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ES learn er ARMY RULES J i oft ‘You ca pe your areiy pice. ad + Yowmans (px, 70) + Woeremtaar (ps 71) + Daxapwoor (pg 7H) = Hanvestnoox (pg 72) PLACES OF POWER Abarille’s Rite of Life has ween the realms flourish with vttlity. The Syhoumeth wargroves carry their Berjuect’s trig across creation, spurring the lords Ranker pele eperek and drawing strength foorn them in tar ‘After territories are determined. betore faction. Aerrata features tr $4 ep you can pick up to 3 terrain features the baled tht ce wholly sate ese tertory, Those terrain features ore “Geneldeted by You tobe overgrown terrain features S¢ yar hero phase, You cam heal | sliced 0 each frieodly Sytvawerrn unk thin oLanoversrow terrain N Arahened Wtdmood. Awakened Wyidwoo enemy units. Strike and Fade: all enemy units andl different ov then 3° frovn a Avakened Wyldwou ‘enemy units rom VERDANT BLE: SYLVANETH Wia’ spell. below, in additic ‘they know Verdant Blessing: The uruitic » Splvaneth are adept in the ar Through wieldeng vse « ous boventaful lige in HUPH4 to sprout én even the Verdant Blessing is »p I th OF6 ad a range of b87 1 sec tened Wyldwood terrain tc HAPBE and Vislble to the ca, from ail other models Retain features and ot your army ae iS OF WAR hare at one with nature, attuned tg idings in Ways beyond the ken of to : a biotic relationship that reflects the ; Ee cain, and sees the Sylvaneth chanige nce and demeanour to better suit the r they safeguard. jhave picked a Sylvaneth army, you must season applies to your army from the list cord it on your army roster Other The bloom brings a surge of rebirth invigorating their forms with d that reknits barkflesh as quickly as it (ANETH units that did not charge durn and are wholly within 9" of an n te y Awakened Sylvaneth in full bloom, the influence song and Ghyran'’s natural energies at you ¢ ick. e within which you can pic Ee al units with the Places of Power Woodland Depths battle traits. The Dwin, idling: 4, Sylvaing th . light grow draw deep 2”°™! shorter the PLY upon theiy Preparing to endure the harsh nce 3 ‘st months Of Everdusk In the here Phase, you inding tol the friendly an re-to| 1 dnb re-rolll | "4nd 1 dispeltin : ing WIzARD yoy WIZARD that jx wh Casting roll roll, 40 long ay 64 Stivawery holly within 9° ofan craw M Overgrown terrain feature of friendly Awakened Wyldwoog Everdusk: As much of Ghyrai dearth of vital energies imbues many Sylvanetht with 4 cold and bitter fury Subtract 3° from the Tange within which you can Pick friendly SytvanerH units with of Power and From traits. Hoy the the Woodland Depths battle - if the unmodified hit roll for an é attack made with a melee weapon by a friendly SYLYANETH unit wholly within 6" ofan overgr: terrain feature or frie Awakened W 6, that attack scores 2 hits on the t get instead of } Make a wound and save roll for eas WINTERLEAF full of bitterness and resentment, the ‘Winterleaf no longer fee! inship with pier living things. They seek only to J dake their hatred in battle, and they sitack with a single-minded ferocity Wiiirs MLtar Winter's Bite: Skould a foe dar. : the Winterleay up close, they ar priced by the numbing hilling them to the core und le lat the mercy of these coli soul DREADWOOD Ho Sylvancth embody the crucity ‘pherent in the natural order so perfectly “ts those of Dreadwood. They are the 4 Watkert shadow of the forest, merciless Darxnwoon Spire Rrvenavrs ) and predatory. Malicious Tormentors: The Sp PRevenants that fight alongside Dreadwm Spade are renownesd for bein, ally iettiel anid malicious, and de: Wormenting their prey. HARVESTBOON Ayoung, vital glade filled with Fight at the forefront of Alarielle' § sites of wild magic from the teclaiminy “ditches of her enemies. ‘Vibrant Surge: The w THarvesthoon are a: pnspite-riding spirits. 