTll t

fl J .,_.
I fT '-l | \l
ata ),ll
a a aJ,à I
. e. N. .l lt a,
x ta N t r' r. t l
a,a a a L t
ll'J..-d lI nr \r
a a d_ ara ),ll f', | | I l-r.ll
.,ò 1...,_a J J J J |, (
-l -l (

ll J J]_JJ_DJ.\J ),ll )J J_DJ.rxlf


ll,) el '.l l.\_Lali r r r ar a a_4.

)J )l J J_'-rJ q
ll'J IJ-I]!,b1l t.l_DJ,)J Ijjl t
Rí[I.lan||rab T
ltJ-JT:-Jflt aa to
I J\U ll,J U J 1,u..-J-J-J
lillll,l I I )J )J ,ll ll,.1.l,J J-l-rJ ,l,J,f"ll
ùJ J )J ,ll ll,J )J-J.J-J-J:-J r1l
lyIJTt) l.l'l ùJ J 'll ll,J )J ÙJ J-J-i-Í:,ll
ll;IJJ )J ùJ rJ ,ll J | )J ùJ ,?1l
ll: t
ll Ò_ a ITII
a a a L|a.l ..l ..
li,r.l )J )l J ùJ J_.ll "ft.,l.|l,ll

ùJ )
ùJ fil)..-il)
l!,.f,J )J )1l
ll'J ùJ J-l-r-lJ
r |- 1- f lt J
ll. x r Nt
ll a'a a ,ò _ Lt t t t - t f:'ll
ll,J )
II.)J,|)JÙJ J.-TJ ll,J ,bJll_Jl._,Trl,ll
lr . N l f - 'T.'lr f1 j
al a ' a - _ a ) d d,!Ò Ò Òt ll,J-|l J | )J ùJ .rl'll
l. xr rtî'tl r . \: - , . J ll' I ff:il
a Ò_a a a aL. .I .. ,f.,ll
ll a 'J._ a a aat . .
'9ó PLt S" (3 atl d(')


,ll'J n ll '.ll,JJ J ,ll J ll .ll,f-l f)

'll,J J tl
2341 t34r2l
at a
a a a aa
lr : 1m,l 1,.1,
lrrJl ) ) ) ) ) ) ' l l
[1342] [3]241

ll'Jfff'J .f'lÍtr)n),l )J .ll ar-ra a_aaaa

ll'.1., t-rr.ll
[1423] I32t4l

ll,J [ l n 'lll
aa - a aaa'
tl l \lN:l
aatt a a a I
lt'tr \-
lr a a a a a a _ a a a a a
fT ' f ] lt l: ll
aa ta
Ít3241 t3r42l

, Jf r, ? J. i
ll,l ,l)l ) J :, TT J : ' I I I I ' } J, I . N
[12431 t34211

ll,: ,l i) | tr) )J ,l',il ll')J ùJ-J-J:l

tl a aa a
|l'llt l
u1321 [32t41

ll,l n-ffi| )J ,1t., ,ll ll,)J ,f.rlJ aI aa_aaaa

n lTlì:llt,


ll'JJ..t. J|J-J]:Jl:,ll ll'), .J.J

J J-J:n_IJ

ll,J:J_ I J:)J,[1l ll,,l: ,ml,T]lJ f:,ll

tl I a aal
n l .|'J.f'rl: ll ll'l. )t:-fli J , JrJ:'l
ll: )J )J ,r:1l
tl I lT'.
I a a a Ja aaa ll')J ,m IJ J:rj-':ll

ll,rJ )J )l ) D"rTnll ll')J)l iLn J J-JT


ll'rJ . frlffi) )J ),ll l' . I)-DJ ), )rTIJ'l

l',))l];fiUll:)J)1l li,|JT:J
r:uJ )rJ 'll
ll=)Jl"ÍntlJ ,Tr,ll l,'JIIJ-)J,l.i.E::, J 'l
ll'J Lf,J. I I-JT:".T1'J',1 l'')J ,l.Fi:,J r-rJ 'l
li'Jl:-J:r I,Tl!.f'J,f.'l ll,"Tr,l-J-JJ:J )11, ,ll
ll'JJ tml.bJùt:n1l J ,l' rjl:,11, ,ll
l,) fi)t ll_rjJtrrll ll'.l.t .l.Tl:]-i::: J J 'll

li' JT7fi-ffi| .J..).r J ll'.ll_.1:)l ,!J ,TrJll

ll,t|f|l'J ,f') n"n) lr'JIIJ)tJ7r)-Jfrtl
l,' IJTJ ,-:r,E:.fJ. l,J J .rJT:.L.NJ
lL trrl \r xl rrrr
. t . . . ..' . . t a rr.) ) l, .r..r,TIJl_rl
J t-J:'ll
l,=ÍTn.ÍTntr I.hJ ll,l f]",lJl)i )J-JTJ,ll
ll,trli tl.f,./ftJ ll'J J .lJ .l'rfll-irl,ll
'tó PLfrS- (3 .|r2ds)

fl,'|]JJTI]IJJl",l'J fl,Jr,l,J .fl lffi-Dt'll

li,J-rrJtii:J ,f,J l,'tJ.lrTtLtDIJ ,ll
ll: lTn na I rT- |
. ) ..4a_aa I a aa aa - l''ffi-.l] ù )rfl.r,il
J I,T::-}J l,)J ), lll.Tr-rJ 'll
ll: |l i aalrtl rrn r l,J I:JTJI.-).,.J.,,JJ
.t . aa aaI adaaa.
ll' ÍTl fT'-l aI aI a,a
.t .a a a - a a aal
\ l',.Fr,)J,f'lr IJJ:J,il

, lJ ,!), li',U .U-m1,lr I .l'J'll
ll: n I nl òl-r x
ai 4.. d oot o d o _ d 'à ll,Ín-n J llJ )J rJ,rl
}J ft'r J ), ,f,l[JTt-tD,,l
ll'Jlr l-lrl. r.l'J l''.l;Í:-)J ,f'l.1-3J
J .11,r
ll,r::,J ,li,lJ )J f'')J .rr!I Im"l ntl
Ir'JI:J:Jt.tE:-)J 1,,,!J J-f:'lj,l'J.l'J.J;,l

nHYTH}l lorll titfurrs ì)
NI \. I )aaaaI an.ll
II.-IIIJ I] IrJ )J ùll ll:
al a'a a'aaa
-rr'r a'tr

II-.rITTJ)J )J l]-ll ll: tl 1 fTfl

a aaa aaaa J )J-fl:'ll

l a aaaaae. )r fJJ J-f::'ll

ll: ll Nl |r
J:J lJ J:,l,Jùll
II.-ITT at aaa a'a a

II--IITJ J:I )J )J: J._ll ll: \l

a a'a
Nf T 't l
a aaaa I J J ,Tf'J,ll

ll,-tfr)l ) aa a a a a t , J .ilJ)frr,ll

Ii-Ifi)J \l | | lTTl:ll
a't a a aa aa a
at aaa
- a
aa )J )TIJ:.II
II'IJI] J J | .Tt:)l )ì ll,.r,f .U ,ltr,tl.r,Tl'!'ll
ll,']JJ-fr:)J )J r,ll ll,)J )r J I i lîn:lla aaaaaa ta

Ii.J-J-T rlr ,rl

J T: ,f.J. ll'J rl rl J |.u )rr:'ll
=îr I n 'll
ll,tJ-t )J ))aa.l aa'1 4 l: tl I N | \
al aaa a'a a' J JlTIT'II
r- l rm.l l
li,lJJJ-J-tJ r)l )ll II.}J}J IJ a a a aaaa' t a

(combiningI seedswith 2 seeds)

t43ll [413 l

fl , J ) ) , l l ll, N 'll o ll'J_.r': l ,ll

ll,)l._)i ,ll lt, ùJ ),il ) ll,J J..-J ),ll
l l, i ) J ' ll ll' ,ll ll') J ì.j 'll
ll , ) ) ) ,ll ll,"r:_t_J: i._ll a'_a)_à Jl
ll,J n)L J ),ll ll,_J Jt_ll ll' J :J
J. ,ll
l l ')J )J ' l l l'.,r.:J.._.) ll. t
f l' ,
a a_414.. 'll

l lJ, J r:J'l l ll'"Jnj J_ll l, J . , f J I , ll

l,J. l-J ,r: 'll ll'.,J) J ùll ll_J ,l)J ò:l
1422) I s 21 ] L6lll

ll,J ] J ,ll ll,J_) I )'ll t: ) Jl 'll

li,J 'll
à ) l,n_) ,ll l, )J . *a' ),ll
ll'J ,ll
) ll,J n_) ,ll ll' ).
ll:) )l ) ,l l
t))))_) ,ll
ll_) )
tll tt- rr-:n) ,ll
ll_.l' N NI 'll
) a:, a t a.
, a
\1a . ,ll ll_t ) )J , il
ll_.t J ,ll ff, ,
at a. l-f: ú
ll_J J': J .I
ll,l L.f'J .b'll lr , , |ò J J .II ll'j t*.1
aaaar 'l

ÍACTOB I $lYlHt{ r. I bù-*

(combiningI seedswith 3 seeds)

