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If you are looking for a specialist with the resources and expertise of an agency, but the cost and

personal approach that only a freelancer can provide? I'm Mandheer Singh Nain from New Delhi,
India. I'm Google and MOZ certified digital marketing expert having 6 years of expertise in SEO, SEM,
SMO, SMM, and ORM also deal with all kinds of remote work at very affordable rates with 100%
accuracy and client satisfaction. I'd done work with more than 50 Domestic and International clients
during my 6 years of experience in different companies. Now I'm looking for freelancing work for
better individual growth. I love learning new things and I am open to undergoing training if needed
as I strive to become a valuable asset for your company.

* You’ve got a pet - Yes I have a German Shepherd - Ani

* You’ve led an SEO team before - Yes I worked as a Team Leader with more than 12 members in my

* You’ve used Asana, Airtable, and Zapier - No I didn't use these sites but I love to use this as I love to
learn new things.

Technical SEO: Analysis of Website’s technical factors that impact its rankings.

On-Page SEO: The optimization of visible page elements that affect rankings.

Off-Page SEO: Implementation of optimization elements not related to the page itself.

Organic SEO: Improving rankings for the main “organic” area within search engines.

Local SEO: Improving rankings for the “local-pack” area within search engines.

Voice SEO: Improving rankings for voice search.

Reputation Management
Technical SEO: Analysis of the Website’s technical factors that impact its rankings.

On-Page SEO: The optimization of visible page elements that affect rankings.

Off-Page SEO: Implementation of optimization elements not related to the page itself.

Organic SEO: Improving rankings for the main “organic” area within search engines.

Local SEO: Improving rankings for the “local-pack” area within search engines.

Voice SEO: Improving rankings for voice search.

Domain Authority

Page Authority


Anchor Text

Number Of Links

Linking Root Domains

Relevance Of The Linking Page

Position Of Links On The Page

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