4 the veins of the skittish SUP youtube channe to support us and cl @& WWW.FACEHAMMER.CO.UK OAKENBROW glades, When dete of the Sylvaneth ermine ‘eritors of a cegal legacy andl able resilience, pron ANCIENT or Spi GNARLROOT The Gnartroot are amongst the mysterious off the SyBvaneth, for it are tasked with protecting the eldritch secrets of Ghyran, When they march forth, they do so to locate ew sources of magical power. Once per turn Keepers of the Arcane: 6 magical lore above al territories through a mastery over the n thas permeates the realms HEARTWOOD ‘True heirs of Kurnoth, those of the Heartwood are ‘aggrensive warriors who delight in taking the fight totheir enemies Masters of the Hunt: Heartwood Syivaneth are event followers of Kurnoth, and homowehirn through the wnfinching pursuit of their guarey Command must be » f MONBAL =) Rehthests wi (2) tmade a charge (LY TRONWA RI Unit and his comma than once in the same ©) You cannot pick the than once in the our youtube channe to support us and cl ACEHAMMER ENHAN CoM Gnarled Warrior: This th's battle-scarred hide has turned aside coun tless blades. Ignore modifiers (positive and negative) to save rolls for attacks that target this general MAND TRAITS ASPECTS OF WAR syivanetH Heo only, Lord af Spites: Impish forest his general with an spirits aid t ioms and snares array of veri In the combat phase, subtract i from the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by enemy units (to a minimum of 1) that finish a pile-in move within 3° of this general until the end of that phase. ASPECTS OF RENEWAL SytvaNeri Wizarp Hero only. Spellsinger: Like pollen caught ‘on the wind, this wizard's magic can travel far afield indeed. ‘When this general attempts to cast a spell, before making the casting roll, you can pick 1 friendly Awakened Wyldwood On the battlefield. If you do so and the spell is Successfully cast and not Unbound, you must Sen the range and visibility Spell from that friendly Wyldwood, EHAMMER.CO.UK Warsinger: This on Alarielle’s stirring songs. If this general battlefield at the start of movement phase, a Move characteristic SYLVANETH units tha a move wholly wit this general until that phase Radiant Spirit: Shieidin emerald energy surround spelleaster like Each time a friend unit wholly wit y SYLVANE General is a the abilities « you can roll a ignore the effect the effects of th abilities on tha: aS ee Gladius: This blade the youthful vigour bearer’s melee ‘Atthe start of the rolla D3. Add the on until the end of BOONS OF THE EV ithe Attacks characteristic SYEVANETH Heo on} Crown of Fell Bowers: Rooted! in this elegant civclet, & can, opy of spectral branches ns above the foe, render vuln them strangely whanted ns of the Sylvaneth le to the At the start of the combat pick | enemy tr the bearer. Ad. ade by friendly SYLVANETH unit unit in that phase. ERQUEEN Seed af Rebirth ever fall, the § ing them from pia Should itt bearer ds rejuvenating af tito its host te he bearer is slats Sela aie maasuming acorn is ¥ civen form ‘Oiibe per battle, 9 aur hero phase, if the ton the battlefield, you 1 Awaken feature» bearer, more thai 3 thier models, endless spells invocations, terrain features ane objectives, and add it to your army y within €E WWW.FACEHAMMER.CO.UK RELICS OF NATURE twawerit Fiemo WIZARD oF Sy 6 Lammpe A relic sav The Vesperal desecrated by corrupted —— mercy dwell lamps flame flare r ver howtile power seck wirling @ the bearer can even if not a PRiest Dee In addition, add 2 to dispelling astiing rolisand banishment rol aren LORE OF THE SYEVANETH Wizanns upon ase afsummone the caster drink imugical energies (hat flow th Realms Favecessfully cast, at the ‘of your next hero pi allocated to the caster g The caster channels the burgeoning heating bloom h isa spell that has a casting val of 18° Ifsuccessfully cast g unit wholly within range a Youcan heal up to Dé wounds all Below: Drawing upon the dark laspects of nature's power, the