I3t2l I42rrl I4r2rl

lì'J J._..bJ 'll ll,J a J': ,ll ll,J ùla

at )'ll
ll'J N)J. 'll ll')J..__)J
.:- )'ll J ,ll
ll'J t\ a-:- ) 'll ll'r: ,ll
) ll'Jn) )'ll
ll'.t''J. J )'ll ll,J n 'll ll,)J atò
f'\ I ,ll
ll,.hJNI J-11 ll: trfTl I U
a!-. ttaaaa-4 . il_n) _ll
ll. r
tfJ ),ll ll,)l .b)J ,ll
) il_n) ,DJ. ,ll
ll .l.'J. ,ll ff,
r aI J ,ll ll: fi-fi J-:ll

at a J._)J JIll lt' J. a\_ atrfTl

,'. ,
,lla ll,J N I r: ,ll al a

I4rr2l l Jl rrl

ll,J n) ,ll ll,J.=___J-J-n

ll' J ) ,ll ll'J:_J J'l 'll
ll')l IJ 'f'"ll ll',-: J-J. )'ll
ll,r: J ,ll ll, iTT'l
a1 aaaa_o
,ll I
ll: r'T't-l I
J: )J ,ll
ll r
ll. r
'J n) .-[
J. )r: J ,ll
r. .11
a: Ia
rt _
a td J-J-n,ll
I seedswith 3 seeds)
{combining (combining
2 seedswith 3 seeds) J
[31221 l3 r 2 r Ìl I
Ita' J._,NJ),ll ll,J J_n) 'Ll ll'J \ trl ,il aaaat

l, J\J ì.J I 'll ll J ) J ),ll ll,)J )J . , f ' l a


I'J J]*}J ,ll ll,)J .L)J ,ll l'l'1 ltr.] ,ll

a aaar aaa rr é

I' J. TT: J ,ll ll,J 'l)J

:l ll,Jn ) ),ll -I

l , .J,l. nJl ll,)l NI

a,a ll' ) J ) ) J ,l I
I n) )
r]l ll,.ùJ l-l .|:J l_,rrrJ_Jl-:jl a

t- \
a'a J ,ll n) J J ' l ll,J:J il) ,ll
I ))) J ),ll i r:_)J ) ' l
fl r'-fT'l ,ll
I l. r
I t' J a a -a a a a t a

-r-r 1322r) l3 r I1 2 1 é

'). ,.: ']l ll,I L)I ),ll ll,J N f'"1 | ,ll

a_ ) aaaal

),1 ll')J ) ) ,ll I'J a_aaaa'tlr rrrr .l €

:\ l a a. I

'll ll'J n) J ,l
,i: J..__)J. I
,..)) J . ' l l l l I J , b J ' ll ll'r : I J ),ll é

_,\J ,E J ,]l lLr ) ) J-:_Jl ll: f-fTl

al aaaa-aa.
\ | :l é

: I
fTfì :l l[fi J_)J ùl l,) J FlTl
ta €

atraa_a J ,ll l[)J ]lIl ll' tTTl
ataaaaa ;u €

),1 lLlJ Ir J_1laa ll r é

a a a a.
I i: I
, l : ) : ) ' ll €

1,,,))J )1l l l ' J )I222rr)
[1rl l4]

J': ,II ll'J-J-f-tJ 'll

F,'t ,ll
F,r, n ) 'll l l ' ) J ù)J )1l ll,)J_.J-J-n
r n) J: 'll ll, .,-: J J ) ,ll ll,.r: J J.: 'll
fl' ,ll
lll' l
.tt J.
,t' ,ft
'll l l ,J n) ) ll,"r:-J:_J. )'ll
lli=r: J )J 'll l l ,J ) n) ,ll ll'J ,Tr: ,ll
r-J-rr:-Jl ll: fT'f'l fr I ),ll ll'J-JT: )J ,ll
lrr.-r: ,ll tt,n, a aaaa - a a

ll,I f: r: : ,ll
rJ-f:_r: J at a'a ),bJ JIll
n ) nJl 1,, at aa
n, LJ-J-t:Jl ll'l ).rn,ll
,ll l l ,J
lfi'i:rJ-r-r: nnrll

I r:
l||..r.'.r ,ll ll,J J )J )1 l
t J-.u )1l l l ,)J ò.r: J ,ll
lr ,ll
lk rr:_J J l l ,Jr:_)J ),ll
r: )l ,ll l l ' ) J )t J ,ll
lll;J-rnJ Il ll:)J )J J-:Jl
ll,.'.r,br:J ,ll ll:r:) ) fi_ll
lilr ; :-r-r:Ll ll,r: J )l )1l
I 35
RHYTHMS lN ó/4 13attacks)


,11'J n 1l 'll'J_l J 1l '1,) .l .1,ll nll,fTTJ ll

[ 123] [341]

I 'J fT'-
a a a a a a a a tl
lr \'ll 1,,\l N a aaaaa
| aatr] :ll
ll24 l [312] - -
ll,J a
a a a
a. ) r: ,il ll,)J a:_a
|rl f- T-l-] l : l l ta
!341 13421

ll'J fTf-1
a a a a_a'a
Nl \| l :l l
a a a ta ll' ) J I
N lT'- 'll
I l3 2 l 13241

ll'l ll,)J .b,r.:J. )fi ,ll

t 1 , l2 l 13141

II'J a' a
N a
a a a a
| :lll ll' ) l \I N )r: 'll
ll43l 13211

ll,J a. J ,|'.|.:)J .ù'll l' ) J ) J ll J J ':'l


ll'.t:| a a a - aa a a a ta
Ni \l- 1 :ll ll',hJ .|'J:)J.|ll'll
[2]rì -
ll'.r: | a a a _ a a a a a tl
I l'1 'll l,)l ) ,r :,bJ . ,?'l
ll4 l l - -
lt'n |
a_a a a a a
| t-l :lI
a a ll,)J )r:J J f:',1
t2.l3l - -
l,n l
f-a \t
a a a a
a'tl l , ) l ) J f f i ) ,,
)) )J ) ' ll ll,t:)J )J ) n,l

l' ,-: )) ,.: ,Tn'll 1 ,,-J..,). 1 . , , r ' l

l|.n .lrJ. ,r: .f,J ),rl ll,J'lJ nn) .l''ll
ftr .hJ.frTt t ,l ll'.r:J fl )l J ),ll
al ar'l
a aIta I arr lfff
_ra a a a J
,ll ll,JJ t: )J )n ,ll
ll't: .bJ l-f: J ,-: 'll 1l
ll'.r) n_n J-JTJ
ll,t: J J .r: ,f'J .J,'il ll,J-J:f:J )J J )'ll
l lr-lJ
' . t)J r:,ll ll'J-J-f'lJ ,l'J .f'J ,ll

||r: J n_n., r: ,ll l, JT-J-J.r. .r.r-:J ,ll

ll , J:J J :)J J ), ll ll'J-J-r'lJ J ,r.J)1l
ll,J J-J-l-:,l'J l. :l ll'J'l
at aaa -l.l
a ,L -,Tf'l J 'il

I 1I
ll,J J-J-r:,NJJ )',1 ll'J)J LJ:,TJ-:,ll
ll'J rTr: J .NJ.l'',ll l,,JJ)J ,f'f: .I ,|,'il
nHYTH S lN 6ra (3 aEks)

ll'n .lJ )J )J )'ll

ll'J: .[J ,f'.-:J J 'il fl'J JaT;-) J-J-J:'tl
ll,J ,hr: J J-J-r:,tl ,f,J:,ll
li'J J-J-r:_.f'J
ll'.bJ ,ùJ:J: J J ,ll ll,J-J-nJ:_.hJ.|\J ,ll
ll')J ,br:)J )J 'll ll')l )J )J )r:,ll
ll,J. )J: )J ).rl ,ll ll,)J )J J J-J-ft'll

l l ,J)i )r: )J ),ll ll: tTÌ"l

i f- )J ll
ll'l] ): )r: )J ,ll ll: tT'l-l I
at a a a a a
a,a )J 'll
ll'n): .[J.]] J ,ll ll, ) J r : ) J )r: 1l
ll,)J ) N- a a| an,il
ata a tl f l,J)nn )J .h1l
ll,) J ) fìl
a a a a ta I IJ. J J : ) J )r: {l
ll,J) J NI
a a a a
ta latl ,ata.
Nl r -a l a a
a J n{l

HftUlLlllllt|brh r

li ' , J -f f : JJ-fT :J'l ll,-.r:JnnJ r-:Jl


J':; ), ùll
I,_r?-n J n_n.-fr:Jl

ll,-r)-f: J J: .f.J Jlrl )_n J-J-n_tl


ll'_J-If:.r:JJ r:-ll ll'-.ff: J J JTI-rl


il,_rrr:n-nJ ,r:-il ll,_)J)J: J J-J-f:Jll


ll',rJ-r:,rJ-,TT!J 'tl ll,JJ )r: ,-: J .r:-ll

ll'JJ ).r: J J-J-nJl fr'-fTTln-nJ fi-ll

ll-_.nJ)J n,TT:-ll rfTJ-tl
ll,,J:J n-n J-J-r:-l l,'-fTTJJ J .TIJ-ll
ll_nJ ) nJ-J-n-ll fi);
ll'-J-J-nr ùll
fi'-JfrT)-nJTTl-l l'_,r:J .f: J: ,f'J JIII
li,-J f;r)J ,TT,l-ll nnJ
ll,_r:J r:Jll
nHYflits lN jra

Sced Rlrytfims

t.J "l -l 4.)

fr2341 134r2l

ll,.hJ ùJ J 1l ll,.l.U.IJ 'll lDJ. ) fl:ll

lr342l 13124)

J. )11
ll'.bJ.) J 1l ll'J. .fJ) 1l ll._JJ.._Jl
fr423l I324rl

ll,t_L.fJJ. 'll ll'J.l_rJ_J)ll ll._,tJt.,rJ_Jtll

113241 13r42l

ll,.hJ.) ) 1l ll'J. N I J 'll ll'',.fJ._.fJ.

a roIl:ll
112431 [342r)

ll,.fJùJ. ). ll ll,J.u . J .l 1 l ll'_.fJ.

[1432] 132141

ll,t_L.fJ.Jil ll,J. l_,1J 'll ll._Jt J \:l ). .i-l

[234rI I4r23l

ll'JJ_r_J..f'll l l 'J .fJ Jll ll'-Jr:JJ J-;ll

12413ì 1423rl

ll,J .lJ. 1l l l 'J J. ),ll

o ) ll.',J) ) JJ1 l
fzr l 143121

ll,J n) tl ll,J JJ 1I
) ). tl,_)).,fr) J ,ll
f243rl I42r3l

l l ,J J. J,ll ll'J a JJ. {l

) ll.-JJ.lìJ.J...-l
[2314] I4r32l

ll 'JJ_n) ,ll l l ' J .fJ. J 1l ll'-Jr:-J J J-;ll (

l2r43l I432rl
ll'Jn). ). 1l l l ,J ). J .fil ll.-JJ-.lrJ)J:ll (

fflù|l!|Yllrrb It
J .fJ [:ll
lh_J ll'-1..trJJ. .Ull
ItJ.hJLJ.Ull ll._J.
IF-J) ) J::ll ll,_;.
ù; JJùll
ùll ll'_J. ùrl l_ll
ll-_J) ) Djl )l J ull
J JJ._I:ll ll,_J.
). I Jl:l

ll_J]JJ. J._11ll._Jt.._.Jt
J J-;ll
ùJ .|lJill ll'_J:
lF_.bJ J J l_:ll
It-.hJ.lrJJ;ll ll'-.ltJ
LJ. .lrJ:ll
lF_.fJ.fJ. J.--jll ll'_J:J J J_'ll
J.:ll ll_)J_JJJJ_jll
ll'-.ltJ.J .h.1.-;llllJJ )J J_jll

I attack 2 attacks(2+5) (l+1+5)

3 artàcks

ll'J=__J. il ll,J J_J. 1l ll,J-:J..__J. 1l

ll'_) llll : t r a1 a a *4 ._ tr ,ll
ll'-)J..-,J..--;ll ùJ..-;ll - a - l
ll._JJ._,J. ,ll ll,_l ) Jll ll._J,-1 J..:ll
ll,_J. ùJ. ll ll,-.1. l-jl ll._J.) ) J:ll
ll_J J.--jll ll._J )11 ll_J J-: Ill
ll,-J--) l-;ll ll,J.-.f J 'll ll'J___)r: ll
ll._J__Jull ll'-.1ì J...--J..f'll ll') J._J. .f 1l

2 attacks(l+6) 2 attacks(3+4) 3 attacks(l+2+4)

ll'.IlJ.._,J. ll ll,J. 1l ll' JJ ) ,ll

ll,_J:J.._-1.1l ll'-.lrJ. J. 'll ll'_J:J J. 1l
ll'_J 1 ,ll ll_J
a ava. J.:ll ll'-J ) J J-;ll
ta a.

ll_J ) J. 'll ll'_J..t|ìl ùll ll._J ) J ùll
ll._J J J . I I ll,J J. 1t ll,J ) J ,ll
J.-;ll ll'_)J._.J:ùil
J-:_11ll'J J....__.1
ll'J_; .I.'ll ll,_J ùll ll,J 1..__J ) tl

F CTOI I l'frl |l bIb-- 12

t drrcks ( l+4+2) 3 attacks(1+3+3) ( 1+l+2+3i
4 attacks

l. .t'J.._.JJ 'll ll,.l J. J. :l ll,.-JJ il ).

h-n )_) tll ll'-J: J.-) J.-jl ll'-fi,E-JJ-ll

ll' nJ. fl l _J n_) .l ll
) l',J n ) .l\ll
ll , . I'JJ J. ,ll ll'J. .l\J. :l
ll' |l|\l 1l a. taaa

F:J ) ) J-jll ll'-.ltJ. J J-II ll') J. .-: .f ll

l,_J.Ir: i'll hJ J._.J:ùll ll_J J._.J.r:1l
l.) .f ,ll ll, ùJ ),1 ll,.l J l-J .f 1l
) a,

I .nads (2+2+3) 4 attacks(1+1+l+4) (l+1+3+2)

4 attacks

l i ' J ) ) . ll ll:ffi 'll

alaaaa ll,,- J_) J ,ll
ll-_)JJlJJ 1l ll: tT'F I-_ill
a ea a a a a. li,_J-:
ll, ) ùl ll.-l J: .f J-jll
) ll,J ,n ). tl
li, ). J 'll ll_J. ),rl ùl

t:.l'J. tll ll,J J-r-:,ll

) ll,_l J: l-ll )

l,_I J.=.-.f
a l 'll l: \ fn 'il
a a,a. a ll'J. .lìJ: 1l
a a tl

t:JJ t-J tll .lrll l' ) J . J . f 1 l

ll,r.: J...--J


4 aftacks(2+l+2+2) ( 1+l+t+2.r2)
5 attacks (l+1+l+ 1+l+2)
6 attacks

ll, J ) l J ,ll li,J-flJ I ll ll',Tr: Jl 1l

ll,.)J ) i ùll ll,_./-j-r:
J ùl ll'_,T-r:
.r: lull
l l,J I ) J ,ll l l,l r:JJ {l ll: |
.t a a a a aa a
- - Tr :ll
fl,_)J ) J-: ,ll ll,.fl .f.lJtl ll,.tJ i J-r: 1l
ll'J ) ) ) ' l l l l ' _ J,TJ,ll
l ll'J: J J-fl ,ll
ll,)J ) J ,ll ll'.fìi l-.|l..: ,ll li'r: fi_.fJ: 1l
ll,,.: J ) ),ll l l, J lJ J . [ { l ll'j-J-r: J .l,il
( 1+t+ 1+l+3)
5 attacks 5 attacks(l+112+l+2)

ll'J-JT:J. ll ll,.r: I .fJ 1l

ll._JTn.tJ=;ll ll._i:.|:_Jr::ll
lllJ .-: .-: |ll f l ,Jn ) .hll
ll'J. .fJ-n 1l ll'.fI ).1ìJ 'il
ll'.l'l. J-n 1l ll,r: J t: .l1l
ll,J-J1..-.tJ:{l ll._JJl_JJt:ll
ll',Tn-J.f,ll l l '.fJJJ Jil

ThÈ pagewascreatedasa wayfor stùdentswho' per- studentshouldaìsothink about100and 200bpm.Ifthe

h.p6, are too busyto organizeand practìceall tempos curent t€mpois 120bpm,thenthestudentshouldalso
6a an equalamountof time.Theorderor arrangement think about60 and 240bpm.
of tsnpos is fairly arbitrary,yet they reprcsentthe whole In thisway,oneis encouraged to explorethe dowest
rrgonome. Theideais for the studentto practice4 dif_ and fastesttemposfor whatever materialis curently
È:tnt temposeachday,7 daysa week,for 28 consecutive beingpractìced.Don'twolfy if playingat the cxtreme
d.'r. temposis beyondyour currentPhlsicalcapabilitfor
Students areaskedto keepin mind the lowerand/or evenif theyareneverattained.For the moment,just
h*her "time octaves"for eachtempothey arewolkng keepthe relationshipofthe time octav€in mind
oo"Forexample, the first daystartsat 50bpm.So,the

't6 PLUS" (2 attacks)
no disPlacements
An permutetions,


, ll' .lr 1 1l 'll, a

N? 1l
'll') .lr1'1 ,ll 'll' |\\
'll'.lr1 N? 1l "ll, rì'r 1l
SEEft RHYÍHMS FOR"9ó PLUS" (melodic)

'll,J. ) {l "ll,) ) t__ll

'll') J. 1l 'll'J-J J1l
'll'J J 1l "ll,J J-:ll
"9ó PLUS" (2 attack)

, ll'.l. .lr{l ,ll,,J J 1l nll,-).1l1l 'll',1-1 'll'-J f'l-ll

'll,.ltJ. 1l Lll
Stortswith I

It234s6l lr2s346l

ll'J))t .tDJlftJ J:'ll ll,.t))tl_fl J[)JJ!JJ:,

[r23465] 11253641

JDJJ:l-lttJ'llll'J))JJtJ JJJJJ].].1
[123s46] 1t254361

ll,J.h)J.!_t[)Jòtr,ll ll,J))t l n r\l N l l J:,l L a a a _ a a a tao

1t235641 tl2s463l

ll,J))l JJ_XtlrJJ)1l ll'J))J.l-,lJ)UfJJ:JJ'll

u2364sl 11256341

ll,I ))J JJ tl_.hJùllJllll'J),[J.]_llJlll JJJJ.I'

[l236s4] Í1256131

ll,J..[)J.JJ JlLltDl),ll ll't ))JUJJ,ll)l)J.l'll

11243561 11263451

ll'J))J.l_)J)Jt.!Jl:1l ll,J))JJJrl JJ]JùIJ1

[ 124365] 11263541

ll,J))l]-.rJ)J[] J:"rJ'llll,J))JU tJ JJJ:J")J

[1245361 [126435]

ll'J))l.l_.rJIJ:JI J:ll ll'J I
))JLJn")J)l ,l
t1245631 1264s3l

ll,J))Jf)JIr{J JllJ'll ll'J))JJJJ:".rufJlJ J.l,

ll2463sl u265341

ll,J))J$lòJJ:l))-l) ,ll ll,J))JJl t"xJIJDJ.|.

t1246s31 1r265431
ll'J)) J f)J òJ , t XJ J Jll,
J. t"tt)J.r.J
),f,J.]_J J,i
ÍACTOI|AI RIYIHH 6r || htùur.6
5EÈ xrlUt2

llls4fl [215346]

li,ll ll,.blJI_rJ J-DJItJ:,ll

tIró51 12153641

t )l JJjJJ)L.Jt"rlJ,ll
l!'.t'.t JIUJ J-LJJ:Jl.f,
trl396l 12r54361

)l JJ_nt)JIln,llll')JJllrDJ)l
[:r 3s64] I2rs463)

ll'.f''J J.)lJl-ntJI")J)'ll ll,)J J{fJ:l}UlJ J:tJ,ll

tt | 3ó45ì t215634ì

[' .hJ. J.) JJ rtlJòtJ,ll ll'.ùJ l lfxJ E Jl.l',J)'ll

P | 5s4l [215643]

ll..r\J. J.) ) ) ilLil")J.bll ll')JJlftJ t .h.llJJ,ll

lr rJrs6l [2r6345]

ll,.Ì''J.JlflJ,bJJJt; r']l ll,)JJlfJ i:J[)]IrJ,ll

ll r.13ó51 [216354]

ll'.r''J J.lf)J)J{J r,J:J,ll ll,.bJ Jl|J rJ [r$J.rì1l

El.r536l 12r643sl

II..hJ J.I|)JòNJIJ J T1I ll,)J JùJXJJ)IJIrJ,ll

[21.1563] [21ó453]

ll'.r,J JÙ)JùJ:].LJ J'll ll')J JJ:I_JJ:,)J{L_IJ

J:"J I ,ll
f2l4ó351 t2r6s34l

ll')JJù)lunl JJ_J:t'llll')J i l]-JJ:"nJI

[21.1653] Í2t65131

Ir,)J Jlf,bJIJXfrJJ,ll ll')l JÙJJ:"J:[)J)Jr,l

"9ó PLUS" (2 anacks)