ia seething swarm of tendrils from beneath lets Below is a spell that has a casting valu ia range of 12". If successfully cast the flood, or leech it away altoget! asting ¥ ach at is a spell that has a FEOF ¥” If successfully < ange of the caster suffers D parately for each unit DEEPWooD Verdurous Harme Svivawern TREE-REVENANTS of SPrTE-Re Treesong: SYLVANERH oly ag 0 ee ghee el fl .COM/FRCEHRMMER €& WWW-FACEHAMMER.CO.UK CORE BATTALIONS Bia nce on ofthe fll sacar tse ° wore batta LORDS OF THE CLAN BA & %* BATTALION ABILITY IC! oS a¥t Unified: 0: » Clan Elder: jp Expert: Once per Treclord Ancient Bee Atack Clan Noble: Treelord ge Magnificent Slayers: Once p Al ut Attack oa Strategists £y Swit: ( a8 =) Super chat is enabled hit the icon to : IN.COM/FRACEHRMMER €E& WWW.-FACEHAMMER.CO.UK Vengeance and Spite: When the battle ends, you the battlefield complete this grand strategy if the model picked to be your opponent's general was slain by an attack made by a friendly Ourcasrs unit BATTLE TACTICS At the start of your hero phase, you can pick | battle tactic from the list below. You must reveal yo your opponent, and if your battle tactic instructs you to pick something, you must tell your opponent v pick. You have until the end of that turn to complete the battle tactic, You cannot pick the same battle ta more than once per battle SONGS OF WAR Sylvaneth army only, Eradicate Trespassers: Pick | enemy unit within 6" of a friendly Awakened Wyldwood. You complete this battle tactic if that unit is destroyed during « this turn. March of the Forest Lords: Pick | on the battlefield. You complete this bat if that Monster is slain by an attack made b friendly Spirit oF Durtnu, Treretorn during th a ‘Harness the Spirit Paths: You complete this battle a" tactic if any models ina friendly Sytvanern unit U 8 l nleash Ghyran’s Wrath: Pick | friendly was set ares Prom the Woodland SYLVANETH Wizaxp on the battlefield. Yo 1 battle this battle tactic if a spell successfully cast by tl WIZAaxp, or an endless g Wizarn, destroys enemy MONSTER ach TREELORD ANCIENT OF pell summoned by that Tenemy unit within 12" of ire or friendly Awakened | tactic if that byafriendly an enemy unit this turn fF merchandise from Element Games... fen) Real €E& WWW-FACEHAMMER.CO.UK sitacks TWH To Wound Rend Aitacks) To Hit To Wound Rend and icons... unlock extra discord acces and Aiiacks ToHit ToWound Rend Attacks To Hit ToWound Rend Range Damagg 0 * Da mag MISSILE WEAPONS - Range MIELE . ' ' ‘ i DAMAGE TABLE Spear of Kormoth MOUNT: This unit's Warevoth Beetle ts + 1 SprTE-REVENANTS tn Jw m +1 Kursorn Huwrens uni friendly the Dwindling Bae Of, Srevanern, np ome a member of our youtube channe to suppo Ld L AUS ee Shia aes MELER WEAPONS ys f =. fF OUr youtube channe to support us and ch teat aa @ WWW-FACEHAMMER.CO.UK Greece MeL: inge Attacks a MELEE WEAPONS _ oa horeal Cloak DSRS Onpew, Stavaneri, Heo, WIZARD, WARSONG REVENAN " Soyt 44: Oji's and icons... unlock extra discord acces a COM/FRCEHRMMER E& WWW-FARCEHAMMER.CO.UK MISSILE wy MELEE Wi, penne Attacks TOHM To Wound Rend Damage 10 Peadly Infestation, iq WARMASTER WIZARD. a ypell that has 3 and » range of 12° If st, roll 2D6. Each enemy thas a Bravery than the roll suffers nds (roll separately for battle round, his unit is Enraged characte: tus and chat emoji’s and icons... OM/FRCE! eid €& WWW.FACEHAMMER.CO.UK an EELO RD fo Hit ToWound Rend ° ToHit ToWound Rend MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks . ngleroots 2 s aa Range Attacks y . Cant MELEE WEAPONS DAMAGE TABLE i creer rer Sweeping, Blows Massive Impalip : 7 8 Talond 8 p Strangleroots 3 and icons... unlock extra discord acces and MAU ce eee TREELORD ANCIENT MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit ToWound Rend Damage Doom Tendrit Stat 2 : , MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend — Damage = . ; DAMAGE TABLE Wounds Suffered Doom Tendril Staff Sweeping Blows Massive Impaling Talons — chat is enabled hit the icon to suppo me el id @ WWW-FARCEHRMMER.CO.UK 4 ae oe WARSCROLL SPIRIT OF DURTHU * To Hit To Wound Rend Hange Attack: MISSILE WEAPONS ; \ fo Hit To Wound Rend MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit T kas DAMAGE TABLE Wounds Suffered Verdant Blast aerial Massive tmpoling Talagg a out our merchandise from Element Games... €& WWW.FACEHAMMER.CO.UK .COM/FRCEHRMMER MELEE WrAbox Sha CHAMPION STANDARD REAR ila at MUSICIAN ORDER, SYLVANeTH, Fare Sprarrs SPITERIDER Lancers WARSCROLL REVENANT SEEKERS To Wound Rend Damage MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit Seeker's Sickle ‘ Sharp Mandibles Thrumming with Each model in a Ri MOUNT is armed with a Se FLY Harvester: Rete ela @ WWWFACEHAMMER.COUK | . zs z MISSILE WEAPONS MIELEE WEAPONS eee =] met of our youtube channe to sup WARSCROLL BRANCHWYCH MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit ToWound Rend Damage ood Sey the Snapping Ma Unleash Spites: COMPANION ned with De i alt lai €& WWW-FACEHAMMER.CO.UK MELEE WEAPONS Reon DRYADS ACEHAMMER a WWW .FARCEHAMMER.CO.UK F HUNTERS MISSILE WEAPONS MELEE WEAPONS KURNOTH HUNTERS WITH KURNOTH GREATSWOKDS MELEE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Kend 1h evans of the Evenquecs Sundering Stril a =)e 8 =| rs €& WWW.FACEHAMMER.CO.UK NCERS WARSCROLL ORO BNEW e SEEKERS Range Attacks ToHit To Wound) Rend Damag MELEE WEAPONS Seeker’s Sickle 3 Sharp Mandibles 3 ‘ Thrumming with Life: Aw Each model in a Revenant Seekers unit © MOUNT: Th is armed with a Seeker’s Sickle med wit CHAMPION FLY be a Revenant Sc t ore visti Harvesters of the Lamentiri: Seeker's Sickle STANDARD BEARER: | 3 models in this unit Banner Bearer Secker ner Unit can move up t« apile-in move MUSICIAN: | in (ye unit can bea rk unit receives the it includes any S: when you roll ad from this unit, you « model to this unit or only a6. K ORDS Bee lement Games... become a member of our youtube a liad ¢ SA Aa ell em Oe YLTHAR Aiiacks To Hit, ToWound Rend Range MELEE WEAPONS i . ‘ Vigour and Wrath: Oxoen, SYLVANETM, NOBLE SPiniTs, OAKENBROW, Hrxo, W Yurmant WARSCROLL YLTHARI’S GUARDIANS MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks ToHit To Wound Rend Re Er) Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend 1 ‘ % Games... become 3 member of our youtube che NS LE WEAPONS Md ra discord acces and exclusive merchandis OM/FRCEHAMMER €E WWW.FACEHAMMER.CO.UK ye eau BP ee A eee s ToHit ToWound Rend Range Attack MELEE WEAPONS Enchanted Blade aw MUSICIAN STANDARD BEARER Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend €E& WWW-FACEHAMMER.CO.UK a ahr ke ne eA eae Pe Loe eng SPITESWARM HIVE lock extra discord acces and exclusive mer COM/FRCEHRMMER €E WWW.FACEHAMMER.CO.UK SYLVANETH FACTION TERRAIN WARSCROLL AWAKENED WYLDWOOD FACTION TERRAIN: Only Sylvaneth If this terrain feature Overgrown Wilderness ock extra discord acces and exclusive merchandise a tS a ia €& WWW-FACEHAMMER.CO.UK PITCHED BATTLE PROFILES The tables be allies that can be taken hed Battle profiles and all WARSCROLL ree-Revenants Arch-Revenant Drycha Hamadreth The Lady of Vines Alarielle the Everqueen Spirit of Durth Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatbows: J | Kuirnoth Hunters |with Kurnoth Scythes ‘Skaeth’s Wild Hunt |Spiterider Lancers |Spiteswurm Hive |Awakened Wyludwood rt us and chat emojis and icons... n the Pitched Battle profiles for a a Sylvaneth army. See section + jated June 2022. 0 210 40 | of the warse 0 of the core rules for further inform: __ Faction T Battleline Leader Leader Leader Leader, Behemoth Leader, Behemoth Endiess Spell rolls in this battletome a n about Single Single, Unik Single. Uni Single, Unique Single Battleline in a He: Battleline in a Heart» Single, Unique Battleline in a

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