, ll,J. J 1l ,ll'.1,
.1. 1l , ll,J .ll'JJ 1l .ll,J n 1l
I ll '.ll, )

Stortswith J

[3r2456] [3 r 5 2 4 6 ]

ll'.l.l: ,r )J,,blÙrJJ:,ll ll,JJ. 4|n.t}J_}tJ\,I,l

[312465] [315264]

l l lt
, i ) )J,.fJlfJ
I"J:l'll l, JJI l)l_J:.1.lìJ
[312s.r6] [315426]

. )J,,ltt)lòJr,ll lt,. . ..J!I|_),l,J
13t2s64l 131s462|
ll': .l.l.rr)J,J:tJJ:")l)'llli'JII lfJ:i",\lJ)l_J,l,f
[]l264sl [315624ì

ll,:t ; ) )]..JlL)JJ!J:J,lll l,JJJt!_rJr)

t31265.11 t3156,121

l l ' Jl a. )J_JJlLflJ]),ill , JJJ lftJ tl_)J).bJ,

[31.1256] [316245]

li'JJJ 1]-l.t.r't,.1-J::
J:,ll ll'.rJJ J)l_Jr)lJ)llrJll
[3r]26s1 [3t62s4]

ll'JJJ lf)l,f)lll r"J:J'il l,::; )l Jf li Jfli,J.l',rl

[ 3145 2 6 ] 13164251

ll';: J Jll-.NlJlt:i
{31.15621 13t64s2l

ll,JJJIDJòrl_Jlt)J ,ll l,JJJ.,lrlJJ:)J[IJ),,1

[-31.1ó25] [3r6524]

ll, J J)il l|l|ll
\ \ r: al
a a.a aa
ll H652l t3165.12Ì

l;'iJJ) )JlJl: tJlJ'll l: I

a a a a. .
a aa_aaa aaa '

F CTOnItHYII{t{ir IrrùÉ

l{l3só1 [4rs2]61
l ': l r lNlN
a) a aa'a, a t ,Bl ll'JJlJlfi:J)J
)J.I [ti 1JJrll
F-rr6t 14t52631

)J J[Jr"]lJ_ll ll,_,f'JlJ.ùJJ.
l,'ltJJrJ..l, )J.l-.rJ Jjll
Iiu 5361 14ts326]

ll,.hJ)J.)} J -TJ IJJJ] : I I ll,_)l)llf

il ) )l )JJxJl
t{125631 î4153621

)l_r{J J:JJill ll'JJ)JlfitJ J[JJ:,bJ_ll

[.r2ó3s] [415623]

)J_Jrl I J_ltJ_lll l,_)J)J

ll,_.hJ)J.) ÙIJ l:l .fJI Jjll
[4126s3] [4t56321

rtfJl.,JJ:ll ll'_t.t.u
.U._.1 LrJ lll JJ.ri:ll

[4l3256l [4162351

ll,.hJ)J.) lll l'_)J.I.J.I!J
rlJ. | , ,_rJ_ll
[4r3265] [4]62531

ll'J$l )l I J)JJl r"JtJ:ll ll'JJ)JIi-Jlt)JuJ J.tjll

11t35261 14t6325)

ll,JJ)J )l ) )J)l )l,.Jr:l ll'_)J)J

Il.) fr))|)t,.ltJ:ll
[. 3s62] t4163521

ll',hJ)J.)JlrtJr)J:ll ll:)J)JlfJ ,rJl_l_nJ)J;l

toi.urrt 14t6s23l

lJ l) .\J,,IJ:ll ll,_)i)llf ) n"fi))t Jl_ll

[. 3652ì Í4t65321

l[.t'J)J)JJ J:IIJ)].jl ll_)J)J ù)n,D)JJ)J.II

"96 PLUS" (2 attackt 4
SeedRhythms íl
' 1 ,J. J ll 'll,j .1. 1l 'll,I J J ,il 'l l, f-l
,l nll._.1' ) 1l "ll,J ,ll Irrl
Srdrrrwìth 5
Is l ]3.161 [514236] 1
I r l l ) L|ll I JJ,UàJJ:J|l l,_rJJ
J!_)l))tl JJ Jll rl
t,ir:ort Isr4263] q
l ' tJJ ) I)J J[]r,.|lJùll l'-lJ,J.ì|,NJ),I'J IJ J-ll rt
-J q
[-5 Lst13261 q
l ,tl J )l }J.)J} JJ TJJIIl,_rlJll,u )JJ )J"Jll-l q
5 l1163l [51,1362]
l' ,lJl.) )IJJÙJfl J_l ll,_J:J I IDJ.bJ[J l])t jll q
I : io:+l [5r1.623]
.aa a. a lDJIll ll'_J:tJ
)J_llrl J:DJIlnl)J Jtll i
t. i:e.*:l Is14632] €l

. ,: JJ. ))l Jll'l'l)JJ:ll l,_J:J

J Ù)JJ!JtJJ,U_ll r|
-l q
'-it 3t+61 Is16234] rl
l. n
a .aa a.
't i..*l
Jl.u_|,)JIJrill,_l:t Jlfl rlJ JJJJùllrl
Is16243] I
l,_rlJ) r J)JJln")lùl ll,-tJJlfJr,l'J )J)Jl:l rl
5ri-t]6l [516324]
l, ,:JJ.) lJjJ,l) }J.JJ:JII I,J:JJ}] JXJJ )1,)Jùll rrf
a aaa
a' a ll.|l J) JI}JJII

fl [)J].fìJJl .l
I. i-.ur.*l [s t6423]
)l Jl_l
|,,:iJ .l'lJJ rl )J.)lùLl ll,,tJI.tL-Jr")J)l rl

i 5 l: 6lrl {5r643rl

l ,i . ) ) , ; i : ) J ))J J | l.
r t\
aa.a aa
\l aaa \ a._a, ! l ?

Ira riÈ ó

t6r23451 [614235]

) )l I [)JIrJjll
ll'_JJ:J ll,_lJ:J
lDl))J l Jr,JtJ_ll
ll'JtJ..h )J J[r])tù11 ll,JJ:JIl_)$)JJ,tJJJ_ll
16l?.r351 16t432sl

{-a aaJ..ù)J,)t)lJJ,r|ll ll,_JrJ

l l . rn )J,,Jl.Lll
J aaa llì )JJJÙJIJ
ll: I l'1 a. a' JJ:ll ll,_JrJ lllJ )JJIIJ]JJll
tui-.ot [614523]

J!-jJùrJl)J JJill
ll ,J t J . .b
tó12543ì [6r4532]

ll,JrJ.h J:JÙ)JIJ:JlJJ)J_ll

[6r3245] [615234]

ll,JJ:J. J:l Ùnl)J Ill.bJùll

) JJ)JJ)JJlnJ:llll'_J
[613254] [6ts243]
lL rn
at aa I N Jl)lJn$Jùll
a. a l tl lf.!J,bJJ)J.[J
ll'_J ll
-a [6 r 5 3 2 4 ]

ùnJ I J )JJlùll
.NJDJIDJ-XJjlll l,_tJ:J
tui*t t [615342]

ll, JtJ) JDJÙrJ)J-ll ll'_JtJ tfJ:J J[)$,\JJl

16135241 t6rs423l

II'JJ:J) ) )-l) | )J,,bJùllll'_trJJ )J JJ:ll

t6r35421 16154321

ll' l r1J )l JJ-rJ-L)J))JJlll l,_JrJ

a aa àl_nlJJ,\ JI )J, ll
"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks)

,ll,J. .lt{l 'll,.fl. 1l , ll,J ll ,ll'JJ l{l 'll'f J-]l "ll'J n il

Stdrts with i

11324561 I1352,161

l l I, )tl )JJIÙJ:J ,!1l ll' JJlJt' I

J )l JJnl,l'
I132,16s1 Ir352641
ll,.l )J J )J")lÙJll"llJ,ll ll,J )l .[rt.l)] JJr".f,J,f"
lr 32s46l ll3 s 4 2 6 l

l l ' J) J l .hJ,T[)JùJT.IIll,J )Jll_t J-.ltJ,f,l I' I

[13256.1] [135462]

I I'J)JJ .u,ttJlJl)'ll ll,J)t.Ù'JJJÙJt)l'rl [13s6241


l l' J) J l lr1 r
a a-o rllJItJ,ll ll,J) . .!fi) It ),.)r)'l
1r326541 [135642]

ll,l. .bJJID") n l \ l \,l l ll'l. .h) )Lil tUl))J'l

aa| a a a .a aa t.

U342561 11362451
r l L - \l
ll,J..[J[)J))J.]-ilJ J:,ll ll,I )J al_4...'.. J)Jlti,ll
I 13 4 2 6 5 1 [1362541

ll,J )l []J].\Ju,l"J:J,ll )JtJJn)JIrJ.fJ)'l

11345261 [136425]

ll'J )J[]JIJ:JI)l-lr'll ll'J)J[Jr)]]l )J-lJJ'r

u345621 u364521

ll'J )l []tIJ:tlr)J'll ll,J )J:JJI"]lllL.,'lJ ]J 'rl

U3.1ó2sl [] 365241

ll,J..f,lJUJÀJrl)J-llJ'll ll, J) JJJIll,llll .l,J)l.l'l

113.16521 ll3 6 s . l2 ì

ll'j. ).1jl_)JtirftJ)l'l li'.1. - || \ a a \\a :laz

). 't
a_a a a -a a a -t t a'

I2ll45ól Í2351461

.tI Jà)II|IJ J:'ll ll')J JJJr]JI|)JJIJJ:II

t2l r.ró51 [235r64]

I I Jò)UlJ,t"tJ'll ll,)J JJJIJ]l|]rJJ,l',ll

t3r54ól l23s4r6l

I I ')JJJJònJDJàJn,ll
[23| 5@ì 123546t1

.t; Jàtl-J,!JJ)'ll ll,)J JJJIDU|Jl]J,r,1

[23r 6151 [23s614]

ll' .hJ.JJ JòJIDJù;IJ'lll,)J J)Ln rl Jò)J.l1l

[xr654l [23s64r

ll'.u.JJ JòJr|Ij,)J)1l ll,)1.I )Ln) IL)J)J,r,,l

12341561 1236t451

[J:, J:'ll Il,.J.,.

J.U il.J1i],U:,'ll

t"J:J,ll ll')J.t[]rJ ùJ:DJ],ll

ll')J J[.bJ.\J]ll_J
12345161 [236415]

)JùTJJTJT'1I ll,.hJJ[JrJJ)l JLl]l,ll
tl3456rl Í236151)

ll'.ht.JIDJòx{l J:J)1l ll')JJ{Jr")UulJ)1l

tt3,r6r5l Í2365111

ll,)t J[)JòJrl JIl]J,ll ll,)JJttn"rJtò)$1l

123465t1 12365411

),ll ll',t'J.
"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks)


,li,J. J,ll
'll,.f.l. 1l ,ll,J ,l ll 4ll,,JJ
l1l 'll,f J ll "ll,Jn_il
Stortswth 3

[]214s61 [32s1.+61

ll'I .].ll. Jò)Jll_J:J

r,ll ll'JJ)tutJJlf)JòJr'll
[32r465Ì [325164]

l i':J): lò)ullJ:"J:i,llll,JI )JJJ:JJ ll_Jlt",fJ)

[321s46ì 1 3 2 s 4 l6 l

l,JJ.u.Jòl:J.l-)Jò]I1llJ,J,,l,.Jj:J,),.f,, J:JI,ll
[321s64] r]

I . JJ)Ji òxJJ]r"]J,f,ll
ll,I J)JuJ")UflrJ
f32r 6451 [325614]

l l 'JI ) J ll'JJ)JJJ:Jl:i Jù)J,r',l

[32165.1] [3256,111

l l' J l ): JItnfn$l),ll li,JJ)Jl_tJ rl_)J)J.l',1

[3],rl56l [326r45]

ll,JJ)J-|,\J,Nt llIJ ril ll'I J)JJJltJlf)JIrJ,il

[32,1165] [3261s4]

_) lll t"J:J,l ll,JJ.bJ tJ lfrlJ,,l'l),,1

l l ' J J )J]J,fJ
[ 3] l5 l 6 l [3 2 6r4s] -LJ
li,JJ.[JJ)]òrJ J.ùJr'lll l,JLf'J-l-Ji:",\l)l
[]2.1561j [32645l]

I].] J.|)]UJTJ:{JTJ )1I ll,lJ.f',J,J:)ULr!i,)'l

t32r6151 1326sl,1l

I.JJ.NJUJIJJ:I JIJ:J.]I ll,lJ)lJtr]:l l llJ)'l

I 311 6 5 l l [32654]

l ,i J . 1
, .,f'JIJJ:l:JJ)1l ll, I \la,
at aaa
aaaaaa ).r\r.r* 'l -

l4I356ì t42s1361

J )J[nJ rjl
li .f'J.|')J. ll,JJ))JL
t4:t 3651 142s1631

J )J[JJ]"rJ_llll,_)$)JLrJJ
ll-.hJ).hJ.l l! rJ J:ll
l-D153ól [4253r61

lr .tJ,tt)J.
Fzr5ó3l 142536r1

ll'JD)Jl JùltJ.l_J rJ J_ll ll,_)$)lu:rJJIJXJ

F2r635l [425613]

l',.r,J))Jl J IJ,ll I J_rJ-llll'JJ)).tLtJE J.,UJ:ll

t 12ró531 [425631]

l JIJnl-J:J
ll'-.Ì,J.h.bJ Jlll ll,JJ.h)JLIJ r J J Jùll

F3156l 1426t3s)

lJJJ.ÙtJ rjl ll,JJ))Jf

ll'_.|'J))J JJ:J.) JtJrJ_ll
f.r31651 t426ls3l

ll'JJ),bJlIJJ UnnJ-ll ll,_)J))JLJrJ lfrJ Jtll

F235ról [42631sì

l ) ).1) JùJTJI ll,JJ))JI

ll,_.bJ).bJ )il) JùTlI
t423sól l t4263sr

ll',.hJ))J JIJ:JJJnJùLl ll'JJ))JuXJJJIJ]ùll

I.r3ó15ì t4265131

li'JJ))J.l JJ Il JòIJjl ll'JJ))Jl)f.fllI )lJ:ll

t4?3ó51l [426531]

r,XJIJJ Jùll
rfrJJùll Il,_)J))Ju
"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks)

,ll,J. .l'll 'll,JJ. 1l 'll'.1 J 1l *ll'-.1'.1

Ul 'll-fi J-11"ll'J n-11
Storrswith 5

Is21346] [52,t136]

)J J )J[)JùJr]l li,rl )JJ)J)J)lIJ tjll

[521364] [524163]

ll,_tJ.f,J. lfJ J:]Jill
ts2l436l Ls2,l316l

)l IN \ N IJJl]JI ll,_J:J)JuJ)JJ
ll,_J:J a.a_a aa I IJJI:ll
[ s21 4 6 3 ] [s2436r]

)l JIlUl_JJ:JJill ll'_ltJ
ll'-,lJ )JJ,u)JJl-J,Illll
ts2r634l t5246131

ll'_ltJ)J I )Jl_l
l JIJnlu)Jùll ll'_J:J.lìJJ.f,JIJI
[s2r6,131 [52463r]

)l JrlJrL)JlJfl ll,_J:J

l5rl1 l6 l [5:6r3.1]

ll J:r)l JI l lf)lòJJ:Jl l,_rr)JJlrJ )l JI_)JII

t5231641 [ 5 2 6r 4 ] l

)l JI t l_rr")Jùll ll'_tl)JJJrJ
ll,_J:J Ù)J)1._|
t5l34l6l t5263141

ll_rJ tJ I I Jl),.!|
)J JDJ)l Jl)Jtjll ll'-tJ.f'lJJ
[5]3,16 [s26341]

ll'J:l)J JJ_)JlfJJ:Jùll ll,_ll)JJl rJ t_L)D,,: I

t5236141 15264131

ll,rJ )l ) ) ,l JJI)lùll | -ll )J lI");). ,.,\.,-l

r,ir*'r Is2 6 ]3 ll
r' l
a a.
- aa a. ): )'ll l, - \ -\ \r
aa | _aaa a a -v a a a -a aa a a t' a-a

16213451 1624t3sl

l,-JJ:.U.J).lJDJùrll ll,_llt)JJ,[J)J
)l JJ_J:lll
[62r35.r] t 6 2 4 ls 3 l

ll-l.n.l.l.J )J[rJJJùll ll'_Jr)l J)J)JJ)l_tJ

[6?1.135] 16243t51

ll,Jt.u.] N NI\ JJ-TJJII ll,_Jn,\JDJ,bJJ

a .a _ a aa JÀJIJ:II
f62| 4531 [624351]

ll-_Jll.trJ. ll,_t')JJIJ)JJJr]J ùll
16rl534ì l6a513l

ll_Jlt)lJ ù,!J lJ,)Jùl ll'_J j:nJ J..UJ:l1

[6] 15431 1624s311

Jòn[)J,N]JJlll'_J r)l]_)JIrJ lJJI ll

[ó23r45ì [625134]

li'JJ:)JJJJ ll-,\JlfJ]l ll'_ll:,\tuJ

J)l tDJùll
[623r54] t6251431

ll,Jlt)J JJJ I-rJ")Jùll ll,_J

J:)Ju JJll)J )l l:ll
f6234151 t6253141

llin.ttJJ D J ) JJlnJ:ll ll,_]l])JJJ:J

[623451] [62s34t]

lt)JJll J[)J)J ùll
[ó235141 16254131

) )j)) JDJùll ll'_J

li'Jt,f''J. J:)JJi:DJ)l J .ilJijll
tui*'t t62s43tI

Jlx[)J]J ùll ll'_J

ll'.l.n)J. r)J]_J:JJJ) JI J Ill
"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks)

1l 'll,.l,J. ll ,ll,J,l ll 'll._}.llll s.ll'_J-]J
1l .ll,_J
Storts w,th /

[142356] [145236]

ll,Jù.[]]l.bJJtnJ r1l ll,Jù)Jl)l_ltJ)l IJJ J:,ll

ll.l2365l 11452631

fi-E).I II'JT}Jl|r] )JJJJ:JJ,II

lr,12s36l 11453261

I J J:ll ll,JI)Uf il ) )l )J..Jlt1
tr42 5 6 ll tr.l5362l

ll,t I,|)JI)J_r{l fl l ,ll ll,JI)uf,il J[]r]J ,l

fl: 61 5 1 1456231

ll'JIIJ)I )J,Ji:lI t,tJ'll l,i f)uutJ ltl,bJI J,ll

u426531 lt4s632'l

)l,,lIffl I J,l ll'Jt)UfJ:J J:iI J.Nl,ll


I r]32s61 tr462351

JJ)JJltJJ:'ll ll,JI)ll)l_lr)t I; :_r;,l
I r.l326s] l462s3l

ll,Jò)J) JJ)J-fJr"ltJ'll ll'JDJII-IJ:)JJl:l Jr,l

lr.13526l [t4632s]

fl,lI,bJ)l) )-il1)J-li:|l ll,tllJll_)fr)) llJ_J:,'l

l l.u562l 11463521

li,J.J:)J)..-l)!.rJ), ,111,,IIJJ:L-J r, J_JJJ.r,

11136251 116523t

JJ rl )l,.tjJ,l ll'Jl)l)_l_)t"il )i .,,l
0136511 1.165321

| JLr:rl J; tfJ:J)l ,ll l, I I)iì_ : :-.1.,,,,.,,l

5.rÈ l'|lfi 2

[24r356ì 12451361

J )J IIJ ,l1l ll,)J,)Ufl:JJ )Ji

ll,.J,J,)J) r1l
[1r3ós] [245163]

J )J[Jr"rJ'll ll,)J,)JllrJJJ)l_J
ll,.l',J,)J)l J:JJ'll
[]4r5361 [245]r6l

J .TTJ I]JJ: lI ll,)JJUfrJIlJùJltl|

l24r5ó31 [245361]

ll,.|'J)l}|JIJ:.|-JrJ J,ll ll')JJJllJ:lJ[Ji:J ,r,1l

[?4r635ì 12456131

ùJrll i lrtJ ,ll ll')JJUfJ:ifr i )l J,ll

[?41653] 124s6311

J lltfti
ll'.|'''J.)l) J'l ll,)JJJùIJ fi JJJ.,f,1l

[].r3156ì [2 4 6 r 3 5 ]

JJJllr; r1l ll,,hJ,)ufJ

ll',|'J,")J) J:J) JlJ:]_ll
[243165] 12461531

l JJ lftJ:"ltJ,ll ll'JJ.)JlfJrJ
ll'.t''J.)J,\ IIJ:JJJ'll
12435 124631sl

) )j)l JòJJ:,llll')J )JJ!-J

ll,.f''J.)J) t:JJ l òJ:J,ll
[24356r ì [2463511

JlrJ-LJrJ)'il ll,)J.)JùJrJ [J:JJ.)1l

[24361s] t246st3l

ll,,NJ.)J.N JàtJ,ll ll,)l,fJur"rJIJ)JJ'll


[2J3651] Í2465311

ll'.t'J,)J) tu:iJ )1l ll')J.,[Uf

ao )r"il| .l,.l.l
"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks) é
SeedRh/thms é

, 1 , . 1 .} 1l 1l , ll,J 1l nl,_J.J j é
' ll'j l. ll 'll,_Jl 1l "ll._J 1l é

stdrts with 3

[-]-11r56l [345r26] é
lI : a lN
a -a aa
\ | \N
fi) J:,ll ll,I llJ llrJ J,hl.tJ..Jr,ll
a.a a a.

l-r.111651 [345r62]

I I J_)J ,ll ll'll.\JùnJIùJt)J ,ll

) J))l l_lJ:"J:t é

[-'ì-ll5 [345216]

l, j
a - a a a I a a _ a aa
Nrll)J_Jr,ll ll'JllJlfrJlJ JÀJT'II (

I r-1156:l [3,15261]

l_Jrli,ll ll'I Dllfi:J,hJJlIJ ),ll

l, l a _ aNa a \ aINfl
. a -a a a €
l - rt6 (

1 ,.j-.|'J
ll . J:,,!l)J._I|,ll ll,Jl_|r .
a a I aa.
i l r\\l,ll
aa a.a . a- ta

--ìl l6 r]
[34562 (

l ', - " \_ ì
a_ a a a l l l - 11laaa
a-.a-aaat 11-a 1t . . ' l ll'Jl)J ÙrJ l: )J J)'l (


[ 1 . 1 ]I 5 6 l [3,16125] €

l, ,;,)J)l ,NJ.l.lfJ:J
ìl : 1 6 5 1
r'll ll:
a t all\lfr
a_a aa
I aaaa. )i )J_r],llII
1346r521 I
l ,, l lJ) )J JlfJi:"J:J,lll. l 'a atN
- a a a la a a a . lfJ:t)J 'I
N l rtt I
:-l:5161 [3462151 t'l
}J-TJI Ut1l ll,JllJlfJr)JJòrlt'll
l' ,,-.j.1)] rl
ì-::i6l I r]
a ..-a
\ aa| r a\ la--aaa
f' l l IrJ ) , 1 ll,JtlJlfj J:)JJt:JI), 1 rl

l ' , , - ) )l,tr r\l

JJ]TJ']Il,a \l\l
a a_a aa t a l )) l 'l i
i:l : 6 5 1 l 13,165211 \ rl
\,1 q
l' ' '-r'aa ),,Jf aaaa a I l',1 ).) aa aaa . \ r.r.rt'l 11
fuB 'tliút 4
[{31256] [43s126]

,'.,l ll'_l:
l;'.f,J.bJJ l ,b,NJJl:J J) .hJ,,lJ:Jl
): Jl_nJ
F3l265l t435r621

ll'_.f''J.b.lJ )J.[l]l J lfJ I)J -ll
F3l526l 14352161

li,.bJ)l J J JlnJl,U.lJl:ll
t*isort 143s2611

)J l
l'_.lrJ JòntJr)Jrll ll,_)J
)Jl-rJ .bJ

II'.|\J)JJ J TJT )J."lll:ll ll,,)J

)J)Lil i l.),|lJ.-ll
1rr-,urr1 t43s62tl

ll')J)JJ JIJnf.tJ)l:ll ll,JJ)J )Lil nl,bJJùll

t{32ls6l [4 ]6 r 2 sl

)l J|.tìJJ lfilJ J]JI ll,_)l)ttlnJ,\

ll,,r\J )J,",tJ_l
[4]21651 [436r52]

nJ lfJ:J)Jjll
ll,)J)JJ )1.JlfJ,t".tJ-ll ll,JJ)JJ.l_J
[{325r61 [43621s1

)J J )J-J:JI
ll'-.bJ lJòrll
t43561ì [436251]

ùll ll,JJ)tJ
J ,|)1..J:{JrJ IJll,l'J.
I J:JJ.,t',l

J)J J )J_trl
[{326s| ]
JIrfl )n"n)J..b.NJ.,l

J ,l''J..JJ:LnJJ
ll'_)J.f''J )Uí"fi) )JJ),ll
Ill ll'_.l.t.trl
"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks)

J. ,l , ll,J I ll "ll,)J .l,ll rll,JlJ 1l "ll'J n 1l

1l .ll,.l,
' ll'J. .1,
Srortswith 5

[5312,16] 26]

ll,_rJJl-f)J,rl) )J"JNJ
[531264] l534 62l

JJ tl I
: a

[5] 14261 t534 16l

l l l,i l J J | l\ \tN
a a_a aa )l,.Jl!l
[53r462] [534261]

I . J : J] I .l).hJlfJJ:)lJllll'_J:J
1s316241 [5 3 4 6 r 2 ]

ll,J:lI J JT]N ll,_flJ[)JtJr J.,l)1.:

[5] r6421 t53462r1

ll,,ltjJJ J òJ]: )J J),il

Is321,16] [s361.24]

ll',ll Jl .Nlt ll)lòJnll ll,_::.t I

: [J t]. )l ,r,J..f'JI
[53]16,11 Is36r421

I . TJJ]JJJùJJ:")Jùll f,_lJJ,
.' .[).lL],],\,_l
[532,116] t5362r41

II.J:JJ] )JJl) I òJn:l ll'_tJI IJJll.NJJJ)),.:l

ts-i+e [5362.1]l

I' J:JJ] )J,,|,JI|Jl]J

ùll I' f)).J |,I),. 1,.\,..t,I
t:::Or.rt [s36412]
l. n r r
a a aa a a r JJrX.)J)\
}J -JJ: JJ))JIll l,_J:l \ ,l
a a a a _l
t5-ir6rl [5361]ll
r r:l
I aaa a a ).-"lJfr ì
a aa
a. a
| aaa a a
aaaa oa
a a.a-a I
F Storts vtith ó

tlTD 16311,151 t63,11251

F []l]l ]l ]i,.1':l
IJ.JJ:JJ l ).NJL)Jufl ll,rì,f,
|a [6312s:l]
F ,lJ J
ll,_J tl J-l-)l)llUJ.r),:l
f63r.12sl t63.121s1
Ir II'-J TJJ I\NIN )t"flll ll'-JJ:J[.l.)],f'llJl'1,-l
a a_a aa'
r! l ó 3r4s 2l
l,: lll titrtltr f1 , t ' l
rr l l_ J f ll JI.f'JÙfJ.lrJJl lt
aaa a -a aa O o'' OO. Ò

F [6] r5241 [6345121

ll'-l,lJJ J òJ:Jl)1.)Jùllll'-JtJ [.l,JJ]lll .J.),\, _l
F t6315421 [634521]

E ll'-J,lJ J ll,_.1tJ [)Jòl]J

E [63s124]

E ll'-J,!JJ )J l Ù)lJ:Il:ll ll,_lJ:JtJtJI )l )J)..:jlI


[6 ]2 ls4 l [635142]

II'-JJ:JJ )J JII_J:$Jùll ll,_J
E ll'JltJJ Jr:flJl ll,_lllJ[r]]J .lI,\,.!l

E II,-]J:JJ ,r,J.)JI-nllùll ll,-JJ:JJJr],r,JU]),,: I

a a ..a a a

[6325r.1] [635412]

ll'Jrtl rJ [rJ"]l] l )),- |

[6325,11] [63s421]

l l _ r f l J)J,,Il-.Nl)J
Il J:Jll_tl",f.l)
ll,_J a a.a.a

"9ó PLUS" (2 anacks)

,ll,J. .l'11
'll,.fJ, ll 'll'.1 J 1l ,ll,_.f,J
lll rll,_rll_11 n.-ll
Stdrtswith /

[Ì 523461 lts4236l
ll,Jòrl .blJ[)Jò]ltll ll,J òr[)],b]J l JJ r'll
ll5236,rl 11542631

ll'J òl| | )t J{JnJJ)1l l,.ttJ:{}j))JLJJ:JJ'll

[1524361 I543261

ll,J òltJ )1")l)lJJ r,ll ll,l òJ:JDJ.fJi

lls2463l lr s4 1 6 2 l
l l ' :ò l : )J,.\UfJ,!JI 'l ll': u::]_,lJ
)J{l r)J,ll
[152634] [154623]

ll,: Il: )J,JJ:l ll.ilJ)ll li,t tn.l_,ftòJnl

)J JJ,ll
I r52 6 4 3 Ì tl5.l632l

ll'JtltJ )J_JIl_,U )Jl,ll ll,JIr]I)]IJrl JJ)Jtl

[1s3246] [1s6234]
ll'j òltJ JJ.|)]J}JIJJ:.]I
II,JTTI-JT)J I l.[J.f.,I
lrs326.1l 11562431

ll,Jòrl I i )J-LJrJt)'lll l'J.J)J:,_J

),,' I
11534261 1156324Ì

ll,J .[J:] JDJ)l)J_Jr'll ll'JIJ:I-Jrt l )J,).,\,1

[l53.162] t1563121

Ii ' JI TJ JDIi:l-J,l)l'll f i' iJ ) , llllil) L )J),r,.'l

11536241 ll s6423l

li'J.òt] ) ) lll )l ")J,|',llll,.l.IIl_lr),) ,\,., . 'l

1r536.l]] [t s6.r3:] I

l' ;.;lJlJ, J jl,-).J))J.,1 l' ,.ì,1._,,1_,.,,r

, , ,*,.,l
Sta.ts witll 2
) .15r 116l [254136]

l: \ lJ:'ll ll,)J-lltlj,|\J)l JJ ;'l
lJ r , I N I
l'o o . - o o o | a ' a a a 'a a a -
N l tr
I :: I36-ll
I l',\J.,llJ
J )l ]J]r"]l.l''ll ll,)l-lll-,NJ.fJ ùi tJ .'l
l136l t2543r61
t I .i1lJ,f'lJJ J:'ll ll'.hl_J:I-)llJ
l' ,\J.-.[]J ll Jll.: I
D -t-<I +631 [25,1361]

l.luJtlj l]JI ,ll ll'.|ll,Il.l-)l)l {l I;,\' l

l',\J.-tJ [25.+613]
t J.), . 'l
l',\J.,IJJ J)JTlJ-)J)ll ll')J_r.tl_)tIJr
t '15l613l [254631]
t ll')J,rJIlJIJll , ,t'I
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I lr5lÉ61 I2s6l34l
t ll')l,ItJ rll )l Jj-)r)'I
l, )J, rllJJJlf,[J.LJJ:'ll
t ir:ll61l 12561431
a lll Ù)i).,' l
t I.)J,TJ )))

a t5lll6l [2563r4]
a l,)l,ru!,)lll JòlJ:,ll ll, )J..rJ]_l rJ J Jl);,t'I
't5 3 J6 rl 12s614r l
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J l ll')J_J:{J J:ll )J)-)'l
a [:5]6r-11 t2 5 6 4 r 3 1
a l'r\l-IJJllJ J: ll,)l_J:J]_tr")ill J ). , 'l
1 i:516l ll i2s6,1311
a i., i'l
l, ,\,-JlJI.l: ,tf)l)l )'il ll,,l'l,llJfJJ:")J)
"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks)

, l l ,J . J { l ,
'l l ,.l 'J. 1l ll'J ll nll,JJlll 'll,!J 1l "ll'-J 1t
Stortsw,th 3

[3512,1ó] [3s4126]

ll'I lJ:l J))JJ)IIJJ:,ll ll'Jl_J:t)l)J)l J\J-Jt'l

[351264] 13s4r62l

' . . . . L Jrl",[J)'lllL,
ll,JJ_ltJaINN I llJrlJ ,il
[35]4261 [-r54216]

ll'JJ-.!JJò)J)l)J-Jt'll ll,JlltJ_flJ))Jl JIlt,l

[3s]4621 [354261]

ll,l u:l Jt!.bufJlt)l,ll ll,Jlt[)]))ILJJ:J ,f.'l

f3sr62,1l 13s46t2]

ll,Jl_J:JI tJ rl )J,)J),1ll'IJ_t[,bJIJl]l J)]J,I

[351642] [354621ì

ll,I J-tt.uIJJll)JJ)'l
l JIJJ:uJ.N)J,ll

[]52ì461 [3s6124]

)J JIf)JIJJ:,ll lL,
ll'I J_J:J ll
lr"l L aaaa'
a a_aaal
lll )l ,|\J,)l),
t352l6,rl [356142Ì
lL r

ll,I J_J:l)J JIfJJ:.,bJ),ll ù)J)),'l l: | | | | | - | ||

ll a a _ 4 4 4 J , . . . . .
[3s2 4 1 6 ] [356214]

ll'I lJ:l )J,,fJllI IJI:,ll ll,I J,J:tltlj IIIIJ),1

[352461] [3562411

J:J )1.)ll|JJ:J]1l
ll,I J_ lar,a, a _ afa atlI a afia ar\la .tI a.fIJ.\,,\'
[35261.1] [356412]

IIJJ,J:J)J_lltlJJul)ll ll, ltll

a a 4,4..1,.
a a-a a a a.a a a.
l3sl6.1r [356r]rl

l, ) t_j) a a .-a a a
\ \ \:l
a a a a ' aa
lI , a a_a aa_a aa_a a a a a.o.a
h rifi a

l,l5l23óì 14531261

ll-_.uIxJl . I J J) )l.Jlll
F5l2ó31 14s31621

I JJ lfJr)JJll
J))JLJrJ J-ll ll,_)JJIJ:.1
lr5l326l t4s32l6l

J )JJ )J"Jrjl ll,_)JòtlJJ)JlJ ùJ njll

l45l362ì t45326r1

I )J.UJI)J;ll ll,,)JItJJJ)JJJtJIll
I{516231 [4s3612]

J J l) J))J:ll
J LJIl )J JJ-ll ll,t,.bj.[IJl
F5| 6321 14s36211

I J n )J Jùll
J l.ll]l JI]J:ll ll,_)J.[t]l

H52r3ól [4s6r23]

J:J) )t JJ_ll
)JJ,|llJJ ll:ll ll,_,bJùJ:I.LJ
!r521631 1456t321

ll'-.tJIJ:J)J JÙJ JtJJ_ll ll,_)JàntjJ:J.b
[,r52]r6l 14s62r3l

)J JJ I òJnjl ll,JJònJ|JJ:)]
II'-.hJàJ:JI J )JJ:ll
t45236r1 t4s62311

rlJ J J Jùll
)J J[JnJ ùll ll,_)JJlrJ.l_t
t45Xr3l [456312]

II.-)JTJ:J il ) J.),U;ll
r )JJ_llll,JJònJ,L)
F5263r I [456321]

JJJùll ll'_)JIr{)il ) )J Jùll

"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks)

, l l, J . . l ' 11r l l ,)j. ll , l J'J :l r lf.frJ I 1l 'll, 1l " ll' J 1l


[541236] 1s43126ì

ll,_ll.l:tlJ.h)Jl JJ nll JJJ,hI

ll,tJJJ.l) )J..JJ

J))J.l_lJll r_ll ll,_J:DJ.b

ll,_ltJ.)J) JJJ J)l_Jn)Ji
[5413261 [s43216]

ll_Jl")J)J )JJI)J..JI]JI JJ) ] JòJ'JI

[5.+1362] [543261]

I .fJ[]I).1;ll ll,_fl")l)JJ.bJ.JnJùll
[54ró23] [s436121

J TJI])J Jlll
ll,_J:l)J) ll'_rl)J) J))J.ll
[5416J2] [543621]

ll'-I$J) j òln J] )JJII ll'JDJ) )) )l l ùll

Is,I2136] [s4612]l

)) iJ
ll'.-11l)J,rìl rl ) )l JJ:ll
[s42r6]l 15461321

ll,_J:Dt) J:J.l\I J)J_ll

)J JlfJ JtJJ_ll ll,_rJ")Jl.L.t
Is42316] ls46213l

ll,_rlJJ))l JllJIlJl:l ll'_rDill_Jr)J J }JIiI

l r]

I ùll ll'_J:JJUflr)lJJJIII
) J J J JJ:J
[5426r [5463121

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[542631] [546321]
ll,-J:J,)J,l' ll:
_aaa_aaa I a aaa a ,\r-r.r\tll
Stot6 with 6
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!l 1,,:t"):)L N \I rJJJII ll,_lr,)J)
JJl ll-rl
a .a a a. )._|
[6-1 164l2r 5l

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[6.rr352] [643251]

J )Jiul,rlrl
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16123 511 [6 4 s2 3 1 1
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ll,_Jfr"\ r\ )l -J:JIJ ,UJ:ll ll'_JrJJùil) ) J..j\),._
a aa' |
1642s 164532r1
? ll'Jt" \ r\ ,|\J-I]J ]J] JlI ll,_JJ:JJùil )) | ):,Il
? 7l
"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks)

, ll,J. J 1l
' l l ,JJ . ll ,.ll'J 1l 'll._.1'J
lll 'll'_JlJ lt "lt._Jn_11
Stotts v/ith I

I r62345| I6.123s1

ll 'JLlJ:l)J J{}JònJ'll ll,I ùtn$J))l l I l_rJ'll

[162354] 1r642531
ll,i IJltl )J i [rtDJ),ll |ll' ...-l\1t'll a a a a .LrJJI ,ll
.a a L a \l\\l
11624351 11643251

ll'JIJrl )],,hlIJlJ:J'll ll,Jòtr.L)J )JI |)J,ltJ,l

1t624531 u643s2l
ll'J IJ rl )J.)Jlfr!JJJ'il ll,JòJt:L)J)JJJIJ)J
1r625341 ll6,1s23l

ll'j llr ,|tJ-ilJ Jl)1.\,ll ll I IJJ:l)llltl )J I J,ll

0625431 1r6,15321
l, : I : l l ,|\J.-ll[,fì],UJ \ rl JJ.fJ ,ll
il II'JTJ..1 aN'a a:aaa

632451 116s2341
lt'JIJnl JJ.bJJ)Jòl:J,ll ' ..l N._t. nala L a al tat ta ' a - JtJJ),ll
[1632s41 tr 6 5 2 4 3 1
ll.rxrn r/
, ' a .a , aa ala a )J]_J:l)J),llll'JòtxLxJ)JJ)J)J J'rl
u63125l [16s324]

ll'JIJtI JJJJ,|)l )J_J:i,lll l,: ulL:::;; )J,.t\J.l'l

u63.+521 ll6s342l
l ' I I J l: IJl,)ufl:llJ ,il ll,
. . . 4 _\lrti
aaat tttl
a a a a a )l).f.J
!63s2.11 tr654231

Dl) )_fr)| )J., . ,l
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ll635.12l [165432] I
I' )J))J'll ll,j lti:f ,t..'l aaa-a aa ta

tlcTollAl RllYlllH b r| hrrss

L ù rú 2

r5r145l [264135]

IF.hJ.-JJ:J )J{)JàrJll ll,)J_ttf,\J)J) JJ-TJ.II

trór35{ì 1264t531

ll=J'J._JrJ )J [r])J,b|l JJ ,]I

JI}J)] JJ-TJ ll,)J,JrL)J)J
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[5145]l t2643511

J: JI)UfJ:JJJ,ll|' )J_Jr.l-)J
li .r''J.-J )JluJ J,l'll
t:ór53.11 [264s13]

ll'.hJ.-i J )JJ,ll
[xr543] [264s31]

JIJ:JDJ)JJ'lll l')J,JrL)JùnJl
ll,.tJ.,JrJ IJJ),ll

fló3 | 45ì [26s134]

JJJ l!.,f'lòJ:l'll ll,)J,_irUJJ,f,

ll'.hJ.-Jr JJ")t),ll
l53l54l 1265r431

rJ r Jr Jìl_fl)J)1l ll')l,Jru:JJIDJ)l J,ll

[2ó34 [2653r41

ll,.t''.l.Jl i Irt,il ll'.ilJ,.lJ:,]_J:J

JJ-)J)l JJIJù)J)ll
[263.1511 [26s31t1

JJ)J)I JlJJ)1I ll,)J,JrLrJJ[.bJ)Jil|

[263514] [265413]

) )-l) Jl)$1l ll')J-JrLrDJ)l

ll'.J''J._Jr J)JJ,ll
1263541l [265431]

"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks)

,ll,J. .l'11 ,ll,l J 1l *ll._.1,J

'll,.f.l. 1l I1l 'll,_fiJ 1l .ll._.1
Stortswith J

[3612451 Í3641251

ll,JJ nlJ))JJ)JII]J'l II' JJ fì \l \l \l llr: ll

a a t a a a a . a I a a ._ a a a ta
[361254] [3641521 -l
ll,JJ nlJ))JJltJ".bJ)1l ll,JJ tIlJ,bJ.[!:J.f] ,l
t3614251 t3642151

II .JJnl Jò)J)l .bJ,JJl,lll'JJ ,t)l))J JT'J,I

13614521 t36425r1

ll,lJ l ..._a,aaJaaa

t l t r t t l n r\r:l l
a,a. ta ll,JJ Í[)J,\)JLIJJ,l'
[361524] Í364sr21
ll'JJJ :lJ òrl i )J J J ) l| ll,J J f t ) J lt l J))J ,l
i [361542] 1364s2rl
nl \.rl
ll'lJ aat N,rr.,xi'll
a.a:aaa!,a,aata ta.'tl ll,J J tt)Jòt:J)J.J.,f

[362t451 l36sr24l

ll,Ji ..t ll'IJ tu:JJ )l )JJJ)l

l l . tr. .tt\ tl t\r'r:llta
4 ' a ! , a , a a :a a a
[362154] [365142]

J.l',1 ll,JJ rttjJ lf,bJ))J

ll,t s Ii .l't.J.ll-J:J,.f
13624tsl 13652r41
ll':J l l aa
tr ttr ttr l iln
a a'.4 aa I a. a _ a a a 'll
ta ll,iJ. .lLl. . . 4n t N a . rfrtrr\:ll
a .a _ a a a
[362451] 13652411

ll'JJrl )JJJìfJ:J J)|l ll'JJ tl_rr)JJlJlJ,l'

l362st4l t3654t21

ll , J JIl )J.,J:llJ.I.\J),llll,JJ tLlll.f\J,f'l

13625411 [3654:r] I

l,)) J:l)J_t{)J)J,f,,ll ll ) ) l) l-t\r\! t aaa- a aa

i a a- a.a
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t{ól13sl [4631251

lr-.hJ.ùJJl a .a a a. J J J} )J."llJ-ll
INNI JI,IJ-ll ll,_)lòJJ:
t{ó12531 [463152]

J.b)JLtJI |ll
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t{61325ì [4632r5]

] J } J JJ!r!l
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Fól l5lì [4632s1ì

I )J [J:])J jll ll,_)JòJll

II.-)JùJJ: JJ.|lJ UJ J Ù
f.rór5231 14635121

r ùrl )J JJ-II I].-.NJJ:J,|

) )_i) J.\}JJI

I ànJ JJ)J-II ll'JJIJJ:) )l) .|)lJIll


[4ó2135] [465r23]

ll,_.hJàJrl )J JIII
[4ó2153] r 321t465

II-)JòJJ: )JJlfrJJtll ll,JJtJru:JJ.|)

[,ró231s] [46s213ì

ll'_)JIJt)] JJIJ )J I )Jtll

ò,t!I ll'_)JòJrfrJ
[{6235r1 [465231]

J J Jùll
ll'_)JJ)J)l J[r]lJ ùll ll'_)JJlJtulJ)J
[.ró2513] r2l

II'-.|lJIJT JJ J.),ttJ.:l
J )lJ:ll ll,_)JòJILJ:J
t 16253l
ì l46s32tl

II'-)JJ]JJ: Jl )J Jùll
JIJùll ll'-)ltJJ:1,!J
"9ó PLUS" (2 attacks)

' l l , . l . ) 1 l ,l l ,)l. ll ,ll,J J 1l .ll._.ltJ

Ul 'll._J-lJ1l "ll,,Jn_{
Stortswith 5

[56t2341 [s63t24]

ll,_J:J Jlll l,-il n J J J . b)tl. )JI l

t r|lNl l J_)J
ls6t213l [563142ì

II,-J:J J:I ll,_rJr) JJJlf)J))JJ

D J.}.NJ.]-,NJ,U
[s61324] 1s632141

l,_rJn J )JJ )J.,1\Jùlll,_rJi J J ) J iJ:.rJIl

t56r3421 ls6324rl

fi JJ)JuJ)Jùll
ll'_l:Jr) J )J J_L-)l,r,U:llll,_.EJ
t5 6 1 4 2 3 1 Í5634t21

ll,rJr) a.a
a aa )J I tll II.-J:JD I J,)J)l J),1'Jjll
rtirorrl r1

t I\N
a. a-,a aa
\ I J,flJll I]-TJfr .hJJIll

ls62t34l t564r231
ll'_rJÍ) )J J.blJt)lùll ll'_J:JrL)Jll ) ) J J l ,l
[5621431 [564r32]

r )J I I-,bJ)JJ:llll'-lJi,l]-)JI.J) J ]) J J
[562314] [5642r3]

T )J tl Jò)lùll ll',tJ il-)l))J J )J i:ll
[56234r] [s6423t1

ll,IJ Í) )J J] .|ll)i .\'ll I' D) Dl .t'r.t'.|r,

Éízqtzl 15643t21

ll,_rJ r N I\IN J )J J-iI IL,.,,TJJ

a a .-a a a
[562431] ls6432tl

II'J:JJ) \t\t|\ IIJ.b'l ll, t J t l ) J , l ' JJ\ '

a a .a aa' . 4....
\ : lI
5.úa ,in ó
t65llx1 16531241

li',Jr.rJJ.h)JIJJ)Jùll ll,_l rJ"rl I JJ.)l ,U,U,r':ll

I [6512.r3] [6s3142]
I l:) E"fr)INNI flJ.UJ-l ll,_lJ:"lli JJJ lf)J))J:ll
a.a a a.


l,)fr"tt)J )l l ,NJ..NJÙI

t.rlJ J J ) J JJU.JIII
I [651342] 16532111

l'_lr.t:J.,lrJJJ,fìJ,|l)l.Jlll,_J t"J:JJJ)J*|}J,I'JI
[ó51.+23] 16534t21

l'_ir"tJ \ \t| l )t JJ_ll ll,_.l,f,J:J

a .a _ a aa J]JJ)l.).11.:l
[6sr4]21 [6s34211

l,)D"fr) N N I| l JJ } J J I Ill',:t t:: N \ )J Jùll

a .a -a aa a a- a aa

1652131 1654r231

l.',Jfl"il ,bJJ)l JDJùl ll,_J

r"rt)J)l ) ,U.JJ:il
[652143] Í6s41321

J:"n) )J Jlf,\J)tJ:il ll,_i

lt,-J r"ll{)t,bJ} Ii)JJll
[6523141 [654213]

Jl"IJJ), JJl.JU,ùll ll'_:l"l:DJ))JlJ,l,Jljll

[65234 6542311

ll'_J J: J I} J J I} J) ] } , I Il,_J,"I{}J))J
JJ" l JJJIll
[652413] 6543121

I J:"nJ|)J")t)l
li,_J J )Jljl l,_J
J:"1:tlJ)lt J.))Jrll
I [65243r
] 6s432rl

J:"a1a a;_t l-a a.-a
_aa aaa'a
t_- rr,I l l_lr"It)J )JJ| .ilJt,f,1l

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